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Created July 26, 2013 14:53
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[14:58] <galderz> chmk, oh right… for everyone's attention:
[14:58] <galderz> chmk, i think it makes sense
[14:58] <galderz> chmk, i mean: have a single one available and be this one the vertx core json one
[14:58] <galderz> nfmelendez, normanm pidster_ ranie ? agree
[14:58] <galderz> ?
[14:58] <normanm> galderz, yes
[14:59] <ranie> galderz, yup
[14:59] <nfmelendez> +1
[15:00] <galderz> excellent
[15:00] <pidster_> +0 i'm easy either way, i thought that there might interest in having the scala json support, but if not no worries
[15:00] <galderz> pidster_, it could be interesting, but needs to avoid double work...
[15:00] <chmk> we can leave the user choose their prefered json lib
[15:01] <galderz> pidster_, iow, supporting it works a lot slower than using vertx core json, we should leave it out for the moment util we've come up with an way to do it that does not suck :)
[15:01] <nfmelendez> json is a simple structure, to call java version or scala is more/less the same. what are the big difference between them?
[15:02] <galderz> chmk, referred to double serialization…. <- could easily be tested both methods and compare performance
[15:03] * nfmelendez (~nfmelende@ has left #vertx-scala
[15:03] <pidster_> agreed, double serialization is bad. let's move on.
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