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Last active March 30, 2023 12:42
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Hello fork in this gist i mention JavaScript and his tutorial and some snippets so you understand the advanced javascript concept and his snippets of code

Javascript Begginer to Advanced Tutorial

1.Topic Of JavaScript Engine

  • what is Javascript engine
    • Javascript engine basically same as like the other machine.they convert javascript code into the machine code
    • different browser has diffrent javascript engine
      • Google Chrome ----------> V8 Engine
      • FireFox ----------> spiderMonkey
      • safari ----------> javascript core
      • microsoft ----------> chakra edge
  • First understand the V8 Javascript History
    • v8 engine basically made of the C++ Language
    • v8 engine convert javascript code into the machine code
    • In v8 engine called just in compilation
    • after some time v8 engine convert into the node js machine
  • Some Diagrame about the How things are work in the Google Chrome Machine
  • so you clear-cut idea about how thing are work in behind the scene when you write code in the Google Chrome javascript
  • currently this diagrame machanism is say about the previous V8 engine
  • When code is arise in the machine so they first fetch that code and if that code is first time so that code gone into Full codegen that thread basically do take the code and convert that code into optimied solution
  • but if same code is gone again and again so that code go to the CrankShaft so crankshaft basically take that code and convert the Highly optimized solution so efficincy is more increase as compare to other one
  • In below Image I give the some information about all threads so that help to fast the Google Chrome all_thread
  • In basically Js engine Term Hot section means if code is repeated again and again so that code categorized the Hot,warm section. Noted
  • differnt optimization work in behind the scene Untitled Diagram
  • How to Data will be allocated in V8 engine Code------------------>so code is converted into the abstracted Tree[Hydrogen Graph]---------------------->so hydrogen convert code in lower level it's called the [Lithium]**------------------->Rigister Allocation---------------------->Machine Code-------------------->On stack Replacement

V8 engine Revolution In modern Era

  • In the current time the Full codegen -------------> Ignition and CrankShaft--------------> TurboFan

2.Naming conversion in JavaScript

  • Diagram

Untitled 2

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