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Created October 16, 2022 15:24
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from scipy import stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
x = np.linspace(-1, 1, num=150)
y = 10*x + np.random.normal(size=x.size)
y[11:15] += 10
y[-5:] -= 7
res = stats.theilslopes(y, x, 0.90, method='separate')
lsq_res = stats.linregress(x, y)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(x, y, 'k.')
ax.plot(x, res[1] + res[0] * x, 'y-', label='Theil-Sen')
ax.plot(x, lsq_res[1] + lsq_res[0] * x, 'm-', label='Least Squares')
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