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Created October 22, 2014 20:21
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EE1 imgsizer plugin ported to EE2.
// Updated for EE2 by Greg Aker -
// No support is offered for this update, it is simply
// to help you in the event you are upgrading an old EE1
// site to EE2
// At this point, use CE Image. Seriously.
// <3 -greg
if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
$plugin_info = array(
'pi_name' => 'ImageSizer',
'pi_version' => '2.6.4',
'pi_author' => 'David Rencher',
'pi_author_url' => '',
'pi_description' => 'Image Resizer - resizes and caches images',
'pi_usage' => Imgsizer::usage()
class Imgsizer
public $return_data = "";
public function __construct()
function size()
# Determine base path
// checks if server supports $ENV DOCUMENT_ROOT use $_SERVER otherwise
if (array_key_exists('DOCUMENT_ROOT',$_ENV)) {
$base_path = $_ENV['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/";
} else {
$base_path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/";
$base_path = str_replace("\\", "/", $base_path);
$base_path = reduce_double_slashes($base_path);
// define some defaults
$img = array();
$okmime = array("image/png","image/gif","image/jpeg");
// collect passed vars from the tag
$src = ( ! ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('image')) ? ( !ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('src') ? '' : ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('src') ) : ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('image');
$src = str_replace(SLASH, "/", $src); // clean up passed src param
// Did User pass a full img tag.. shame shame.. lets fix that
if (stristr($src, '<img'))
$src = str_replace("\\", "", $src);
$src = preg_match_all('/src="(.+?)"/is', $src, $this->url);
$src = $this->url[1][0];
ee()->TMPL->log_item("imgsizer.user.src: ".$src);
$base_path = ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('base_path', $base_path);
$base_path = str_replace("\\", "/", $base_path);
$base_path = reduce_double_slashes($base_path);
$img['base_path']= $base_path;
$remote = ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('remote', '');
$cache = ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('cache', '');
$refresh = ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('refresh', '1440');
// if no src thers not much we can do..
if (!$src) {
ee()->TMPL->log_item("imgsizer.Error: no src provided for imagesizer");
return ee()->TMPL->no_results();
// extract necessities from full URL
if (stristr($src, 'http')) {
$img['url_src'] = $src; // save the URL src for remote
$urlarray = parse_url($img['url_src']);
$img['url_host_cache_dir'] = str_replace('.', '-', $urlarray['host']);
$src = '/'.$urlarray['path'];
$img['src'] = reduce_double_slashes('/' . $src);
$img['base_path'] = reduce_double_slashes($base_path);
ee()->TMPL->log_item("imgsizer.img[src]: ".$img['src']);
ee()->TMPL->log_item("imgsizer.img[base_path]: ".$img['base_path']);
// do fetch remote img and reset the src
if ($remote && $img['url_src']) {
$img['src'] = $this->do_remote($img);
$img_full_path = reduce_double_slashes($img['base_path']. $img['src']);
ee()->TMPL->log_item("imgsizer.img_full_path: ".$img_full_path);
// can we actually read this file?
if( ! is_readable($img_full_path)){
ee()->TMPL->log_item("imgsizer.Error: ".$img_full_path." image is not readable or does not exist");
return ee()->TMPL->no_results();
// get src img sizes and mime type
$size = getimagesize($img_full_path);
$img['src_width'] = $size[0];
$img['src_height'] = $size[1];
$img['mime'] = $size['mime'];
// get src relitive path
$src_pathinfo = pathinfo($img['src']);
$img['base_rel_path'] = reduce_double_slashes($src_pathinfo['dirname']."/");
ee()->TMPL->log_item("imgsizer.img[base_rel_path]: ".$img['base_rel_path']);
// define all the file location pointers we will need
$img_full_pathinfo = pathinfo($img_full_path);
$img['root_path'] = ( ! isset($img_full_pathinfo['dirname'])) ? '' : reduce_double_slashes($img_full_pathinfo['dirname'] . '/');
$img['basename'] = ( ! isset($img_full_pathinfo['basename'])) ? '' : $img_full_pathinfo['basename'];
$img['extension'] = ( ! isset($img_full_pathinfo['extension'])) ? '' : $img_full_pathinfo['extension'];
$img['base_filename'] = str_replace(".".$img['extension'], "", $img_full_pathinfo['basename']);
foreach($img_full_pathinfo as $key=>$value){
ee()->TMPL->log_item("imgsizer.full_pathinfo ".$key.": ".$value);
// lets stop this if the image is not in the ok mime types
if (!in_array($img['mime'], $okmime)) {
ee()->TMPL->log_item("imgsizer.Error: image mime type does not match ok mime types");
return ee()->TMPL->no_results();
// build cache location
$base_cache = reduce_double_slashes($base_path . '/images/sized/');
$base_cache = ( ! ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('base_cache')) ? $base_cache : ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('base_cache');
$base_cache = reduce_double_slashes($base_cache);
$img['cache_path'] = reduce_double_slashes($base_cache . $img['base_rel_path']);
if(!is_dir($img['cache_path'])) {
// make the directory if we can
if (!mkdir($img['cache_path'],0777,true)) {
ee()->TMPL->log_item("imgsizer.Error: could not create cache directory! Please manually create the cache directory ".$img['cache_path']." with 777 permissions");
return ee()->TMPL->no_results();
// check if we can put files in the cache directory
if (!is_writable($img['cache_path'])) {
ee()->TMPL->log_item("imgsizer.Error: ".$img['cache_path']." is not writable please chmod 777");
return ee()->TMPL->no_results();
// do the sizing math
$img = $this->get_some_sizes($img);
// check the cache
$img = $this->check_some_cache($img);
// do the sizing if needed
$img = $this->do_some_image($img);
foreach($img as $key=>$value){
ee()->TMPL->log_item("imgsizer.img[".$key."]: ".$value);
// do the output
return $this->do_output($img);
* This function calculates how the image should be resized / cropped etc.
function get_some_sizes($img) {
// set some defaults
$width = $img['src_width'];
$height = $img['src_height'];
$img['crop'] = "";
$img['proportional'] = true;
$auto = ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('auto', '');
$max_width = ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('width', '9000');
$max_height = ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('height', '9000');
$greyscale = ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('greyscale', '');
$color_space = "-greyscale";
// get the ratio needed
$x_ratio = $max_width / $width;
$y_ratio = $max_height / $height;
// -------------------------------------
// if image already meets criteria, load current values in
// if not, use ratios to load new size info
// -------------------------------------
if (($width <= $max_width) && ($height <= $max_height) ) {
$img['out_width'] = $width;
$img['out_height'] = $height;
} else if (($x_ratio * $height) < $max_height) {
$img['out_height'] = ceil($x_ratio * $height);
$img['out_width'] = $max_width;
} else {
$img['out_width'] = ceil($y_ratio * $width);
$img['out_height'] = $max_height;
// -------------------------------------
// Set image sizing Ratio
// Auto size Added By Erin Dalzell
// -------------------------------------
if ($auto) {
if ($width > $height) {
$img['out_width'] = $auto;
$img['out_height'] = '0';
} else {
$img['out_height'] = $auto;
$img['out_width'] = '0';
// Do we want to Crop the image?
if($max_height != '9000' && $max_width != '9000' && $max_width != $max_height) {
$img['crop'] = "yes";
$img['proportional'] = false;
$img['out_width'] = $max_width;
$img['out_height'] = $max_height;
// Do we Need to crop?
if($max_width == $max_height && $auto == ""){
$img['crop'] = "yes";
$img['proportional'] = false;
$img['out_width'] = $max_width;
$img['out_height'] = $max_height;
// set outputs
$img['out_name'] = $img['base_filename'].$color_space.'-'.$img['out_width'].'x'.$img['out_height'].'.'.$img['extension'];
$img['root_out_name'] = $img['cache_path'].$img['out_name'];
$img['browser_out_path'] = reduce_double_slashes('/' . str_replace($img['base_path'], '', $img['root_out_name']));
return $img;
// -------------------------------------
// checks cached images if they are present
// and if they are older than the src img
// -------------------------------------
function check_some_cache($img){
$img['do_cache'] = "";
$cache = ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('cache', '');
$imageModified = @filemtime($img['base_path'].$img['src']);
$thumbModified = @filemtime($img['cache_path'].$img['out_name']);
// set a update flag
if ($imageModified > $thumbModified || $cache == "no") {
$img['do_cache'] = "update";
return $img;
// -------------------------------------
// This function does the image resizing
// -------------------------------------
function do_some_image($img) {
$file = $img['root_path'].$img['basename'];
$width = $img['out_width'];
$height = $img['out_height'];
$crop = $img['crop'];
$proportional = $img['proportional'];
$output = $img['cache_path'].$img['out_name'];
$quality = ( ! ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('quality')) ? '100' : ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('quality');
$quality = "100";
$greyscale = ( ! ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('greyscale')) ? '' : ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('greyscale');
if ( $height <= 0 && $width <= 0 ) {
return false;
$info = getimagesize($file);
$image = '';
$final_width = 0;
$final_height = 0;
list($width_old, $height_old) = $info;
if ($proportional) {
if ($width == 0) $factor = $height/$height_old;
elseif ($height == 0) $factor = $width/$width_old;
else $factor = min ( $width / $width_old, $height / $height_old);
$final_width = round ($width_old * $factor);
$final_height = round ($height_old * $factor);
} else {
$final_width = ( $width <= 0 ) ? $width_old : $width;
$final_height = ( $height <= 0 ) ? $height_old : $height;
if ($crop) {
$int_width = 0;
$int_height = 0;
$adjusted_height = $final_height;
$adjusted_width = $final_width;
$wm = $width_old/$width;
$hm = $height_old/$height;
$h_height = $height/2;
$w_height = $width/2;
$ratio = $width/$height;
$old_img_ratio = $width_old/$height_old;
if ($old_img_ratio > $ratio) {
$adjusted_width = $width_old / $hm;
$half_width = $adjusted_width / 2;
$int_width = $half_width - $w_height;
} else if($old_img_ratio <= $ratio) {
$adjusted_height = $height_old / $wm;
$half_height = $adjusted_height / 2;
$int_height = $half_height - $h_height;
if ($img['do_cache']) {
switch ($info[2] ) {
$image = imagecreatefromgif($file);
$image = imagecreatefromjpeg($file);
$image = imagecreatefrompng($file);
return false;
$image_resized = imagecreatetruecolor( $final_width, $final_height );
if ( ($info[2] == IMAGETYPE_GIF) || ($info[2] == IMAGETYPE_PNG) ) {
$trnprt_indx = imagecolortransparent($image);
// If we have a specific transparent color
if ($trnprt_indx >= 0) {
// Get the original image's transparent color's RGB values
$trnprt_color = imagecolorsforindex($image, $trnprt_indx);
// Allocate the same color in the new image resource
$trnprt_indx = imagecolorallocate($image_resized, $trnprt_color['red'], $trnprt_color['green'], $trnprt_color['blue']);
// Completely fill the background of the new image with allocated color.
imagefill($image_resized, 0, 0, $trnprt_indx);
// Set the background color for new image to transparent
imagecolortransparent($image_resized, $trnprt_indx);
// Always make a transparent background color for PNGs that don't have one allocated already
elseif ($info[2] == IMAGETYPE_PNG) {
// Turn off transparency blending (temporarily)
imagealphablending($image_resized, false);
// Create a new transparent color for image
$color = imagecolorallocatealpha($image_resized, 0, 0, 0, 127);
// Completely fill the background of the new image with allocated color.
imagefill($image_resized, 0, 0, $color);
// Restore transparency blending
imagesavealpha($image_resized, true);
if ($crop) {
imagecopyresampled($image_resized, $image, -$int_width, -$int_height, 0, 0, $adjusted_width, $adjusted_height, $width_old, $height_old);
} else {
imagecopyresampled($image_resized, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $final_width, $final_height, $width_old, $height_old);
if ($greyscale) {
for ($c=0;$c<256;$c++) {
$palette[$c] = imagecolorallocate($image_resized,$c,$c,$c);
for ($y=0;$y<$final_height;$y++) {
for ($x=0;$x<$final_width;$x++) {
$rgb = imagecolorat($image_resized,$x,$y);
$r = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
$g = ($rgb >> 8) & 0xFF;
$b = $rgb & 0xFF;
$gs = $this->yiq($r,$g,$b);
switch ($info[2] ) {
imagegif($image_resized, $output);
imagejpeg($image_resized, $output, $quality);
imagepng($image_resized, $output);
return false;
$img['out_width'] = $final_width;
$img['out_height'] = $final_height;
return $img;
function do_output($img) {
$alt = ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('alt', '');
$style = ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('style', '');
$class = ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('class', '');
$title = ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('title', '');
$id = ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('id', '');
$justurl = ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('justurl', '');
$server_domain = ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('server_domain', '');
$browser_out_path = str_replace(SLASH, "/", $server_domain).$img['browser_out_path'];
$img['browser_out_path'] = reduce_double_slashes($browser_out_path);
/** -------------------------------------
/* sometimes we may just want the path to the image e.g. RSS feeds
/** -------------------------------------*/
if ($justurl) {
return $img['browser_out_path'];
/** -------------------------------------
/* is the tag in a pair if so do that
/** -------------------------------------*/
$tagdata = ee()->TMPL->tagdata;
$tagdata = ee()->functions->prep_conditionals($tagdata, ee()->TMPL->var_single);
if ($tagdata) {
foreach (ee()->TMPL->var_single as $key => $val) {
if ($val == "url") {
$tagdata = ee()->TMPL->swap_var_single($val, $img['browser_out_path'], $tagdata);
if ($val == "sized") {
$tagdata = ee()->TMPL->swap_var_single($val, $img['browser_out_path'], $tagdata);
if ($val == "width") {
$tagdata = ee()->TMPL->swap_var_single($val, $img['out_width'], $tagdata);
if ($val == "img_width") {
$tagdata = ee()->TMPL->swap_var_single($val, $img['out_width'], $tagdata);
if ($val == "height") {
$tagdata = ee()->TMPL->swap_var_single($val, $img['out_height'], $tagdata);
if ($val == "img_height") {
$tagdata = ee()->TMPL->swap_var_single($val, $img['out_height'], $tagdata);
return $tagdata;
/** -------------------------------------
/* this is the default output just a simpe img tag
/** -------------------------------------*/
$out_tag = "<img src=\"".$img['browser_out_path']."\" width=\"".$img['out_width']."\" height=\"".$img['out_height']."\" ";
$out_tag .= ($id ? " id=\"$id\"" : "");
$out_tag .= ($title ? " title=\"$title\"" : "");
$out_tag .= ($alt ? " alt=\"$alt\"" : " alt=\"\"");
$out_tag .= ($class ? " class=\"$class\"" : "");
$out_tag .= ($style ? " style=\"$style\"" : "");
return $out_tag." />";
// -------------------------------------
// This function does remote image fetch
// -------------------------------------
function do_remote($img) {
$src = ( ! ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('image')) ? ( !ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('src') ? '' : ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('src') ) : ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('image');
$src = str_replace(SLASH, "/", $src); // clean up passed src param
$refresh = ( ! ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('refresh')) ? '1440' : ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('refresh');
$remote_user = ( ! ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('remote_user')) ? '' : ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('remote_user');
$remote_pass = ( ! ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('remote_pass')) ? '' : ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('remote_pass');
$url_filename = parse_url($img['src']);
$url_filename = pathinfo($url_filename['path']);
$base_cache = reduce_double_slashes($img['base_path'] . '/images/sized/');
$base_cache = ( ! ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('base_cache')) ? $base_cache : ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('base_cache');
$base_cache = reduce_double_slashes($base_cache);
$save_mask = str_replace('/', '-', $url_filename['dirname']);
$save_name = $img['url_host_cache_dir'].$save_mask."-".$url_filename['basename'];
$save_root_folder = $base_cache."remote";
$save_root_path = $save_root_folder."/".$save_name;
$save_rel_path = $base_cache."/remote/".$save_name;
$save_rel_path = "/".str_replace($img['base_path'], '', $save_rel_path);
$save_rel_path = reduce_double_slashes($save_rel_path);
$save_dir = reduce_double_slashes($base_cache . '/remote/');
if(!is_dir($save_dir)) {
// make the directory if we can
if (!mkdir($save_dir,0777,true)) {
ee()->TMPL->log_item("Error: could not create cache directory! Please manually create the cache directory ".$save_dir."/remote/ with 777 permissions");
return ee()->TMPL->no_results();
// check the sorce and the cache file
$remote_diff = round((time() - filectime($save_root_path))/60)-9;
if($remote_diff > $refresh) {
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $src);
if($remote_pass) {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $remote_user.":".$remote_pass);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 2);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30);
$file_contents = curl_exec($ch);
$curl_info = curl_getinfo($ch);
if (curl_errno($ch)) {
} else {
define("FILE_PUT_CONTENTS_ATOMIC_TEMP", $save_dir);
$this->file_put_contents_atomic($save_root_path, $file_contents);
ee()->TMPL->log_item("imgsizer.remote.did_fetch: yes");
foreach($curl_info as $key=>$value){
ee()->TMPL->log_item("imgsizer.remote.curl.".$key.": ".$value);
ee()->TMPL->log_item("imgsizer.remote.save_src_path: ".$save_rel_path);
return $save_rel_path;
function file_put_contents_atomic($filename, $content) {
$temp = tempnam(FILE_PUT_CONTENTS_ATOMIC_TEMP, 'temp');
if (!($f = @fopen($temp, 'wb'))) {
if (!($f = @fopen($temp, 'wb'))) {
trigger_error("file_put_contents_atomic() : error writing temporary file '$temp'", E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
fwrite($f, $content);
if (!@rename($temp, $filename)) {
@rename($temp, $filename);
return true;
//Creates yiq function
function yiq($r,$g,$b)
return (($r*0.299)+($g*0.587)+($b*0.114));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Usage
* This function describes how the plugin is used.
* @access public
* @return string
// Make sure and use output buffering
function usage()
The ImageSizer plugin will resize any JPG, GIF or PNG image to the size specified
and cache the resized image to the cache folder.
If you update the original image a new resized version will be created.
The Tag
{exp:imgsizer:size src="/images/news/moped.jpg" width="100"}
<img src="{sized}" width="{width}" height="{height}" />
<div style="background-image:url({sized}); width:{width}px; height:{height}px;"></div>
the relitive path to the image or the URL to the image.
/images/news/moped.jpg or
the width you wish the image resized to. The height is resized proportionately.
the height you wish the image resized to. The width is resized proportionately.
the size of the longest side. If the image is landscape, then this sets the width, else it sets the height.
- if you use only width or only height the image will be scaled to match that width or height proportionately.
- if you use auto, image will be scaled to the longest side proportionately.
- if you use both width and height the image will be cropped from center to that width and height.
- if "width" is = to "height" the image will be cropped from image center to make a square sized image.
only used if image is JPG
ranges from 0 (worst quality, smaller file) to 100 (best quality, biggest file). The default is the default value is (100).
if set to yes imagesizer will convert color images to greyscale
by default the base_path is set by ExpressionEngine to your webroot you may override this by altering this value to something like "/web/htdocs/"
the base cache folder is where all your cache images are stored within sub directories of your base cache folder by default it is "/web/htdocs/" you can change this to anything you wish as long as it points to a folder structure in your sites document root
cache =
[for testing]
allows you to turn off image caching (not a good idea) setting this to "no" means your images will be reprocessed everytime the page is loaded (caching is on by default)
All error messages are logged in the Template Parsing Log. If you have no output, or unexpected output, enable the Template Parsing Log in your Output and Debugging Preferences.
Even though this tag has its own caching mechanism, do not forget that you can further increase performance by using Tag Caching:
$buffer = ob_get_contents();
return $buffer;
// END
/* End of file pi.imgsizer.php */
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