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Created April 25, 2020 09:46
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Slimmed Down Version of the Hegic Options contract so that you can try to spot the bug, ref:
pragma solidity ^0.6.6;
contract HegicReproduceBug {
Option[] public options;
enum State { Active, Exercised, Expired }
struct Option {
State state;
uint expiration;
// depending on ETH or ERC20, there's a different `create` function
// and its matching `exercise` (omitted here since it's not important)
function create() public returns (uint optionID) {
optionID = options.length;
options.push(Option ({
state: State.Active,
expiration: now // for simplicity let's assume it instantly expires
function unlock(uint[] memory optionIDs) public {
// why would you write this function in such confusing way,
// to save 1 line of code?
for(uint i; i < options.length; unlock(optionIDs[i++])){}
function unlock(uint optionID) internal {
Option storage option = options[optionID];
require(option.expiration < now, "Option has not expired yet");
require(option.state == State.Active, "Option is not active");
option.state = State.Expired;
// unlock the option (give money back to users)
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