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Last active January 28, 2017 10:41
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jsonframe data extraction
let cheerio = require('cheerio');
let jsonframe = require('jsonframe-cheerio');
let $ = cheerio.load('our html page url here');
jsonframe($); // initializes the plugin
var frame = {
"companies": { // setting the parent item as "companies"
"selector": ".item", // defines the elements to search for
"data": [{ // "data": [{}] defines a list of items
"name": ".header [itemprop=name]", // inline selector defining "name" so "company"."name"
"description": ".header [rel=description]", // inline selector defining "description" as "company"."description"
"url": { // defining "url" by an attribute with "attr" and "selector" in an object
"selector": ".header [itemprop=name]", // is actually the same as the inline selector
"attr": "href" // the attribute name to retrieve
"contact": { // set up a parent "contact" element as "company"."contact"
"selector": ".contact", // defines the element to search for
"data": { // defines the data which "contact" will contain
"telephone": { // using "type" to use "telephone" parser to extract only the telephone
"selector": "[itemprop=telephone]", // simple selector for "telephone"
"type": "telephone" // using "telephone" plugin parser
"employee": { // setting a parent node "employee" as "company"."contact"."employee"
"name": "[itemprop=employeeName]", // inline selector defining "name"
"jobTitle": "[itemprop=employeeJobTitle]", // inline selector defining "jobtitle"
"email": { // using "type" to use "email" parser to extract only the email
"selector": "[itemprop=email]", // simple selector for "email"
"type": "email" // using "email" plugin parser
var companiesList = $('.list.items').scrape(frame);
console.log(companiesList); // Output the data in the terminal
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