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D&D 5e Unearthed Arcana Index

Because finding anything in this page is harder than it should be

Date Article PDF Contents
2015-02-02 Unearthed Arcana: Eberron UA_Eberron_v1.1.pdf Changelings, shifters, warforged, Wizard (Artificer), rules for action points, dragonmarks
2015-03-02 Unearthed Arcana: When Armies Clash UA_Battlesystem.pdf Rules for mass combat
2015-04-06 Modifying Classes UA3_ClassDesignVariants.pdf Advice on modifying classes and creating subclasses
2015-05-04 Unearthed Arcana: Waterborne Adventures UA_Waterborne_v3.pdf Minotaurs (Krynn), Mariner fighting style, Rogue (Swashbuckler), Sorcerer (Storm)
2015-06-08 Variant Rules UA5_VariantRules.pdf Assorted variant rules
2015-07-06 Awakened Mystic ??? Replaced with 2016-02-01 content
2015-08-03 Modern Magic UA_ModernMagic.pdf Cleric (City Domain), Warlock (Ghost in the Machine), Wizard (Technomancy), hacking tools, assorted spells
2015-09-09 Ranger DX_0907_UA_RangerOptions.pdf Revised Ranger (5 levels) with Guardian, Seeker, and Stalker subclasses
2015-10-05 Prestige Classes and Rune Magic UA_Rune_Magic_Prestige_Class.pdf Rules for prestige classes, Rune Scribe prestige class
2015-11-02 Light, Dark, Underdark! 02_UA_Underdark_Characters.pdf Close Quarters Shooter fighting style, Tunnel Fighter fighting style, Ranger (Deep Stalker), Sorcerer (Shadow), Warlock (The Undying Light)
2015-12-07 That Old Black Magic 07_UA_That_Old_Black_Magic.pdf Tiefling variant with Infernal and Abyssal subraces, spells for summoning fiends
2016-01-04 Kits of Old 04_UA_Classics_Revisited.pdf Bard (College of Swords), Bard (College of Satire), Fighter (Cavalier), Fighter (Scout)
2016-02-01 Psionics and the Mystic — Take Two Psionics_and_Mystic_V2.pdf Mystic class (10 levels) with Awakened and Immortal subclasses
2016-04-04 Gothic Heroes UA Gothic Characters.pdf Revenant subrace, Fighter (Monster Hunter), Rogue (Inquisitive)
2016-06-06 Feats UA-Feats-V1.pdf Assorted feats, commentary on feat design
2016-07-25 Quick Characters UA_Quick_PCs_SFG.PDF Tables for creating a new character at random
2016-08-01 The Faithful UA Non-Divine Faithful SFG.pdf Warlock (The Seeker), Wizard (Theurgy)
2016-09-12 The Ranger, Revised UA_RevisedRanger.pdf Revised Ranger class with Beast Conclave, Hunter Conclave, and Stalker Conclave subclasses
2016-10-10 Encounter Building Encounter_Building.pdf Alternative encounter-building guidelines
2016-11-07 Barbarian Primal Paths UA_Barbarian.pdf Barbarian (Path of the Ancestral Guardian), Barbarian (Path of the Storm Herald), Barbarian (Path of the Zealot)
2016-11-14 Bard: Bard Colleges UA_Bard.pdf Bard (College of Glamour), Bard (College of Whispers)
2016-11-21 Cleric: Divine Domains UA_Cleric.pdf Cleric (Forge Domain), Cleric (Grave Domain), Cleric (Protection Domain)
2016-11-28 Druid Circles and Wild Shape UA_Druid11272016_CAWS.pdf Druid (Circle of Dreams), Druid (Circle of the Shepherd), Druid (Circle of Twilight), optional rules for managing known wild beast shapes
2016-12-05 Fighter: Martial Archetypes 2016_Fighter_UA_1205_1.pdf Fighter (Arcane Archer), Fighter (Knight), Fighter (Samurai), Fighter (Sharpshooter)
2016-12-12 Monk: Monastic Traditions M_2016_UAMonk1_12_12WKWT.pdf Monk (Way of the Kensei), Monk (Way of Tranquility)
2016-12-19 Paladin: Sacrde Oaths UAPaladin_SO_20161219_1.pdf Paladin (Oath of Conquest), Paladin (Oath of Treachery)
2017-01-09 Artificer 1_UA_Artificer_20170109.pdf Artificer class with Alchemist and Gunsmith subclasses
2017-01-16 Ranger and Rogue 2017_01_UA_RangerRogue_0117JCMM.pdf Ranger (Horizon Walker), Ranger (Primeval Guardian), Rogue (Scout)
2017-02-06 Sorcerer 26_UASorcererUA020617s.pdf Sorcerer (Favored Soul), Sorcerer (Phoenix Sorcery), Sorcerer (Sea Sorcery), Sorcerer (Stone Sorcery)
2017-02-13 Warlock and Wizard 20170213_Wizrd_Wrlck_UAv2_i48nf.pdf Warlock (Hexblade), Warlock (Raven Queen), eldritch invocations, Wizard (Lore Mastery)
2017-02-21 Mass Combat 2017_UAMassCombat_MCUA_v1.pdf Rules for mass combat
2017-02-27 Traps Revisited 0227_UATraps.pdf Additional traps and trap rules
2017-03-13 The Mystic Class UAMystic3.pdf Mystic class with Avatar, Awakened, Immortal, Nomad, Soul Knife, and Wu Jen subclasses
2017-03-20 Wizard Revisited MJ320UAWizardVF2017.pdf Wizard (Theurgy), Wizard (War Magic)
2017-03-27 A Trio of Subclasses UAThreeSubclasses.pdf Monk (Way of the Drunken Master), Paladin (Oath of Redemption), Ranger (Monster Slayer)
2017-04-03 Starter Spells UA-Starter-Spells.pdf Assorted cantrips and 1st-level spells
2017-04-10 Downtime UA_Downtime.pdf Additional rules for downtime
2017-04-17 Feats for Skills UA-SkillFeats.pdf Assorted feats
2017-04-24 Feats for Races RJSJC2017_04UASkillFeats_24v10.pdf Racial feats
2017-05-01 Revised Subclasses UA-RevisedSubclasses.pdf Barbarian (Path of the Ancestral Guardian), Bard (College of Swords), Fighter (Arcane Archer), Monk (Way of the Kensei), Sorcerer (Favored Soul)
2017-05-25 Unearthed Arcana Update Announcement that the Mystic and Artificer are now available on DM's Guild, with links
2017-06-05 Revised Class Options June5UA_RevisedClassOptv1.pdf Druid (Circle of the Shepherd), Fighter (Cavalier), Paladin (Oath of Conquest), Warlock (The Celestial), eldritch invocations
2017-07-10 Greyhawk Initiative UAGreyhawkInitiative.pdf Alternative rules for initiative
2017-08-07 Three-Pillar Experience UA-ThreePillarXP.pdf Alternative rules for awarding XP
2017-09-11 Race Options: Eladrin and Gith UA-Eladrin-Gith.pdf Elf subrace: eladrin; gith
2017-10-09 Fiendish Options UA_FiendishOptions.pdf Tiefling subraces: Asmodeus, Baalzebul, Dispater, Fierna, Glasya, Levistus, Mammon, Mephistopheles, Zariel; diabolical cults; demonic boons
2017-11-13 Elf Subraces UA-ElfSubraces.pdf Elf subraces: avariel, grugach, sea elf, shadar-kai
2018-01-08 Three Subclasses UA-3Subclasses0108.pdf Druid (Circle of Spores), Fighter (Brute), Wizard (School of Invention)
2018-02-12 Into the Wild UA_IntoTheWild.pdf New rules for exploring wildernesses
2018-04-09 Order Domain UA_OrderDomain.pdf Cleric (Order Domain)
2018-05-14 Centaurs and Minotaurs UA-Centaur.pdf Centaurs, minotaurs
2018-06-11 Giant Soul Sorcerer UA_GiantSoul.pdf Sorcerer (Giant Soul)
2018-07-23 Races of Eberron 723UA_EberronRaces7232018.pdf Changelings, kalashtar, shifters, warforged
2018-08-13 Races of Ravnica UA_RavnicaRaces.pdf Loxodons, Simic hybrids, vedalken, viashino
2018-09-10 Dragonmarks UA_Dragonmarks.pdf Rules for dragonmarks
2018-10-08 Magic Items of Eberron UA_Magic_Items_of_Eberron.pdf Assorted magic items
2018-11-12 Of Ships and the Sea UA_ShipsSea.pdf Rules for ships, crews, & sailing
2018-12-17 Sidekicks UA_Sidekicks.pdf Rules for sidekicks
2019-02-28 The Artificer Revisited UA-Artificer-2019.pdf Artificer class with Alchemist and Artillerist subclasses, arcane weapon spell
2019-05-14 The Artificer Returns UA-Artificer2-2019.pdf Artificer class with Alchemist, Archivist, Artillerist, and Battle Smith subclasses; arcane weapon spell
2019-08-15 Barbarian and Monk UA-WildAstral.pdf Barbarian (Path of the Wild Soul), Monk (Way of the Astral Self)
2019-09-05 Sorcerer and Warlock UA-AberrantLurk.pdf Sorcerer (Aberrant Mind), Warlock (The Lurker in the Deep), mind sliver spell
2019-09-18 Bard and Paladin UA-EloquentHeroics.pdf Bard (College of Eloquence), Paladin (Oath of Heroism)
2019-10-03 Cleric, Druid, and Wizard UA-TwilightFireNames.pdf Cleric (Twilight Domain), Druid (Circle of Wildfire), Wizard (Onomancy)
2019-10-17 Fighter, Ranger, and Rogue UA-RuneSwarmRevived.pdf Fighter (Rune Knight), Ranger (Swarmkeeper), Rogue (The Revived)
2019-11-04 Class Feature Variants UA-ClassFeatures.pdf Replacements for & enhancements to various class features, fighting styles, maneuvers, eldritch invocations, metamagic options
2019-11-25 Unearthed Arcana: Fighter, Rogue, and Wizard UA-PsychicSoulPsionics.pdf Fighter (Psychic Warrior), Rogue (Soulknife), Wizard (Psionics), assorted spells, assorted feats
2020-01-14 Subclasses, Part 1 UA2020-Subclasses01.pdf Barbarian (Path of the Beast), Monk (Way of Mercy), Paladin (Oath of the Watchers), Warlock (The Noble Genie)
2020-02-06 Subclasses, Part 2 UA2020_02_06_Subclasses2.pdf Bard (College of Creation), Cleric (Unity Domain), Sorcerer (Clockwork Soul)
2020-02-24 Subclasses, Part 3 UA2020-Subclasses03_0224.pdf Artificer (Armorer), artificer infusions, Druid (Circle of the Stars), Ranger (Fey Wanderer)
2020-03-26 Spells and Magic Tattoos UA2020-SpellsTattoos.pdf Assorted spells, magic tattoos
2020-04-14 Psionic Options Revisited UA2020_PsionicOptions.pdf Fighter (Psi Knight), Rogue (Soulknife), Sorcerer (Psionic Soul), assorted spells, assorted feats
2020-05-12 Subclasses Revisited UA2020_SubclassesRevisited_0512.pdf Rogue (Phantom), Warlock (The Genie), Wizard (Order of Scribes)
2020-06-13 Feats UA2020_Feats.pdf Assorted feats
2020-08-24 Subclasses, part 4 UA2020_Subclasses04.pdf Bard (College of Spirits), Warlock (The Undead)
2020-10-17 Fighter, Ranger, and Rogue UA-RuneSwarmRevived.pdf Fighter (Rune Knight), Ranger (Swarmkeeper), Rogue (The Revived)
2020-10-26 Subclasses, Part 5 UA2020_102620_Subclasses05.pdf Monk (Way of the Ascendant Dragon), Ranger (Drakewarden)
2021-01-26 Gothic Lineages UA2021_GothicLineages.pdf Races: Dhampir, Hexblood, Reborn
2021-03-11 Folk of the Feywild UA2021_FeyFolk.pdf Races: Fairy, Hobgoblin of the Feywild, Owlfolk, Rabbitfolk
2021-04-14 Draconic Options Unearthed-Arcana-2021-Draconic-Options.pdf Draconic races, feats and spells
2021-06-08 Mages of Strixhaven UA2021_06_08_MagesStrixhaven.pdf Mage of Lorehold, Mage of Prismari, Mage of Quandrix, Mage of Silverquill, Mage of Witherbloom
2021-10-25 Travelers of the Multiverse UA2021_TravelersoftheMultiverse.pdf Races: astral elf, autognome, giff, hadozee, plasmoid, and thri-kreen
2022-03-08 Heroes of Krynn UA2022HeroesofKrynn.pdf kender race, the Lunar Magic sorcerer subclass, the Knight of Solamnia and Mage of High Sorcery backgrounds, and a collection of new feats
2022-03-24 Heroes of Krynn Revisited UA2022-HeroesofKrynnRevisited.pdf Revised the kender race, the Knight of Solamnia and Mage of High Sorcery backgrounds, and feats for characters from the world of Krynn
2022-05-23 Giant Options UA2022-drjwf73f8n.pdf Barbarian(Path of the Giant), Druid (Circle of the Primeval), Wizard(Runecrafter), a collection of new feats
2022-08-18 Wonders of the Multiverse UA2022-WondersoftheMultiverse.pdf Glitchling race, Cleric Subclass, new backgrounds, feats and spells
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