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Last active May 12, 2016 10:45
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Mark rational points on a sphere
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
constexpr int size = 600;
constexpr int size1 = size - 1;
constexpr int size2 = size*size;
constexpr int steps = 6;
constexpr int limit = 1500;
char img[size2];
unsigned short count[size2];
struct Quad {
unsigned short d, a, b, c;
Quad(unsigned short d, unsigned short a, unsigned short b, unsigned short c)
: d(d), a(a), b(b), c(c) { }
bool operator<(const Quad& q) const { return d < q.d; }
std::vector<Quad> quads;
inline int gcd(int a, int b) {
while (b) {
int c = a%b;
a = b;
b = c;
return a;
void gen() {
// Following
int du, dv, dw, d;
for (int u = 1; (du = u*u) <= limit; ++u) { // (c1)
for (int v = 0; (dv = du + v*v) <= limit; ++v) { // (c1)
for (int w = 1; (dw = dv + w*w) <= limit; ++w) { // (c2)
for (int t = (v ? 0 : 1); (d = dw + t*t) <= limit; ++t) { // (c2,c3)
if (((u ^ v ^ w ^ t) & 1) != 1) continue; // (d)
if ((t == 0 && u > v) || (v == 0 && w > t)) continue; // (f,g)
int c = 2*dv - d;
if (c <= 0) break; // (b)
int a = 2*(u*w - v*t);
if (a <= 0) break; // (a)
int b = 2*(u*t + v*w);
if (gcd(u*t + v*w, gcd(dv, d)) != 1) continue; // (e)
quads.emplace_back(d, a, b, c);
if (d % 2 == 0) {
std::cout << "u=" << u << ", v=" << v << ", w=" << w << ", t=" << t
<< ", a=" << a << ", b=" << b << ", c=" << c
<< ", d=" << d << std::endl;
// Since the above generates only positive points, let's generate
// points on the circle as well.
for (int u = 0; (du = u*u) <= limit; ++u) {
for (int v = u + 1; (d = du + v*v) <= limit; v += 2) {
if (gcd(u, v) != 1) continue;
quads.emplace_back(d, d - 2*du, 2*u*v, 0);
std::sort(quads.begin(), quads.end());
void write(unsigned short d) {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(8) << d << ".pgm";
std::ofstream f(oss.str());
f << "P5\n" << size << " " << size << "\n255\n";
f.write(img, size2);
void write() {
std::fill_n(img, size2, '\xff');
std::fill_n(count, size2, 0);
unsigned short d = 0;
for (const Quad& q : quads) {
if (q.d != d) {
if (d) write(d);
d = q.d;
if (d % 2 == 0) {
std::cout << ", a=" << q.a << ", b=" << q.b << ", c=" << q.c
<< ", d=" << q.d << std::endl;
unsigned short abc[] = { q.a, q.b, q.c };
std::sort(abc, abc + 3);
if (false)
std::cout << std::setw(3) << abc[0] << "² + "
<< std::setw(3) << abc[1] << "² + "
<< std::setw(3) << abc[2] << "² = "
<< std::setw(3) << q.d << "²\n";
do {
auto x = (size*abc[0])/d;
auto y = (size*abc[1])/d;
if (x == size) x = size - 1;
if (y == size) y = size - 1;
auto xy = size*(size - y - 1) + x;
auto c = ++count[xy];
if (c > steps) c = steps;
img[xy] = 255 - (255*c + steps/2)/steps;
} while (std::next_permutation(abc, abc + 3));
int main() {
std::cout << "Generated pythagorean quadruples." << std::endl;
return 0;
imgs=( )
for ((i=1; i<1500; i+=2)); do
input=$(printf "%08d.pgm" $i)
cnt=$(printf "%04d" $i)
# test -e $cnt.png || \
convert $input -family "DejaVu Sans" -pointsize 15 \
-annotate +300+20 "d ≤ $i" $cnt.png || exit $?
imgs+=( $cnt.png )
echo "Frames converted, will now convert whole image."
convert 00001499.pgm -colors 7 map.gif || exit $?
convert -delay 30 ${imgs[@]} +dither -map map.gif gif:- \
| convert gif:- -layers OptimizeFrame gif:- \
| convert gif:- -layers OptimizeTransparency gif:- \
| convert gif:- +map MX914152b.gif
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