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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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      (a |@| b |@| c |@| d apply f1) 
  |@| (e |@| f |@| g |@| h apply f2)
  apply f3

Haskell like Applicative Style

  f3 _ 
    `<S>` (f1 _ `<S>` a <<*>> b <<*>> c <<*>> d)
    <<*>> (f2 _ `<S>` e <<*>> f <<*>> g <<*>> h)
  f3 _ 
    <!> (f1 _ <!> a <.> b <.> c <.> d)
    <.> (f2 _ <!> e <.> f <.> g <.> h)
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