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Created July 31, 2013 10:05
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Find largest convex area within a given shape
* Proof of concept for
* Note: This code was written ONLY to get this single example image.
* It makes a number of implicit assumptions, and therefore won't be
* fit for general applications without some modifications.
* Furthermore, speedy coding was considered more important than
* performance at run time.
* 2013-07-31 Martin von Gagern
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.List;
class MX455687a extends JPanel {
Path2D.Double p, fp, convexParts, concaveParts;
List<Point2D.Double> pts;
List<Integer> inflectionPoints;
MX455687a() {
setPreferredSize(new Dimension(600, 600));
void initPath() {
double x, y;
p = new Path2D.Double();
// These coordinates come from Inkscape.
p.moveTo(x = 237.68304, y = 996.48825-452.36218);
p.curveTo(x + 6.51879, y - 1.8326,
x + 21.80476, y - 7.8128,
x = x + 33.96883, y = y - 13.2891);
p.curveTo(x + 35.39892, y - 15.9369,
x + 57.77364, y - 20.8704,
x = x + 95.533, y = y - 21.0644);
p.curveTo(x + 17.94058, y - 0.092,
x + 46.49802, y + 1.5691,
x = x + 65.58485, y = y + 3.8151);
p.curveTo(x + 42.7117, y + 5.0265,
x + 67.20049, y + 3.9623,
x = x + 83.80193, y = y - 3.6408);
p.curveTo(x + 16.30881, y - 7.4692,
x + 26.86538, y - 17.33109,
x = x + 33.85875, y = y - 31.63035);
p.curveTo(x + 8.9218, y - 18.24244,
x + 9.37729, y - 36.65979,
x = x + 1.83938, y = y - 74.37299);
p.curveTo(x - 4.18125, y - 20.91934,
x - 6.16273, y - 37.79353,
x = x - 6.28951, y = y - 53.56106);
p.curveTo(x - 0.16743, y - 20.82869,
x + 0.39748, y - 24.26443,
x = x + 5.93532, y = y - 36.09556);
p.curveTo(x + 3.66125, y - 7.82194,
x + 11.82786, y - 18.98987,
x = x + 20.32519, y = y - 27.79488);
p.curveTo(x + 18.95025, y - 19.63646,
x + 23.84825, y - 30.72434,
x = x + 23.58954, y = y - 53.40104);
p.curveTo(595.26225, 635.6563-452.36218,
553.20055, 577.42-452.36218,
x = 499.75728, y = 552.43576-452.36218);
p.curveTo(x - 16.60094, y - 7.7608,
x - 23.50652, y - 8.25737,
x = x - 83.26282, y = y - 5.98713);
p.curveTo(x - 28.66827, y + 1.08916,
x - 44.1929, y - 3.69973,
x = x - 77.79958, y = y - 23.99885);
p.curveTo(x - 32.27854, y - 19.49689,
x - 40.26394, y - 22.01741,
x = x - 53.60573, y = y - 16.9202);
p.curveTo(x - 19.38047, y + 7.40425,
x - 23.91467, y + 17.04982,
x = x - 34.82266, y = y + 74.07759);
p.curveTo(x - 6.2155, y + 32.49513,
x - 13.92691, y + 50.61982,
x = x - 28.24379, y = y + 66.38345);
p.curveTo(x - 19.25485, y + 21.2006,
x - 38.95949, y + 30.19284,
x = x - 110.92011, y = y + 50.61855);
p.curveTo(x - 27.286991, y + 7.74529,
x - 56.347896, y + 16.65699,
x = x - 64.579815, y = y + 19.80378);
p.curveTo(16.76242, 727.7893-452.36218,
1.8467711, 745.44327-452.36218,
4.4516545, 766.20783-452.36218);
p.curveTo(7.6378213, 791.60621-452.36218,
16.690734, 807.26349-452.36218,
74.13503, 886.72752-452.36218);
p.curveTo(150.96578, 993.00915-452.36218,
180.22006, 1012.6424-452.36218,
237.68304, 996.48825-452.36218);
void flatten() {
fp = new Path2D.Double();
fp.append(p.getPathIterator(null, 0.1), false);
pts = new ArrayList<Point2D.Double>();
double[] coords = new double[6];
for (PathIterator pi = fp.getPathIterator(null);
!pi.isDone(); {
if (pi.currentSegment(coords) != PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE)
pts.add(new Point2D.Double(coords[0], coords[1]));
void findInflections() {
inflectionPoints = new ArrayList<Integer>();
Point2D.Double a = pts.get(pts.size() - 2);
Point2D.Double b = pts.get(0), c;
double oldDet = -1, det;
// negative det means convex due to the orientation of the path
// the initial vertex has negative det due to the starting point
for (int i = 1; i != pts.size(); ++i) {
c = pts.get(i);
det = a.x*b.y + b.x*c.y + c.x*a.y - a.y*b.x - b.y*c.x - c.y*a.x;
if (det * oldDet < 0) {
System.out.println("At " + i + "/" + pts.size() +
" from " + oldDet + " to " + det);
inflectionPoints.add(det < 0 ? i - 1 : i);
a = b;
b = c;
oldDet = det;
void composeParts() {
convexParts = new Path2D.Double();
concaveParts = new Path2D.Double();
Point2D.Double p;
int begin, end;
for (int i = 0; i < inflectionPoints.size(); i += 2) {
begin = inflectionPoints.get(i);
end = inflectionPoints.get(i + 1);
p = pts.get(begin);
concaveParts.moveTo(p.x, p.y);
for (int j = begin + 1; j <= end; ++j) {
p = pts.get(j);
concaveParts.lineTo(p.x, p.y);
for (int i = 1; i < inflectionPoints.size() - 1; i += 2) {
begin = inflectionPoints.get(i);
end = inflectionPoints.get(i + 1);
p = pts.get(begin);
convexParts.moveTo(p.x, p.y);
for (int j = begin + 1; j <= end; ++j) {
p = pts.get(j);
convexParts.lineTo(p.x, p.y);
begin = inflectionPoints.get(inflectionPoints.size() - 1);
end = pts.size();
p = pts.get(begin);
convexParts.moveTo(p.x, p.y);
for (int j = begin + 1; j < end; ++j) {
p = pts.get(j);
convexParts.lineTo(p.x, p.y);
end = inflectionPoints.get(0);
for (int j = 0; j <= end; ++j) {
p = pts.get(j);
convexParts.lineTo(p.x, p.y);
double bestValue;
Shape bestShape;
List<Line2D> lines, bestLines;
void opt() {
bestValue = 0;
lines = new ArrayList<Line2D>();
opt(0, new Area(fp));
void opt(int i, Area a1) {
if (i == inflectionPoints.size()) {
double a = area(a1);
if (a > bestValue) {
bestValue = a;
bestShape = a1;
bestLines = new ArrayList<Line2D>(lines);
int begin = inflectionPoints.get(i), end = inflectionPoints.get(i + 1);
Point2D.Double a = pts.get(begin - 1), b;
for (int j = begin; j <= end + 1; ++j) {
b = pts.get(j);
double f = 1200/a.distance(b);
double dx = f*(b.x - a.x), dy = f*(b.y - a.y);
Path2D.Double p = new Path2D.Double();
p.moveTo(a.x - dx , a.y - dy );
p.lineTo(a.x - dx + dy, a.y - dy - dx);
p.lineTo(a.x + dx + dy, a.y + dy - dx);
p.lineTo(a.x + dx , a.y + dy );
Area a2 = new Area(a1);
a2.intersect(new Area(p));
lines.add(new Line2D.Double(a.x - dx, a.y - dy,
a.x + dx, a.y + dy));
opt(i + 2, a2);
lines.remove(lines.size() - 1);
a = b;
double area(Shape s) {
double total = 0, part = 0;
double[] coords = new double[6];
Point2D.Double initial = null;
double ax = 0, ay = 0, bx, by;
for (PathIterator pi = s.getPathIterator(null);
!pi.isDone(); {
switch (pi.currentSegment(coords)) {
case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO:
ax = coords[0];
ay = coords[1];
initial = new Point2D.Double(ax, ay);
part = 0;
case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE:
bx = initial.x;
by = initial.y;
part += ax*by - bx*ay;
total += part;
part = 0;
ax = bx;
ay = by;
case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO:
bx = coords[0];
by = coords[1];
part += ax*by - bx*ay;
ax = bx;
ay = by;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non-flat shape");
if (total < 0)
total = -total;
return total;
@Override public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g;
g2d.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
g2d.setColor(new Color(128, 255, 128));
g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1.25f));
for (Line2D l: bestLines)
g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2.f));
public static void main(String[] args) {
JFrame f = new JFrame();
f.getContentPane().add(new MX455687a());
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