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Last active May 22, 2020 02:19
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object Sample {
implicit def futureEitherTxBoundary[A, B](implicit ec: ExecutionContext): TxBoundary[Future[Either[A, B]]] = new TxBoundary[Future[Either[A, B]]] {
def finishTx(result: Future[Either[A, B]], tx: Tx): Future[Either[A, B]] = {
onFinishTx(result) {
case Success(Right(_)) => tx.commit()
case Success(Left(_)) => tx.rollback()
case Failure(_) => tx.rollback()
override def closeConnection(result: Future[Either[A, B]], doClose: () => Unit): Future[Either[A, B]] =
onFinishTx(result)(_ => doClose())
// copy from ScalikeJDBC since these are private.
* Applies an operation to finish current transaction to the result.
* When the operation throws some exception, the exception will be returned without fail.
private def doFinishTx[A](result: Try[A])(doFinish: Try[A] => Unit): Try[A] =
_ => result,
finishError =>
Failure(result match {
case Success(_) => finishError
case Failure(resultError) =>
* Applies an operation to finish current transaction to the Future value which holds the result.
* When the operation throws some exception, the exception will be returned without fail.
private def onFinishTx[A](resultF: Future[A])(doFinish: Try[A] => Unit)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[A] = {
val p = Promise[A]
resultF.onComplete(result => p.complete(doFinishTx(result)(doFinish)))
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