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Last active August 21, 2018 19:21
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Examples of event logging in web3.js. Take note that when used with testrpc/ganache, there are various bugs where events don't get fired or get fired twice. More here: I also prefer using async/await instead of callbacks.
pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
contract EventTest {
event LogEventTest(uint _x);
event LogOtherEventTest(address indexed _sender);
function emitEvent(uint x) public {
function emitOtherEvent() public {
var EventTest = artifacts.require("./EventTest.sol");
contract('EventTest', function(accounts) {
let eventTest;
let eventHandler;
let otherEventHandler;
// This gets run once in the beginning of the test.
// Typical practice in ICO tests is to have `beforeEach` instead of `before`
// so that the contract is reinstantiated at the beginning of every test.
before('Deploy contract', async function() {
eventTest = await
// Calls the `emitEvent` function 3 times. We expect to see the events logged one by one in our terminal.
it("will watch for events", async function() {
// Initialize event that will monitor `LogEventTest` events from block 0 to the latest block
eventHandler = eventTest.LogEventTest({fromBlock: 0, toBlock: 'latest'});
// Starts watching asynchronously for `LogEventTest` events, log) => {
// Do whatever you want
if (!error) {
console.log('Watched Log:', log.args);
await eventTest.emitEvent(42);
await eventTest.emitEvent(31337);
await eventTest.emitEvent(1337);
// Should stop watching (listening) for more events when you are done.
// eventHandler.stopWatching();
// Get all past events from a specific event
it('emits 2 other events and fetch them from blockchain history', async function() {
await eventTest.emitOtherEvent();
await eventTest.emitOtherEvent({from: accounts[1]});
let otherEventHandler = eventTest.LogOtherEventTest({fromBlock: 0, toBlock: 'latest'});
// Instead of watching, eventHandler.get will fetch all `LogOtherEventTest` logs
// from the smart contract and return them as a list.
otherEventHandler.get((error, logs) => {
console.log('Getting all `LogOtherEventTest` type events')
if (!error) {
logs.forEach(log => console.log(log.args))
it('gets all of the contract\'s events', async function() {
let contractEvents = eventTest.allEvents({fromBlock: 0, toBlock: 'latest'});
contractEvents.get((error, logs) => {
console.log('Getting all contract events')
if (!error) {
logs.forEach(log => console.log(log.args))
[~/eth_dev/EventHandling, 1, master+5, 35s]: truffle test
Using network 'development'.
Compiling ./contracts/EventTest.sol...
Contract: EventTest
Watched Log: { _x: BigNumber { s: 1, e: 1, c: [ 42 ] } }
Watched Log: { _x: BigNumber { s: 1, e: 1, c: [ 42 ] } }
✓ will watch for events (389ms)
Watched Log: { _x: BigNumber { s: 1, e: 4, c: [ 31337 ] } }
Watched Log: { _x: BigNumber { s: 1, e: 3, c: [ 1337 ] } }
✓ emits 2 other events and fetch them from blockchain history (259ms)
✓ gets all of the contract's events
3 passing (904ms)
Getting all `LogOtherEventTest` type events
{ _sender: '0x2b716301dc5db5ad70e4ce673501b53812d16af3' }
Getting all contract events
{ _x: BigNumber { s: 1, e: 1, c: [ 42 ] } }
{ _x: BigNumber { s: 1, e: 4, c: [ 31337 ] } }
{ _x: BigNumber { s: 1, e: 3, c: [ 1337 ] } }
{ _sender: '0x6a341d7835e4163deb192df32e249ad17743025d' }
{ _sender: '0x2b716301dc5db5ad70e4ce673501b53812d16af3' }
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