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Created October 31, 2020 08:48
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Solide + ReasonML
module Node = {
type t;
module HyperScript = {
type t;
[@module "solid-js/h"]
external make: (string, 'props, array(t)) => t = "default";
external text: string => t = "%identity";
module Document = {
[@val] [@scope "document"] [@return nullable]
external getElementById: string => option(Node.t) = "getElementById";
module Solid = {
[@module "solid-js/dom"]
external render: (unit => HyperScript.t, Node.t) => unit = "render";
[@module "solid-js"]
external createSignal: 'a => ((. unit) => 'a, (. 'a) => unit) =
[@module "solid-js"]
external onCleanup: (unit => unit) => unit = "onCleanup";
let div = (~children, ()) =>
HyperScript.make("div", (), children->Belt.List.toArray);
module App = {
let createElement = (~name, ~children as _, ()) => {
let (count, setCount) = Solid.createSignal(10);
let timer =
() => {
Js.log2("Hello!", count(.)); // Display the proper value 10, 11, 12, etc...
setCount(. count(.) + 1);
Solid.onCleanup(() => Js.Global.clearInterval(timer));
// The count value is not updated
{("Hello " ++ name ++ ": " ++ Belt.Int.toString(count(.)))
->Belt.Option.forEach(root => {
Solid.render(() => <App name="Taylor" />, root)
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