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Created August 6, 2013 09:31
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[10:32] <alesj> some weird stuff about key, lookup, get, ...
[10:33] <galderz> alesj, is the key mutable?
[10:34] <alesj> galderz: mutable in what way?
[10:34] <alesj> once you create it, it cannot be changed
[10:34] <galderz> alesj, well, the parameters that are used to calculate equals/hashcode… have they changed since you store it?
[10:34] <alesj> no
[10:35] <galderz> alesj, either a problem of your equals/hashcode, or a bug on our side… can't tell
[10:35] <galderz> alesj, hook a debugger maybe...
[10:35] <alesj> i did
[10:35] <alesj> but dunno what to look for
[10:36] <alesj> galderz:
[10:36] <galderz> alesj, MarshalledValue.hashCode()/MarshalledValue.equals() are the starting points
[10:36] <alesj> this is the Key class
[10:38] <galderz> alesj, if you have a test case, i can maybe have a look
[10:45] * navssurtani (navssurtan@nat/redhat/x-tktcbsbefkxtifnq) has joined #infinispan
[10:46] <rvansa> anistor: Hi, have you got some time to read my last two mails?
[10:47] <alesj> galderz: i have a test case, in CD
[10:47] <galderz> alesj, easy to run? or requires some google app engine installation stuff?
[10:47] <alesj> should be easy to run
[10:48] <alesj> but it needs to be build first ...
[10:48] <alesj> let me try and create a simpler test
[10:48] <galderz> alesj, building is fine…
[10:50] * pruivo (~pruivo@redhat/jboss/pruivo) has joined #infinispan
[10:50] * ChanServ gives voice to pruivo
[10:51] <alesj> galderz: i have some snapshots ...
[10:51] <alesj> which make things harder
[10:54] <alesj> galderz: how is equality implemented?
[10:55] <galderz> alesj,
[10:55] <alesj> yeah, but what does it mean? :-)
[10:55] <alesj> you compare the serialized form?
[10:56] <galderz> alesj, depends on the format that it's on
[10:56] <galderz> alesj, if it's serialized form… or instance form...
[10:56] <galderz> alesj, a lot depends if it;s been retrieved, if it's been serialized to send to another node...etc
[10:56] <alesj> galderz:
[10:56] <galderz> alesj, i already saw that
[10:57] <alesj> this is a diff gist
[10:57] <galderz> alesj, easiest is really to debug the code with a debugger
[10:57] <galderz> alesj, first you need to figure out if the hashCode calculations match
[10:57] <alesj> • preferInstanceEquality = true
[10:57] <alesj> • thisInstance = {}"Modules(1)"
[10:57] <alesj> • thatInstance = {}"Modules(1)"
[10:57] <alesj> • that.instance = {}"Modules(1)"
[10:58] <galderz> alesj, that tells you barely noithing...
[10:58] <alesj> no, it tells me exactly what I need
[10:58] <galderz> is thisInstance.hashCode() equals to thatInstance.hashcode?
[10:58] <alesj> it goes and comapres the instances via their equals
[10:58] <alesj> which is wrong
[10:58] <galderz> is thisInstance.equals() equals to thatInstance.equals?
[10:59] <alesj> no
[10:59] <alesj> as see the Key::equals
[10:59] <galderz> why is that wrong?
[11:00] <alesj>
[11:00] <alesj> instabce of Key
[11:00] <alesj> where I have 2 diff Key classes
[11:00] <galderz> alesj, and?
[11:00] <alesj> as they come from 2 diff wars
[11:00] <galderz> alesj, oh, the classloaders are different
[11:00] <alesj> 2 diff ClassLoaders
[11:00] <alesj> yup
[11:01] <galderz> alesj, why do they need to be in two different classloaders?
[11:01] <galderz> alesj, can't you have Key in a JBoss Module and get the wars to use it?
[11:02] <alesj> galderz: no, as the users pack their own version of GAE jar
[11:02] <alesj> can eventually be two diff versions
[11:02] <alesj> but still compatible
[11:02] <alesj> e.g. no signature changes, etc
[11:02] <galderz> alesj, that's playing with fire...
[11:02] <alesj> yeah, i know
[11:02] <alesj> but that's how GAE apps are shipped
[11:02] <alesj> and I need to support that
[11:04] <alesj> galderz: can I somehow push in alternative equals check?
[11:04] <alesj> for Key class
[11:04] <galderz> alesj, the only way I can think this could work is if you provided a Equivalence impl for that key
[11:04] <galderz>
[11:04] <galderz> alesj, yes, precisely what we did for 5.3...
[11:05] <alesj> cool
[11:05] <galderz> alesj, the problem is that MarshalledValue is not using it yet
[11:05] <alesj> galderz: how do I configure this?
[11:05] <alesj> ah ...
[11:05] <galderz> alesj,
[11:06] <galderz> alesj, but marshalled value support is not there yet
[11:06] <galderz> alesj, why do you need storeAsBinary configured?
[11:06] <alesj> galderz: as diff wars inside .ear can share data
[11:07] <alesj> and the classes are similar to Key
[11:07] <alesj> "same", but from diff CL
[11:07] <rvansa> anistor: ping?
[11:07] <galderz> alesj, i wonder whether even with a custom Equivalence function you'll be able to solve the issue...
[11:08] * mmarkus (~Adium@redhat/jboss/mmarkus) has joined #infinispan
[11:08] * ChanServ gives channel operator status to mmarkus
[11:08] <galderz> alesj, cos you're gonna have to do a cast and that will give you a CCE, right?
[11:08] <galderz> alesj, you could try something...
[11:08] <alesj> galderz: mmarkus told me this - storeAsBinary — should help prevent CCE
[11:09] <galderz> alesj, if you're using Infnispan 5.3+, set defensive="true" inside <storeAsBinary> element
[11:09] <galderz> alesj, that forces the marshalled value to store, without leaving the instance version around
[11:09] <anistor> rvansa: hi
[11:09] <anistor> rvansa: was reading your emails
[11:10] <anistor> rvansa: both protostream and query dsl are subject to change
[11:10] <anistor> rvansa: and I would like to write some unit tests for them myself
[11:11] * tkimura has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[11:11] <alesj> galderz: so, adding defensive as well
[11:11] <alesj> while I still leave storeAsBinary::enebled
[11:12] <alesj> galderz: or just defensive is ebough
[11:12] <alesj> enough
[11:12] <galderz> enable both
[11:12] <alesj> as I have, both keys and values, with the same "diff CL" issue
[11:12] <alesj> ok, will enable both
[11:16] <rvansa> anistor: Ok, I understand... the thing is that in the past we have allocated like 2 weeks for the testing (before it was known how much the API will change) and it seems there will be more time required for rewriting all the stuff
[11:16] <rvansa> anistor: so Martin asked me that I would participate on the changes...
[11:21] <alesj> galderz: nope, didn't help
[11:22] <galderz> alesj, hmmmm, thought it might....
[11:22] <galderz> alesj, can you create a simpler test case and send it to me with instructions to run it? i'd like to debug it
[11:25] <anistor> rvansa: right now everything is very much in flux, but the DSL I think it's pretty stable. so we can start writing functional tests against the dsl
[11:26] <anistor> rvansa: and I will cleanup more stuff (that I already planned to change) and after that you can also help with unit testing on the internal impl. details.
[11:27] <anistor> rvansa: but right now writing tests against the internals would not help much. I need about 1 day for protostream to cleanup, and couple more for the query, and then you can join safely :)
[11:27] <rvansa> anistor: so, can you suggest to start rewriting test/org.infinispan.query to DSL API?
[11:28] <rvansa> anistor: just one file or another, or would you recommend different approach?
[11:28] <rvansa> anistor: *one test after another
[11:29] <alesj> galderz: it should be a simple test to reproduce
[11:29] <alesj> we just need "same" class
[11:29] <alesj> in 2 diff CL
[11:29] <alesj> where this class serves as a key
[11:30] <anistor> rvansa: no. we do not throw the old query away, neither do we want convert them to the new api
[11:30] <galderz> alesj, i get that :), i'm just asking if i can run the test you have right now… before heading down the path to replicate it separately....
[11:30] <anistor> rvansa: the new DSL is just another way to do query. and we need new tests for it
[11:30] <alesj> galderz: hmmm, imo it;s easier / faster to create a simpler test, then to setup the whoe stuff
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