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Last active May 31, 2020 07:19
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Doma2 Criteria API with Immutable entity.

associateの例 を Immutable Entity でどうするか

1:1:N ぐらいなら collect で何とでもなる

    Employee_ e = new Employee_();
    Task_ t = new Task_();
    Address_ a = new Address_();

    Map<Employee, Tuple2<List<Task>, Optional<Address>>> result = nativeql
        .innerJoin(t, on -> on.eq(, t.asiginee))
        .innerJoin(a, on -> on.eq(e.addressId, a.addressId))
        .orderBy(c -> c.asc(e.employeeName))
        .select(e, t, a)
                 mapping(Tuple3::getItem2, toList()),
                 mapping(Tuple3::getItem3, first()),

inner join なのに Address がOptionalになってしまうのと、Tuple3::getItem1 とかが何を表してるか分かりづらい……。 joined entity type から entity type を取り出すのに Metamodel のメソッドが使えると解決するかも?

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