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Created January 26, 2021 04:50
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Sample code parsing video frame in KVS using KVS Java Parser Library
package com.example.videomonitoring.kvsframeparser;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Optional;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.DataBufferByte;
import com.amazonaws.kinesisvideo.parser.mkv.Frame;
import com.amazonaws.kinesisvideo.parser.mkv.FrameProcessException;
import com.amazonaws.kinesisvideo.parser.utilities.FragmentMetadata;
import com.amazonaws.kinesisvideo.parser.utilities.H264FrameDecoder;
import com.amazonaws.kinesisvideo.parser.utilities.MkvTrackMetadata;
import com.amazonaws.kinesisvideo.parser.utilities.FragmentMetadataVisitor.MkvTagProcessor;
// import;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
* A class provided to the KVS Parser Library that captures the frame and its
* producer timestamp, pass them as bytestring to a Kinesis Data Stream
* @param kinesisClient The Kinesis Data Stream Async Client
public class KvsH264FrameProcessor extends H264FrameDecoder {
final AmazonKinesis kinesisClient;
final String dataStreamName;
final String videoStreamName;
final int processFPS;
static long lastProcessedFrameTimeStamp = 0;
public KvsH264FrameProcessor(AmazonKinesis kinesisClient, String dataStreamName, String videoStreamName, int processFPS) {
this.kinesisClient = kinesisClient;
this.dataStreamName = dataStreamName;
this.videoStreamName = videoStreamName;
this.processFPS = processFPS;
public void process(Frame frame, MkvTrackMetadata trackMetadata, Optional<FragmentMetadata> fragmentMetadata,
Optional<MkvTagProcessor> tagProcessor) throws FrameProcessException {
// Calculating timestamp of the frame
int frameTimeDelta = frame.getTimeCode();
long fragmentStartTime = fragmentMetadata.get().getProducerSideTimestampMillis();
long frameTimeStamp = fragmentStartTime + frameTimeDelta;
// Process frame at specified fps, ignore frame that is 1000/fps ms from latest processed timestamp
if (frameTimeStamp > lastProcessedFrameTimeStamp + 1000/processFPS) {
lastProcessedFrameTimeStamp = frameTimeStamp;
// Obtain size of the frame
int frameWidth = trackMetadata.getPixelWidth().get().intValue();
int frameHeight = trackMetadata.getPixelHeight().get().intValue();
// Decode frame with H264 codecs
final BufferedImage bufferedImage = decodeH264Frame(frame, trackMetadata);
// byte[] frameData = ((DataBufferByte)bufferedImage.getData().getDataBuffer()).getData();
// Put record into Kinesis Data Stream
try {
byte[] frameData = toByteArray(bufferedImage);
putRecord(frameData, frameTimeStamp, frameWidth, frameHeight);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Exception: " + e);
// try {
// byte[] frameData = toByteArray(bufferedImage);
// String filepath = "/Users/gaiuscyw/Projects/video-monitoring-solution/cdk/src/lambda/ppe-detector-function/raw-java-frame.png";
// File file = new File(filepath);
// OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(file);
// os.write(frameData);
// os.close();
// System.out.println("Frame written");
// System.out.println(frameData.length);
// } catch (IOException e) {
// System.out.println("Exception: " + e);
// }
private byte[] toByteArray(BufferedImage img) throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ImageIO.write(img, "png", baos);
byte[] bytes = baos.toByteArray();
return bytes;
private void putRecord(byte[] frameData, long frameTimeStamp, int frameWidth, int frameHeight) {
// Embed timestamp, frame dimension along with frame data in a blob and put to Kinesis
// First 13 bytes belong to timestamp (utf-8 encoded)
String timeStamp = String.valueOf(frameTimeStamp);
byte[] timestampByte = timeStamp.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
// Width and Height of the frame each takes 4 bytes
ByteBuffer widthBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4);
ByteBuffer heightBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4);
byte[] widthByte = widthBuffer.array();
byte[] heightByte = heightBuffer.array();
// Package the blob
byte[] data = new byte[timestampByte.length + widthByte.length + heightByte.length + frameData.length];
int offset = 0;
System.arraycopy(timestampByte, 0, data, offset, timestampByte.length);
offset += timestampByte.length;
System.arraycopy(widthByte, 0, data, offset, widthByte.length);
offset += widthByte.length;
System.arraycopy(heightByte, 0, data, offset, heightByte.length);
offset += heightByte.length;
System.arraycopy(frameData, 0, data, offset, frameData.length);
PutRecordRequest request = new PutRecordRequest()
try {
PutRecordResult kinesisResult = kinesisClient.putRecord(request);"Frame of size {} KB and with producer timestamp {} put to Kinesis Data Stream, shard {} sequence number {}", (frameData.length)/1000, frameTimeStamp, kinesisResult.getShardId(), kinesisResult.getSequenceNumber());
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error putting record into Kinesis: {}", e.getMessage());
public void close() {
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gai6948 commented Feb 19, 2021

Thanks for your response, definitely i will raise an issue.
If possible can you post code snip it would help me understand.

I just ran the example on the repo without changing any code

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BodapatlaKiranReddy commented Feb 22, 2021

Thanks for your response, definitely i will raise an issue.
If possible can you post code snip it would help me understand.

I just ran the example on the repo without changing any code

Thanks for the response,
i hope you ran example using above git link if not let me know the git repo you have used.

The producer sdk doesn't have the webcam configuration either in demo or putmedia classes did you achieve that? or else u have added any external webcam-api?
help me on this.

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gai6948 commented Feb 26, 2021

Thanks for your response, definitely i will raise an issue.
If possible can you post code snip it would help me understand.

I just ran the example on the repo without changing any code

Thanks for the response,
i hope you ran example using above git link if not let me know the git repo you have used.

The producer sdk doesn't have the webcam configuration either in demo or putmedia classes did you achieve that? or else u have added any external webcam-api?
help me on this.

I didn't configure any settings if I remember, I was just using a Macbook built-in webcam

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gai6948 commented Mar 31, 2021

Thanks for the quick response.
My Requirement is I need to read frame by frame data when live streaming happens in Kinesis video stream.
any suggestion it will be helpful to me

I am solving the same exact problem, my solution is to have a container running a consumer process as long as there is video in KVS.
What I wrote was just two Java classes, the one above ( and this one

Congrats for the efforts you put to solve it.
thanks for providing consumer class and i will also try it

Please let me know the update on this once it is successfully implemented

I have recently used Python to produce video into KVS, using the Gstreamer plugin included in the C++ SDK, I highly suggest you try with the C++ SDK first, because the Java SDK is also built on top of the C++ SDK. If your camera works with V4L2 or GStreamer, then it should work.

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