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Created July 16, 2021 17:05
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Last login: Fri Jul 16 12:01:10 on ttys002
❯ rustc
Usage: rustc [OPTIONS] INPUT
-h, --help Display this message
--cfg SPEC Configure the compilation environment
-L [KIND=]PATH Add a directory to the library search path. The
optional KIND can be one of dependency, crate, native,
framework, or all (the default).
-l [KIND=]NAME Link the generated crate(s) to the specified native
library NAME. The optional KIND can be one of
static, framework, or dylib (the default).
--crate-type [bin|lib|rlib|dylib|cdylib|staticlib|proc-macro]
Comma separated list of types of crates
for the compiler to emit
--crate-name NAME
Specify the name of the crate being built
--edition 2015|2018|2021
Specify which edition of the compiler to use when
compiling code.
--emit [asm|llvm-bc|llvm-ir|obj|metadata|link|dep-info|mir]
Comma separated list of types of output for the
compiler to emit
--print [crate-name|file-names|sysroot|target-libdir|cfg|target-list|target-cpus|target-features|relocation-models|code-models|tls-models|target-spec-json|native-static-libs]
Compiler information to print on stdout
-g Equivalent to -C debuginfo=2
-O Equivalent to -C opt-level=2
-o FILENAME Write output to <filename>
--out-dir DIR Write output to compiler-chosen filename in <dir>
--explain OPT Provide a detailed explanation of an error message
--test Build a test harness
--target TARGET Target triple for which the code is compiled
-W, --warn OPT Set lint warnings
-A, --allow OPT Set lint allowed
-D, --deny OPT Set lint denied
-F, --forbid OPT Set lint forbidden
--cap-lints LEVEL
Set the most restrictive lint level. More restrictive
lints are capped at this level
-C, --codegen OPT[=VALUE]
Set a codegen option
-V, --version Print version info and exit
-v, --verbose Use verbose output
Additional help:
-C help Print codegen options
-W help Print 'lint' options and default settings
--help -v Print the full set of options rustc accepts
❯ which rustc
❯ cd /opt/ldk-c-bindings
❯ l
total 88
drwxr-xr-x 12 g wheel 384B 16 Jul 18:42 .
drwxr-xr-x@ 24 g wheel 768B 16 Jul 18:47 ..
drwxr-xr-x 13 g wheel 416B 16 Jul 18:53 .git
drwxr-xr-x 3 g wheel 96B 16 Jul 18:42 .github
-rw-r--r-- 1 g wheel 11K 16 Jul 18:42 LICENSE-APACHE
-rw-r--r-- 1 g wheel 1.0K 16 Jul 18:42 LICENSE-MIT
-rw-r--r-- 1 g wheel 610B 16 Jul 18:42
drwxr-xr-x 6 g wheel 192B 16 Jul 18:42 c-bindings-gen
drwxr-xr-x 3 g wheel 96B 16 Jul 18:42 deterministic-build-wrappers
-rwxr-xr-x 1 g wheel 20K 16 Jul 18:42
drwxr-xr-x 4 g wheel 128B 16 Jul 18:42 ldk-net
drwxr-xr-x 9 g wheel 288B 16 Jul 18:42 lightning-c-bindings
❯ ./ /opt/rust-lightning-matt true
+ '[' '!' -d /opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning -o true '!=' true -a true '!=' false ']'
+ export LC_ALL=C
++ pwd
+ ORIG_PWD=/opt/ldk-c-bindings
+ cd /opt/rust-lightning-matt
++ pwd
+ LIGHTNING_PATH=/opt/rust-lightning-matt
++ git describe --tag --dirty --abbrev=16
+ LIGHTNING_GIT=v0.0.99-1-g0f21accb22774864
+ cd /opt/ldk-c-bindings
++ rustc --version --verbose
++ grep host:
+ HOST_PLATFORM='host: x86_64-apple-darwin'
++ which rustc
+ export LDK_RUSTC_PATH=/Users/g/.cargo/bin/rustc
+ LDK_RUSTC_PATH=/Users/g/.cargo/bin/rustc
++ pwd
+ export RUSTC=/opt/ldk-c-bindings/deterministic-build-wrappers/rustc
+ RUSTC=/opt/ldk-c-bindings/deterministic-build-wrappers/rustc
+ PATH='/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/munki:/Library/Apple/usr/bin:/Users/g/.cargo/bin:~/.cargo/bin'
++ pwd
+ BASE_RUSTFLAGS='--remap-path-prefix /opt/rust-lightning-matt=rust-lightning --remap-path-prefix /opt/ldk-c-bindings=ldk-c-bindings --remap-path-prefix /Users/g/.cargo='
+ echo 'int main() {}'
+ clang -o /dev/null -ffile-prefix-map=/Users/g/.cargo= genbindings_path_map_test_file.c
+ export BASE_CFLAGS=-ffile-prefix-map=/Users/g/.cargo=
+ BASE_CFLAGS=-ffile-prefix-map=/Users/g/.cargo=
+ BASE_CFLAGS='-ffile-prefix-map=/Users/g/.cargo= -frandom-seed=42'
+ LOCAL_CFLAGS='-Wall -Wno-nullability-completeness -pthread -Iinclude/'
+ '[' 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' = 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' ']'
++ xcrun --show-sdk-path
+ LOCAL_CFLAGS='-Wall -Wno-nullability-completeness -pthread -Iinclude/ -isysroot/Applications/ -mmacosx-version-min=10.9'
++ xcrun --show-sdk-path
+ BASE_CFLAGS='-ffile-prefix-map=/Users/g/.cargo= -frandom-seed=42 -isysroot/Applications/ -mmacosx-version-min=10.9'
+ clang -o /dev/null -ffile-prefix-map=/Users/g/.cargo= -frandom-seed=42 -isysroot/Applications/ -mmacosx-version-min=10.9 --target=aarch64-apple-darwin -mcpu=apple-a14 genbindings_path_map_test_file.c
+ export 'CFLAGS_aarch64_apple_darwin=-ffile-prefix-map=/Users/g/.cargo= -frandom-seed=42 -isysroot/Applications/ -mmacosx-version-min=10.9 --target=aarch64-apple-darwin -mcpu=apple-a14'
+ CFLAGS_aarch64_apple_darwin='-ffile-prefix-map=/Users/g/.cargo= -frandom-seed=42 -isysroot/Applications/ -mmacosx-version-min=10.9 --target=aarch64-apple-darwin -mcpu=apple-a14'
+ rm genbindings_path_map_test_file.c
++ rustc --version --verbose
++ grep host
++ awk '{ print $2 }'
++ sed s/-/_/g
+ ENV_TARGET=x86_64_apple_darwin
+ case "$ENV_TARGET" in
+ export 'RUSTFLAGS=--remap-path-prefix /opt/rust-lightning-matt=rust-lightning --remap-path-prefix /opt/ldk-c-bindings=ldk-c-bindings --remap-path-prefix /Users/g/.cargo= -C target-cpu=sandybridge'
+ RUSTFLAGS='--remap-path-prefix /opt/rust-lightning-matt=rust-lightning --remap-path-prefix /opt/ldk-c-bindings=ldk-c-bindings --remap-path-prefix /Users/g/.cargo= -C target-cpu=sandybridge'
+ export 'CFLAGS_x86_64_apple_darwin=-ffile-prefix-map=/Users/g/.cargo= -frandom-seed=42 -isysroot/Applications/ -mmacosx-version-min=10.9 -march=sandybridge -mcpu=sandybridge -mtune=sandybridge'
+ CFLAGS_x86_64_apple_darwin='-ffile-prefix-map=/Users/g/.cargo= -frandom-seed=42 -isysroot/Applications/ -mmacosx-version-min=10.9 -march=sandybridge -mcpu=sandybridge -mtune=sandybridge'
+ cd c-bindings-gen
+ cargo build --release
Updating index
Downloaded syn v1.0.73
Downloaded unicode-xid v0.2.2
Downloaded quote v1.0.9
Downloaded proc-macro2 v1.0.27
Downloaded 4 crates (311.3 KB) in 0.77s
Compiling proc-macro2 v1.0.27
Compiling unicode-xid v0.2.2
Compiling syn v1.0.73
Compiling quote v1.0.9
Compiling c-bindings-gen v0.0.1 (/opt/ldk-c-bindings/c-bindings-gen)
Finished release [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 1m 04s
+ cd ..
+ mv lightning-c-bindings/src/c_types/ ./
+ mv lightning-c-bindings/src/bitcoin ./
+ git checkout lightning-c-bindings/src
Updated 3 paths from the index
+ git checkout lightning-c-bindings/include
Updated 0 paths from the index
++ git describe --tag --dirty --abbrev=16
+ BINDINGS_GIT=v0.0.99.2
+ echo -e '#ifndef _LDK_HEADER_VER'
+ echo -e 'static inline int _ldk_strncmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, uint64_t n) {'
+ echo -e '\tif (n && *s1 != *s2) return 1;'
+ echo -e '\twhile (n && *s1 != 0 && *s2 != 0) {'
+ echo -e '\t\ts1++; s2++; n--;'
+ echo -e '\t\tif (n && *s1 != *s2) return 1;'
+ echo -e '\t}'
+ echo -e '\treturn 0;'
+ echo -e '}'
+ echo -e ''
+ echo -e '#define _LDK_HEADER_VER "v0.0.99-1-g0f21accb22774864"'
+ echo -e '#define _LDK_C_BINDINGS_HEADER_VER "v0.0.99.2"'
+ echo -e 'static inline const char* check_get_ldk_version() {'
+ echo -e '\tLDKStr bin_ver = _ldk_get_compiled_version();'
+ echo -e '\tif (_ldk_strncmp(_LDK_HEADER_VER, (const char*)bin_ver.chars, bin_ver.len) != 0) {'
+ echo -e '\t// Version mismatch, we don'\''t know what we'\''re running!'
+ echo -e '\t\treturn 0;'
+ echo -e '\t}'
+ echo -e '\treturn _LDK_HEADER_VER;'
+ echo -e '}'
+ echo -e 'static inline const char* check_get_ldk_bindings_version() {'
+ echo -e '\tLDKStr bin_ver = _ldk_c_bindings_get_compiled_version();'
+ echo -e '\tif (_ldk_strncmp(_LDK_C_BINDINGS_HEADER_VER, (const char*)bin_ver.chars, bin_ver.len) != 0) {'
+ echo -e '\t// Version mismatch, we don'\''t know what we'\''re running!'
+ echo -e '\t\treturn 0;'
+ echo -e '\t}'
+ echo -e '\treturn _LDK_C_BINDINGS_HEADER_VER;'
+ echo -e '}'
+ echo -e '#endif /* _LDK_HEADER_VER */'
+ rm -rf lightning-c-bindings/src
+ mkdir -p lightning-c-bindings/src/c_types lightning-c-bindings/src/lightning
+ mv ./ lightning-c-bindings/src/c_types/
+ mv ./bitcoin lightning-c-bindings/src/
++ pwd
+ OUT=/opt/ldk-c-bindings/lightning-c-bindings/src
++ pwd
+ OUT_TEMPL=/opt/ldk-c-bindings/lightning-c-bindings/src/c_types/
++ pwd
+ OUT_F=/opt/ldk-c-bindings/lightning-c-bindings/include/ldk_rust_types.h
++ pwd
+ OUT_CPP=/opt/ldk-c-bindings/lightning-c-bindings/include/lightningpp.hpp
++ pwd
+ BIN=/opt/ldk-c-bindings/c-bindings-gen/target/release/c-bindings-gen
+ echo
+ '[' true = true ']'
+ add_crate lightning lightning --features=allow_wallclock_use ', features = ["allow_wallclock_use"]'
+ pushd /opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning
/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning /opt/ldk-c-bindings
+ cargo rustc --profile=check --features=allow_wallclock_use -- -Zunstable-options --pretty=expanded
Updating index
Downloaded cc v1.0.69
Downloaded libc v0.2.98
Downloaded secp256k1-sys v0.4.1
Downloaded bitcoin_hashes v0.9.7
Downloaded bitcoin v0.26.2
Downloaded bech32 v0.7.3
Downloaded secp256k1 v0.20.3
Downloaded bitcoinconsensus v0.19.0-3
Downloaded 8 crates (8.3 MB) in 7.61s (largest was `bitcoinconsensus` at 7.0 MB)
Compiling cc v1.0.69
Compiling libc v0.2.98
Checking bitcoin_hashes v0.9.7
Checking bech32 v0.7.3
Compiling secp256k1-sys v0.4.1
Compiling bitcoinconsensus v0.19.0-3
Checking secp256k1 v0.20.3
Checking bitcoin v0.26.2
Checking lightning v0.0.99 (/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning)
Finished check [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 45.78s
+ popd
+ '[' 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' = 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' ']'
+ sed -i.original '1i\
pub mod lightning {
' /tmp/lightning-crate-source.txt
+ echo '}'
+ cat /tmp/lightning-crate-source.txt
+ rm /tmp/lightning-crate-source.txt
+ '[' 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' = 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' ']'
+ sed -E -i '' 's|#?lightning = \{ .*|lightning = \{ path = "/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning" , features = ["allow_wallclock_use"] }|' lightning-c-bindings/Cargo.toml
+ add_crate lightning-persister lightning_persister
+ pushd /opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning-persister
/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning-persister /opt/ldk-c-bindings
+ cargo rustc --profile=check -- -Zunstable-options --pretty=expanded
Downloaded winapi-build v0.1.1
Downloaded winapi v0.2.8
Downloaded kernel32-sys v0.2.2
Downloaded utf8-ranges v0.1.3
Downloaded regex v0.1.80
Downloaded thread-id v2.0.0
Downloaded regex-syntax v0.3.9
Downloaded memchr v0.1.11
Downloaded aho-corasick v0.5.3
Downloaded hex v0.3.2
Downloaded thread_local v0.2.7
Downloaded 11 crates (1.1 MB) in 1.74s
Compiling winapi-build v0.1.1
Checking winapi v0.2.8
Checking utf8-ranges v0.1.3
Checking regex-syntax v0.3.9
Checking hex v0.3.2
Checking memchr v0.1.11
Checking aho-corasick v0.5.3
Compiling kernel32-sys v0.2.2
Checking thread-id v2.0.0
Checking thread_local v0.2.7
Checking regex v0.1.80
Checking lightning v0.0.99 (/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning)
Checking lightning-persister v0.0.99 (/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning-persister)
Finished check [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 17.70s
+ popd
+ '[' 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' = 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' ']'
+ sed -i.original '1i\
pub mod lightning_persister {
' /tmp/lightning-persister-crate-source.txt
+ echo '}'
+ cat /tmp/lightning-persister-crate-source.txt
+ rm /tmp/lightning-persister-crate-source.txt
+ '[' 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' = 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' ']'
+ sed -E -i '' 's|#?lightning-persister = \{ .*|lightning-persister = \{ path = "/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning-persister" }|' lightning-c-bindings/Cargo.toml
+ add_crate lightning-background-processor lightning_background_processor
+ pushd /opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning-background-processor
/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning-background-processor /opt/ldk-c-bindings
+ cargo rustc --profile=check -- -Zunstable-options --pretty=expanded
Checking lightning v0.0.99 (/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning)
Checking lightning-persister v0.0.99 (/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning-persister)
Checking lightning-background-processor v0.0.99 (/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning-background-processor)
Finished check [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 9.93s
+ popd
+ '[' 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' = 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' ']'
+ sed -i.original '1i\
pub mod lightning_background_processor {
' /tmp/lightning-background-processor-crate-source.txt
+ echo '}'
+ cat /tmp/lightning-background-processor-crate-source.txt
+ rm /tmp/lightning-background-processor-crate-source.txt
+ '[' 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' = 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' ']'
+ sed -E -i '' 's|#?lightning-background-processor = \{ .*|lightning-background-processor = \{ path = "/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning-background-processor" }|' lightning-c-bindings/Cargo.toml
+ add_crate lightning-invoice lightning_invoice
+ pushd /opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning-invoice
/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning-invoice /opt/ldk-c-bindings
+ cargo rustc --profile=check -- -Zunstable-options --pretty=expanded
Downloaded num-traits v0.2.14
Downloaded autocfg v1.0.1
Downloaded 2 crates (58.4 KB) in 0.68s
Compiling autocfg v1.0.1
Compiling num-traits v0.2.14
Checking lightning-invoice v0.7.0 (/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning-invoice)
Finished check [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 4.79s
+ popd
+ '[' 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' = 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' ']'
+ sed -i.original '1i\
pub mod lightning_invoice {
' /tmp/lightning-invoice-crate-source.txt
+ echo '}'
+ cat /tmp/lightning-invoice-crate-source.txt
+ rm /tmp/lightning-invoice-crate-source.txt
+ '[' 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' = 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' ']'
+ sed -E -i '' 's|#?lightning-invoice = \{ .*|lightning-invoice = \{ path = "/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning-invoice" }|' lightning-c-bindings/Cargo.toml
+ cat /tmp/crate-source.txt
+ /opt/ldk-c-bindings/c-bindings-gen/target/release/c-bindings-gen /opt/ldk-c-bindings/lightning-c-bindings/src/ /opt/ldk-c-bindings/lightning-c-bindings/src/c_types/ /opt/ldk-c-bindings/lightning-c-bindings/include/ldk_rust_types.h /opt/ldk-c-bindings/lightning-c-bindings/include/lightningpp.hpp
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for std::prelude::rust_2018:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring leading-colon use!
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring leading-colon use!
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::self::fuzzy_internal_msgs:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring leading-colon use!
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Converting lightning::ln::chan_utils entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for HTLCType due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCType due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCType due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Converting lightning_background_processor entries...
Ignoring * use for std::prelude::rust_2018:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for Fun due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Converting lightning::routing::router entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for RouteGraphNode due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RouteGraphNode due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RouteGraphNode due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RouteGraphNode due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RouteGraphNode due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RouteGraphNode due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PathBuildingHop due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PathBuildingHop due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PaymentPath due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PaymentPath due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Converting lightning::chain::chaininterface entries...
Converting lightning::chain entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for OnchainEventEntry due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEventEntry due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEventEntry due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEventEntry due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEvent due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEvent due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEvent due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEventEntry due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEventEntry due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEvent due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEvent due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RevokedOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RevokedOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RevokedOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RevokedOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RevokedOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RevokedOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RevokedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RevokedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RevokedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RevokedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RevokedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RevokedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyOfferedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyOfferedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyOfferedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyOfferedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyOfferedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyOfferedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyReceivedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyReceivedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyReceivedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyReceivedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyReceivedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyReceivedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderFundingOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderFundingOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderFundingOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderFundingOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderFundingOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderFundingOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageSolvingData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageSolvingData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageSolvingData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageSolvingData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageSolvingData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageSolvingData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageMalleability due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageMalleability due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageMalleability due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageTemplate due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageTemplate due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageTemplate due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageTemplate due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageTemplate due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageTemplate due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Converting lightning::util::events entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for F due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Converting lightning::routing entries...
Converting lightning::ln::features entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
struct lightning::ln::features::ChannelFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::ChannelContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::DataLossProtect
struct lightning::ln::features::InvoiceFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::InvoiceContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::DataLossProtect
struct lightning::ln::features::ChannelFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::ChannelContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::UpfrontShutdownScript
struct lightning::ln::features::InvoiceFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::InvoiceContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::UpfrontShutdownScript
struct lightning::ln::features::ChannelFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::ChannelContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::GossipQueries
struct lightning::ln::features::InvoiceFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::InvoiceContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::GossipQueries
struct lightning::ln::features::ChannelFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::ChannelContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::VariableLengthOnion
struct lightning::ln::features::ChannelFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::ChannelContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::StaticRemoteKey
struct lightning::ln::features::InvoiceFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::InvoiceContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::StaticRemoteKey
struct lightning::ln::features::NodeFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::NodeContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::InitialRoutingSync
struct lightning::ln::features::ChannelFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::ChannelContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::InitialRoutingSync
struct lightning::ln::features::InvoiceFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::InvoiceContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::InitialRoutingSync
struct lightning::ln::features::ChannelFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::ChannelContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::PaymentSecret
struct lightning::ln::features::ChannelFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::ChannelContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::BasicMPP
struct lightning::ln::features::ChannelFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::ChannelContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::ShutdownAnySegwit
struct lightning::ln::features::InvoiceFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::InvoiceContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::ShutdownAnySegwit
Converting lightning::chain::keysinterface entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Converting lightning_persister entries...
Ignoring leading-colon use!
Converting lightning::ln::channelmanager entries...
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for PendingHTLCRouting due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PendingHTLCInfo due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCFailureMsg due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PendingHTLCStatus due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCPreviousHopData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCPreviousHopData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCPreviousHopData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCSource due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCSource due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCSource due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCFailReason due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for MsgHandleErrInternal due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RAACommitmentOrder due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RAACommitmentOrder due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RAACommitmentOrder due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NotifyOption due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NotifyOption due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NotifyOption due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NotifyOption due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PersistenceNotifierGuard due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PersistenceNotifierGuard due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PersistenceNotifier due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PendingHTLCRouting due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PendingHTLCRouting due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PendingHTLCInfo due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PendingHTLCInfo due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCFailureMsg due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCFailureMsg due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PendingHTLCStatus due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PendingHTLCStatus due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCPreviousHopData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCPreviousHopData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ClaimableHTLC due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ClaimableHTLC due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCSource due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCSource due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCFailReason due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCFailReason due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCForwardInfo due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCForwardInfo due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PendingInboundPayment due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PendingInboundPayment due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Converting lightning::util::config entries...
Converting lightning::util::errors entries...
Converting lightning::util::ser entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for W due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for WriterWriteAdaptor due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for VecWriter due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for LengthCalculatingWriter due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for FixedLengthReader due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for FixedLengthReader due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ReadTrackingReader due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ReadTrackingReader due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OptionDeserWrapper due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for VecWriteWrapper due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for VecReadWrapper due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for U48 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for U48 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for BigSize due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for BigSize due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HighZeroBytesDroppedVarInt due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HighZeroBytesDroppedVarInt due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HighZeroBytesDroppedVarInt due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HighZeroBytesDroppedVarInt due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HighZeroBytesDroppedVarInt due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HighZeroBytesDroppedVarInt due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HashMap due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HashMap due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for Box due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for Box due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for impl Option due to not understood generics
Not implementing anything for impl Option due to not understood generics
Not implementing anything for impl Mutex due to not understood generics
Not implementing anything for impl Mutex due to not understood generics
Converting lightning::chain::transaction entries...
Converting lightning::ln entries...
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for NoiseStep due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NoiseStep due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PeerChannelEncryptor due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for ChannelUpdateStatus due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelUpdateStatus due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelUpdateStatus due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelUpdateStatus due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCCandidate due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyForwardingInfo due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyForwardingInfo due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyForwardingInfo due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyForwardingInfo due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InboundHTLCRemovalReason due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InboundHTLCRemovalReason due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelUpdateStatus due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelUpdateStatus due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for Message due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for MessageType due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for MessageType due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for MessageType due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for Message due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for MessageType due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for MessageType due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PaymentHash due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentHash due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentHash due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentHash due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentHash due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentHash due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentHash due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentHash due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentPreimage due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentPreimage due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentPreimage due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentPreimage due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentPreimage due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentPreimage due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentPreimage due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentPreimage due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentSecret due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentSecret due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentSecret due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentSecret due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentSecret due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentSecret due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentSecret due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentSecret due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentSecret due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentSecret due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentSecret due to it being marked not exported
Converting lightning_invoice entries...
Ignoring leading-colon use!
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Not implementing anything for States due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for States due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for States due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for States due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for States due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for States due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for StateMachine due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseOrSemanticError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseOrSemanticError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseOrSemanticError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseOrSemanticError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseOrSemanticError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseOrSemanticError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseOrSemanticError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseOrSemanticError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for True due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for True due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for False due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for False due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for True due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for False due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceDescription due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceDescription due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceDescription due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceDescription due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceDescription due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceDescription due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RawHrp due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for RawHrp due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for RawHrp due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for RawHrp due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for RawHrp due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for RawHrp due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for RawTaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RawTaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RawTaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RawTaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RawTaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RawTaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for TaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for TaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for TaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for TaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for TaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for TaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for RawTaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for TaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Converting lightning::util::message_signing entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Converting lightning::chain::channelmonitor entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for HolderSignedTx due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderSignedTx due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderSignedTx due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderSignedTx due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderSignedTx due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyCommitmentTransaction due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyCommitmentTransaction due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyCommitmentTransaction due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyCommitmentTransaction due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyCommitmentTransaction due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEventEntry due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEventEntry due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEventEntry due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEventEntry due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEvent due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEvent due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEvent due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEventEntry due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEventEntry due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEvent due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEvent due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelMonitorUpdateStep due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelMonitorUpdateStep due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelMonitorUpdateStep due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelMonitorImpl due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelMonitorImpl due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelMonitorImpl due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Converting lightning::ln::peer_handler entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for Peer due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for MessageHandlingError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for MessageHandlingError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Converting lightning::routing::network_graph entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Converting entries...
Converting lightning::ln::msgs entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::self::fuzzy_internal_msgs:: - this may result in resolution failures
Skipping enum DecodeError as it contains non-unit fields
Not implementing anything for OptionalField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OptionalField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OptionalField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OptionalField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for FinalOnionHopData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionErrorPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionErrorPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionErrorPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionErrorPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OptionalField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OptionalField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OptionalField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OptionalField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for DecodedOnionErrorPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for DecodedOnionErrorPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionErrorPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionErrorPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for FinalOnionHopData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for FinalOnionHopData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionHopData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionHopData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Converting lightning_invoice::constants entries...
Converting lightning_invoice::utils entries...
Converting lightning::util::logger entries...
Not implementing anything for Record due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for Record due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for Record due to it being marked not exported
Converting lightning entries...
Ignoring leading-colon use!
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Converting lightning::chain::chainmonitor entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Converting lightning::util entries...
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Not implementing anything for u32x4 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for u32x4 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for u32x4 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for u32x4 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for u32x4 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for u32x4 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for u32x4 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for u32x4 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for u32x4 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for u32x4 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for u32x4 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for u32x4 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChaChaState due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChaChaState due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChaCha20 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChaCha20 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChaCha20 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for Poly1305 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for Poly1305 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for Poly1305 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Not implementing anything for ChaCha20Poly1305RFC due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChaCha20Poly1305RFC due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChaCha20Poly1305RFC due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for ShortChannelIdError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ShortChannelIdError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ShortChannelIdError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
+ echo -e '#[no_mangle]'
+ echo -e 'pub extern "C" fn _ldk_get_compiled_version() -> crate::c_types::Str {'
+ echo -e '\t"v0.0.99-1-g0f21accb22774864".into()'
+ echo -e '}'
+ echo -e '#[no_mangle]'
+ echo -e 'pub extern "C" fn _ldk_c_bindings_get_compiled_version() -> crate::c_types::Str {'
+ echo -e '\t"v0.0.99.2".into()'
+ echo -e '}'
+ cd lightning-c-bindings
+ cargo build
Updating index
Compiling cc v1.0.69
Compiling bitcoin_hashes v0.9.7
Compiling bech32 v0.7.3
Compiling autocfg v1.0.1
Compiling libc v0.2.98
Compiling num-traits v0.2.14
Compiling secp256k1-sys v0.4.1
Compiling secp256k1 v0.20.3
Compiling bitcoin v0.26.2
Compiling lightning v0.0.99 (/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning)
Compiling lightning-persister v0.0.99 (/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning-persister)
Compiling lightning-invoice v0.7.0 (/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning-invoice)
Compiling lightning-background-processor v0.0.99 (/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning-background-processor)
Compiling lightning-c-bindings v0.0.1 (/opt/ldk-c-bindings/lightning-c-bindings)
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 29.95s
+ '[' '-ffile-prefix-map=/Users/g/.cargo= -frandom-seed=42 -isysroot/Applications/ -mmacosx-version-min=10.9 --target=aarch64-apple-darwin -mcpu=apple-a14' '!=' '' ']'
+ RUSTFLAGS='--remap-path-prefix /opt/rust-lightning-matt=rust-lightning --remap-path-prefix /opt/ldk-c-bindings=ldk-c-bindings --remap-path-prefix /Users/g/.cargo= -C target-cpu=apple-a14'
+ cargo build --target aarch64-apple-darwin
Compiling cc v1.0.69
Compiling bech32 v0.7.3
Compiling bitcoin_hashes v0.9.7
Compiling libc v0.2.98
Compiling autocfg v1.0.1
error[E0463]: can't find crate for `std`
= note: the `aarch64-apple-darwin` target may not be installed
= help: consider downloading the target with `rustup target add aarch64-apple-darwin`
error: aborting due to previous error
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0463`.
error: could not compile `bech32`
To learn more, run the command again with --verbose.
warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
error[E0463]: can't find crate for `std`
= note: the `aarch64-apple-darwin` target may not be installed
= help: consider downloading the target with `rustup target add aarch64-apple-darwin`
error: aborting due to previous error
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0463`.
error: build failed
❯ ./ /opt/rust-lightning-matt false
+ '[' '!' -d /opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning -o false '!=' true -a false '!=' false ']'
+ export LC_ALL=C
++ pwd
+ ORIG_PWD=/opt/ldk-c-bindings
+ cd /opt/rust-lightning-matt
++ pwd
+ LIGHTNING_PATH=/opt/rust-lightning-matt
++ git describe --tag --dirty --abbrev=16
+ LIGHTNING_GIT=v0.0.99-1-g0f21accb22774864
+ cd /opt/ldk-c-bindings
++ rustc --version --verbose
++ grep host:
+ HOST_PLATFORM='host: x86_64-apple-darwin'
++ which rustc
+ export LDK_RUSTC_PATH=/Users/g/.cargo/bin/rustc
+ LDK_RUSTC_PATH=/Users/g/.cargo/bin/rustc
++ pwd
+ export RUSTC=/opt/ldk-c-bindings/deterministic-build-wrappers/rustc
+ RUSTC=/opt/ldk-c-bindings/deterministic-build-wrappers/rustc
+ PATH='/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/munki:/Library/Apple/usr/bin:/Users/g/.cargo/bin:~/.cargo/bin'
++ pwd
+ BASE_RUSTFLAGS='--remap-path-prefix /opt/rust-lightning-matt=rust-lightning --remap-path-prefix /opt/ldk-c-bindings=ldk-c-bindings --remap-path-prefix /Users/g/.cargo='
+ echo 'int main() {}'
+ clang -o /dev/null -ffile-prefix-map=/Users/g/.cargo= genbindings_path_map_test_file.c
+ export BASE_CFLAGS=-ffile-prefix-map=/Users/g/.cargo=
+ BASE_CFLAGS=-ffile-prefix-map=/Users/g/.cargo=
+ BASE_CFLAGS='-ffile-prefix-map=/Users/g/.cargo= -frandom-seed=42'
+ LOCAL_CFLAGS='-Wall -Wno-nullability-completeness -pthread -Iinclude/'
+ '[' 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' = 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' ']'
++ xcrun --show-sdk-path
+ LOCAL_CFLAGS='-Wall -Wno-nullability-completeness -pthread -Iinclude/ -isysroot/Applications/ -mmacosx-version-min=10.9'
++ xcrun --show-sdk-path
+ BASE_CFLAGS='-ffile-prefix-map=/Users/g/.cargo= -frandom-seed=42 -isysroot/Applications/ -mmacosx-version-min=10.9'
+ clang -o /dev/null -ffile-prefix-map=/Users/g/.cargo= -frandom-seed=42 -isysroot/Applications/ -mmacosx-version-min=10.9 --target=aarch64-apple-darwin -mcpu=apple-a14 genbindings_path_map_test_file.c
+ export 'CFLAGS_aarch64_apple_darwin=-ffile-prefix-map=/Users/g/.cargo= -frandom-seed=42 -isysroot/Applications/ -mmacosx-version-min=10.9 --target=aarch64-apple-darwin -mcpu=apple-a14'
+ CFLAGS_aarch64_apple_darwin='-ffile-prefix-map=/Users/g/.cargo= -frandom-seed=42 -isysroot/Applications/ -mmacosx-version-min=10.9 --target=aarch64-apple-darwin -mcpu=apple-a14'
+ rm genbindings_path_map_test_file.c
++ rustc --version --verbose
++ grep host
++ awk '{ print $2 }'
++ sed s/-/_/g
+ ENV_TARGET=x86_64_apple_darwin
+ case "$ENV_TARGET" in
+ export 'RUSTFLAGS=--remap-path-prefix /opt/rust-lightning-matt=rust-lightning --remap-path-prefix /opt/ldk-c-bindings=ldk-c-bindings --remap-path-prefix /Users/g/.cargo= -C target-cpu=sandybridge'
+ RUSTFLAGS='--remap-path-prefix /opt/rust-lightning-matt=rust-lightning --remap-path-prefix /opt/ldk-c-bindings=ldk-c-bindings --remap-path-prefix /Users/g/.cargo= -C target-cpu=sandybridge'
+ export 'CFLAGS_x86_64_apple_darwin=-ffile-prefix-map=/Users/g/.cargo= -frandom-seed=42 -isysroot/Applications/ -mmacosx-version-min=10.9 -march=sandybridge -mcpu=sandybridge -mtune=sandybridge'
+ CFLAGS_x86_64_apple_darwin='-ffile-prefix-map=/Users/g/.cargo= -frandom-seed=42 -isysroot/Applications/ -mmacosx-version-min=10.9 -march=sandybridge -mcpu=sandybridge -mtune=sandybridge'
+ cd c-bindings-gen
+ cargo build --release
Finished release [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.04s
+ cd ..
+ mv lightning-c-bindings/src/c_types/ ./
+ mv lightning-c-bindings/src/bitcoin ./
+ git checkout lightning-c-bindings/src
Updated 33 paths from the index
+ git checkout lightning-c-bindings/include
Updated 2 paths from the index
++ git describe --tag --dirty --abbrev=16
+ BINDINGS_GIT=v0.0.99.2-dirty
+ echo -e '#ifndef _LDK_HEADER_VER'
+ echo -e 'static inline int _ldk_strncmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, uint64_t n) {'
+ echo -e '\tif (n && *s1 != *s2) return 1;'
+ echo -e '\twhile (n && *s1 != 0 && *s2 != 0) {'
+ echo -e '\t\ts1++; s2++; n--;'
+ echo -e '\t\tif (n && *s1 != *s2) return 1;'
+ echo -e '\t}'
+ echo -e '\treturn 0;'
+ echo -e '}'
+ echo -e ''
+ echo -e '#define _LDK_HEADER_VER "v0.0.99-1-g0f21accb22774864"'
+ echo -e '#define _LDK_C_BINDINGS_HEADER_VER "v0.0.99.2-dirty"'
+ echo -e 'static inline const char* check_get_ldk_version() {'
+ echo -e '\tLDKStr bin_ver = _ldk_get_compiled_version();'
+ echo -e '\tif (_ldk_strncmp(_LDK_HEADER_VER, (const char*)bin_ver.chars, bin_ver.len) != 0) {'
+ echo -e '\t// Version mismatch, we don'\''t know what we'\''re running!'
+ echo -e '\t\treturn 0;'
+ echo -e '\t}'
+ echo -e '\treturn _LDK_HEADER_VER;'
+ echo -e '}'
+ echo -e 'static inline const char* check_get_ldk_bindings_version() {'
+ echo -e '\tLDKStr bin_ver = _ldk_c_bindings_get_compiled_version();'
+ echo -e '\tif (_ldk_strncmp(_LDK_C_BINDINGS_HEADER_VER, (const char*)bin_ver.chars, bin_ver.len) != 0) {'
+ echo -e '\t// Version mismatch, we don'\''t know what we'\''re running!'
+ echo -e '\t\treturn 0;'
+ echo -e '\t}'
+ echo -e '\treturn _LDK_C_BINDINGS_HEADER_VER;'
+ echo -e '}'
+ echo -e '#endif /* _LDK_HEADER_VER */'
+ rm -rf lightning-c-bindings/src
+ mkdir -p lightning-c-bindings/src/c_types lightning-c-bindings/src/lightning
+ mv ./ lightning-c-bindings/src/c_types/
+ mv ./bitcoin lightning-c-bindings/src/
++ pwd
+ OUT=/opt/ldk-c-bindings/lightning-c-bindings/src
++ pwd
+ OUT_TEMPL=/opt/ldk-c-bindings/lightning-c-bindings/src/c_types/
++ pwd
+ OUT_F=/opt/ldk-c-bindings/lightning-c-bindings/include/ldk_rust_types.h
++ pwd
+ OUT_CPP=/opt/ldk-c-bindings/lightning-c-bindings/include/lightningpp.hpp
++ pwd
+ BIN=/opt/ldk-c-bindings/c-bindings-gen/target/release/c-bindings-gen
+ echo
+ '[' false = true ']'
+ add_crate lightning lightning
+ pushd /opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning
/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning /opt/ldk-c-bindings
+ cargo rustc --profile=check -- -Zunstable-options --pretty=expanded
Checking lightning v0.0.99 (/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning)
Finished check [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 2.25s
+ popd
+ '[' 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' = 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' ']'
+ sed -i.original '1i\
pub mod lightning {
' /tmp/lightning-crate-source.txt
+ echo '}'
+ cat /tmp/lightning-crate-source.txt
+ rm /tmp/lightning-crate-source.txt
+ '[' 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' = 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' ']'
+ sed -E -i '' 's|#?lightning = \{ .*|lightning = \{ path = "/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning" }|' lightning-c-bindings/Cargo.toml
+ drop_crate lightning-persister
+ '[' 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' = 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' ']'
+ sed -E -i '' 's|lightning-persister = \{ (.*)|#lightning-persister = \{ \1|' lightning-c-bindings/Cargo.toml
+ drop_crate lightning-background-processor
+ '[' 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' = 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' ']'
+ sed -E -i '' 's|lightning-background-processor = \{ (.*)|#lightning-background-processor = \{ \1|' lightning-c-bindings/Cargo.toml
+ add_crate lightning-invoice lightning_invoice
+ pushd /opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning-invoice
/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning-invoice /opt/ldk-c-bindings
+ cargo rustc --profile=check -- -Zunstable-options --pretty=expanded
Checking lightning-invoice v0.7.0 (/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning-invoice)
Finished check [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.30s
+ popd
+ '[' 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' = 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' ']'
+ sed -i.original '1i\
pub mod lightning_invoice {
' /tmp/lightning-invoice-crate-source.txt
+ echo '}'
+ cat /tmp/lightning-invoice-crate-source.txt
+ rm /tmp/lightning-invoice-crate-source.txt
+ '[' 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' = 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' ']'
+ sed -E -i '' 's|#?lightning-invoice = \{ .*|lightning-invoice = \{ path = "/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning-invoice" }|' lightning-c-bindings/Cargo.toml
+ cat /tmp/crate-source.txt
+ /opt/ldk-c-bindings/c-bindings-gen/target/release/c-bindings-gen /opt/ldk-c-bindings/lightning-c-bindings/src/ /opt/ldk-c-bindings/lightning-c-bindings/src/c_types/ /opt/ldk-c-bindings/lightning-c-bindings/include/ldk_rust_types.h /opt/ldk-c-bindings/lightning-c-bindings/include/lightningpp.hpp
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring leading-colon use!
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::self::fuzzy_internal_msgs:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring leading-colon use!
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Converting lightning::util::config entries...
Converting lightning::util::errors entries...
Converting lightning::util::ser entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for W due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for WriterWriteAdaptor due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for VecWriter due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for LengthCalculatingWriter due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for FixedLengthReader due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for FixedLengthReader due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ReadTrackingReader due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ReadTrackingReader due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OptionDeserWrapper due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for VecWriteWrapper due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for VecReadWrapper due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for U48 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for U48 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for BigSize due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for BigSize due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HighZeroBytesDroppedVarInt due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HighZeroBytesDroppedVarInt due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HighZeroBytesDroppedVarInt due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HighZeroBytesDroppedVarInt due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HighZeroBytesDroppedVarInt due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HighZeroBytesDroppedVarInt due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HashMap due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HashMap due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for Box due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for Box due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for impl Option due to not understood generics
Not implementing anything for impl Option due to not understood generics
Not implementing anything for impl Mutex due to not understood generics
Not implementing anything for impl Mutex due to not understood generics
Converting lightning::chain::transaction entries...
Converting lightning::ln::chan_utils entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for HTLCType due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCType due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCType due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Converting lightning::ln entries...
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for NoiseStep due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NoiseStep due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PeerChannelEncryptor due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for ChannelUpdateStatus due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelUpdateStatus due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelUpdateStatus due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelUpdateStatus due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCCandidate due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyForwardingInfo due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyForwardingInfo due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyForwardingInfo due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyForwardingInfo due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InboundHTLCRemovalReason due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InboundHTLCRemovalReason due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelUpdateStatus due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelUpdateStatus due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for Message due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for MessageType due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for MessageType due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for MessageType due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for Message due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for MessageType due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for MessageType due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PaymentHash due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentHash due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentHash due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentHash due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentHash due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentHash due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentHash due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentHash due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentPreimage due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentPreimage due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentPreimage due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentPreimage due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentPreimage due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentPreimage due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentPreimage due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentPreimage due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentSecret due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentSecret due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentSecret due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentSecret due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentSecret due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentSecret due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentSecret due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentSecret due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentSecret due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentSecret due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentSecret due to it being marked not exported
Converting lightning_invoice entries...
Ignoring leading-colon use!
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Not implementing anything for States due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for States due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for States due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for States due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for States due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for States due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for StateMachine due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseOrSemanticError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseOrSemanticError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseOrSemanticError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseOrSemanticError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseOrSemanticError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseOrSemanticError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseOrSemanticError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseOrSemanticError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for True due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for True due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for False due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for False due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for True due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for False due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceDescription due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceDescription due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceDescription due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceDescription due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceDescription due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceDescription due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RawHrp due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for RawHrp due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for RawHrp due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for RawHrp due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for RawHrp due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for RawHrp due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for RawTaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RawTaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RawTaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RawTaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RawTaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RawTaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for TaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for TaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for TaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for TaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for TaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for TaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for RawTaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for TaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Converting lightning::util::message_signing entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Converting lightning::chain::channelmonitor entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for HolderSignedTx due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderSignedTx due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderSignedTx due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderSignedTx due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderSignedTx due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyCommitmentTransaction due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyCommitmentTransaction due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyCommitmentTransaction due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyCommitmentTransaction due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyCommitmentTransaction due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEventEntry due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEventEntry due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEventEntry due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEventEntry due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEvent due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEvent due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEvent due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEventEntry due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEventEntry due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEvent due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEvent due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelMonitorUpdateStep due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelMonitorUpdateStep due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelMonitorUpdateStep due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelMonitorImpl due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelMonitorImpl due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelMonitorImpl due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Converting lightning::routing::router entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for RouteGraphNode due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RouteGraphNode due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RouteGraphNode due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RouteGraphNode due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RouteGraphNode due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RouteGraphNode due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PathBuildingHop due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PathBuildingHop due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PaymentPath due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PaymentPath due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Converting lightning::ln::peer_handler entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for Peer due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for MessageHandlingError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for MessageHandlingError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Converting lightning::chain::chaininterface entries...
Converting lightning::chain entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for OnchainEventEntry due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEventEntry due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEventEntry due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEventEntry due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEvent due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEvent due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEvent due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEventEntry due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEventEntry due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEvent due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEvent due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RevokedOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RevokedOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RevokedOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RevokedOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RevokedOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RevokedOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RevokedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RevokedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RevokedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RevokedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RevokedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RevokedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyOfferedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyOfferedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyOfferedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyOfferedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyOfferedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyOfferedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyReceivedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyReceivedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyReceivedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyReceivedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyReceivedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyReceivedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderFundingOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderFundingOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderFundingOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderFundingOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderFundingOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderFundingOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageSolvingData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageSolvingData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageSolvingData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageSolvingData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageSolvingData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageSolvingData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageMalleability due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageMalleability due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageMalleability due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageTemplate due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageTemplate due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageTemplate due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageTemplate due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageTemplate due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageTemplate due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Converting lightning::util::events entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for F due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Converting lightning::routing::network_graph entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Converting lightning::routing entries...
Converting lightning::ln::features entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
struct lightning::ln::features::ChannelFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::ChannelContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::DataLossProtect
struct lightning::ln::features::InvoiceFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::InvoiceContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::DataLossProtect
struct lightning::ln::features::ChannelFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::ChannelContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::UpfrontShutdownScript
struct lightning::ln::features::InvoiceFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::InvoiceContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::UpfrontShutdownScript
struct lightning::ln::features::ChannelFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::ChannelContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::GossipQueries
struct lightning::ln::features::InvoiceFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::InvoiceContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::GossipQueries
struct lightning::ln::features::ChannelFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::ChannelContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::VariableLengthOnion
struct lightning::ln::features::ChannelFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::ChannelContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::StaticRemoteKey
struct lightning::ln::features::InvoiceFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::InvoiceContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::StaticRemoteKey
struct lightning::ln::features::NodeFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::NodeContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::InitialRoutingSync
struct lightning::ln::features::ChannelFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::ChannelContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::InitialRoutingSync
struct lightning::ln::features::InvoiceFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::InvoiceContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::InitialRoutingSync
struct lightning::ln::features::ChannelFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::ChannelContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::PaymentSecret
struct lightning::ln::features::ChannelFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::ChannelContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::BasicMPP
struct lightning::ln::features::ChannelFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::ChannelContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::ShutdownAnySegwit
struct lightning::ln::features::InvoiceFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::InvoiceContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::ShutdownAnySegwit
Converting lightning::ln::msgs entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::self::fuzzy_internal_msgs:: - this may result in resolution failures
Skipping enum DecodeError as it contains non-unit fields
Not implementing anything for OptionalField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OptionalField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OptionalField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OptionalField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for FinalOnionHopData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionErrorPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionErrorPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionErrorPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionErrorPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OptionalField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OptionalField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OptionalField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OptionalField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for DecodedOnionErrorPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for DecodedOnionErrorPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionErrorPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionErrorPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for FinalOnionHopData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for FinalOnionHopData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionHopData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionHopData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Converting lightning_invoice::constants entries...
Converting entries...
Converting lightning_invoice::utils entries...
Converting lightning::util::logger entries...
Not implementing anything for Record due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for Record due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for Record due to it being marked not exported
Converting lightning entries...
Ignoring leading-colon use!
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Converting lightning::chain::keysinterface entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Converting lightning::chain::chainmonitor entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Converting lightning::util entries...
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Not implementing anything for u32x4 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for u32x4 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for u32x4 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for u32x4 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for u32x4 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for u32x4 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for u32x4 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for u32x4 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for u32x4 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for u32x4 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for u32x4 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for u32x4 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChaChaState due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChaChaState due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChaCha20 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChaCha20 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChaCha20 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for Poly1305 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for Poly1305 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for Poly1305 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Not implementing anything for ChaCha20Poly1305RFC due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChaCha20Poly1305RFC due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChaCha20Poly1305RFC due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for ShortChannelIdError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ShortChannelIdError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ShortChannelIdError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Converting lightning::ln::channelmanager entries...
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for PendingHTLCRouting due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PendingHTLCInfo due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCFailureMsg due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PendingHTLCStatus due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCPreviousHopData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCPreviousHopData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCPreviousHopData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCSource due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCSource due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCSource due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCFailReason due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for MsgHandleErrInternal due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RAACommitmentOrder due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RAACommitmentOrder due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RAACommitmentOrder due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NotifyOption due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NotifyOption due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NotifyOption due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NotifyOption due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PersistenceNotifierGuard due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PersistenceNotifierGuard due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PersistenceNotifier due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PendingHTLCRouting due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PendingHTLCRouting due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PendingHTLCInfo due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PendingHTLCInfo due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCFailureMsg due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCFailureMsg due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PendingHTLCStatus due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PendingHTLCStatus due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCPreviousHopData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCPreviousHopData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ClaimableHTLC due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ClaimableHTLC due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCSource due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCSource due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCFailReason due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCFailReason due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCForwardInfo due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCForwardInfo due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PendingInboundPayment due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PendingInboundPayment due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
+ echo -e '#[no_mangle]'
+ echo -e 'pub extern "C" fn _ldk_get_compiled_version() -> crate::c_types::Str {'
+ echo -e '\t"v0.0.99-1-g0f21accb22774864".into()'
+ echo -e '}'
+ echo -e '#[no_mangle]'
+ echo -e 'pub extern "C" fn _ldk_c_bindings_get_compiled_version() -> crate::c_types::Str {'
+ echo -e '\t"v0.0.99.2-dirty".into()'
+ echo -e '}'
+ cd lightning-c-bindings
+ cargo build
Compiling cc v1.0.69
Compiling autocfg v1.0.1
Compiling num-traits v0.2.14
Compiling secp256k1-sys v0.4.1
Compiling secp256k1 v0.20.3
Compiling bitcoin v0.26.2
Compiling lightning v0.0.99 (/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning)
Compiling lightning-invoice v0.7.0 (/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning-invoice)
Compiling lightning-c-bindings v0.0.1 (/opt/ldk-c-bindings/lightning-c-bindings)
warning: associated function is never used: `from_rust`
--> src/c_types/
180 | pub(crate) fn from_rust(err: std::io::Error) -> Self {
| ^^^^^^^^^
= note: `#[warn(dead_code)]` on by default
warning: associated function is never used: `to_rust`
--> src/c_types/
203 | pub(crate) fn to_rust(&self) -> std::io::Error {
| ^^^^^^^
warning: 2 warnings emitted
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 25.12s
+ '[' '-ffile-prefix-map=/Users/g/.cargo= -frandom-seed=42 -isysroot/Applications/ -mmacosx-version-min=10.9 --target=aarch64-apple-darwin -mcpu=apple-a14' '!=' '' ']'
+ RUSTFLAGS='--remap-path-prefix /opt/rust-lightning-matt=rust-lightning --remap-path-prefix /opt/ldk-c-bindings=ldk-c-bindings --remap-path-prefix /Users/g/.cargo= -C target-cpu=apple-a14'
+ cargo build --target aarch64-apple-darwin
Compiling cc v1.0.69
Compiling autocfg v1.0.1
Compiling bitcoin_hashes v0.9.7
Compiling bech32 v0.7.3
error[E0463]: can't find crate for `std`
= note: the `aarch64-apple-darwin` target may not be installed
= help: consider downloading the target with `rustup target add aarch64-apple-darwin`
error: aborting due to previous error
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0463`.
error: could not compile `bech32`
To learn more, run the command again with --verbose.
warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
error[E0463]: can't find crate for `std`
= note: the `aarch64-apple-darwin` target may not be installed
= help: consider downloading the target with `rustup target add aarch64-apple-darwin`
error: aborting due to previous error
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0463`.
error: build failed
❯ l
total 88
drwxr-xr-x 12 g wheel 384B 16 Jul 18:57 .
drwxr-xr-x@ 24 g wheel 768B 16 Jul 18:47 ..
drwxr-xr-x 12 g wheel 384B 16 Jul 18:57 .git
drwxr-xr-x 3 g wheel 96B 16 Jul 18:42 .github
-rw-r--r-- 1 g wheel 11K 16 Jul 18:42 LICENSE-APACHE
-rw-r--r-- 1 g wheel 1.0K 16 Jul 18:42 LICENSE-MIT
-rw-r--r-- 1 g wheel 610B 16 Jul 18:42
drwxr-xr-x 8 g wheel 256B 16 Jul 18:53 c-bindings-gen
drwxr-xr-x 3 g wheel 96B 16 Jul 18:42 deterministic-build-wrappers
-rwxr-xr-x 1 g wheel 20K 16 Jul 18:42
drwxr-xr-x 4 g wheel 128B 16 Jul 18:42 ldk-net
drwxr-xr-x 11 g wheel 352B 16 Jul 18:57 lightning-c-bindings
❯ l lightning-c-bindings
total 128
drwxr-xr-x 11 g wheel 352B 16 Jul 18:57 .
drwxr-xr-x 12 g wheel 384B 16 Jul 18:57 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 g wheel 2.1K 16 Jul 18:57 Cargo.lock
-rw-r--r-- 1 g wheel 1.0K 16 Jul 18:57 Cargo.toml
-rw-r--r-- 1 g wheel 12K 16 Jul 18:42
-rw-r--r-- 1 g wheel 666B 16 Jul 18:42 cbindgen.toml
-rw-r--r-- 1 g wheel 3.0K 16 Jul 18:42 demo.c
-rw-r--r-- 1 g wheel 34K 16 Jul 18:42 demo.cpp
drwxr-xr-x 6 g wheel 192B 16 Jul 18:57 include
drwxr-xr-x 8 g wheel 256B 16 Jul 18:57 src
drwxr-xr-x@ 6 g wheel 192B 16 Jul 18:56 target
❯ l lightning-c-bindings/target
total 16
drwxr-xr-x@ 6 g wheel 192B 16 Jul 18:56 .
drwxr-xr-x 11 g wheel 352B 16 Jul 18:57 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 g wheel 2.4K 16 Jul 18:56 .rustc_info.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 g wheel 177B 16 Jul 18:56 CACHEDIR.TAG
drwxr-xr-x@ 4 g wheel 128B 16 Jul 18:56 aarch64-apple-darwin
drwxr-xr-x 11 g wheel 352B 16 Jul 18:57 debug
❯ ./ /opt/rust-lightning-matt false
❯ gwS
On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: lightning-c-bindings/Cargo.toml
modified: lightning-c-bindings/include/ldk_rust_types.h
modified: lightning-c-bindings/include/lightningpp.hpp
modified: lightning-c-bindings/src/c_types/
modified: lightning-c-bindings/src/
modified: lightning-c-bindings/src/lightning/chain/
modified: lightning-c-bindings/src/lightning/ln/
deleted: lightning-c-bindings/src/
deleted: lightning-c-bindings/src/
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
❯ git clean -dfx
Removing c-bindings-gen/Cargo.lock
Removing c-bindings-gen/target/
Removing lightning-c-bindings/Cargo.lock
Removing lightning-c-bindings/include/ldk_ver.h
Removing lightning-c-bindings/src/
Removing lightning-c-bindings/target/
❯ c
❯ ./ /opt/rust-lightning-matt true
+ '[' '!' -d /opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning -o true '!=' true -a true '!=' false ']'
+ export LC_ALL=C
++ pwd
+ ORIG_PWD=/opt/ldk-c-bindings
+ cd /opt/rust-lightning-matt
++ pwd
+ LIGHTNING_PATH=/opt/rust-lightning-matt
++ git describe --tag --dirty --abbrev=16
+ LIGHTNING_GIT=v0.0.99-1-g0f21accb22774864
+ cd /opt/ldk-c-bindings
++ rustc --version --verbose
++ grep host:
+ HOST_PLATFORM='host: x86_64-apple-darwin'
++ which rustc
+ export LDK_RUSTC_PATH=/Users/g/.cargo/bin/rustc
+ LDK_RUSTC_PATH=/Users/g/.cargo/bin/rustc
++ pwd
+ export RUSTC=/opt/ldk-c-bindings/deterministic-build-wrappers/rustc
+ RUSTC=/opt/ldk-c-bindings/deterministic-build-wrappers/rustc
+ PATH='/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/munki:/Library/Apple/usr/bin:/Users/g/.cargo/bin:~/.cargo/bin'
++ pwd
+ BASE_RUSTFLAGS='--remap-path-prefix /opt/rust-lightning-matt=rust-lightning --remap-path-prefix /opt/ldk-c-bindings=ldk-c-bindings --remap-path-prefix /Users/g/.cargo='
+ echo 'int main() {}'
+ clang -o /dev/null -ffile-prefix-map=/Users/g/.cargo= genbindings_path_map_test_file.c
+ export BASE_CFLAGS=-ffile-prefix-map=/Users/g/.cargo=
+ BASE_CFLAGS=-ffile-prefix-map=/Users/g/.cargo=
+ BASE_CFLAGS='-ffile-prefix-map=/Users/g/.cargo= -frandom-seed=42'
+ LOCAL_CFLAGS='-Wall -Wno-nullability-completeness -pthread -Iinclude/'
+ '[' 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' = 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' ']'
++ xcrun --show-sdk-path
+ LOCAL_CFLAGS='-Wall -Wno-nullability-completeness -pthread -Iinclude/ -isysroot/Applications/ -mmacosx-version-min=10.9'
++ xcrun --show-sdk-path
+ BASE_CFLAGS='-ffile-prefix-map=/Users/g/.cargo= -frandom-seed=42 -isysroot/Applications/ -mmacosx-version-min=10.9'
+ clang -o /dev/null -ffile-prefix-map=/Users/g/.cargo= -frandom-seed=42 -isysroot/Applications/ -mmacosx-version-min=10.9 --target=aarch64-apple-darwin -mcpu=apple-a14 genbindings_path_map_test_file.c
+ export 'CFLAGS_aarch64_apple_darwin=-ffile-prefix-map=/Users/g/.cargo= -frandom-seed=42 -isysroot/Applications/ -mmacosx-version-min=10.9 --target=aarch64-apple-darwin -mcpu=apple-a14'
+ CFLAGS_aarch64_apple_darwin='-ffile-prefix-map=/Users/g/.cargo= -frandom-seed=42 -isysroot/Applications/ -mmacosx-version-min=10.9 --target=aarch64-apple-darwin -mcpu=apple-a14'
+ rm genbindings_path_map_test_file.c
++ rustc --version --verbose
++ grep host
++ awk '{ print $2 }'
++ sed s/-/_/g
+ ENV_TARGET=x86_64_apple_darwin
+ case "$ENV_TARGET" in
+ export 'RUSTFLAGS=--remap-path-prefix /opt/rust-lightning-matt=rust-lightning --remap-path-prefix /opt/ldk-c-bindings=ldk-c-bindings --remap-path-prefix /Users/g/.cargo= -C target-cpu=sandybridge'
+ RUSTFLAGS='--remap-path-prefix /opt/rust-lightning-matt=rust-lightning --remap-path-prefix /opt/ldk-c-bindings=ldk-c-bindings --remap-path-prefix /Users/g/.cargo= -C target-cpu=sandybridge'
+ export 'CFLAGS_x86_64_apple_darwin=-ffile-prefix-map=/Users/g/.cargo= -frandom-seed=42 -isysroot/Applications/ -mmacosx-version-min=10.9 -march=sandybridge -mcpu=sandybridge -mtune=sandybridge'
+ CFLAGS_x86_64_apple_darwin='-ffile-prefix-map=/Users/g/.cargo= -frandom-seed=42 -isysroot/Applications/ -mmacosx-version-min=10.9 -march=sandybridge -mcpu=sandybridge -mtune=sandybridge'
+ cd c-bindings-gen
+ cargo build --release
Updating index
Compiling proc-macro2 v1.0.27
Compiling unicode-xid v0.2.2
Compiling syn v1.0.73
Compiling quote v1.0.9
Compiling c-bindings-gen v0.0.1 (/opt/ldk-c-bindings/c-bindings-gen)
Finished release [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 42.36s
+ cd ..
+ mv lightning-c-bindings/src/c_types/ ./
+ mv lightning-c-bindings/src/bitcoin ./
+ git checkout lightning-c-bindings/src
Updated 9 paths from the index
+ git checkout lightning-c-bindings/include
Updated 2 paths from the index
++ git describe --tag --dirty --abbrev=16
+ BINDINGS_GIT=v0.0.99.2-dirty
+ echo -e '#ifndef _LDK_HEADER_VER'
+ echo -e 'static inline int _ldk_strncmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, uint64_t n) {'
+ echo -e '\tif (n && *s1 != *s2) return 1;'
+ echo -e '\twhile (n && *s1 != 0 && *s2 != 0) {'
+ echo -e '\t\ts1++; s2++; n--;'
+ echo -e '\t\tif (n && *s1 != *s2) return 1;'
+ echo -e '\t}'
+ echo -e '\treturn 0;'
+ echo -e '}'
+ echo -e ''
+ echo -e '#define _LDK_HEADER_VER "v0.0.99-1-g0f21accb22774864"'
+ echo -e '#define _LDK_C_BINDINGS_HEADER_VER "v0.0.99.2-dirty"'
+ echo -e 'static inline const char* check_get_ldk_version() {'
+ echo -e '\tLDKStr bin_ver = _ldk_get_compiled_version();'
+ echo -e '\tif (_ldk_strncmp(_LDK_HEADER_VER, (const char*)bin_ver.chars, bin_ver.len) != 0) {'
+ echo -e '\t// Version mismatch, we don'\''t know what we'\''re running!'
+ echo -e '\t\treturn 0;'
+ echo -e '\t}'
+ echo -e '\treturn _LDK_HEADER_VER;'
+ echo -e '}'
+ echo -e 'static inline const char* check_get_ldk_bindings_version() {'
+ echo -e '\tLDKStr bin_ver = _ldk_c_bindings_get_compiled_version();'
+ echo -e '\tif (_ldk_strncmp(_LDK_C_BINDINGS_HEADER_VER, (const char*)bin_ver.chars, bin_ver.len) != 0) {'
+ echo -e '\t// Version mismatch, we don'\''t know what we'\''re running!'
+ echo -e '\t\treturn 0;'
+ echo -e '\t}'
+ echo -e '\treturn _LDK_C_BINDINGS_HEADER_VER;'
+ echo -e '}'
+ echo -e '#endif /* _LDK_HEADER_VER */'
+ rm -rf lightning-c-bindings/src
+ mkdir -p lightning-c-bindings/src/c_types lightning-c-bindings/src/lightning
+ mv ./ lightning-c-bindings/src/c_types/
+ mv ./bitcoin lightning-c-bindings/src/
++ pwd
+ OUT=/opt/ldk-c-bindings/lightning-c-bindings/src
++ pwd
+ OUT_TEMPL=/opt/ldk-c-bindings/lightning-c-bindings/src/c_types/
++ pwd
+ OUT_F=/opt/ldk-c-bindings/lightning-c-bindings/include/ldk_rust_types.h
++ pwd
+ OUT_CPP=/opt/ldk-c-bindings/lightning-c-bindings/include/lightningpp.hpp
++ pwd
+ BIN=/opt/ldk-c-bindings/c-bindings-gen/target/release/c-bindings-gen
+ echo
+ '[' true = true ']'
+ add_crate lightning lightning --features=allow_wallclock_use ', features = ["allow_wallclock_use"]'
+ pushd /opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning
/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning /opt/ldk-c-bindings
+ cargo rustc --profile=check --features=allow_wallclock_use -- -Zunstable-options --pretty=expanded
Checking lightning v0.0.99 (/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning)
Finished check [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 2.77s
+ popd
+ '[' 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' = 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' ']'
+ sed -i.original '1i\
pub mod lightning {
' /tmp/lightning-crate-source.txt
+ echo '}'
+ cat /tmp/lightning-crate-source.txt
+ rm /tmp/lightning-crate-source.txt
+ '[' 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' = 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' ']'
+ sed -E -i '' 's|#?lightning = \{ .*|lightning = \{ path = "/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning" , features = ["allow_wallclock_use"] }|' lightning-c-bindings/Cargo.toml
+ add_crate lightning-persister lightning_persister
+ pushd /opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning-persister
/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning-persister /opt/ldk-c-bindings
+ cargo rustc --profile=check -- -Zunstable-options --pretty=expanded
Checking lightning-persister v0.0.99 (/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning-persister)
Finished check [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.27s
+ popd
+ '[' 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' = 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' ']'
+ sed -i.original '1i\
pub mod lightning_persister {
' /tmp/lightning-persister-crate-source.txt
+ echo '}'
+ cat /tmp/lightning-persister-crate-source.txt
+ rm /tmp/lightning-persister-crate-source.txt
+ '[' 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' = 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' ']'
+ sed -E -i '' 's|#?lightning-persister = \{ .*|lightning-persister = \{ path = "/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning-persister" }|' lightning-c-bindings/Cargo.toml
+ add_crate lightning-background-processor lightning_background_processor
+ pushd /opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning-background-processor
/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning-background-processor /opt/ldk-c-bindings
+ cargo rustc --profile=check -- -Zunstable-options --pretty=expanded
Checking lightning-background-processor v0.0.99 (/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning-background-processor)
Finished check [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.41s
+ popd
+ '[' 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' = 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' ']'
+ sed -i.original '1i\
pub mod lightning_background_processor {
' /tmp/lightning-background-processor-crate-source.txt
+ echo '}'
+ cat /tmp/lightning-background-processor-crate-source.txt
+ rm /tmp/lightning-background-processor-crate-source.txt
+ '[' 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' = 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' ']'
+ sed -E -i '' 's|#?lightning-background-processor = \{ .*|lightning-background-processor = \{ path = "/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning-background-processor" }|' lightning-c-bindings/Cargo.toml
+ add_crate lightning-invoice lightning_invoice
+ pushd /opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning-invoice
/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning-invoice /opt/ldk-c-bindings
+ cargo rustc --profile=check -- -Zunstable-options --pretty=expanded
Checking lightning-invoice v0.7.0 (/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning-invoice)
Finished check [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.34s
+ popd
+ '[' 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' = 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' ']'
+ sed -i.original '1i\
pub mod lightning_invoice {
' /tmp/lightning-invoice-crate-source.txt
+ echo '}'
+ cat /tmp/lightning-invoice-crate-source.txt
+ rm /tmp/lightning-invoice-crate-source.txt
+ '[' 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' = 'host: x86_64-apple-darwin' ']'
+ sed -E -i '' 's|#?lightning-invoice = \{ .*|lightning-invoice = \{ path = "/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning-invoice" }|' lightning-c-bindings/Cargo.toml
+ cat /tmp/crate-source.txt
+ /opt/ldk-c-bindings/c-bindings-gen/target/release/c-bindings-gen /opt/ldk-c-bindings/lightning-c-bindings/src/ /opt/ldk-c-bindings/lightning-c-bindings/src/c_types/ /opt/ldk-c-bindings/lightning-c-bindings/include/ldk_rust_types.h /opt/ldk-c-bindings/lightning-c-bindings/include/lightningpp.hpp
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for std::prelude::rust_2018:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring leading-colon use!
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring leading-colon use!
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::self::fuzzy_internal_msgs:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring leading-colon use!
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Converting lightning::ln::chan_utils entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for HTLCType due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCType due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCType due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Converting lightning_background_processor entries...
Ignoring * use for std::prelude::rust_2018:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for Fun due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Converting lightning::routing::router entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for RouteGraphNode due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RouteGraphNode due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RouteGraphNode due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RouteGraphNode due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RouteGraphNode due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RouteGraphNode due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PathBuildingHop due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PathBuildingHop due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PaymentPath due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PaymentPath due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Converting lightning::chain::chaininterface entries...
Converting lightning::chain entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for OnchainEventEntry due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEventEntry due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEventEntry due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEventEntry due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEvent due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEvent due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEvent due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEventEntry due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEventEntry due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEvent due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEvent due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RevokedOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RevokedOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RevokedOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RevokedOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RevokedOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RevokedOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RevokedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RevokedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RevokedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RevokedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RevokedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RevokedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyOfferedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyOfferedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyOfferedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyOfferedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyOfferedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyOfferedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyReceivedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyReceivedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyReceivedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyReceivedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyReceivedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyReceivedHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderHTLCOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderFundingOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderFundingOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderFundingOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderFundingOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderFundingOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderFundingOutput due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageSolvingData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageSolvingData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageSolvingData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageSolvingData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageSolvingData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageSolvingData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageMalleability due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageMalleability due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageMalleability due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageTemplate due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageTemplate due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageTemplate due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageTemplate due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageTemplate due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PackageTemplate due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Converting lightning::util::events entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for F due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Converting lightning::routing entries...
Converting lightning::ln::features entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InitContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NodeContext due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
struct lightning::ln::features::ChannelFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::ChannelContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::DataLossProtect
struct lightning::ln::features::InvoiceFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::InvoiceContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::DataLossProtect
struct lightning::ln::features::ChannelFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::ChannelContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::UpfrontShutdownScript
struct lightning::ln::features::InvoiceFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::InvoiceContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::UpfrontShutdownScript
struct lightning::ln::features::ChannelFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::ChannelContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::GossipQueries
struct lightning::ln::features::InvoiceFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::InvoiceContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::GossipQueries
struct lightning::ln::features::ChannelFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::ChannelContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::VariableLengthOnion
struct lightning::ln::features::ChannelFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::ChannelContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::StaticRemoteKey
struct lightning::ln::features::InvoiceFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::InvoiceContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::StaticRemoteKey
struct lightning::ln::features::NodeFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::NodeContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::InitialRoutingSync
struct lightning::ln::features::ChannelFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::ChannelContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::InitialRoutingSync
struct lightning::ln::features::InvoiceFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::InvoiceContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::InitialRoutingSync
struct lightning::ln::features::ChannelFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::ChannelContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::PaymentSecret
struct lightning::ln::features::ChannelFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::ChannelContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::BasicMPP
struct lightning::ln::features::ChannelFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::ChannelContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::ShutdownAnySegwit
struct lightning::ln::features::InvoiceFeatures's generic arg lightning::ln::features::sealed::InvoiceContext didn't match bound lightning::ln::features::sealed::ShutdownAnySegwit
Converting lightning::chain::keysinterface entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Converting lightning_persister entries...
Ignoring leading-colon use!
Converting lightning::ln::channelmanager entries...
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for PendingHTLCRouting due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PendingHTLCInfo due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCFailureMsg due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PendingHTLCStatus due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCPreviousHopData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCPreviousHopData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCPreviousHopData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCSource due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCSource due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCSource due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCFailReason due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for MsgHandleErrInternal due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RAACommitmentOrder due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RAACommitmentOrder due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RAACommitmentOrder due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NotifyOption due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NotifyOption due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NotifyOption due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NotifyOption due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PersistenceNotifierGuard due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PersistenceNotifierGuard due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PersistenceNotifier due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PendingHTLCRouting due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PendingHTLCRouting due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PendingHTLCInfo due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PendingHTLCInfo due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCFailureMsg due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCFailureMsg due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PendingHTLCStatus due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PendingHTLCStatus due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCPreviousHopData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCPreviousHopData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ClaimableHTLC due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ClaimableHTLC due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCSource due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCSource due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCFailReason due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCFailReason due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCForwardInfo due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCForwardInfo due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PendingInboundPayment due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PendingInboundPayment due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Converting lightning::util::config entries...
Converting lightning::util::errors entries...
Converting lightning::util::ser entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for W due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for WriterWriteAdaptor due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for VecWriter due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for LengthCalculatingWriter due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for FixedLengthReader due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for FixedLengthReader due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ReadTrackingReader due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ReadTrackingReader due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OptionDeserWrapper due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for VecWriteWrapper due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for VecReadWrapper due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for U48 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for U48 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for BigSize due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for BigSize due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HighZeroBytesDroppedVarInt due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HighZeroBytesDroppedVarInt due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HighZeroBytesDroppedVarInt due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HighZeroBytesDroppedVarInt due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HighZeroBytesDroppedVarInt due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HighZeroBytesDroppedVarInt due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HashMap due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HashMap due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for Box due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for Box due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for impl Option due to not understood generics
Not implementing anything for impl Option due to not understood generics
Not implementing anything for impl Mutex due to not understood generics
Not implementing anything for impl Mutex due to not understood generics
Converting lightning::chain::transaction entries...
Converting lightning::ln entries...
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for NoiseStep due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for NoiseStep due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PeerChannelEncryptor due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for ChannelUpdateStatus due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelUpdateStatus due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelUpdateStatus due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelUpdateStatus due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HTLCCandidate due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyForwardingInfo due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyForwardingInfo due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyForwardingInfo due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyForwardingInfo due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InboundHTLCRemovalReason due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InboundHTLCRemovalReason due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelUpdateStatus due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelUpdateStatus due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for Message due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for MessageType due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for MessageType due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for MessageType due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for Message due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for MessageType due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for MessageType due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for PaymentHash due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentHash due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentHash due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentHash due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentHash due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentHash due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentHash due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentHash due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentPreimage due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentPreimage due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentPreimage due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentPreimage due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentPreimage due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentPreimage due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentPreimage due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentPreimage due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentSecret due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentSecret due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentSecret due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentSecret due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentSecret due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentSecret due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentSecret due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentSecret due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentSecret due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentSecret due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for PaymentSecret due to it being marked not exported
Converting lightning_invoice entries...
Ignoring leading-colon use!
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Not implementing anything for States due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for States due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for States due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for States due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for States due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for States due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for StateMachine due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseOrSemanticError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseOrSemanticError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseOrSemanticError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseOrSemanticError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseOrSemanticError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseOrSemanticError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseOrSemanticError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ParseOrSemanticError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for True due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for True due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for False due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for False due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for True due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for False due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceDescription due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceDescription due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceDescription due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceDescription due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceDescription due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceDescription due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RawHrp due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for RawHrp due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for RawHrp due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for RawHrp due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for RawHrp due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for RawHrp due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for RawTaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RawTaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RawTaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RawTaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RawTaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for RawTaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for TaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for TaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for TaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for TaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for TaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for TaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for InvoiceBuilder due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for RawTaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for TaggedField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Converting lightning::util::message_signing entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Converting lightning::chain::channelmonitor entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for HolderSignedTx due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderSignedTx due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderSignedTx due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderSignedTx due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for HolderSignedTx due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyCommitmentTransaction due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyCommitmentTransaction due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyCommitmentTransaction due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyCommitmentTransaction due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for CounterpartyCommitmentTransaction due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEventEntry due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEventEntry due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEventEntry due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEventEntry due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEvent due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEvent due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEvent due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEventEntry due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEventEntry due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEvent due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnchainEvent due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelMonitorUpdateStep due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelMonitorUpdateStep due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelMonitorUpdateStep due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelMonitorImpl due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelMonitorImpl due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChannelMonitorImpl due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Converting lightning::ln::peer_handler entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for Peer due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for MessageHandlingError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for MessageHandlingError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Converting lightning::routing::network_graph entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Converting entries...
Converting lightning::ln::msgs entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::self::fuzzy_internal_msgs:: - this may result in resolution failures
Skipping enum DecodeError as it contains non-unit fields
Not implementing anything for OptionalField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OptionalField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OptionalField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OptionalField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for FinalOnionHopData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionErrorPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionErrorPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionErrorPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionErrorPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OptionalField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OptionalField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OptionalField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OptionalField due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for DecodedOnionErrorPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for DecodedOnionErrorPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionErrorPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionErrorPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionPacket due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for FinalOnionHopData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for FinalOnionHopData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionHopData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for OnionHopData due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Converting lightning_invoice::constants entries...
Converting lightning_invoice::utils entries...
Converting lightning::util::logger entries...
Not implementing anything for Record due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for Record due to it being marked not exported
Not implementing anything for Record due to it being marked not exported
Converting lightning entries...
Ignoring leading-colon use!
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Converting lightning::chain::chainmonitor entries...
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Converting lightning::util entries...
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Not implementing anything for u32x4 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for u32x4 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for u32x4 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for u32x4 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for u32x4 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for u32x4 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for u32x4 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for u32x4 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for u32x4 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for u32x4 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for u32x4 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for u32x4 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChaChaState due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChaChaState due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChaCha20 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChaCha20 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChaCha20 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for Poly1305 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for Poly1305 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for Poly1305 due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Ignoring pub(use) tree!
Not implementing anything for ChaCha20Poly1305RFC due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChaCha20Poly1305RFC due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ChaCha20Poly1305RFC due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Ignoring * use for lightning::prelude:: - this may result in resolution failures
Not implementing anything for ShortChannelIdError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ShortChannelIdError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
Not implementing anything for ShortChannelIdError due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)
+ echo -e '#[no_mangle]'
+ echo -e 'pub extern "C" fn _ldk_get_compiled_version() -> crate::c_types::Str {'
+ echo -e '\t"v0.0.99-1-g0f21accb22774864".into()'
+ echo -e '}'
+ echo -e '#[no_mangle]'
+ echo -e 'pub extern "C" fn _ldk_c_bindings_get_compiled_version() -> crate::c_types::Str {'
+ echo -e '\t"v0.0.99.2-dirty".into()'
+ echo -e '}'
+ cd lightning-c-bindings
+ cargo build
Updating index
Compiling cc v1.0.69
Compiling bitcoin_hashes v0.9.7
Compiling bech32 v0.7.3
Compiling autocfg v1.0.1
Compiling libc v0.2.98
Compiling num-traits v0.2.14
Compiling secp256k1-sys v0.4.1
Compiling secp256k1 v0.20.3
Compiling bitcoin v0.26.2
Compiling lightning v0.0.99 (/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning)
Compiling lightning-persister v0.0.99 (/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning-persister)
Compiling lightning-invoice v0.7.0 (/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning-invoice)
Compiling lightning-background-processor v0.0.99 (/opt/rust-lightning-matt/lightning-background-processor)
Compiling lightning-c-bindings v0.0.1 (/opt/ldk-c-bindings/lightning-c-bindings)
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 30.75s
+ '[' '-ffile-prefix-map=/Users/g/.cargo= -frandom-seed=42 -isysroot/Applications/ -mmacosx-version-min=10.9 --target=aarch64-apple-darwin -mcpu=apple-a14' '!=' '' ']'
+ RUSTFLAGS='--remap-path-prefix /opt/rust-lightning-matt=rust-lightning --remap-path-prefix /opt/ldk-c-bindings=ldk-c-bindings --remap-path-prefix /Users/g/.cargo= -C target-cpu=apple-a14'
+ cargo build --target aarch64-apple-darwin
Compiling cc v1.0.69
Compiling bech32 v0.7.3
Compiling bitcoin_hashes v0.9.7
Compiling libc v0.2.98
Compiling autocfg v1.0.1
error[E0463]: can't find crate for `std`
= note: the `aarch64-apple-darwin` target may not be installed
= help: consider downloading the target with `rustup target add aarch64-apple-darwin`
error: aborting due to previous error
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0463`.
error: could not compile `bech32`
To learn more, run the command again with --verbose.
warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
error[E0463]: can't find crate for `std`
= note: the `aarch64-apple-darwin` target may not be installed
= help: consider downloading the target with `rustup target add aarch64-apple-darwin`
error: aborting due to previous error
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0463`.
error: build failed
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