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Created December 29, 2016 11:50
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Quicksilver v1.5.1 process Spindump. Check for details.
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
Date/Time: 2016-12-29 19:35:16 +0800
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.12.2 (Build 16C67)
Architecture: x86_64
Report Version: 25
Data Source: Stackshots
Command: Quicksilver
Path: /Applications/
Version: 1.5.1 (401C)
Parent: launchd [1]
PID: 1694
Duration: 10.01s (process was unresponsive for 26 seconds before sampling)
Steps: 1002 (10ms sampling interval)
Hardware model: MacBook6,1
Active cpus: 2
Fan speed: 2787 rpm (+138)
Heavy format: stacks are sorted by count
Use -i and -timeline to re-report with chronological sorting
Process: Quicksilver [1694]
Path: /Applications/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Task size: 59 MB (-39)
CPU Time: 2.481
Note: Unresponsive for 26 seconds before sampling
Note: 2 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x5597 DispatchQueue 1 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 0-40 (base 46) cpu time 2.479
1002 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 21077) [0x7fffe00f4255]
1002 NSApplicationMain + 1237 (AppKit + 23936) [0x7fffc85e6d80]
1002 -[NSApplication run] + 926 (AppKit + 242789) [0x7fffc861c465]
1002 -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 2789 (AppKit + 8131103) [0x7fffc8da221f]
1002 _DPSNextEvent + 1833 (AppKit + 290221) [0x7fffc8627dad]
1002 AEProcessAppleEvent + 55 (HIToolbox + 268223) [0x7fffca0927bf]
1002 aeProcessAppleEvent + 312 (AE + 32093) [0x7fffcb95ad5d]
1002 dispatchEventAndSendReply(AEDesc const*, AEDesc*) + 39 (AE + 32337) [0x7fffcb95ae51]
1002 aeDispatchAppleEvent(AEDesc const*, AEDesc*, unsigned int, unsigned char*) + 544 (AE + 32986) [0x7fffcb95b0da]
1002 _NSAppleEventManagerGenericHandler + 102 (Foundation + 335159) [0x7fffcc558d37]
1002 -[NSAppleEventManager dispatchRawAppleEvent:withRawReply:handlerRefCon:] + 290 (Foundation + 335549) [0x7fffcc558ebd]
1002 -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleCoreEvent:withReplyEvent:] + 661 (AppKit + 308485) [0x7fffc862c505]
1002 -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleAEOpenEvent:] + 552 (AppKit + 309427) [0x7fffc862c8b3]
1002 -[NSApplication _sendFinishLaunchingNotification] + 208 (AppKit + 1606986) [0x7fffc876954a]
1002 -[NSApplication _postDidFinishNotification] + 297 (AppKit + 1607653) [0x7fffc87697e5]
1002 -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 66 (Foundation + 27191) [0x7fffcc50da37]
1002 _CFXNotificationPost + 667 (CoreFoundation + 359675) [0x7fffcaac9cfb]
1002 -[_CFXNotificationRegistrar find:object:observer:enumerator:] + 2018 (CoreFoundation + 363794) [0x7fffcaacad12]
1002 ___CFXNotificationPost_block_invoke + 50 (CoreFoundation + 632418) [0x7fffcab0c662]
1002 _CFXRegistrationPost + 427 (CoreFoundation + 633083) [0x7fffcab0c8fb]
1002 __CFNOTIFICATIONCENTER_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER__ + 12 (CoreFoundation + 633340) [0x7fffcab0c9fc]
1002 ??? (Quicksilver + 117142) [0x1091f6996]
1002 ??? (Quicksilver + 115458) [0x1091f6302]
1002 -[QSLibrarian loadCatalogArrays] + 553 (QSCore + 86899) [0x1092db373]
1002 -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 66 (Foundation + 27191) [0x7fffcc50da37]
1002 _CFXNotificationPost + 667 (CoreFoundation + 359675) [0x7fffcaac9cfb]
1002 -[_CFXNotificationRegistrar find:object:observer:enumerator:] + 2018 (CoreFoundation + 363794) [0x7fffcaacad12]
1002 ___CFXNotificationPost_block_invoke + 50 (CoreFoundation + 632418) [0x7fffcab0c662]
1002 _CFXRegistrationPost + 427 (CoreFoundation + 633083) [0x7fffcab0c8fb]
1002 __CFNOTIFICATIONCENTER_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER__ + 12 (CoreFoundation + 633340) [0x7fffcab0c9fc]
1002 -[QSLibrarian reloadSets:] + 1093 (QSCore + 83789) [0x1092da74d]
1002 -[QSLibrarian recalculateTypeArraysForItem:] + 107 (QSCore + 87540) [0x1092db5f4]
1002 -[QSCatalogEntry enabledContents] + 34 (QSCore + 31986) [0x1092cdcf2]
1002 -[QSCatalogEntry contents] + 42 (QSCore + 31104) [0x1092cd980]
1002 -[QSCatalogEntry contentsScanIfNeeded:] + 329 (QSCore + 31630) [0x1092cdb8e]
1002 -[QSCatalogEntry contentsScanIfNeeded:] + 363 (QSCore + 31664) [0x1092cdbb0]
1002 -[NSMutableSet addObjectsFromArray:] + 575 (CoreFoundation + 630175) [0x7fffcab0bd9f]
1002 -[__NSSetM addObject:] + 440 (CoreFoundation + 307544) [0x7fffcaabd158]
894 -[QSObject isEqual:] + 933 (QSCore + 105125) [0x1092dfaa5]
469 -[QSObject objectForType:] + 25 (QSCore + 109124) [0x1092e0a44]
372 QSUTIForAnyTypeString + 493 (QSFoundation + 50500) [0x109242544]
332 UTTypeCreatePreferredIdentifierForTag + 114 (LaunchServices + 101298) [0x7fffcbcd6bb2]
322 -[_UTTypeQuery resolve] + 81 (LaunchServices + 303370) [0x7fffcbd0810a]
321 -[_LSQueryContext(SynchronousResolution) resolveQueries:cachingStrategy:error:] + 418 (LaunchServices + 536240) [0x7fffcbd40eb0]
311 -[_LSQueryContext(Internal) _resolveQueries:cachingStrategy:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:] + 391 (LaunchServices + 537110) [0x7fffcbd41216]
308 -[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:] + 105 (LaunchServices + 537624) [0x7fffcbd41418]
259 __81-[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:]_block_invoke + 618 (LaunchServices + 538277) [0x7fffcbd416a5]
259 -[_LSLocalContext _enumerateResolvedResultsOfQuery:XPCConnection:withBlock:] + 498 (LaunchServices + 539465) [0x7fffcbd41b49]
86 -[_UTTypeQueryWithTags _enumerateWithXPCConnection:block:] + 1187 (LaunchServices + 315980) [0x7fffcbd0b24c]
77 _UTTypeCreateDynamicIdentifierForTag + 82 (LaunchServices + 101700) [0x7fffcbcd6d44]
26 UTTypeConformsTo + 166 (LaunchServices + 93689) [0x7fffcbcd4df9]
15 _UTGetActiveTypeForIdentifier + 162 (LaunchServices + 94236) [0x7fffcbcd501c]
15 _UTEnumerateTypesForIdentifier + 107 (LaunchServices + 1015880) [0x7fffcbdb6048]
15 _CSStringBindingEnumerate + 80 (LaunchServices + 330155) [0x7fffcbd0e9ab]
6 _CSArrayEnumerateAllValues + 71 (LaunchServices + 322682) [0x7fffcbd0cc7a]
6 CSArrayGetValues + 57 (LaunchServices + 60043) [0x7fffcbccca8b]
6 CSStoreGetUnit + 70 (LaunchServices + 45750) [0x7fffcbcc92b6]
5 CSStore2::Store::getUnit(CSStore2::Table const*, unsigned int) const + 80 (LaunchServices + 526982) [0x7fffcbd3ea86]
5 CSStore2::IdentifierCache::Find(CSStore2::Store const*, CSStore2::IdentifierCache const*, unsigned int) + 54 (LaunchServices + 528258) [0x7fffcbd3ef82]
*5 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*5 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*5 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*5 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*5 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*5 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 CSStore2::Store::getUnit(CSStore2::Table const*, unsigned int) const + 148 (LaunchServices + 527050) [0x7fffcbd3eaca]
1 CSStore2::Store::isUnitValid(CSStore2::Unit const*, CSStore2::Table const*, unsigned int) const + 133 (LaunchServices + 528651) [0x7fffcbd3f10b]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
6 _CSArrayEnumerateAllValues + 99 (LaunchServices + 322710) [0x7fffcbd0cc96]
6 std::__1::vector<unsigned int, std::__1::allocator<unsigned int> >::vector<unsigned int const*>(unsigned int const*, std::__1::enable_if<(__is_forward_iterator<unsigned int const*>::value) && (is_constructible<unsigned int, std::__1::iterator_traits<unsigned int const*>::reference>::value), unsigned int const*>::type) + 62 (LaunchServices + 322996) [0x7fffcbd0cdb4]
6 std::__1::vector<int, std::__1::allocator<int> >::allocate(unsigned long) + 43 (LaunchServices + 323119) [0x7fffcbd0ce2f]
5 operator new(unsigned long) + 30 (libc++abi.dylib + 146990) [0x7fffded07e2e]
5 malloc + 24 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 4696) [0x7fffe0275258]
5 malloc_zone_malloc + 29 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 8844) [0x7fffe027628c]
*5 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*5 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*5 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*5 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*5 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*5 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 operator new(unsigned long) + 87 (libc++abi.dylib + 147047) [0x7fffded07e67] (running)
1 _CSArrayEnumerateAllValues + 102 (LaunchServices + 322713) [0x7fffcbd0cc99]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 _CSArrayEnumerateAllValues + 139 (LaunchServices + 322750) [0x7fffcbd0ccbe]
1 ___UTEnumerateTypesForIdentifier_block_invoke + 75 (LaunchServices + 1018214) [0x7fffcbdb6966]
1 CSStoreGetUnit + 46 (LaunchServices + 45726) [0x7fffcbcc929e]
1 CSStore2::Store::getTable(unsigned int) const + 32 (LaunchServices + 526900) [0x7fffcbd3ea34]
1 CSStore2::Store::getUnit(CSStore2::Table const*, unsigned int) const + 80 (LaunchServices + 526982) [0x7fffcbd3ea86]
1 CSStore2::IdentifierCache::Find(CSStore2::Store const*, CSStore2::IdentifierCache const*, unsigned int) + 50 (LaunchServices + 528254) [0x7fffcbd3ef7e]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 _CSArrayEnumerateAllValues + 203 (LaunchServices + 322814) [0x7fffcbd0ccfe]
1 free + 87 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 16004) [0x7fffe0277e84]
1 _nano_vet_and_size_of_live + 134 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 81045) [0x7fffe0287c95] (running)
10 _UTGetActiveTypeForCFStringIdentifier + 23 (LaunchServices + 93875) [0x7fffcbcd4eb3]
6 _LSDatabaseGetStringForCFString + 122 (LaunchServices + 94026) [0x7fffcbcd4f4a]
3 CSGetStringForCharacters + 109 (LaunchServices + 46077) [0x7fffcbcc93fd]
3 _CSStringHash + 98 (LaunchServices + 328286) [0x7fffcbd0e25e]
*3 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
3 CSGetStringForCharacters + 141 (LaunchServices + 46109) [0x7fffcbcc941d]
3 CSMapGetKeyAndValueForKeyData + 136 (LaunchServices + 46328) [0x7fffcbcc94f8]
3 _CSStringStoreUnitMatchesString + 29 (LaunchServices + 46497) [0x7fffcbcc95a1]
3 CSStoreGetUnit + 92 (LaunchServices + 45772) [0x7fffcbcc92cc]
*3 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*3 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*3 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*3 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*3 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*3 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
4 _LSDatabaseGetStringForCFString + 89 (LaunchServices + 93993) [0x7fffcbcd4f29]
4 XCFBufInitWithCFStringRange + 154 (LaunchServices + 57394) [0x7fffcbccc032]
4 CFStringGetBytes + 10 (CoreFoundation + 87050) [0x7fffcaa8740a]
*3 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
*1 hndl_allintrs + 297 (kernel + 669961) [0xffffff80002a3909]
*1 interrupt + 353 (kernel + 2118289) [0xffffff8000405291]
*1 lapic_interrupt + 75 (kernel + 2153867) [0xffffff800040dd8b]
*1 cpu_signal_handler + 650 (kernel + 2157818) [0xffffff800040ecfa]
*1 sync_iss_to_iks + 215 (kernel + 2121799) [0xffffff8000406047] (running)
1 _UTGetActiveTypeForIdentifier + 103 (LaunchServices + 94177) [0x7fffcbcd4fe1]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
20 UTTypeConformsTo + 141 (LaunchServices + 93664) [0x7fffcbcd4de0]
15 _UTGetActiveTypeForIdentifier + 162 (LaunchServices + 94236) [0x7fffcbcd501c]
15 _UTEnumerateTypesForIdentifier + 107 (LaunchServices + 1015880) [0x7fffcbdb6048]
14 _CSStringBindingEnumerate + 80 (LaunchServices + 330155) [0x7fffcbd0e9ab]
7 _CSArrayEnumerateAllValues + 71 (LaunchServices + 322682) [0x7fffcbd0cc7a]
7 CSArrayGetValues + 118 (LaunchServices + 60104) [0x7fffcbcccac8]
7 CSStoreGetUnit + 70 (LaunchServices + 45750) [0x7fffcbcc92b6]
7 CSStore2::Store::getUnit(CSStore2::Table const*, unsigned int) const + 148 (LaunchServices + 527050) [0x7fffcbd3eaca]
6 CSStore2::Store::isUnitValid(CSStore2::Unit const*, CSStore2::Table const*, unsigned int) const + 238 (LaunchServices + 528756) [0x7fffcbd3f174]
*6 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 CSStore2::Store::isUnitValid(CSStore2::Unit const*, CSStore2::Table const*, unsigned int) const + 133 (LaunchServices + 528651) [0x7fffcbd3f10b] (running)
4 _CSArrayEnumerateAllValues + 99 (LaunchServices + 322710) [0x7fffcbd0cc96]
3 std::__1::vector<unsigned int, std::__1::allocator<unsigned int> >::vector<unsigned int const*>(unsigned int const*, std::__1::enable_if<(__is_forward_iterator<unsigned int const*>::value) && (is_constructible<unsigned int, std::__1::iterator_traits<unsigned int const*>::reference>::value), unsigned int const*>::type) + 62 (LaunchServices + 322996) [0x7fffcbd0cdb4]
3 operator new(unsigned long) + 0 (libc++abi.dylib + 146960) [0x7fffded07e10]
*3 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 std::__1::vector<unsigned int, std::__1::allocator<unsigned int> >::vector<unsigned int const*>(unsigned int const*, std::__1::enable_if<(__is_forward_iterator<unsigned int const*>::value) && (is_constructible<unsigned int, std::__1::iterator_traits<unsigned int const*>::reference>::value), unsigned int const*>::type) + 102 (LaunchServices + 323036) [0x7fffcbd0cddc]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 _CSArrayEnumerateAllValues + 139 (LaunchServices + 322750) [0x7fffcbd0ccbe]
1 ___UTEnumerateTypesForIdentifier_block_invoke + 100 (LaunchServices + 1018239) [0x7fffcbdb697f] (running)
1 ___UTEnumerateTypesForIdentifier_block_invoke + 1 (LaunchServices + 1018140) [0x7fffcbdb691c] (running)
1 operator delete(void*) + 3 (libc++abi.dylib + 147188) [0x7fffded07ef4]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 _CSStringBindingEnumerate + 58 (LaunchServices + 330133) [0x7fffcbd0e995]
1 CSMapGetValue + 57 (LaunchServices + 59952) [0x7fffcbccca30]
1 _CSMapFindBucketForKey(__CSStore const*, CSMap const*, unsigned int, unsigned int*, unsigned int*) + 80 (LaunchServices + 323639) [0x7fffcbd0d037]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
4 _UTGetActiveTypeForCFStringIdentifier + 23 (LaunchServices + 93875) [0x7fffcbcd4eb3]
4 _LSDatabaseGetStringForCFString + 122 (LaunchServices + 94026) [0x7fffcbcd4f4a]
4 CSGetStringForCharacters + 141 (LaunchServices + 46109) [0x7fffcbcc941d]
3 CSMapGetKeyAndValueForKeyData + 136 (LaunchServices + 46328) [0x7fffcbcc94f8]
2 _CSStringStoreUnitMatchesString + 29 (LaunchServices + 46497) [0x7fffcbcc95a1]
1 CSStoreGetUnit + 6 (LaunchServices + 45686) [0x7fffcbcc9276]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 CSStore2::Store::getTable(unsigned int) const + 0 (LaunchServices + 526868) [0x7fffcbd3ea14] (running)
1 _CSStringStoreUnitMatchesString + 69 (LaunchServices + 46537) [0x7fffcbcc95c9]
1 _platform_memcmp + 303 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 6415) [0x7fffe030090f]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 CSMapGetKeyAndValueForKeyData + 42 (LaunchServices + 46234) [0x7fffcbcc949a]
1 DYLD-STUB$$_os_nospin_lock_lock + 0 (LaunchServices + 1250510) [0x7fffcbdef4ce]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 _UTEnumerateTypesForIdentifier + 2 (LaunchServices + 1015775) [0x7fffcbdb5fdf] (running)
16 UTTypeConformsTo + 84 (LaunchServices + 93607) [0x7fffcbcd4da7]
12 _UTTypeIdentifierIsDeclarable + 14 (LaunchServices + 1001640) [0x7fffcbdb28a8]
12 _UTTypeIdentifierIsDynamic + 48 (LaunchServices + 94383) [0x7fffcbcd50af]
11 CFStringCompareWithOptionsAndLocale + 77 (CoreFoundation + 125293) [0x7fffcaa9096d]
*11 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 CFStringCompareWithOptionsAndLocale + 26 (CoreFoundation + 125242) [0x7fffcaa9093a] (running)
2 _UTTypeIdentifierIsDynamic + 0 (LaunchServices + 94335) [0x7fffcbcd507f]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
2 _UTTypeIdentifierIsDeclarable + 30 (LaunchServices + 1001656) [0x7fffcbdb28b8]
1 _UTTypeIdentifierIsValid + 9 (LaunchServices + 100799) [0x7fffcbcd69bf] (running)
1 _UTTypeIdentifierIsValid + 256 (LaunchServices + 101046) [0x7fffcbcd6ab6]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
5 UTTypeConformsTo + 109 (LaunchServices + 93632) [0x7fffcbcd4dc0]
3 _LSContextInit + 241 (LaunchServices + 41185) [0x7fffcbcc80e1]
2 _LSCopyLocalDatabase + 24 (LaunchServices + 42212) [0x7fffcbcc84e4]
2 _pthread_mutex_lock_slow + 226 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 5710) [0x7fffe030964e]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
*1 hndl_allintrs + 297 (kernel + 669961) [0xffffff80002a3909]
*1 interrupt + 353 (kernel + 2118289) [0xffffff8000405291]
*1 lapic_interrupt + 75 (kernel + 2153867) [0xffffff800040dd8b]
*1 cpu_signal_handler + 650 (kernel + 2157818) [0xffffff800040ecfa]
*1 sync_iss_to_iks + 215 (kernel + 2121799) [0xffffff8000406047] (running)
1 _LSGetSession(unsigned int) + 0 (LaunchServices + 42262) [0x7fffcbcc8516]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 _LSContextInit + 260 (LaunchServices + 41204) [0x7fffcbcc80f4]
1 _LSDatabaseNeedsUpdate(LSDatabase*) + 66 (LaunchServices + 57201) [0x7fffcbccbf71]
1 notify_check + 105 (libsystem_notify.dylib + 30605) [0x7fffe02fc78d]
1 registration_node_find + 65 (libsystem_notify.dylib + 25130) [0x7fffe02fb22a]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 geteuid + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 109546) [0x7fffe0223bea]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
4 UTTypeConformsTo + 57 (LaunchServices + 93580) [0x7fffcbcd4d8c]
2 CFStringCompareWithOptionsAndLocale + 1 (CoreFoundation + 125217) [0x7fffcaa90921]
*2 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*2 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*2 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*2 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*2 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*2 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
2 _XCFStringEqualCaseInsensitive + 14 (LaunchServices + 310742) [0x7fffcbd09dd6]
1 CFStringCompareWithOptionsAndLocale + 362 (CoreFoundation + 125578) [0x7fffcaa90a8a]
1 __CFStringFillCharacterSetInlineBuffer + 195 (CoreFoundation + 81507) [0x7fffcaa85e63]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 CFStringCompareWithOptionsAndLocale + 617 (CoreFoundation + 125833) [0x7fffcaa90b89]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
3 UTTypeConformsTo + 190 (LaunchServices + 93713) [0x7fffcbcd4e11]
3 _UTTypeConformsTo + 212 (LaunchServices + 94615) [0x7fffcbcd5197]
1 _LSSchemaCacheRead + 31 (LaunchServices + 68697) [0x7fffcbccec59]
1 _pthread_rwlock_lock + 27 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 7460) [0x7fffe0309d24]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 _LSSchemaCacheRead + 41 (LaunchServices + 68707) [0x7fffcbccec63]
1 std::__1::__hash_iterator<std::__1::__hash_node<std::__1::__hash_value_type<unsigned int, bool>, void*>*> std::__1::__hash_table<std::__1::__hash_value_type<unsigned int, bool>, std::__1::__unordered_map_hasher<unsigned int, std::__1::__hash_value_type<unsigned int, bool>, std::__1::hash<unsigned int>, true>, std::__1::__unordered_map_equal<unsigned int, std::__1::__hash_value_type<unsigned int, bool>, std::__1::equal_to<unsigned int>, true>, std::__1::allocator<std::__1::__hash_value_type<unsigned int, bool> > >::find<unsigned int>(unsigned int const&) + 1 (LaunchServices + 1019663) [0x7fffcbdb6f0f]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 pthread_rwlock_rdlock + 5 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 9126) [0x7fffe030a3a6]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 _LSContextDestroy + 1 (LaunchServices + 79218) [0x7fffcbcd1572]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 UTTypeConformsTo + 96 (LaunchServices + 93619) [0x7fffcbcd4db3]
1 _UTTypeIdentifierIsValid + 0 (LaunchServices + 100790) [0x7fffcbcd69b6] (running)
1 _XCFStringEqualCaseInsensitive + 1 (LaunchServices + 310729) [0x7fffcbd09dc9]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
7 _UTTypeCreateDynamicIdentifierForTag + 489 (LaunchServices + 102107) [0x7fffcbcd6edb]
5 _UTTypeCreateDynamicIdentifierForFileInfo + 607 (LaunchServices + 102792) [0x7fffcbcd7188]
5 CFStringCreateWithBytes + 59 (CoreFoundation + 83499) [0x7fffcaa8662b]
2 __CFStringCreateImmutableFunnel3 + 1927 (CoreFoundation + 24007) [0x7fffcaa77dc7]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 __CFStringCreateImmutableFunnel3 + 296 (CoreFoundation + 22376) [0x7fffcaa77768]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 __CFStringCreateImmutableFunnel3 + 2843 (CoreFoundation + 24923) [0x7fffcaa7815b]
1 _CFRuntimeCreateInstance + 295 (CoreFoundation + 13879) [0x7fffcaa75637]
1 malloc_zone_malloc + 107 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 8922) [0x7fffe02762da]
1 default_zone_malloc + 45 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 71883) [0x7fffe02858cb] (running)
1 __CFStringCreateImmutableFunnel3 + 3171 (CoreFoundation + 25251) [0x7fffcaa782a3]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 _UTTypeCreateDynamicIdentifierForFileInfo + 298 (LaunchServices + 102483) [0x7fffcbcd7053]
1 XCFBufInitWithBytes + 66 (LaunchServices + 102913) [0x7fffcbcd7201]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 _UTTypeCreateDynamicIdentifierForFileInfo + 377 (LaunchServices + 102562) [0x7fffcbcd70a2]
1 _UTAppendCharactersAddingEscapes + 100 (LaunchServices + 103328) [0x7fffcbcd73a0]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
2 _UTTypeCreateDynamicIdentifierForTag + 287 (LaunchServices + 101905) [0x7fffcbcd6e11]
1 XCFBufInitWithCFStringRange + 349 (LaunchServices + 57589) [0x7fffcbccc0f5] (running)
1 XCFBufInitWithCFStringRange + 359 (LaunchServices + 57599) [0x7fffcbccc0ff] (running)
74 -[_UTTypeQueryWithTags _enumerateWithXPCConnection:block:] + 1228 (LaunchServices + 316021) [0x7fffcbd0b275]
47 _UTDynamicCopyPedigree + 104 (LaunchServices + 999902) [0x7fffcbdb21de]
36 _UTDynamicCopyParentIdentifiers + 83 (LaunchServices + 999664) [0x7fffcbdb20f0]
28 _UTDynamicValuesSearch + 566 (LaunchServices + 144868) [0x7fffcbce15e4]
23 strlen + 1 (libsystem_c.dylib + 6977) [0x7fffe012ab41]
*23 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
4 _UTDebreviateTerm + 122 (LaunchServices + 146282) [0x7fffcbce1b6a]
2 pthread_getspecific + 0 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 6982) [0x7fffe0309b46] (running)
1 strtoul_l + 557 (libsystem_c.dylib + 420413) [0x7fffe018fa3d]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 strtoul + 61 (libsystem_c.dylib + 420482) [0x7fffe018fa82] (running)
1 DYLD-STUB$$__error + 0 (LaunchServices + 1250438) [0x7fffcbdef486]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
4 _UTDynamicValuesSearch + 461 (LaunchServices + 144763) [0x7fffcbce157b]
*3 return_to_iret + 288 (kernel + 670252) [0xffffff80002a3a2c]
*3 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*3 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*3 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*3 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*3 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
*1 hndl_allintrs + 297 (kernel + 669961) [0xffffff80002a3909]
*1 interrupt + 353 (kernel + 2118289) [0xffffff8000405291]
*1 lapic_interrupt + 75 (kernel + 2153867) [0xffffff800040dd8b]
*1 cpu_signal_handler + 650 (kernel + 2157818) [0xffffff800040ecfa]
*1 sync_iss_to_iks + 215 (kernel + 2121799) [0xffffff8000406047] (running)
3 _UTDynamicValuesSearch + 114 (LaunchServices + 144416) [0x7fffcbce1420]
3 XCFBufInitWithCFStringRange + 154 (LaunchServices + 57394) [0x7fffcbccc032]
3 CFStringGetBytes + 665 (CoreFoundation + 87705) [0x7fffcaa87699]
*3 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*3 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*3 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*3 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*3 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*3 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 _UTDynamicValuesSearch + 205 (LaunchServices + 144507) [0x7fffcbce147b]
1 _UTBase32Decode + 68 (LaunchServices + 145492) [0x7fffcbce1854]
1 _UTBase32DecodeDatum + 524 (LaunchServices + 146102) [0x7fffcbce1ab6]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
8 _UTDynamicCopyParentIdentifiers + 40 (LaunchServices + 999621) [0x7fffcbdb20c5]
3 CFArrayCreateMutable + 113 (CoreFoundation + 152849) [0x7fffcaa97511]
3 +[NSArray allocWithZone:] + 26 (CoreFoundation + 29050) [0x7fffcaa7917a]
*3 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*3 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*3 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*3 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*3 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*3 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
3 +[__NSArrayM __new:::] + 33 (CoreFoundation + 1541745) [0x7fffcabea671]
2 __CFAllocateObject2 + 15 (CoreFoundation + 29327) [0x7fffcaa7928f]
2 class_createInstance + 88 (libobjc.A.dylib + 26993) [0x7fffdf804971]
2 calloc + 30 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 19927) [0x7fffe0278dd7]
2 malloc_zone_calloc + 87 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 17558) [0x7fffe0278496]
1 nano_calloc + 45 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39601) [0x7fffe027dab1]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 nano_calloc + 70 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39626) [0x7fffe027daca]
1 OSAtomicDequeue + 28 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 9560) [0x7fffe0301558] (running)
1 class_createInstance + 168 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27073) [0x7fffdf8049c1] (running)
1 CFArrayCreateMutable + 66 (CoreFoundation + 152802) [0x7fffcaa974e2]
1 _CFGetTSD + 1 (CoreFoundation + 21089) [0x7fffcaa77261]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 CFArrayCreateMutable + 104 (CoreFoundation + 152840) [0x7fffcaa97508] (running)
2 objc_msgSend + 44 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27500) [0x7fffdf804b6c]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
*1 hndl_allintrs + 297 (kernel + 669961) [0xffffff80002a3909]
*1 interrupt + 353 (kernel + 2118289) [0xffffff8000405291]
*1 lapic_interrupt + 75 (kernel + 2153867) [0xffffff800040dd8b]
*1 cpu_signal_handler + 650 (kernel + 2157818) [0xffffff800040ecfa]
*1 sync_iss_to_iks + 215 (kernel + 2121799) [0xffffff8000406047] (running)
1 objc_release + 63 (libobjc.A.dylib + 36703) [0x7fffdf806f5f]
*1 return_from_trap + 160 (kernel + 669440) [0xffffff80002a3700] (running)
24 _UTDynamicCopyPedigree + 73 (LaunchServices + 999871) [0x7fffcbdb21bf]
14 CFSetCreateMutable + 187 (CoreFoundation + 298331) [0x7fffcaabad5b]
4 CFBasicHashCreate + 1585 (CoreFoundation + 12801) [0x7fffcaa75201]
*4 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*4 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*4 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*4 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*4 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*4 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
3 CFBasicHashCreate + 2002 (CoreFoundation + 13218) [0x7fffcaa753a2]
3 _platform_bzero$VARIANT$Base + 10 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 27770) [0x7fffe0305c7a]
*3 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
3 CFBasicHashCreate + 125 (CoreFoundation + 11341) [0x7fffcaa74c4d]
2 _CFRuntimeCreateInstance + 126 (CoreFoundation + 13710) [0x7fffcaa7558e]
2 _CFGetTSDCreateIfNeeded + 47 (CoreFoundation + 1368735) [0x7fffcabc029f]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 _CFRuntimeCreateInstance + 557 (CoreFoundation + 14141) [0x7fffcaa7573d]
1 object_setClass + 66 (libobjc.A.dylib + 42431) [0x7fffdf8085bf]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
2 CFBasicHashCreate + 867 (CoreFoundation + 12083) [0x7fffcaa74f33]
*2 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*2 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*2 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*2 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*2 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*2 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
2 CFBasicHashCreate + 781 (CoreFoundation + 11997) [0x7fffcaa74edd]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
*1 hndl_allintrs + 297 (kernel + 669961) [0xffffff80002a3909]
*1 interrupt + 353 (kernel + 2118289) [0xffffff8000405291]
*1 lapic_interrupt + 75 (kernel + 2153867) [0xffffff800040dd8b]
*1 cpu_signal_handler + 650 (kernel + 2157818) [0xffffff800040ecfa]
*1 sync_iss_to_iks + 215 (kernel + 2121799) [0xffffff8000406047] (running)
10 CFSetCreateMutable + 208 (CoreFoundation + 298352) [0x7fffcaabad70]
9 _CFRuntimeSetInstanceTypeIDAndIsa + 71 (CoreFoundation + 18567) [0x7fffcaa76887]
*9 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 _CFRuntimeSetInstanceTypeID + 1 (CoreFoundation + 10897) [0x7fffcaa74a91]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
3 _UTDynamicCopyPedigree + 96 (LaunchServices + 999894) [0x7fffcbdb21d6]
1 CFBasicHashAddValue + 56 (CoreFoundation + 33768) [0x7fffcaa7a3e8]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 CFBasicHashAddValue + 309 (CoreFoundation + 34021) [0x7fffcaa7a4e5]
1 __CFBasicHashAddValue + 102 (CoreFoundation + 39654) [0x7fffcaa7bae6]
1 __CFBasicHashRehash + 230 (CoreFoundation + 14790) [0x7fffcaa759c6]
1 malloc_zone_malloc + 107 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 8922) [0x7fffe02762da]
1 nano_malloc + 35 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 37906) [0x7fffe027d412]
1 OSAtomicDequeue + 4 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 9536) [0x7fffe0301540] (running)
1 __CFBasicHashAddValue + 1 (CoreFoundation + 39553) [0x7fffcaa7ba81]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
51 -[_UTTypeQueryWithTags _enumerateWithXPCConnection:block:] + 1049 (LaunchServices + 315842) [0x7fffcbd0b1c2]
37 _UTTypeGetActiveIdentifierForTag + 135 (LaunchServices + 101515) [0x7fffcbcd6c8b]
31 _UTEnumerateTypesForTag + 73 (LaunchServices + 1016243) [0x7fffcbdb61b3]
28 _LSDatabaseGetStringForCFString + 122 (LaunchServices + 94026) [0x7fffcbcd4f4a]
28 CSGetStringForCharacters + 141 (LaunchServices + 46109) [0x7fffcbcc941d]
15 CSMapGetKeyAndValueForKeyData + 42 (LaunchServices + 46234) [0x7fffcbcc949a]
14 CSMapSync + 69 (LaunchServices + 45427) [0x7fffcbcc9173]
11 CSStoreGetGeneration + 27 (LaunchServices + 45604) [0x7fffcbcc9224]
*11 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
3 CSStore2::Store::Get(__CSStore const*) + 1 (LaunchServices + 517529) [0x7fffcbd3c599]
*3 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*3 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*3 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*3 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*3 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*3 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 CSMapSync + 13 (LaunchServices + 45371) [0x7fffcbcc913b] (running)
7 CSMapGetKeyAndValueForKeyData + 136 (LaunchServices + 46328) [0x7fffcbcc94f8]
5 _CSStringStoreUnitMatchesString + 29 (LaunchServices + 46497) [0x7fffcbcc95a1]
3 CSStoreGetUnit + 46 (LaunchServices + 45726) [0x7fffcbcc929e]
3 CSStore2::Store::getTable(unsigned int) const + 32 (LaunchServices + 526900) [0x7fffcbd3ea34]
3 CSStore2::Store::getUnit(CSStore2::Table const*, unsigned int) const + 148 (LaunchServices + 527050) [0x7fffcbd3eaca]
3 CSStore2::Store::isUnitValid(CSStore2::Unit const*, CSStore2::Table const*, unsigned int) const + 228 (LaunchServices + 528746) [0x7fffcbd3f16a]
*3 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
2 CSStoreGetUnit + 70 (LaunchServices + 45750) [0x7fffcbcc92b6]
2 CSStore2::Store::getUnit(CSStore2::Table const*, unsigned int) const + 80 (LaunchServices + 526982) [0x7fffcbd3ea86]
1 CSStore2::IdentifierCache::Find(CSStore2::Store const*, CSStore2::IdentifierCache const*, unsigned int) + 255 (LaunchServices + 528459) [0x7fffcbd3f04b]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 CSStore2::IdentifierCache::Find(CSStore2::Store const*, CSStore2::IdentifierCache const*, unsigned int) + 292 (LaunchServices + 528496) [0x7fffcbd3f070]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
2 _platform_memcmp + 1 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 6113) [0x7fffe03007e1]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
4 CSMapGetKeyAndValueForKeyData + 63 (LaunchServices + 46255) [0x7fffcbcc94af]
*3 return_to_iret + 288 (kernel + 670252) [0xffffff80002a3a2c]
*3 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*3 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*3 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*3 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*3 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
*1 hndl_allintrs + 297 (kernel + 669961) [0xffffff80002a3909]
*1 interrupt + 353 (kernel + 2118289) [0xffffff8000405291]
*1 lapic_interrupt + 75 (kernel + 2153867) [0xffffff800040dd8b]
*1 cpu_signal_handler + 650 (kernel + 2157818) [0xffffff800040ecfa]
*1 sync_iss_to_iks + 215 (kernel + 2121799) [0xffffff8000406047] (running)
1 CSMapGetKeyAndValueForKeyData + 56 (LaunchServices + 46248) [0x7fffcbcc94a8]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 CSMapGetKeyAndValueForKeyData + 98 (LaunchServices + 46290) [0x7fffcbcc94d2]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
3 _LSDatabaseGetStringForCFString + 89 (LaunchServices + 93993) [0x7fffcbcd4f29]
2 XCFBufInitWithCFStringRange + 154 (LaunchServices + 57394) [0x7fffcbccc032]
1 CFStringGetBytes + 665 (CoreFoundation + 87705) [0x7fffcaa87699]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 CFStringGetBytes + 741 (CoreFoundation + 87781) [0x7fffcaa876e5]
1 _platform_memmove$VARIANT$Base + 50 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 25042) [0x7fffe03051d2]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 CFStringGetBytes + 1 (CoreFoundation + 87041) [0x7fffcaa87401] (running)
4 _UTEnumerateTypesForTag + 130 (LaunchServices + 1016300) [0x7fffcbdb61ec]
2 _LSDatabaseGetStringForCFString + 122 (LaunchServices + 94026) [0x7fffcbcd4f4a]
2 CSGetStringForCharacters + 141 (LaunchServices + 46109) [0x7fffcbcc941d]
1 CSMapGetKeyAndValueForKeyData + 136 (LaunchServices + 46328) [0x7fffcbcc94f8]
1 _CSStringStoreUnitMatchesString + 29 (LaunchServices + 46497) [0x7fffcbcc95a1]
1 CSStoreGetUnit + 25 (LaunchServices + 45705) [0x7fffcbcc9289]
1 CSStore2::Store::Get(__CSStore const*) + 24 (LaunchServices + 517552) [0x7fffcbd3c5b0]
1 CSStore2::Store::assertAccessingOnCorrectQueue(bool) const + 58 (LaunchServices + 517620) [0x7fffcbd3c5f4]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 CSMapGetKeyAndValueForKeyData + 256 (LaunchServices + 46448) [0x7fffcbcc9570]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
2 _LSDatabaseGetStringForCFString + 137 (LaunchServices + 94041) [0x7fffcbcd4f59]
1 XCFBufDestroy + 23 (LaunchServices + 58247) [0x7fffcbccc387] (running)
1 XCFBufDestroy + 52 (LaunchServices + 58276) [0x7fffcbccc3a4]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
2 _LSDatabaseFindBindingMapIndex + 1 (LaunchServices + 101574) [0x7fffcbcd6cc6]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
14 _UTTypeGetActiveIdentifierForTag + 126 (LaunchServices + 101506) [0x7fffcbcd6c82]
*14 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*14 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*14 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*14 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*14 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*14 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
22 -[_UTTypeQueryWithTags _enumerateWithXPCConnection:block:] + 120 (LaunchServices + 314913) [0x7fffcbd0ae21]
10 geteuid + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 109546) [0x7fffe0223bea]
*9 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
*1 return_to_iret + 288 (kernel + 670252) [0xffffff80002a3a2c]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
10 _LSContextInit + 241 (LaunchServices + 41185) [0x7fffcbcc80e1]
7 _LSCopyLocalDatabase + 31 (LaunchServices + 42219) [0x7fffcbcc84eb]
4 _LSGetSession(unsigned int) + 75 (LaunchServices + 42337) [0x7fffcbcc8561]
4 CFDictionaryGetValue + 124 (CoreFoundation + 47836) [0x7fffcaa7dadc]
2 CFBasicHashFindBucket + 163 (CoreFoundation + 48083) [0x7fffcaa7dbd3]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 CFBasicHashFindBucket + 87 (CoreFoundation + 48007) [0x7fffcaa7db87]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 CFBasicHashFindBucket + 185 (CoreFoundation + 48105) [0x7fffcaa7dbe9]
1 __CFNumberGetValue + 57 (CoreFoundation + 54137) [0x7fffcaa7f379]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
2 _LSGetSession(unsigned int) + 37 (LaunchServices + 42299) [0x7fffcbcc853b]
2 CFNumberCreate + 41 (CoreFoundation + 52313) [0x7fffcaa7ec59]
2 _CFGetTSDCreateIfNeeded + 111 (CoreFoundation + 1368799) [0x7fffcabc02df]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 CFRelease + 0 (CoreFoundation + 56432) [0x7fffcaa7fc70]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
2 _LSCopyLocalDatabase + 67 (LaunchServices + 42255) [0x7fffcbcc850f]
1 _pthread_mutex_unlock_slow + 242 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 6595) [0x7fffe03099c3] (running)
1 _pthread_mutex_unlock_slow + 284 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 6637) [0x7fffe03099ed]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 DYLD-STUB$$pthread_mutex_unlock + 0 (LaunchServices + 1251518) [0x7fffcbdef8be] (running)
2 _LSContextInit + 260 (LaunchServices + 41204) [0x7fffcbcc80f4]
1 _LSDatabaseNeedsUpdate(LSDatabase*) + 45 (LaunchServices + 57180) [0x7fffcbccbf5c]
1 pthread_mutex_lock + 54 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 5426) [0x7fffe0309532]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 _LSDatabaseNeedsUpdate(LSDatabase*) + 66 (LaunchServices + 57201) [0x7fffcbccbf71]
1 _os_nospin_lock_unlock + 12 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 22667) [0x7fffe030488b]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
12 -[_UTTypeQueryWithTags _enumerateWithXPCConnection:block:] + 1293 (LaunchServices + 316086) [0x7fffcbd0b2b6]
8 objc_msgSend + 44 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27500) [0x7fffdf804b6c]
*7 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
*1 hndl_allintrs + 297 (kernel + 669961) [0xffffff80002a3909]
*1 interrupt + 353 (kernel + 2118289) [0xffffff8000405291]
*1 lapic_interrupt + 75 (kernel + 2153867) [0xffffff800040dd8b]
*1 cpu_signal_handler + 650 (kernel + 2157818) [0xffffff800040ecfa]
*1 sync_iss_to_iks + 215 (kernel + 2121799) [0xffffff8000406047] (running)
4 -[_UTConcreteType initWithIdentifier:pedigree:] + 115 (LaunchServices + 1084863) [0x7fffcbdc6dbf]
3 -[__NSCFSet copyWithZone:] + 28 (CoreFoundation + 1076780) [0x7fffcab78e2c]
3 CFSetCreateCopy + 123 (CoreFoundation + 345131) [0x7fffcaac642b]
2 CFBasicHashCreateCopy + 470 (CoreFoundation + 261238) [0x7fffcaab1c76]
1 _CFRuntimeCreateInstance + 295 (CoreFoundation + 13879) [0x7fffcaa75637]
1 malloc_zone_malloc + 107 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 8922) [0x7fffe02762da]
1 nano_malloc + 35 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 37906) [0x7fffe027d412]
1 _nano_malloc_check_clear + 1317 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39253) [0x7fffe027d955]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 _CFRuntimeCreateInstance + 557 (CoreFoundation + 14141) [0x7fffcaa7573d]
1 object_setClass + 143 (libobjc.A.dylib + 42508) [0x7fffdf80860c] (running)
1 CFBasicHashCreateCopy + 130 (CoreFoundation + 260898) [0x7fffcaab1b22]
1 malloc_zone_malloc + 107 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 8922) [0x7fffe02762da]
1 nano_malloc + 6 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 37877) [0x7fffe027d3f5]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 _CFSetIsMutable + 1 (CoreFoundation + 609585) [0x7fffcab06d31]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
7 -[_UTTypeQueryWithTags _enumerateWithXPCConnection:block:] + 1315 (LaunchServices + 316108) [0x7fffcbd0b2cc]
3 __76-[_LSLocalContext _enumerateResolvedResultsOfQuery:XPCConnection:withBlock:]_block_invoke + 59 (LaunchServices + 539578) [0x7fffcbd41bba]
2 -[__NSArrayM insertObject:atIndex:] + 238 (CoreFoundation + 169198) [0x7fffcaa9b4ee]
2 malloc + 24 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 4696) [0x7fffe0275258]
2 malloc_zone_malloc + 107 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 8922) [0x7fffe02762da]
1 nano_malloc + 35 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 37906) [0x7fffe027d412]
1 _nano_malloc_check_clear + 371 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 38307) [0x7fffe027d5a3] (running)
1 default_zone_malloc + 41 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 71879) [0x7fffe02858c7] (running)
1 -[__NSArrayM insertObject:atIndex:] + 250 (CoreFoundation + 169210) [0x7fffcaa9b4fa]
1 malloc_size + 149 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 26876) [0x7fffe027a8fc]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
2 objc_autoreleasePoolPush + 1 (libobjc.A.dylib + 39136) [0x7fffdf8078e0]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 __81-[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:]_block_invoke_2 + 1 (LaunchServices + 538604) [0x7fffcbd417ec]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 __76-[_LSLocalContext _enumerateResolvedResultsOfQuery:XPCConnection:withBlock:]_block_invoke + 104 (LaunchServices + 539623) [0x7fffcbd41be7]
1 (anonymous namespace)::AutoreleasePoolPage::pop(void*) + 30 (libobjc.A.dylib + 39766) [0x7fffdf807b56] (running)
2 CFMakeCollectable + 1 (CoreFoundation + 267329) [0x7fffcaab3441]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
2 -[_UTTypeQueryWithTags _enumerateWithXPCConnection:block:] + 1214 (LaunchServices + 316007) [0x7fffcbd0b267]
2 objc_object::rootAutorelease2() + 19 (libobjc.A.dylib + 46273) [0x7fffdf8094c1]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 _LSContextInit + 1 (LaunchServices + 40945) [0x7fffcbcc7ff1]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[_UTTypeQueryWithTags _enumerateWithXPCConnection:block:] + 1271 (LaunchServices + 316064) [0x7fffcbd0b2a0]
1 _objc_rootAlloc + 45 (libobjc.A.dylib + 42896) [0x7fffdf808790]
1 class_createInstance + 88 (libobjc.A.dylib + 26993) [0x7fffdf804971]
1 calloc + 30 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 19927) [0x7fffe0278dd7]
1 malloc_zone_calloc + 87 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 17558) [0x7fffe0278496]
1 nano_calloc + 70 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39626) [0x7fffe027daca]
1 OSAtomicDequeue + 4 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 9536) [0x7fffe0301540]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[_UTTypeQueryWithTags _enumerateWithXPCConnection:block:] + 1322 (LaunchServices + 316115) [0x7fffcbd0b2d3]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
36 __81-[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:]_block_invoke + 684 (LaunchServices + 538343) [0x7fffcbd416e7]
22 -[__NSDictionaryM setObject:forKey:] + 386 (CoreFoundation + 56946) [0x7fffcaa7fe72]
15 objc_msgSend + 33 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27489) [0x7fffdf804b61]
*15 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*15 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*15 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*15 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*15 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*15 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
7 -[__NSCFString hash] + 1 (CoreFoundation + 59889) [0x7fffcaa809f1]
*7 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
12 -[__NSDictionaryM setObject:forKey:] + 859 (CoreFoundation + 57419) [0x7fffcaa8004b]
4 __rehashd + 23 (CoreFoundation + 57735) [0x7fffcaa80187]
*4 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
4 __rehashd + 154 (CoreFoundation + 57866) [0x7fffcaa8020a]
4 objc_msgSend + 44 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27500) [0x7fffdf804b6c]
*3 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
*1 hndl_allintrs + 297 (kernel + 669961) [0xffffff80002a3909]
*1 interrupt + 353 (kernel + 2118289) [0xffffff8000405291]
*1 lapic_interrupt + 75 (kernel + 2153867) [0xffffff800040dd8b]
*1 cpu_signal_handler + 650 (kernel + 2157818) [0xffffff800040ecfa]
*1 sync_iss_to_iks + 215 (kernel + 2121799) [0xffffff8000406047] (running)
1 __rehashd + 280 (CoreFoundation + 57992) [0x7fffcaa80288] (running)
1 __rehashd + 304 (CoreFoundation + 58016) [0x7fffcaa802a0]
1 free + 254 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 16171) [0x7fffe0277f2b] (running)
1 __rehashd + 354 (CoreFoundation + 58066) [0x7fffcaa802d2]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 calloc + 0 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 19897) [0x7fffe0278db9]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[__NSDictionaryM setObject:forKey:] + 219 (CoreFoundation + 56779) [0x7fffcaa7fdcb]
1 calloc + 30 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 19927) [0x7fffe0278dd7]
1 malloc_zone_calloc + 87 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 17558) [0x7fffe0278496]
1 nano_calloc + 70 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39626) [0x7fffe027daca]
1 OSAtomicDequeue + 28 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 9560) [0x7fffe0301558]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[__NSDictionaryM setObject:forKey:] + 415 (CoreFoundation + 56975) [0x7fffcaa7fe8f] (running)
5 __81-[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:]_block_invoke + 68 (LaunchServices + 537727) [0x7fffcbd4147f]
4 +[NSDictionary dictionary] + 22 (CoreFoundation + 494454) [0x7fffcaaeab76]
1 +[NSDictionary allocWithZone:] + 26 (CoreFoundation + 33002) [0x7fffcaa7a0ea] (running)
1 +[NSDictionary allocWithZone:] + 136 (CoreFoundation + 33112) [0x7fffcaa7a158]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 objc_msgSend + 0 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27456) [0x7fffdf804b40]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 objc_msgSend + 41 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27497) [0x7fffdf804b69]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 +[NSDictionary dictionary] + 41 (CoreFoundation + 494473) [0x7fffcaaeab89]
1 objc_msgSend + 44 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27500) [0x7fffdf804b6c]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
3 __81-[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:]_block_invoke + 427 (LaunchServices + 538086) [0x7fffcbd415e6]
3 +[NSArray array] + 38 (CoreFoundation + 386150) [0x7fffcaad0466]
2 -[__NSPlaceholderArray initWithObjects:count:] + 186 (CoreFoundation + 29674) [0x7fffcaa793ea]
2 +[__NSArrayM __new:::] + 33 (CoreFoundation + 1541745) [0x7fffcabea671]
2 __CFAllocateObject2 + 15 (CoreFoundation + 29327) [0x7fffcaa7928f]
2 class_createInstance + 88 (libobjc.A.dylib + 26993) [0x7fffdf804971]
2 calloc + 30 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 19927) [0x7fffe0278dd7]
2 malloc_zone_calloc + 87 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 17558) [0x7fffe0278496]
2 nano_calloc + 70 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39626) [0x7fffe027daca]
1 _nano_malloc_check_clear + 186 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 38122) [0x7fffe027d4ea]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 OSAtomicDequeue + 28 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 9560) [0x7fffe0301558]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 +[__NSArrayM __new:::] + 1 (CoreFoundation + 1541713) [0x7fffcabea651] (running)
2 -[NSMutableDictionary setObject:forKeyedSubscript:] + 1 (CoreFoundation + 536177) [0x7fffcaaf4e71]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
2 objc_msgSend + 44 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27500) [0x7fffdf804b6c]
*2 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*2 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*2 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*2 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*2 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*2 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 objc_msgSend + 33 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27489) [0x7fffdf804b61] (running)
2 -[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:] + 79 (LaunchServices + 537598) [0x7fffcbd413fe]
1 _LSDatabaseGetAccessQueue + 5 (LaunchServices + 697608) [0x7fffcbd68508] (running)
1 objc_msgSend + 44 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27500) [0x7fffdf804b6c] (running)
1 _LSDatabaseGetAccessQueue + 1 (LaunchServices + 697604) [0x7fffcbd68504] (running)
7 -[_LSQueryContext(Internal) _resolveQueries:cachingStrategy:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:] + 183 (LaunchServices + 536902) [0x7fffcbd41146]
7 -[NSSet initWithSet:copyItems:] + 889 (CoreFoundation + 626873) [0x7fffcab0b0b9]
7 -[__NSPlaceholderSet initWithObjects:count:] + 179 (CoreFoundation + 493635) [0x7fffcaaea843]
2 +[__NSSetM __new:::] + 233 (CoreFoundation + 306665) [0x7fffcaabcde9]
2 calloc + 30 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 19927) [0x7fffe0278dd7]
2 malloc_zone_calloc + 87 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 17558) [0x7fffe0278496]
2 nano_calloc + 70 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39626) [0x7fffe027daca]
2 DYLD-STUB$$OSAtomicDequeue + 0 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 107078) [0x7fffe028e246]
*2 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*2 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*2 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*2 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*2 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*2 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
2 +[__NSSetM __new:::] + 346 (CoreFoundation + 306778) [0x7fffcaabce5a]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 +[__NSSetM __new:::] + 154 (CoreFoundation + 306586) [0x7fffcaabcd9a]
1 __CFAllocateObject2 + 15 (CoreFoundation + 29327) [0x7fffcaa7928f]
1 calloc + 0 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 19897) [0x7fffe0278db9]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 +[__NSSetM __new:::] + 372 (CoreFoundation + 306804) [0x7fffcaabce74]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 -[_UTTypeQueryWithTags hash] + 1 (LaunchServices + 316951) [0x7fffcbd0b617]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 -[_LSQueryContext(Internal) _resolveQueries:cachingStrategy:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:] + 114 (LaunchServices + 536833) [0x7fffcbd41101]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 -[_LSQueryContext(Internal) _resolveQueries:cachingStrategy:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:] + 396 (LaunchServices + 537115) [0x7fffcbd4121b] (running)
1 objc_msgSend + 44 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27500) [0x7fffdf804b6c] (running)
1 -[NSObject autorelease] + 4 (libobjc.A.dylib + 46158) [0x7fffdf80944e]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
5 -[_UTTypeQuery resolve] + 94 (LaunchServices + 303383) [0x7fffcbd08117]
4 -[NSDictionary allValues] + 202 (CoreFoundation + 551850) [0x7fffcaaf8baa]
2 +[NSArray arrayWithObjects:count:] + 33 (CoreFoundation + 60721) [0x7fffcaa80d31]
2 +[NSArray allocWithZone:] + 45 (CoreFoundation + 29069) [0x7fffcaa7918d]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
2 +[NSArray arrayWithObjects:count:] + 52 (CoreFoundation + 60740) [0x7fffcaa80d44]
1 -[__NSPlaceholderArray initWithObjects:count:] + 150 (CoreFoundation + 29638) [0x7fffcaa793c6]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 objc_msgSend + 3 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27459) [0x7fffdf804b43]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 objc_msgSend + 44 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27500) [0x7fffdf804b6c]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
3 -[_UTTypeQuery resolve] + 60 (LaunchServices + 303349) [0x7fffcbd080f5]
3 +[NSSet setWithObject:] + 38 (CoreFoundation + 493846) [0x7fffcaaea916]
3 __createSet + 34 (CoreFoundation + 1644482) [0x7fffcac037c2]
3 -[__NSPlaceholderSet initWithObjects:count:] + 151 (CoreFoundation + 493607) [0x7fffcaaea827]
3 +[__NSSingleObjectSetI __new::] + 21 (CoreFoundation + 1637429) [0x7fffcac01c35]
3 __CFAllocateObject + 17 (CoreFoundation + 264081) [0x7fffcaab2791]
3 class_createInstance + 88 (libobjc.A.dylib + 26993) [0x7fffdf804971]
3 calloc + 30 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 19927) [0x7fffe0278dd7]
3 malloc_zone_calloc + 87 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 17558) [0x7fffe0278496]
3 nano_calloc + 70 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39626) [0x7fffe027daca]
2 OSAtomicDequeue + 28 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 9560) [0x7fffe0301558]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
*1 hndl_allintrs + 297 (kernel + 669961) [0xffffff80002a3909]
*1 interrupt + 353 (kernel + 2118289) [0xffffff8000405291]
*1 lapic_interrupt + 75 (kernel + 2153867) [0xffffff800040dd8b]
*1 cpu_signal_handler + 650 (kernel + 2157818) [0xffffff800040ecfa]
*1 sync_iss_to_iks + 215 (kernel + 2121799) [0xffffff8000406047] (running)
1 _nano_malloc_check_clear + 1340 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39276) [0x7fffe027d96c]
1 _platform_bzero$VARIANT$Base + 108 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 27868) [0x7fffe0305cdc]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 -[_UTTypeQuery resolve] + 57 (LaunchServices + 303346) [0x7fffcbd080f2] (running)
1 -[_UTTypeQuery resolve] + 107 (LaunchServices + 303396) [0x7fffcbd08124]
1 -[__NSSingleObjectArrayI count] + 1 (CoreFoundation + 1542865) [0x7fffcabeaad1]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
26 UTTypeCreatePreferredIdentifierForTag + 177 (LaunchServices + 101361) [0x7fffcbcd6bf1]
13 objc_msgSend + 44 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27500) [0x7fffdf804b6c]
*13 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
9 (anonymous namespace)::AutoreleasePoolPage::pop(void*) + 808 (libobjc.A.dylib + 40544) [0x7fffdf807e60]
4 -[__NSDictionaryM dealloc] + 184 (CoreFoundation + 304968) [0x7fffcaabc748]
4 -[__NSArrayM dealloc] + 19 (CoreFoundation + 183923) [0x7fffcaa9ee73]
3 common_removeAllObjects + 255 (CoreFoundation + 1536351) [0x7fffcabe915f]
2 -[_UTConcreteType dealloc] + 64 (LaunchServices + 1084976) [0x7fffcbdc6e30]
1 _CFRelease + 281 (CoreFoundation + 1380553) [0x7fffcabc30c9]
1 __CFBasicHashDrain + 536 (CoreFoundation + 152680) [0x7fffcaa97468]
1 CFAllocatorDeallocate + 57 (CoreFoundation + 18217) [0x7fffcaa76729]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 _CFRelease + 294 (CoreFoundation + 1380566) [0x7fffcabc30d6] (running)
1 -[_UTConcreteType dealloc] + 47 (LaunchServices + 1084959) [0x7fffcbdc6e1f]
1 _CFRelease + 497 (CoreFoundation + 1380769) [0x7fffcabc31a1]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[__NSDictionaryM dealloc] + 201 (CoreFoundation + 304985) [0x7fffcaabc759]
1 free + 378 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 16295) [0x7fffe0277fa7] (running)
1 -[__NSCFConstantString release] + 1 (CoreFoundation + 364129) [0x7fffcaacae61]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[__NSSetM dealloc] + 113 (CoreFoundation + 504433) [0x7fffcaaed271]
1 free + 254 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 16171) [0x7fffe0277f2b]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[_UTTypeQueryWithTags dealloc] + 112 (LaunchServices + 314782) [0x7fffcbd0ad9e]
1 nano_size + 0 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39359) [0x7fffe027d9bf] (running)
1 OSAtomicEnqueue + 32 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 9528) [0x7fffe0301538]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
2 (anonymous namespace)::AutoreleasePoolPage::pop(void*) + 859 (libobjc.A.dylib + 40595) [0x7fffdf807e93]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 -[_UTTypeQueryWithTags dealloc] + 1 (LaunchServices + 314671) [0x7fffcbd0ad2f]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 objc_release + 90 (libobjc.A.dylib + 36730) [0x7fffdf806f7a] (running)
6 -[_UTConcreteType identifier] + 1 (LaunchServices + 1086464) [0x7fffcbdc7400]
*6 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
5 UTTypeCreatePreferredIdentifierForTag + 87 (LaunchServices + 101271) [0x7fffcbcd6b97]
3 +[_UTTypeQuery typeQueryWithTag:ofClass:conformsTo:limit:] + 75 (LaunchServices + 303032) [0x7fffcbd07fb8]
1 -[_UTTypeQueryWithTags initWithTag:ofClass:conformsTo:limit:] + 65 (LaunchServices + 314285) [0x7fffcbd0abad]
1 objc_msgSendSuper2 + 31 (libobjc.A.dylib + 28063) [0x7fffdf804d9f]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 -[_UTTypeQueryWithTags initWithTag:ofClass:conformsTo:limit:] + 365 (LaunchServices + 314585) [0x7fffcbd0acd9]
1 CFStringCreateCopy + 143 (CoreFoundation + 83663) [0x7fffcaa866cf]
1 _CFGetTSDCreateIfNeeded + 111 (CoreFoundation + 1368799) [0x7fffcabc02df] (running)
1 objc_msgSend + 46 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27502) [0x7fffdf804b6e]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
2 +[_UTTypeQuery typeQueryWithTag:ofClass:conformsTo:limit:] + 50 (LaunchServices + 303007) [0x7fffcbd07f9f]
2 _objc_rootAlloc + 45 (libobjc.A.dylib + 42896) [0x7fffdf808790]
2 class_createInstance + 88 (libobjc.A.dylib + 26993) [0x7fffdf804971]
2 calloc + 30 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 19927) [0x7fffe0278dd7]
2 malloc_zone_calloc + 87 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 17558) [0x7fffe0278496]
2 nano_calloc + 70 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39626) [0x7fffe027daca]
1 _nano_malloc_check_clear + 107 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 38043) [0x7fffe027d49b]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 OSAtomicDequeue + 28 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 9560) [0x7fffe0301558] (running)
2 -[_UTTypeQuery resolve] + 1 (LaunchServices + 303290) [0x7fffcbd080ba]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 UTTypeCreatePreferredIdentifierForTag + 126 (LaunchServices + 101310) [0x7fffcbcd6bbe]
1 objc_msgSend + 44 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27500) [0x7fffdf804b6c]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
70 QSUTIForAnyTypeString + 83 (QSFoundation + 50090) [0x1092423aa]
39 QSIsUTI + 52 (QSFoundation + 48807) [0x109241ea7]
19 objc_autoreleasePoolPush + 1 (libobjc.A.dylib + 39136) [0x7fffdf8078e0]
*18 return_to_iret + 288 (kernel + 670252) [0xffffff80002a3a2c]
*18 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*18 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*18 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*18 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*18 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
*1 hndl_allintrs + 297 (kernel + 669961) [0xffffff80002a3909]
*1 interrupt + 353 (kernel + 2118289) [0xffffff8000405291]
*1 lapic_interrupt + 75 (kernel + 2153867) [0xffffff800040dd8b]
*1 cpu_signal_handler + 650 (kernel + 2157818) [0xffffff800040ecfa]
*1 sync_iss_to_iks + 215 (kernel + 2121799) [0xffffff8000406047] (running)
14 UTTypeCopyDeclaration + 102 (LaunchServices + 1001826) [0x7fffcbdb2962]
11 -[_UTTypeQuery resolve] + 81 (LaunchServices + 303370) [0x7fffcbd0810a]
11 -[_LSQueryContext(SynchronousResolution) resolveQueries:cachingStrategy:error:] + 418 (LaunchServices + 536240) [0x7fffcbd40eb0]
11 -[_LSQueryContext(Internal) _resolveQueries:cachingStrategy:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:] + 391 (LaunchServices + 537110) [0x7fffcbd41216]
11 -[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:] + 105 (LaunchServices + 537624) [0x7fffcbd41418]
6 __81-[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:]_block_invoke + 618 (LaunchServices + 538277) [0x7fffcbd416a5]
6 -[_LSLocalContext _enumerateResolvedResultsOfQuery:XPCConnection:withBlock:] + 498 (LaunchServices + 539465) [0x7fffcbd41b49]
3 -[_UTTypeQueryWithIdentifier _enumerateWithXPCConnection:block:] + 1216 (LaunchServices + 1009877) [0x7fffcbdb48d5]
3 +[NSSet setWithObject:] + 27 (CoreFoundation + 493835) [0x7fffcaaea90b]
3 +[NSSet allocWithZone:] + 33 (CoreFoundation + 305297) [0x7fffcaabc891]
*3 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*3 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*3 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*3 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*3 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*3 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
3 -[_UTTypeQueryWithIdentifier _enumerateWithXPCConnection:block:] + 319 (LaunchServices + 1008980) [0x7fffcbdb4554]
1 _LSContextInit + 241 (LaunchServices + 41185) [0x7fffcbcc80e1]
1 DYLD-STUB$$pthread_mutex_lock + 0 (LaunchServices + 1251512) [0x7fffcbdef8b8]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 _LSContextInit + 260 (LaunchServices + 41204) [0x7fffcbcc80f4]
1 _LSDatabaseNeedsUpdate(LSDatabase*) + 66 (LaunchServices + 57201) [0x7fffcbccbf71]
1 registration_node_find + 0 (libsystem_notify.dylib + 25065) [0x7fffe02fb1e9]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 geteuid + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 109546) [0x7fffe0223bea]
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671558) [0xffffff80002a3f46]
*1 unix_syscall64 + 586 (kernel + 6452170) [0xffffff80008273ca]
*1 geteuid + 15 (kernel + 5762207) [0xffffff800077ec9f]
*1 return_to_iret + 288 (kernel + 670252) [0xffffff80002a3a2c]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
5 __81-[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:]_block_invoke + 684 (LaunchServices + 538343) [0x7fffcbd416e7]
2 -[__NSDictionaryM setObject:forKey:] + 386 (CoreFoundation + 56946) [0x7fffcaa7fe72]
1 _UTTypeHash + 1 (LaunchServices + 157644) [0x7fffcbce47cc]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[_UTTypeQueryWithIdentifier hash] + 26 (LaunchServices + 1010624) [0x7fffcbdb4bc0]
1 _XCFStringHashCaseInsensitive + 61 (LaunchServices + 310814) [0x7fffcbd09e1e]
1 strlen + 7 (libsystem_c.dylib + 6983) [0x7fffe012ab47]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
2 -[__NSDictionaryM setObject:forKey:] + 859 (CoreFoundation + 57419) [0x7fffcaa8004b]
1 __rehashd + 304 (CoreFoundation + 58016) [0x7fffcaa802a0]
1 nano_size + 0 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39359) [0x7fffe027d9bf]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 DYLD-STUB$$calloc + 0 (CoreFoundation + 2010558) [0x7fffcac5cdbe]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 -[__NSDictionaryM setObject:forKey:] + 219 (CoreFoundation + 56779) [0x7fffcaa7fdcb]
1 calloc + 30 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 19927) [0x7fffe0278dd7]
1 malloc_zone_calloc + 87 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 17558) [0x7fffe0278496]
1 nano_calloc + 70 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39626) [0x7fffe027daca]
1 _nano_malloc_check_clear + 6 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 37942) [0x7fffe027d436]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
2 -[_UTTypeQuery resolve] + 94 (LaunchServices + 303383) [0x7fffcbd08117]
2 -[__NSDictionaryM count] + 1 (CoreFoundation + 296545) [0x7fffcaaba661]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 -[_UTTypeQuery resolve] + 60 (LaunchServices + 303349) [0x7fffcbd080f5]
1 +[NSSet setWithObject:] + 38 (CoreFoundation + 493846) [0x7fffcaaea916]
1 __createSet + 34 (CoreFoundation + 1644482) [0x7fffcac037c2]
1 -[__NSPlaceholderSet initWithObjects:count:] + 151 (CoreFoundation + 493607) [0x7fffcaaea827]
1 +[__NSSingleObjectSetI __new::] + 21 (CoreFoundation + 1637429) [0x7fffcac01c35]
1 __CFAllocateObject + 17 (CoreFoundation + 264081) [0x7fffcaab2791]
1 class_createInstance + 163 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27068) [0x7fffdf8049bc]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
3 UTTypeCopyDeclaration + 75 (LaunchServices + 1001799) [0x7fffcbdb2947]
3 +[_UTTypeQuery typeQueryWithIdentifier:] + 50 (LaunchServices + 302910) [0x7fffcbd07f3e]
3 objc_msgSend + 44 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27500) [0x7fffdf804b6c]
*3 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
3 UTTypeCopyDeclaration + 191 (LaunchServices + 1001915) [0x7fffcbdb29bb]
3 (anonymous namespace)::AutoreleasePoolPage::pop(void*) + 808 (libobjc.A.dylib + 40544) [0x7fffdf807e60]
1 -[__NSDictionaryM dealloc] + 184 (CoreFoundation + 304968) [0x7fffcaabc748]
1 -[__NSArrayM dealloc] + 19 (CoreFoundation + 183923) [0x7fffcaa9ee73]
1 common_removeAllObjects + 255 (CoreFoundation + 1536351) [0x7fffcabe915f]
1 _objc_rootDealloc + 19 (libobjc.A.dylib + 36847) [0x7fffdf806fef] (running)
1 -[__NSSingleObjectArrayI dealloc] + 43 (CoreFoundation + 1542811) [0x7fffcabeaa9b]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 objc_msgSend + 33 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27489) [0x7fffdf804b61]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
30 QSIsUTI + 37 (QSFoundation + 48792) [0x109241e98]
11 UTTypeConformsTo + 299 (LaunchServices + 93822) [0x7fffcbcd4e7e]
11 objc_msgSend + 44 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27500) [0x7fffdf804b6c]
*11 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
10 UTTypeConformsTo + 109 (LaunchServices + 93632) [0x7fffcbcd4dc0]
9 _LSContextInit + 241 (LaunchServices + 41185) [0x7fffcbcc80e1]
9 _LSCopyLocalDatabase + 24 (LaunchServices + 42212) [0x7fffcbcc84e4]
9 _pthread_mutex_lock_slow + 240 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 5724) [0x7fffe030965c]
*9 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 _LSContextInit + 260 (LaunchServices + 41204) [0x7fffcbcc80f4]
1 _LSDatabaseNeedsUpdate(LSDatabase*) + 34 (LaunchServices + 57169) [0x7fffcbccbf51]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
6 UTTypeConformsTo + 249 (LaunchServices + 93772) [0x7fffcbcd4e4c]
3 -[_UTTypeQuery resolve] + 81 (LaunchServices + 303370) [0x7fffcbd0810a]
3 -[_LSQueryContext(SynchronousResolution) resolveQueries:cachingStrategy:error:] + 418 (LaunchServices + 536240) [0x7fffcbd40eb0]
3 -[_LSQueryContext(Internal) _resolveQueries:cachingStrategy:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:] + 391 (LaunchServices + 537110) [0x7fffcbd41216]
2 -[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:] + 79 (LaunchServices + 537598) [0x7fffcbd413fe]
1 objc_msgSend + 46 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27502) [0x7fffdf804b6e]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:] + 105 (LaunchServices + 537624) [0x7fffcbd41418]
1 __81-[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:]_block_invoke + 618 (LaunchServices + 538277) [0x7fffcbd416a5]
1 -[_LSLocalContext _enumerateResolvedResultsOfQuery:XPCConnection:withBlock:] + 498 (LaunchServices + 539465) [0x7fffcbd41b49]
1 -[_UTTypeQueryWithIdentifier _enumerateWithXPCConnection:block:] + 250 (LaunchServices + 1008911) [0x7fffcbdb450f]
1 +[NSError errorWithDomain:code:userInfo:] + 37 (Foundation + 231958) [0x7fffcc53fa16]
1 _objc_rootAlloc + 45 (libobjc.A.dylib + 42896) [0x7fffdf808790]
1 class_createInstance + 88 (libobjc.A.dylib + 26993) [0x7fffdf804971]
1 calloc + 30 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 19927) [0x7fffe0278dd7]
1 malloc_zone_calloc + 87 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 17558) [0x7fffe0278496]
1 nano_calloc + 70 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39626) [0x7fffe027daca]
1 DYLD-STUB$$OSAtomicDequeue + 0 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 107078) [0x7fffe028e246]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
3 objc_msgSend + 0 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27456) [0x7fffdf804b40]
*3 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*3 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*3 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*3 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*3 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*3 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
3 UTTypeConformsTo + 84 (LaunchServices + 93607) [0x7fffcbcd4da7]
3 _UTTypeIdentifierIsDeclarable + 30 (LaunchServices + 1001656) [0x7fffcbdb28b8]
3 _UTTypeIdentifierIsValid + 73 (LaunchServices + 100863) [0x7fffcbcd69ff]
3 CFStringGetBytes + 1 (CoreFoundation + 87041) [0x7fffcaa87401]
*3 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 QSIsUTI + 90 (QSFoundation + 48845) [0x109241ecd]
1 -[NSString rangeOfString:] + 65 (Foundation + 19204) [0x7fffcc50bb04]
1 objc_msgSend + 0 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27456) [0x7fffdf804b40]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
6 QSUTIForAnyTypeString + 201 (QSFoundation + 50208) [0x109242420]
4 -[NSString stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:] + 128 (Foundation + 433397) [0x7fffcc570cf5]
*4 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
2 -[NSString stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:] + 1041 (Foundation + 434310) [0x7fffcc571086]
1 -[__NSCFString substringWithRange:] + 41 (CoreFoundation + 383561) [0x7fffcaacfa49]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[__NSCFString substringWithRange:] + 277 (CoreFoundation + 383797) [0x7fffcaacfb35]
1 CFRetain + 3 (CoreFoundation + 30003) [0x7fffcaa79533] (running)
5 QSUTIForAnyTypeString + 519 (QSFoundation + 50526) [0x10924255e]
5 -[__NSCFString hasPrefix:] + 107 (CoreFoundation + 386539) [0x7fffcaad05eb]
5 CFStringHasPrefix + 194 (CoreFoundation + 66146) [0x7fffcaa82262]
2 CFStringFindWithOptionsAndLocale + 1323 (CoreFoundation + 67483) [0x7fffcaa8279b]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 CFStringFindWithOptionsAndLocale + 278 (CoreFoundation + 66438) [0x7fffcaa82386] (running)
1 CFStringFindWithOptionsAndLocale + 338 (CoreFoundation + 66498) [0x7fffcaa823c2]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 CFStringFindWithOptionsAndLocale + 13195 (CoreFoundation + 79355) [0x7fffcaa855fb]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
3 QSUTIForAnyTypeString + 174 (QSFoundation + 50181) [0x109242405]
3 +[NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:] + 14 (Foundation + 139968) [0x7fffcc5292c0]
3 CFCharacterSetCreateWithCharactersInString + 62 (CoreFoundation + 570670) [0x7fffcaafd52e]
2 _CFRuntimeCreateInstance + 295 (CoreFoundation + 13879) [0x7fffcaa75637]
2 CFAllocatorAllocate + 79 (CoreFoundation + 14287) [0x7fffcaa757cf]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
*1 hndl_allintrs + 297 (kernel + 669961) [0xffffff80002a3909]
*1 interrupt + 353 (kernel + 2118289) [0xffffff8000405291]
*1 lapic_interrupt + 75 (kernel + 2153867) [0xffffff800040dd8b]
*1 cpu_signal_handler + 650 (kernel + 2157818) [0xffffff800040ecfa]
*1 sync_iss_to_iks + 215 (kernel + 2121799) [0xffffff8000406047] (running)
1 _CFRuntimeCreateInstance + 549 (CoreFoundation + 14133) [0x7fffcaa75735] (running)
3 QSUTIForAnyTypeString + 532 (QSFoundation + 50539) [0x10924256b]
3 _CFRelease + 368 (CoreFoundation + 1380640) [0x7fffcabc3120]
*3 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
3 QSUTIForAnyTypeString + 685 (QSFoundation + 50692) [0x109242604]
2 -[__NSCFString isEqualToString:] + 91 (CoreFoundation + 368651) [0x7fffcaacc00b]
2 _CFStringGetLength2 + 20 (CoreFoundation + 116628) [0x7fffcaa8e794]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 -[__NSCFString isEqualToString:] + 14 (CoreFoundation + 368574) [0x7fffcaacbfbe]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
3 _CFNonObjCRelease + 0 (CoreFoundation + 1380256) [0x7fffcabc2fa0]
*2 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*2 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*2 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*2 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*2 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*2 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
*1 hndl_allintrs + 297 (kernel + 669961) [0xffffff80002a3909]
*1 interrupt + 353 (kernel + 2118289) [0xffffff8000405291]
*1 lapic_interrupt + 75 (kernel + 2153867) [0xffffff800040dd8b]
*1 cpu_signal_handler + 650 (kernel + 2157818) [0xffffff800040ecfa]
*1 sync_iss_to_iks + 215 (kernel + 2121799) [0xffffff8000406047] (running)
1 QSUTIForAnyTypeString + 40 (QSFoundation + 50047) [0x10924237f]
1 _CFNonObjCRetain + 0 (CoreFoundation + 1380240) [0x7fffcabc2f90]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 QSUTIForAnyTypeString + 108 (QSFoundation + 50115) [0x1092423c3]
1 _CFRelease + 171 (CoreFoundation + 1380443) [0x7fffcabc305b]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 QSUTIForAnyTypeString + 353 (QSFoundation + 50360) [0x1092424b8]
1 +[NSArray arrayWithObjects:count:] + 52 (CoreFoundation + 60740) [0x7fffcaa80d44]
1 objc_msgSend + 33 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27489) [0x7fffdf804b61]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 QSUTIForAnyTypeString + 375 (QSFoundation + 50382) [0x1092424ce]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
422 -[QSObject objectForType:] + 59 (QSCore + 109158) [0x1092e0a66]
418 -[QSObject _safeObjectForType:] + 18 (QSCore + 109029) [0x1092e09e5]
306 QSUTIForAnyTypeString + 493 (QSFoundation + 50500) [0x109242544]
242 UTTypeCreatePreferredIdentifierForTag + 114 (LaunchServices + 101298) [0x7fffcbcd6bb2]
227 -[_UTTypeQuery resolve] + 81 (LaunchServices + 303370) [0x7fffcbd0810a]
226 -[_LSQueryContext(SynchronousResolution) resolveQueries:cachingStrategy:error:] + 418 (LaunchServices + 536240) [0x7fffcbd40eb0]
213 -[_LSQueryContext(Internal) _resolveQueries:cachingStrategy:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:] + 391 (LaunchServices + 537110) [0x7fffcbd41216]
212 -[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:] + 105 (LaunchServices + 537624) [0x7fffcbd41418]
190 __81-[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:]_block_invoke + 618 (LaunchServices + 538277) [0x7fffcbd416a5]
190 -[_LSLocalContext _enumerateResolvedResultsOfQuery:XPCConnection:withBlock:] + 498 (LaunchServices + 539465) [0x7fffcbd41b49]
109 -[_UTTypeQueryWithTags _enumerateWithXPCConnection:block:] + 1187 (LaunchServices + 315980) [0x7fffcbd0b24c]
56 _UTTypeCreateDynamicIdentifierForTag + 82 (LaunchServices + 101700) [0x7fffcbcd6d44]
16 UTTypeConformsTo + 141 (LaunchServices + 93664) [0x7fffcbcd4de0]
11 _UTGetActiveTypeForIdentifier + 162 (LaunchServices + 94236) [0x7fffcbcd501c]
10 _UTEnumerateTypesForIdentifier + 107 (LaunchServices + 1015880) [0x7fffcbdb6048]
10 _CSStringBindingEnumerate + 80 (LaunchServices + 330155) [0x7fffcbd0e9ab]
4 _CSArrayEnumerateAllValues + 139 (LaunchServices + 322750) [0x7fffcbd0ccbe]
3 ___UTEnumerateTypesForIdentifier_block_invoke + 75 (LaunchServices + 1018214) [0x7fffcbdb6966]
3 CSStoreGetUnit + 70 (LaunchServices + 45750) [0x7fffcbcc92b6]
2 CSStore2::Store::getUnit(CSStore2::Table const*, unsigned int) const + 80 (LaunchServices + 526982) [0x7fffcbd3ea86]
2 CSStore2::IdentifierCache::Find(CSStore2::Store const*, CSStore2::IdentifierCache const*, unsigned int) + 200 (LaunchServices + 528404) [0x7fffcbd3f014]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 CSStore2::Store::getUnit(CSStore2::Table const*, unsigned int) const + 148 (LaunchServices + 527050) [0x7fffcbd3eaca]
1 CSStore2::Store::isUnitValid(CSStore2::Unit const*, CSStore2::Table const*, unsigned int) const + 133 (LaunchServices + 528651) [0x7fffcbd3f10b] (running)
1 ___UTGetActiveTypeForIdentifier_block_invoke + 21 (LaunchServices + 1015907) [0x7fffcbdb6063]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
3 _CSArrayEnumerateAllValues + 203 (LaunchServices + 322814) [0x7fffcbd0ccfe]
1 free + 384 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 16301) [0x7fffe0277fad] (running)
1 nano_size + 0 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39359) [0x7fffe027d9bf] (running)
*1 hndl_allintrs + 297 (kernel + 669961) [0xffffff80002a3909]
*1 interrupt + 353 (kernel + 2118289) [0xffffff8000405291]
*1 lapic_interrupt + 75 (kernel + 2153867) [0xffffff800040dd8b]
*1 cpu_signal_handler + 650 (kernel + 2157818) [0xffffff800040ecfa]
*1 sync_iss_to_iks + 215 (kernel + 2121799) [0xffffff8000406047] (running)
1 _CSArrayEnumerateAllValues + 71 (LaunchServices + 322682) [0x7fffcbd0cc7a]
1 CSArrayGetValues + 118 (LaunchServices + 60104) [0x7fffcbcccac8]
1 CSStoreGetUnit + 70 (LaunchServices + 45750) [0x7fffcbcc92b6]
1 CSStore2::Store::getUnit(CSStore2::Table const*, unsigned int) const + 80 (LaunchServices + 526982) [0x7fffcbd3ea86]
1 CSStore2::IdentifierCache::Find(CSStore2::Store const*, CSStore2::IdentifierCache const*, unsigned int) + 276 (LaunchServices + 528480) [0x7fffcbd3f060] (running)
1 _CSArrayEnumerateAllValues + 79 (LaunchServices + 322690) [0x7fffcbd0cc82] (running)
1 _CSArrayEnumerateAllValues + 99 (LaunchServices + 322710) [0x7fffcbd0cc96]
1 std::__1::vector<unsigned int, std::__1::allocator<unsigned int> >::vector<unsigned int const*>(unsigned int const*, std::__1::enable_if<(__is_forward_iterator<unsigned int const*>::value) && (is_constructible<unsigned int, std::__1::iterator_traits<unsigned int const*>::reference>::value), unsigned int const*>::type) + 62 (LaunchServices + 322996) [0x7fffcbd0cdb4]
1 operator new(unsigned long) + 0 (libc++abi.dylib + 146960) [0x7fffded07e10] (running)
1 _CSStringBindingEnumerate + 1 (LaunchServices + 330076) [0x7fffcbd0e95c]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
4 _UTGetActiveTypeForCFStringIdentifier + 23 (LaunchServices + 93875) [0x7fffcbcd4eb3]
2 _LSDatabaseGetStringForCFString + 122 (LaunchServices + 94026) [0x7fffcbcd4f4a]
2 CSGetStringForCharacters + 141 (LaunchServices + 46109) [0x7fffcbcc941d]
2 CSMapGetKeyAndValueForKeyData + 136 (LaunchServices + 46328) [0x7fffcbcc94f8]
2 _CSStringStoreUnitMatchesString + 29 (LaunchServices + 46497) [0x7fffcbcc95a1]
2 CSStoreGetUnit + 46 (LaunchServices + 45726) [0x7fffcbcc929e]
2 CSStore2::Store::getTable(unsigned int) const + 32 (LaunchServices + 526900) [0x7fffcbd3ea34]
2 CSStore2::Store::getUnit(CSStore2::Table const*, unsigned int) const + 63 (LaunchServices + 526965) [0x7fffcbd3ea75]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
2 _LSDatabaseGetStringForCFString + 89 (LaunchServices + 93993) [0x7fffcbcd4f29]
1 XCFBufInitWithCFStringRange + 349 (LaunchServices + 57589) [0x7fffcbccc0f5] (running)
1 XCFBufInitWithCFStringRange + 356 (LaunchServices + 57596) [0x7fffcbccc0fc]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 _UTGetActiveTypeForIdentifier + 202 (LaunchServices + 94276) [0x7fffcbcd5044]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
14 UTTypeConformsTo + 166 (LaunchServices + 93689) [0x7fffcbcd4df9]
8 _UTGetActiveTypeForIdentifier + 162 (LaunchServices + 94236) [0x7fffcbcd501c]
8 _UTEnumerateTypesForIdentifier + 107 (LaunchServices + 1015880) [0x7fffcbdb6048]
8 _CSStringBindingEnumerate + 80 (LaunchServices + 330155) [0x7fffcbd0e9ab]
4 _CSArrayEnumerateAllValues + 71 (LaunchServices + 322682) [0x7fffcbd0cc7a]
4 CSArrayGetValues + 118 (LaunchServices + 60104) [0x7fffcbcccac8]
3 CSStoreGetUnit + 70 (LaunchServices + 45750) [0x7fffcbcc92b6]
2 CSStore2::Store::getUnit(CSStore2::Table const*, unsigned int) const + 80 (LaunchServices + 526982) [0x7fffcbd3ea86]
1 CSStore2::IdentifierCache::Find(CSStore2::Store const*, CSStore2::IdentifierCache const*, unsigned int) + 235 (LaunchServices + 528439) [0x7fffcbd3f037] (running)
1 CSStore2::IdentifierCache::Find(CSStore2::Store const*, CSStore2::IdentifierCache const*, unsigned int) + 258 (LaunchServices + 528462) [0x7fffcbd3f04e]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 CSStore2::Store::getUnit(CSStore2::Table const*, unsigned int) const + 148 (LaunchServices + 527050) [0x7fffcbd3eaca]
1 CSStore2::Store::isUnitValid(CSStore2::Unit const*, CSStore2::Table const*, unsigned int) const + 223 (LaunchServices + 528741) [0x7fffcbd3f165] (running)
1 CSStoreGetUnit + 46 (LaunchServices + 45726) [0x7fffcbcc929e]
1 CSStore2::Store::getTable(unsigned int) const + 32 (LaunchServices + 526900) [0x7fffcbd3ea34]
1 CSStore2::Store::getUnit(CSStore2::Table const*, unsigned int) const + 80 (LaunchServices + 526982) [0x7fffcbd3ea86]
1 CSStore2::IdentifierCache::Find(CSStore2::Store const*, CSStore2::IdentifierCache const*, unsigned int) + 50 (LaunchServices + 528254) [0x7fffcbd3ef7e]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
2 _CSArrayEnumerateAllValues + 139 (LaunchServices + 322750) [0x7fffcbd0ccbe]
2 ___UTEnumerateTypesForIdentifier_block_invoke + 75 (LaunchServices + 1018214) [0x7fffcbdb6966]
2 CSStoreGetUnit + 46 (LaunchServices + 45726) [0x7fffcbcc929e]
2 CSStore2::Store::getTable(unsigned int) const + 32 (LaunchServices + 526900) [0x7fffcbd3ea34]
2 CSStore2::Store::getUnit(CSStore2::Table const*, unsigned int) const + 162 (LaunchServices + 527064) [0x7fffcbd3ead8]
*2 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*2 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*2 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*2 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*2 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*2 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 nano_free_definite_size + 16 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39411) [0x7fffe027d9f3]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 OSAtomicEnqueue + 32 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 9528) [0x7fffe0301538]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
6 _UTGetActiveTypeForCFStringIdentifier + 23 (LaunchServices + 93875) [0x7fffcbcd4eb3]
5 _LSDatabaseGetStringForCFString + 89 (LaunchServices + 93993) [0x7fffcbcd4f29]
4 XCFBufInitWithCFStringRange + 359 (LaunchServices + 57599) [0x7fffcbccc0ff]
*4 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 XCFBufInitWithCFStringRange + 97 (LaunchServices + 57337) [0x7fffcbccbff9]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 _LSDatabaseGetStringForCFString + 122 (LaunchServices + 94026) [0x7fffcbcd4f4a]
1 CSGetStringForCharacters + 141 (LaunchServices + 46109) [0x7fffcbcc941d]
1 CSMapGetKeyAndValueForKeyData + 42 (LaunchServices + 46234) [0x7fffcbcc949a]
1 _os_nospin_lock_lock + 14 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 22443) [0x7fffe03047ab]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
13 UTTypeConformsTo + 109 (LaunchServices + 93632) [0x7fffcbcd4dc0]
5 _LSContextInit + 241 (LaunchServices + 41185) [0x7fffcbcc80e1]
5 _LSCopyLocalDatabase + 31 (LaunchServices + 42219) [0x7fffcbcc84eb]
4 _LSGetSession(unsigned int) + 75 (LaunchServices + 42337) [0x7fffcbcc8561]
4 CFDictionaryGetValue + 124 (CoreFoundation + 47836) [0x7fffcaa7dadc]
2 CFBasicHashFindBucket + 185 (CoreFoundation + 48105) [0x7fffcaa7dbe9]
1 __CFNumberHash + 92 (CoreFoundation + 53804) [0x7fffcaa7f22c] (running)
1 __CFNumberHash + 352 (CoreFoundation + 54064) [0x7fffcaa7f330]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
2 CFBasicHashFindBucket + 214 (CoreFoundation + 48134) [0x7fffcaa7dc06]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
*1 hndl_allintrs + 297 (kernel + 669961) [0xffffff80002a3909]
*1 interrupt + 353 (kernel + 2118289) [0xffffff8000405291]
*1 lapic_interrupt + 75 (kernel + 2153867) [0xffffff800040dd8b]
*1 cpu_signal_handler + 650 (kernel + 2157818) [0xffffff800040ecfa]
*1 sync_iss_to_iks + 215 (kernel + 2121799) [0xffffff8000406047] (running)
1 _LSGetSession(unsigned int) + 37 (LaunchServices + 42299) [0x7fffcbcc853b]
1 CFNumberCreate + 41 (CoreFoundation + 52313) [0x7fffcaa7ec59]
1 _CFGetTSDCreateIfNeeded + 111 (CoreFoundation + 1368799) [0x7fffcabc02df]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
3 _LSContextInit + 260 (LaunchServices + 41204) [0x7fffcbcc80f4]
3 _LSDatabaseNeedsUpdate(LSDatabase*) + 66 (LaunchServices + 57201) [0x7fffcbccbf71]
1 notify_check + 66 (libsystem_notify.dylib + 30566) [0x7fffe02fc766]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 notify_check + 105 (libsystem_notify.dylib + 30605) [0x7fffe02fc78d]
1 pthread_mutex_lock + 54 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 5426) [0x7fffe0309532]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 notify_check + 327 (libsystem_notify.dylib + 30827) [0x7fffe02fc86b]
1 pthread_mutex_lock + 85 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 5457) [0x7fffe0309551] (running)
3 DYLD-STUB$$geteuid + 0 (LaunchServices + 1251122) [0x7fffcbdef732]
*3 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*3 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*3 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*3 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*3 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*3 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
2 geteuid + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 109546) [0x7fffe0223bea]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
6 UTTypeConformsTo + 84 (LaunchServices + 93607) [0x7fffcbcd4da7]
4 _UTTypeIdentifierIsDynamic + 1 (LaunchServices + 94336) [0x7fffcbcd5080]
*4 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*4 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*4 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*4 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*4 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*4 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
2 _UTTypeIdentifierIsDeclarable + 30 (LaunchServices + 1001656) [0x7fffcbdb28b8]
1 _UTTypeIdentifierIsValid + 160 (LaunchServices + 100950) [0x7fffcbcd6a56]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 _UTTypeIdentifierIsValid + 200 (LaunchServices + 100990) [0x7fffcbcd6a7e]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
5 UTTypeConformsTo + 57 (LaunchServices + 93580) [0x7fffcbcd4d8c]
4 _XCFStringEqualCaseInsensitive + 14 (LaunchServices + 310742) [0x7fffcbd09dd6]
2 CFStringCompareWithOptionsAndLocale + 1337 (CoreFoundation + 126553) [0x7fffcaa90e59]
1 strncasecmp_l + 71 (libsystem_c.dylib + 378166) [0x7fffe0185536] (running)
1 strncasecmp_l + 91 (libsystem_c.dylib + 378186) [0x7fffe018554a]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 CFStringGetCStringPtr + 0 (CoreFoundation + 81936) [0x7fffcaa86010]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 strncasecmp_l + 0 (libsystem_c.dylib + 378095) [0x7fffe01854ef] (running)
1 CFStringCompare + 0 (CoreFoundation + 142528) [0x7fffcaa94cc0] (running)
1 UTTypeConformsTo + 96 (LaunchServices + 93619) [0x7fffcbcd4db3]
1 _UTTypeIdentifierIsDeclarable + 30 (LaunchServices + 1001656) [0x7fffcbdb28b8]
1 _UTTypeIdentifierIsValid + 73 (LaunchServices + 100863) [0x7fffcbcd69ff]
1 XCFBufInitWithCFStringRange + 85 (LaunchServices + 57325) [0x7fffcbccbfed]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 _UTGetActiveTypeForCFStringIdentifier + 39 (LaunchServices + 93891) [0x7fffcbcd4ec3]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
30 _UTTypeCreateDynamicIdentifierForTag + 489 (LaunchServices + 102107) [0x7fffcbcd6edb]
12 _UTTypeCreateDynamicIdentifierForFileInfo + 607 (LaunchServices + 102792) [0x7fffcbcd7188]
12 CFStringCreateWithBytes + 59 (CoreFoundation + 83499) [0x7fffcaa8662b]
6 __CFStringCreateImmutableFunnel3 + 2843 (CoreFoundation + 24923) [0x7fffcaa7815b]
3 _CFRuntimeCreateInstance + 295 (CoreFoundation + 13879) [0x7fffcaa75637]
3 malloc_zone_malloc + 107 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 8922) [0x7fffe02762da]
3 nano_malloc + 35 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 37906) [0x7fffe027d412]
2 OSAtomicDequeue + 31 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 9563) [0x7fffe030155b]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
*1 hndl_allintrs + 297 (kernel + 669961) [0xffffff80002a3909]
*1 interrupt + 353 (kernel + 2118289) [0xffffff8000405291]
*1 lapic_interrupt + 75 (kernel + 2153867) [0xffffff800040dd8b]
*1 cpu_signal_handler + 650 (kernel + 2157818) [0xffffff800040ecfa]
*1 sync_iss_to_iks + 215 (kernel + 2121799) [0xffffff8000406047] (running)
1 _nano_malloc_check_clear + 13 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 37949) [0x7fffe027d43d] (running)
1 _CFRuntimeCreateInstance + 378 (CoreFoundation + 13962) [0x7fffcaa7568a]
1 _platform_bzero$VARIANT$Base + 73 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 27833) [0x7fffe0305cb9] (running)
1 _CFRuntimeCreateInstance + 500 (CoreFoundation + 14084) [0x7fffcaa75704] (running)
1 _CFRuntimeCreateInstance + 557 (CoreFoundation + 14141) [0x7fffcaa7573d]
1 object_setClass + 55 (libobjc.A.dylib + 42420) [0x7fffdf8085b4]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
4 __CFStringCreateImmutableFunnel3 + 2399 (CoreFoundation + 24479) [0x7fffcaa77f9f]
4 __CFSearchStringROM + 42 (CoreFoundation + 26138) [0x7fffcaa7861a]
4 __CFStrHashEightBit2 + 545 (CoreFoundation + 26817) [0x7fffcaa788c1]
*4 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*4 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*4 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*4 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*4 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*4 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 __CFStringCreateImmutableFunnel3 + 387 (CoreFoundation + 22467) [0x7fffcaa777c3] (running)
1 _CFGetTSDCreateIfNeeded + 1 (CoreFoundation + 1368689) [0x7fffcabc0271]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
11 _UTTypeCreateDynamicIdentifierForFileInfo + 306 (LaunchServices + 102491) [0x7fffcbcd705b]
11 _UTAbbreviateTerm + 65 (LaunchServices + 103105) [0x7fffcbcd72c1]
9 _platform_strncmp + 325 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 7813) [0x7fffe0300e85]
*9 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
2 _platform_strncmp + 320 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 7808) [0x7fffe0300e80]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
2 _UTTypeCreateDynamicIdentifierForFileInfo + 548 (LaunchServices + 102733) [0x7fffcbcd714d]
2 _UTBase32Encode + 70 (LaunchServices + 103676) [0x7fffcbcd74fc]
1 _UTBase32EncodeDatum + 22 (LaunchServices + 103747) [0x7fffcbcd7543]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 _UTBase32EncodeDatum + 440 (LaunchServices + 104165) [0x7fffcbcd76e5]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 XCFBufInit + 1 (LaunchServices + 59503) [0x7fffcbccc86f] (running)
1 _UTTypeCreateDynamicIdentifierForFileInfo + 235 (LaunchServices + 102420) [0x7fffcbcd7014] (running)
1 _UTTypeCreateDynamicIdentifierForFileInfo + 334 (LaunchServices + 102519) [0x7fffcbcd7077]
1 _UTAppendCharactersAddingEscapes + 28 (LaunchServices + 103256) [0x7fffcbcd7358]
1 XCFBufAddCapacity + 113 (LaunchServices + 103475) [0x7fffcbcd7433]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 _UTTypeCreateDynamicIdentifierForFileInfo + 377 (LaunchServices + 102562) [0x7fffcbcd70a2]
1 _UTAppendCharactersAddingEscapes + 67 (LaunchServices + 103295) [0x7fffcbcd737f] (running)
1 _UTTypeCreateDynamicIdentifierForFileInfo + 504 (LaunchServices + 102689) [0x7fffcbcd7121]
1 DYLD-STUB$$memcpy + 0 (LaunchServices + 1251350) [0x7fffcbdef816]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
21 _UTTypeCreateDynamicIdentifierForTag + 287 (LaunchServices + 101905) [0x7fffcbcd6e11]
20 XCFBufInitWithCFStringRange + 432 (LaunchServices + 57672) [0x7fffcbccc148]
*20 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 XCFBufInitWithCFStringRange + 154 (LaunchServices + 57394) [0x7fffcbccc032]
1 CFStringGetBytes + 741 (CoreFoundation + 87781) [0x7fffcaa876e5]
1 _platform_memmove$VARIANT$Base + 59 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 25051) [0x7fffe03051db]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 _UTTypeCreateDynamicIdentifierForTag + 180 (LaunchServices + 101798) [0x7fffcbcd6da6]
1 XCFBufInitWithCFStringRange + 154 (LaunchServices + 57394) [0x7fffcbccc032]
1 CFStringGetBytes + 157 (CoreFoundation + 87197) [0x7fffcaa8749d]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 _UTTypeCreateDynamicIdentifierForTag + 492 (LaunchServices + 102110) [0x7fffcbcd6ede] (running)
27 -[_UTTypeQueryWithTags _enumerateWithXPCConnection:block:] + 1228 (LaunchServices + 316021) [0x7fffcbd0b275]
16 _UTDynamicCopyPedigree + 104 (LaunchServices + 999902) [0x7fffcbdb21de]
7 _UTDynamicCopyParentIdentifiers + 40 (LaunchServices + 999621) [0x7fffcbdb20c5]
4 objc_msgSend + 44 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27500) [0x7fffdf804b6c]
*4 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*4 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*4 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*4 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*4 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*4 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
2 +[__NSArrayM __new:::] + 33 (CoreFoundation + 1541745) [0x7fffcabea671]
2 __CFAllocateObject2 + 15 (CoreFoundation + 29327) [0x7fffcaa7928f]
2 class_createInstance + 88 (libobjc.A.dylib + 26993) [0x7fffdf804971]
2 calloc + 30 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 19927) [0x7fffe0278dd7]
1 malloc_zone_calloc + 4 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 17475) [0x7fffe0278443]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 nano_calloc + 85 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39641) [0x7fffe027dad9]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 CFArrayCreateMutable + 113 (CoreFoundation + 152849) [0x7fffcaa97511]
1 +[NSObject self] + 0 (libobjc.A.dylib + 42949) [0x7fffdf8087c5]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
6 _UTDynamicCopyParentIdentifiers + 83 (LaunchServices + 999664) [0x7fffcbdb20f0]
3 _UTDynamicValuesSearch + 205 (LaunchServices + 144507) [0x7fffcbce147b]
3 _UTBase32Decode + 68 (LaunchServices + 145492) [0x7fffcbce1854]
1 _UTBase32DecodeDatum + 78 (LaunchServices + 145656) [0x7fffcbce18f8]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 _UTBase32DecodeDatum + 103 (LaunchServices + 145681) [0x7fffcbce1911] (running)
*1 hndl_allintrs + 297 (kernel + 669961) [0xffffff80002a3909]
*1 interrupt + 353 (kernel + 2118289) [0xffffff8000405291]
*1 lapic_interrupt + 75 (kernel + 2153867) [0xffffff800040dd8b]
*1 cpu_signal_handler + 650 (kernel + 2157818) [0xffffff800040ecfa]
*1 sync_iss_to_iks + 215 (kernel + 2121799) [0xffffff8000406047] (running)
2 _UTDynamicValuesSearch + 60 (LaunchServices + 144362) [0x7fffcbce13ea]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 _UTDebreviateTerm + 0 (LaunchServices + 146160) [0x7fffcbce1af0] (running)
1 CFRelease + 0 (CoreFoundation + 56432) [0x7fffcaa7fc70] (running)
1 _UTDynamicCopyParentIdentifiers + 115 (LaunchServices + 999696) [0x7fffcbdb2110]
1 -[__NSArrayM dealloc] + 50 (CoreFoundation + 183954) [0x7fffcaa9ee92]
1 nano_size + 0 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39359) [0x7fffe027d9bf]
*1 return_to_iret + 288 (kernel + 670252) [0xffffff80002a3a2c]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 objc_msgSend + 33 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27489) [0x7fffdf804b61]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
6 _UTDynamicCopyPedigree + 73 (LaunchServices + 999871) [0x7fffcbdb21bf]
4 CFSetCreateMutable + 187 (CoreFoundation + 298331) [0x7fffcaabad5b]
2 CFBasicHashCreate + 125 (CoreFoundation + 11341) [0x7fffcaa74c4d]
1 _CFRuntimeCreateInstance + 295 (CoreFoundation + 13879) [0x7fffcaa75637]
1 malloc_zone_malloc + 107 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 8922) [0x7fffe02762da]
1 nano_malloc + 35 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 37906) [0x7fffe027d412]
1 OSAtomicDequeue + 28 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 9560) [0x7fffe0301558]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 _CFRuntimeCreateInstance + 557 (CoreFoundation + 14141) [0x7fffcaa7573d]
1 object_setClass + 145 (libobjc.A.dylib + 42510) [0x7fffdf80860e]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 CFBasicHashCreate + 500 (CoreFoundation + 11716) [0x7fffcaa74dc4] (running)
1 CFBasicHashCreate + 1396 (CoreFoundation + 12612) [0x7fffcaa75144]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 CFSetCreateMutable + 27 (CoreFoundation + 298171) [0x7fffcaabacbb]
*1 return_to_iret + 288 (kernel + 670252) [0xffffff80002a3a2c]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 CFSetCreateMutable + 61 (CoreFoundation + 298205) [0x7fffcaabacdd] (running)
5 _UTDynamicCopyPedigree + 96 (LaunchServices + 999894) [0x7fffcbdb21d6]
2 CFBasicHashAddValue + 291 (CoreFoundation + 34003) [0x7fffcaa7a4d3]
*2 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*2 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*2 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*2 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*2 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*2 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
2 CFBasicHashAddValue + 309 (CoreFoundation + 34021) [0x7fffcaa7a4e5]
2 __CFBasicHashAddValue + 102 (CoreFoundation + 39654) [0x7fffcaa7bae6]
2 __CFBasicHashRehash + 230 (CoreFoundation + 14790) [0x7fffcaa759c6]
2 malloc_zone_malloc + 8 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 8823) [0x7fffe0276277]
*2 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*2 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*2 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*2 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*2 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*2 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 CFBasicHashAddValue + 84 (CoreFoundation + 33796) [0x7fffcaa7a404]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
19 -[_UTTypeQueryWithTags _enumerateWithXPCConnection:block:] + 1293 (LaunchServices + 316086) [0x7fffcbd0b2b6]
10 -[_UTConcreteType initWithIdentifier:pedigree:] + 115 (LaunchServices + 1084863) [0x7fffcbdc6dbf]
10 -[__NSCFSet copyWithZone:] + 28 (CoreFoundation + 1076780) [0x7fffcab78e2c]
5 CFSetCreateCopy + 205 (CoreFoundation + 345213) [0x7fffcaac647d]
*5 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
4 CFSetCreateCopy + 123 (CoreFoundation + 345131) [0x7fffcaac642b]
1 CFBasicHashCreateCopy + 332 (CoreFoundation + 261100) [0x7fffcaab1bec]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 CFBasicHashCreateCopy + 470 (CoreFoundation + 261238) [0x7fffcaab1c76]
1 _CFRuntimeCreateInstance + 44 (CoreFoundation + 13628) [0x7fffcaa7553c] (running)
1 CFBasicHashCreateCopy + 742 (CoreFoundation + 261510) [0x7fffcaab1d86]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 CFBasicHashCreateCopy + 823 (CoreFoundation + 261591) [0x7fffcaab1dd7]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 CFSetCreateCopy + 148 (CoreFoundation + 345156) [0x7fffcaac6444]
1 _CFRuntimeSetInstanceTypeIDAndIsa + 18 (CoreFoundation + 18514) [0x7fffcaa76852]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
9 objc_msgSendSuper2 + 4 (libobjc.A.dylib + 28036) [0x7fffdf804d84]
*9 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
18 -[_UTTypeQueryWithTags _enumerateWithXPCConnection:block:] + 120 (LaunchServices + 314913) [0x7fffcbd0ae21]
13 _LSContextInit + 241 (LaunchServices + 41185) [0x7fffcbcc80e1]
11 _LSCopyLocalDatabase + 31 (LaunchServices + 42219) [0x7fffcbcc84eb]
5 _LSGetSession(unsigned int) + 75 (LaunchServices + 42337) [0x7fffcbcc8561]
5 CFDictionaryGetValue + 124 (CoreFoundation + 47836) [0x7fffcaa7dadc]
3 CFBasicHashFindBucket + 185 (CoreFoundation + 48105) [0x7fffcaa7dbe9]
2 __CFNumberHash + 124 (CoreFoundation + 53836) [0x7fffcaa7f24c]
1 __CFNumberGetValue + 239 (CoreFoundation + 54319) [0x7fffcaa7f42f]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 __CFNumberGetValue + 1538 (CoreFoundation + 55618) [0x7fffcaa7f942]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 CFNumberGetTypeID + 0 (CoreFoundation + 19104) [0x7fffcaa76aa0]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 CFBasicHashFindBucket + 58 (CoreFoundation + 47978) [0x7fffcaa7db6a]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 CFBasicHashFindBucket + 1044 (CoreFoundation + 48964) [0x7fffcaa7df44]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
3 _LSGetSession(unsigned int) + 67 (LaunchServices + 42329) [0x7fffcbcc8559]
*3 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 CFNumberCreate + 0 (CoreFoundation + 52272) [0x7fffcaa7ec30] (running)
1 CFNumberCreate + 1 (CoreFoundation + 52273) [0x7fffcaa7ec31] (running)
1 CFRelease + 0 (CoreFoundation + 56432) [0x7fffcaa7fc70]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
2 _LSCopyLocalDatabase + 67 (LaunchServices + 42255) [0x7fffcbcc850f]
2 _pthread_mutex_unlock_slow + 242 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 6595) [0x7fffe03099c3]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
3 geteuid + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 109546) [0x7fffe0223bea]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 10 (kernel + 671546) [0xffffff80002a3f3a] (running)
*1 return_to_iret + 288 (kernel + 670252) [0xffffff80002a3a2c]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 _LSContextInit + 260 (LaunchServices + 41204) [0x7fffcbcc80f4]
1 _LSDatabaseNeedsUpdate(LSDatabase*) + 45 (LaunchServices + 57180) [0x7fffcbccbf5c]
1 pthread_mutex_lock + 85 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 5457) [0x7fffe0309551]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 _LSCopyLocalDatabase + 1 (LaunchServices + 42189) [0x7fffcbcc84cd]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
9 -[_UTTypeQueryWithTags _enumerateWithXPCConnection:block:] + 1049 (LaunchServices + 315842) [0x7fffcbd0b1c2]
8 _UTTypeGetActiveIdentifierForTag + 135 (LaunchServices + 101515) [0x7fffcbcd6c8b]
5 _UTEnumerateTypesForTag + 130 (LaunchServices + 1016300) [0x7fffcbdb61ec]
3 _LSDatabaseGetStringForCFString + 122 (LaunchServices + 94026) [0x7fffcbcd4f4a]
3 CSGetStringForCharacters + 109 (LaunchServices + 46077) [0x7fffcbcc93fd]
2 _CSStringHash + 125 (LaunchServices + 328313) [0x7fffcbd0e279]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 _CSStringHash + 98 (LaunchServices + 328286) [0x7fffcbd0e25e] (running)
2 _LSDatabaseGetStringForCFString + 89 (LaunchServices + 93993) [0x7fffcbcd4f29]
1 XCFBufInitWithCFStringRange + 154 (LaunchServices + 57394) [0x7fffcbccc032]
1 CFStringGetBytes + 741 (CoreFoundation + 87781) [0x7fffcaa876e5]
1 _platform_memmove$VARIANT$Base + 33 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 25025) [0x7fffe03051c1] (running)
1 XCFBufInitWithCFStringRange + 423 (LaunchServices + 57663) [0x7fffcbccc13f]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
3 _UTEnumerateTypesForTag + 73 (LaunchServices + 1016243) [0x7fffcbdb61b3]
2 _LSDatabaseGetStringForCFString + 122 (LaunchServices + 94026) [0x7fffcbcd4f4a]
2 CSGetStringForCharacters + 141 (LaunchServices + 46109) [0x7fffcbcc941d]
2 CSMapGetKeyAndValueForKeyData + 136 (LaunchServices + 46328) [0x7fffcbcc94f8]
2 _CSStringStoreUnitMatchesString + 29 (LaunchServices + 46497) [0x7fffcbcc95a1]
1 CSStoreGetUnit + 46 (LaunchServices + 45726) [0x7fffcbcc929e]
1 CSStore2::Store::getTable(unsigned int) const + 32 (LaunchServices + 526900) [0x7fffcbd3ea34]
1 CSStore2::Store::getUnit(CSStore2::Table const*, unsigned int) const + 58 (LaunchServices + 526960) [0x7fffcbd3ea70]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 CSStoreGetUnit + 70 (LaunchServices + 45750) [0x7fffcbcc92b6]
1 CSStore2::Store::getUnit(CSStore2::Table const*, unsigned int) const + 80 (LaunchServices + 526982) [0x7fffcbd3ea86]
1 CSStore2::IdentifierCache::Find(CSStore2::Store const*, CSStore2::IdentifierCache const*, unsigned int) + 276 (LaunchServices + 528480) [0x7fffcbd3f060]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 _LSDatabaseGetStringForCFString + 89 (LaunchServices + 93993) [0x7fffcbcd4f29]
1 XCFBufInitWithCFStringRange + 154 (LaunchServices + 57394) [0x7fffcbccc032]
1 CFStringGetBytes + 132 (CoreFoundation + 87172) [0x7fffcaa87484] (running)
1 _UTEnumerateTypesForTag + 1 (LaunchServices + 1016171) [0x7fffcbdb616b]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
3 -[_UTTypeQueryWithTags _enumerateWithXPCConnection:block:] + 1315 (LaunchServices + 316108) [0x7fffcbd0b2cc]
2 __76-[_LSLocalContext _enumerateResolvedResultsOfQuery:XPCConnection:withBlock:]_block_invoke + 59 (LaunchServices + 539578) [0x7fffcbd41bba]
1 -[__NSArrayM insertObject:atIndex:] + 260 (CoreFoundation + 169220) [0x7fffcaa9b504]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[__NSArrayM insertObject:atIndex:] + 275 (CoreFoundation + 169235) [0x7fffcaa9b513]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 __76-[_LSLocalContext _enumerateResolvedResultsOfQuery:XPCConnection:withBlock:]_block_invoke + 104 (LaunchServices + 539623) [0x7fffcbd41be7]
1 (anonymous namespace)::AutoreleasePoolPage::pop(void*) + 30 (libobjc.A.dylib + 39766) [0x7fffdf807b56]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
2 -[_UTTypeQueryWithTags _enumerateWithXPCConnection:block:] + 1271 (LaunchServices + 316064) [0x7fffcbd0b2a0]
2 _objc_rootAlloc + 45 (libobjc.A.dylib + 42896) [0x7fffdf808790]
1 class_createInstance + 65 (libobjc.A.dylib + 26970) [0x7fffdf80495a]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 class_createInstance + 88 (libobjc.A.dylib + 26993) [0x7fffdf804971]
1 calloc + 30 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 19927) [0x7fffe0278dd7]
1 malloc_zone_calloc + 87 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 17558) [0x7fffe0278496]
1 nano_calloc + 70 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39626) [0x7fffe027daca]
1 _nano_malloc_check_clear + 117 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 38053) [0x7fffe027d4a5] (running)
1 _LSContextInit + 1 (LaunchServices + 40945) [0x7fffcbcc7ff1]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 -[_UTTypeQueryWithTags _enumerateWithXPCConnection:block:] + 1195 (LaunchServices + 315988) [0x7fffcbd0b254]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 objc_msgSend + 44 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27500) [0x7fffdf804b6c]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
15 __81-[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:]_block_invoke + 684 (LaunchServices + 538343) [0x7fffcbd416e7]
11 -[__NSDictionaryM setObject:forKey:] + 219 (CoreFoundation + 56779) [0x7fffcaa7fdcb]
11 calloc + 30 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 19927) [0x7fffe0278dd7]
10 malloc_zone_calloc + 87 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 17558) [0x7fffe0278496]
10 nano_calloc + 70 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39626) [0x7fffe027daca]
7 _nano_malloc_check_clear + 237 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 38173) [0x7fffe027d51d]
*7 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*7 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*7 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*7 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*7 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*7 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
2 _nano_malloc_check_clear + 371 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 38307) [0x7fffe027d5a3]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 _nano_malloc_check_clear + 130 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 38066) [0x7fffe027d4b2] (running)
1 default_zone_calloc + 0 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 71917) [0x7fffe02858ed]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
4 -[__NSDictionaryM setObject:forKey:] + 859 (CoreFoundation + 57419) [0x7fffcaa8004b]
2 __rehashd + 168 (CoreFoundation + 57880) [0x7fffcaa80218]
*2 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*2 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*2 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*2 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*2 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*2 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 __rehashd + 154 (CoreFoundation + 57866) [0x7fffcaa8020a]
1 -[_UTTypeQueryWithTags hash] + 48 (LaunchServices + 316998) [0x7fffcbd0b646]
1 __CFStringHash + 1735 (CoreFoundation + 39527) [0x7fffcaa7ba67]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 free + 1 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 15918) [0x7fffe0277e2e]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
2 __81-[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:]_block_invoke + 68 (LaunchServices + 537727) [0x7fffcbd4147f]
2 +[NSDictionary dictionary] + 41 (CoreFoundation + 494473) [0x7fffcaaeab89]
1 -[__NSPlaceholderDictionary initWithObjects:forKeys:count:] + 255 (CoreFoundation + 58511) [0x7fffcaa8048f]
1 +[__NSDictionaryM __new:::::] + 166 (CoreFoundation + 42918) [0x7fffcaa7c7a6]
1 class_createInstance + 0 (libobjc.A.dylib + 26905) [0x7fffdf804919]
*1 return_from_trap + 160 (kernel + 669440) [0xffffff80002a3700] (running)
1 objc_msgSend + 33 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27489) [0x7fffdf804b61]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
2 __81-[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:]_block_invoke + 507 (LaunchServices + 538166) [0x7fffcbd41636]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 __81-[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:]_block_invoke + 385 (LaunchServices + 538044) [0x7fffcbd415bc] (running)
1 __81-[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:]_block_invoke + 427 (LaunchServices + 538086) [0x7fffcbd415e6]
1 +[NSArray array] + 38 (CoreFoundation + 386150) [0x7fffcaad0466]
1 +[__NSArrayM __new:::] + 1 (CoreFoundation + 1541713) [0x7fffcabea651]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 __81-[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:]_block_invoke + 860 (LaunchServices + 538519) [0x7fffcbd41797]
1 __107-[_LSQueryContext(Internal) _resolveQueries:cachingStrategy:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:]_block_invoke + 137 (LaunchServices + 537358) [0x7fffcbd4130e]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:] + 79 (LaunchServices + 537598) [0x7fffcbd413fe]
1 objc_msgSend + 13 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27469) [0x7fffdf804b4d]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
13 -[_LSQueryContext(Internal) _resolveQueries:cachingStrategy:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:] + 183 (LaunchServices + 536902) [0x7fffcbd41146]
8 -[NSSet mutableCopyWithZone:] + 34 (CoreFoundation + 625954) [0x7fffcab0ad22]
5 objc_msgSend + 44 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27500) [0x7fffdf804b6c]
*5 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*5 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*5 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*5 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*5 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*5 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
2 objc_msgSend + 37 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27493) [0x7fffdf804b65]
*2 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*2 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*2 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*2 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*2 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*2 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 +[NSObject self] + 3 (libobjc.A.dylib + 42952) [0x7fffdf8087c8]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
4 -[NSSet initWithSet:copyItems:] + 889 (CoreFoundation + 626873) [0x7fffcab0b0b9]
4 -[__NSPlaceholderSet initWithObjects:count:] + 179 (CoreFoundation + 493635) [0x7fffcaaea843]
2 +[__NSSetM __new:::] + 233 (CoreFoundation + 306665) [0x7fffcaabcde9]
2 calloc + 30 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 19927) [0x7fffe0278dd7]
2 malloc_zone_calloc + 87 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 17558) [0x7fffe0278496]
2 nano_calloc + 70 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39626) [0x7fffe027daca]
1 _nano_malloc_check_clear + 380 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 38316) [0x7fffe027d5ac] (running)
1 OSAtomicDequeue + 28 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 9560) [0x7fffe0301558]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
2 +[__NSSetM __new:::] + 312 (CoreFoundation + 306744) [0x7fffcaabce38]
2 -[_UTTypeQueryWithTags hash] + 10 (LaunchServices + 316960) [0x7fffcbd0b620]
*2 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*2 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*2 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*2 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*2 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*2 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 +[__NSPlaceholderSet mutablePlaceholder] + 1 (CoreFoundation + 306113) [0x7fffcaabcbc1]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[_LSQueryContext(Internal) _resolveQueries:cachingStrategy:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:] + 1 (LaunchServices + 536720) [0x7fffcbd41090]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
10 -[_UTTypeQuery resolve] + 94 (LaunchServices + 303383) [0x7fffcbd08117]
5 -[NSDictionary allValues] + 202 (CoreFoundation + 551850) [0x7fffcaaf8baa]
4 +[NSArray arrayWithObjects:count:] + 52 (CoreFoundation + 60740) [0x7fffcaa80d44]
3 -[__NSPlaceholderArray initWithObjects:count:] + 158 (CoreFoundation + 29646) [0x7fffcaa793ce]
2 +[__NSSingleObjectArrayI __new::] + 21 (CoreFoundation + 1542613) [0x7fffcabea9d5]
2 __CFAllocateObject + 17 (CoreFoundation + 264081) [0x7fffcaab2791]
2 class_createInstance + 88 (libobjc.A.dylib + 26993) [0x7fffdf804971]
2 calloc + 30 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 19927) [0x7fffe0278dd7]
2 malloc_zone_calloc + 87 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 17558) [0x7fffe0278496]
2 nano_calloc + 70 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39626) [0x7fffe027daca]
2 _nano_malloc_check_clear + 117 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 38053) [0x7fffe027d4a5]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 +[__NSSingleObjectArrayI __new::] + 69 (CoreFoundation + 1542661) [0x7fffcabeaa05]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 +[__NSPlaceholderArray immutablePlaceholder] + 1 (CoreFoundation + 29473) [0x7fffcaa79321] (running)
3 objc_msgSend + 44 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27500) [0x7fffdf804b6c]
*3 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 objc_msgSend + 50 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27506) [0x7fffdf804b72] (running)
1 _platform_bzero$VARIANT$Base + 122 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 27882) [0x7fffe0305cea] (running)
3 -[_UTTypeQuery resolve] + 60 (LaunchServices + 303349) [0x7fffcbd080f5]
3 +[NSSet setWithObject:] + 38 (CoreFoundation + 493846) [0x7fffcaaea916]
3 __createSet + 34 (CoreFoundation + 1644482) [0x7fffcac037c2]
2 -[__NSPlaceholderSet initWithObjects:count:] + 151 (CoreFoundation + 493607) [0x7fffcaaea827]
2 +[__NSSingleObjectSetI __new::] + 21 (CoreFoundation + 1637429) [0x7fffcac01c35]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 +[__NSSingleObjectSetI __new::] + 1 (CoreFoundation + 1637409) [0x7fffcac01c21]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 -[NSDictionary allValues] + 1 (CoreFoundation + 551649) [0x7fffcaaf8ae1]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[_UTTypeQuery resolve] + 107 (LaunchServices + 303396) [0x7fffcbd08124]
1 -[__NSSingleObjectArrayI count] + 1 (CoreFoundation + 1542865) [0x7fffcabeaad1]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
44 UTTypeCreatePreferredIdentifierForTag + 177 (LaunchServices + 101361) [0x7fffcbcd6bf1]
30 (anonymous namespace)::AutoreleasePoolPage::pop(void*) + 808 (libobjc.A.dylib + 40544) [0x7fffdf807e60]
7 -[__NSDictionaryM dealloc] + 184 (CoreFoundation + 304968) [0x7fffcaabc748]
7 -[__NSArrayM dealloc] + 19 (CoreFoundation + 183923) [0x7fffcaa9ee73]
5 common_removeAllObjects + 270 (CoreFoundation + 1536366) [0x7fffcabe916e]
*5 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*5 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*5 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*5 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*5 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*5 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 common_removeAllObjects + 255 (CoreFoundation + 1536351) [0x7fffcabe915f]
1 -[_UTConcreteType dealloc] + 64 (LaunchServices + 1084976) [0x7fffcbdc6e30]
1 DYLD-STUB$$object_getClass + 0 (CoreFoundation + 2009898) [0x7fffcac5cb2a]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 free + 36 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 15953) [0x7fffe0277e51] (running)
7 _CFRelease + 281 (CoreFoundation + 1380553) [0x7fffcabc30c9]
3 __CFBasicHashDrain + 536 (CoreFoundation + 152680) [0x7fffcaa97468]
1 CFAllocatorDeallocate + 87 (CoreFoundation + 18247) [0x7fffcaa76747]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 nano_free + 26 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39696) [0x7fffe027db10]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 nano_free + 65 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39735) [0x7fffe027db37]
1 _nano_vet_and_size_of_live + 115 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 81026) [0x7fffe0287c82]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
2 __CFAllocatorSystemDeallocate + 1 (CoreFoundation + 97729) [0x7fffcaa89dc1]
*2 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*2 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*2 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*2 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*2 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*2 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
2 __CFBasicHashDrain + 515 (CoreFoundation + 152659) [0x7fffcaa97453]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 return_to_iret + 288 (kernel + 670252) [0xffffff80002a3a2c]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
*1 hndl_allintrs + 297 (kernel + 669961) [0xffffff80002a3909]
*1 interrupt + 353 (kernel + 2118289) [0xffffff8000405291]
*1 lapic_interrupt + 75 (kernel + 2153867) [0xffffff800040dd8b]
*1 cpu_signal_handler + 650 (kernel + 2157818) [0xffffff800040ecfa]
*1 sync_iss_to_iks + 215 (kernel + 2121799) [0xffffff8000406047] (running)
5 objc_msgSendSuper2 + 11 (libobjc.A.dylib + 28043) [0x7fffdf804d8b]
*5 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
5 nano_free_definite_size + 16 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39411) [0x7fffe027d9f3]
*4 return_to_iret + 288 (kernel + 670252) [0xffffff80002a3a2c]
*4 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*4 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*4 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*4 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*4 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
*1 hndl_allintrs + 297 (kernel + 669961) [0xffffff80002a3909]
*1 interrupt + 353 (kernel + 2118289) [0xffffff8000405291]
*1 lapic_interrupt + 75 (kernel + 2153867) [0xffffff800040dd8b]
*1 cpu_signal_handler + 650 (kernel + 2157818) [0xffffff800040ecfa]
*1 sync_iss_to_iks + 215 (kernel + 2121799) [0xffffff8000406047] (running)
1 -[__NSDictionaryM dealloc] + 128 (CoreFoundation + 304912) [0x7fffcaabc710] (running)
1 -[__NSSingleObjectArrayI dealloc] + 74 (CoreFoundation + 1542842) [0x7fffcabeaaba]
1 free + 87 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 16004) [0x7fffe0277e84]
1 _nano_vet_and_size_of_live + 17 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 80928) [0x7fffe0287c20] (running)
1 -[_UTTypeQueryWithTags dealloc] + 121 (LaunchServices + 314791) [0x7fffcbd0ada7]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 objc_release + 106 (libobjc.A.dylib + 36746) [0x7fffdf806f8a]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 object_getClass + 0 (libobjc.A.dylib + 42742) [0x7fffdf8086f6]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
*1 hndl_allintrs + 297 (kernel + 669961) [0xffffff80002a3909]
*1 interrupt + 353 (kernel + 2118289) [0xffffff8000405291]
*1 lapic_interrupt + 75 (kernel + 2153867) [0xffffff800040dd8b]
*1 cpu_signal_handler + 650 (kernel + 2157818) [0xffffff800040ecfa]
*1 sync_iss_to_iks + 215 (kernel + 2121799) [0xffffff8000406047] (running)
4 -[__NSSingleObjectArrayI dealloc] + 1 (CoreFoundation + 1542769) [0x7fffcabeaa71]
*4 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
2 -[__NSDictionaryM dealloc] + 0 (CoreFoundation + 304784) [0x7fffcaabc690]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
2 objc_release + 106 (libobjc.A.dylib + 36746) [0x7fffdf806f8a]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 -[__NSDictionaryM dealloc] + 1 (CoreFoundation + 304785) [0x7fffcaabc691]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 -[__NSSingleObjectSetI dealloc] + 1 (CoreFoundation + 494001) [0x7fffcaaea9b1]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 objc_release + 11 (libobjc.A.dylib + 36651) [0x7fffdf806f2b]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 objc_release + 35 (libobjc.A.dylib + 36675) [0x7fffdf806f43]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 objc_release + 152 (libobjc.A.dylib + 36792) [0x7fffdf806fb8]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 objc_release + 162 (libobjc.A.dylib + 36802) [0x7fffdf806fc2]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
7 UTTypeCreatePreferredIdentifierForTag + 126 (LaunchServices + 101310) [0x7fffcbcd6bbe]
7 objc_msgSend + 44 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27500) [0x7fffdf804b6c]
*6 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
*1 hndl_allintrs + 297 (kernel + 669961) [0xffffff80002a3909]
*1 interrupt + 353 (kernel + 2118289) [0xffffff8000405291]
*1 lapic_interrupt + 75 (kernel + 2153867) [0xffffff800040dd8b]
*1 cpu_signal_handler + 650 (kernel + 2157818) [0xffffff800040ecfa]
*1 sync_iss_to_iks + 215 (kernel + 2121799) [0xffffff8000406047] (running)
6 UTTypeCreatePreferredIdentifierForTag + 87 (LaunchServices + 101271) [0x7fffcbcd6b97]
5 +[_UTTypeQuery typeQueryWithTag:ofClass:conformsTo:limit:] + 75 (LaunchServices + 303032) [0x7fffcbd07fb8]
4 -[_UTTypeQueryWithTags initWithTag:ofClass:conformsTo:limit:] + 365 (LaunchServices + 314585) [0x7fffcbd0acd9]
3 _CFGetTSD + 1 (CoreFoundation + 21089) [0x7fffcaa77261]
*2 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*2 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*2 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*2 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*2 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*2 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
*1 hndl_allintrs + 297 (kernel + 669961) [0xffffff80002a3909]
*1 interrupt + 353 (kernel + 2118289) [0xffffff8000405291]
*1 lapic_interrupt + 75 (kernel + 2153867) [0xffffff800040dd8b]
*1 cpu_signal_handler + 650 (kernel + 2157818) [0xffffff800040ecfa]
*1 sync_iss_to_iks + 215 (kernel + 2121799) [0xffffff8000406047] (running)
1 CFRetain + 14 (CoreFoundation + 30014) [0x7fffcaa7953e]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[_UTTypeQueryWithTags initWithTag:ofClass:conformsTo:limit:] + 440 (LaunchServices + 314660) [0x7fffcbd0ad24]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 +[_UTTypeQuery typeQueryWithTag:ofClass:conformsTo:limit:] + 50 (LaunchServices + 303007) [0x7fffcbd07f9f]
1 _objc_rootAlloc + 45 (libobjc.A.dylib + 42896) [0x7fffdf808790]
1 class_createInstance + 88 (libobjc.A.dylib + 26993) [0x7fffdf804971]
1 calloc + 30 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 19927) [0x7fffe0278dd7]
1 malloc_zone_calloc + 87 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 17558) [0x7fffe0278496]
1 nano_calloc + 70 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39626) [0x7fffe027daca]
1 OSAtomicDequeue + 31 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 9563) [0x7fffe030155b]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
4 UTTypeCreatePreferredIdentifierForTag + 166 (LaunchServices + 101350) [0x7fffcbcd6be6]
4 _CFRetain + 90 (CoreFoundation + 30218) [0x7fffcaa7960a] (running)
1 UTTypeCreatePreferredIdentifierForTag + 8 (LaunchServices + 101192) [0x7fffcbcd6b48]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[_UTConcreteType identifier] + 1 (LaunchServices + 1086464) [0x7fffcbdc7400]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 DYLD-STUB$$CFRetain + 0 (LaunchServices + 1248632) [0x7fffcbdeed78]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
93 QSUTIForAnyTypeString + 83 (QSFoundation + 50090) [0x1092423aa]
40 QSIsUTI + 37 (QSFoundation + 48792) [0x109241e98]
20 UTTypeConformsTo + 249 (LaunchServices + 93772) [0x7fffcbcd4e4c]
19 -[_UTTypeQuery resolve] + 81 (LaunchServices + 303370) [0x7fffcbd0810a]
14 -[_LSQueryContext(SynchronousResolution) resolveQueries:cachingStrategy:error:] + 418 (LaunchServices + 536240) [0x7fffcbd40eb0]
12 -[_LSQueryContext(Internal) _resolveQueries:cachingStrategy:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:] + 391 (LaunchServices + 537110) [0x7fffcbd41216]
11 -[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:] + 105 (LaunchServices + 537624) [0x7fffcbd41418]
6 __81-[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:]_block_invoke + 618 (LaunchServices + 538277) [0x7fffcbd416a5]
6 -[_LSLocalContext _enumerateResolvedResultsOfQuery:XPCConnection:withBlock:] + 498 (LaunchServices + 539465) [0x7fffcbd41b49]
6 -[_UTTypeQueryWithIdentifier _enumerateWithXPCConnection:block:] + 264 (LaunchServices + 1008925) [0x7fffcbdb451d]
6 __76-[_LSLocalContext _enumerateResolvedResultsOfQuery:XPCConnection:withBlock:]_block_invoke + 104 (LaunchServices + 539623) [0x7fffcbd41be7]
6 (anonymous namespace)::AutoreleasePoolPage::pop(void*) + 1031 (libobjc.A.dylib + 40767) [0x7fffdf807f3f]
*6 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
5 __81-[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:]_block_invoke + 642 (LaunchServices + 538301) [0x7fffcbd416bd]
*5 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 -[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:] + 79 (LaunchServices + 537598) [0x7fffcbd413fe]
1 _LSDatabaseGetAccessQueue + 41 (LaunchServices + 697644) [0x7fffcbd6852c]
1 -[_LSDefaults isServer] + 11 (LaunchServices + 252012) [0x7fffcbcfb86c]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[_LSQueryContext(Internal) _resolveQueries:cachingStrategy:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:] + 114 (LaunchServices + 536833) [0x7fffcbd41101]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[_LSQueryContext(Internal) _resolveQueries:cachingStrategy:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:] + 183 (LaunchServices + 536902) [0x7fffcbd41146]
1 objc_msgSend + 44 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27500) [0x7fffdf804b6c]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
3 -[_LSQueryContext(SynchronousResolution) resolveQueries:cachingStrategy:error:] + 307 (LaunchServices + 536129) [0x7fffcbd40e41]
*2 return_to_iret + 288 (kernel + 670252) [0xffffff80002a3a2c]
*2 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*2 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*2 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*2 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*2 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
*1 hndl_allintrs + 297 (kernel + 669961) [0xffffff80002a3909]
*1 interrupt + 353 (kernel + 2118289) [0xffffff8000405291]
*1 lapic_interrupt + 75 (kernel + 2153867) [0xffffff800040dd8b]
*1 cpu_signal_handler + 650 (kernel + 2157818) [0xffffff800040ecfa]
*1 sync_iss_to_iks + 215 (kernel + 2121799) [0xffffff8000406047] (running)
2 -[_LSQueryContext(Internal) _resolveQueries:cachingStrategy:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:] + 1 (LaunchServices + 536720) [0x7fffcbd41090]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 -[_UTTypeQuery resolve] + 60 (LaunchServices + 303349) [0x7fffcbd080f5]
1 +[NSSet setWithObject:] + 38 (CoreFoundation + 493846) [0x7fffcaaea916]
1 objc_msgSend + 26 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27482) [0x7fffdf804b5a] (running)
14 objc_msgSend + 44 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27500) [0x7fffdf804b6c]
*14 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*14 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*14 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*14 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*14 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*14 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
2 UTTypeConformsTo + 299 (LaunchServices + 93822) [0x7fffcbcd4e7e]
1 -[NSError dealloc] + 1 (Foundation + 319935) [0x7fffcc5551bf]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 objc_msgSend + 33 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27489) [0x7fffdf804b61]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 UTTypeConformsTo + 57 (LaunchServices + 93580) [0x7fffcbcd4d8c]
1 CFStringCompare + 1 (CoreFoundation + 142529) [0x7fffcaa94cc1]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 UTTypeConformsTo + 84 (LaunchServices + 93607) [0x7fffcbcd4da7]
1 _UTTypeIdentifierIsDeclarable + 30 (LaunchServices + 1001656) [0x7fffcbdb28b8]
1 _UTTypeIdentifierIsValid + 73 (LaunchServices + 100863) [0x7fffcbcd69ff]
1 XCFBufInitWithCFStringRange + 322 (LaunchServices + 57562) [0x7fffcbccc0da]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 UTTypeConformsTo + 96 (LaunchServices + 93619) [0x7fffcbcd4db3]
1 _UTTypeIdentifierIsDeclarable + 30 (LaunchServices + 1001656) [0x7fffcbdb28b8]
1 _UTTypeIdentifierIsValid + 282 (LaunchServices + 101072) [0x7fffcbcd6ad0]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 UTTypeConformsTo + 109 (LaunchServices + 93632) [0x7fffcbcd4dc0]
1 _LSContextInit + 241 (LaunchServices + 41185) [0x7fffcbcc80e1]
1 _LSCopyLocalDatabase + 31 (LaunchServices + 42219) [0x7fffcbcc84eb]
1 _LSGetSession(unsigned int) + 75 (LaunchServices + 42337) [0x7fffcbcc8561]
1 CFDictionaryGetValue + 124 (CoreFoundation + 47836) [0x7fffcaa7dadc]
1 CFBasicHashFindBucket + 214 (CoreFoundation + 48134) [0x7fffcaa7dc06] (running)
39 QSIsUTI + 52 (QSFoundation + 48807) [0x109241ea7]
35 UTTypeCopyDeclaration + 102 (LaunchServices + 1001826) [0x7fffcbdb2962]
32 -[_UTTypeQuery resolve] + 81 (LaunchServices + 303370) [0x7fffcbd0810a]
31 -[_LSQueryContext(SynchronousResolution) resolveQueries:cachingStrategy:error:] + 418 (LaunchServices + 536240) [0x7fffcbd40eb0]
30 -[_LSQueryContext(Internal) _resolveQueries:cachingStrategy:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:] + 391 (LaunchServices + 537110) [0x7fffcbd41216]
16 -[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:] + 79 (LaunchServices + 537598) [0x7fffcbd413fe]
16 -[_LSDefaults isServer] + 1 (LaunchServices + 252002) [0x7fffcbcfb862]
*16 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
14 -[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:] + 105 (LaunchServices + 537624) [0x7fffcbd41418]
8 __81-[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:]_block_invoke + 618 (LaunchServices + 538277) [0x7fffcbd416a5]
7 -[_LSLocalContext _enumerateResolvedResultsOfQuery:XPCConnection:withBlock:] + 498 (LaunchServices + 539465) [0x7fffcbd41b49]
3 -[_UTTypeQueryWithIdentifier _enumerateWithXPCConnection:block:] + 319 (LaunchServices + 1008980) [0x7fffcbdb4554]
3 _LSContextInit + 241 (LaunchServices + 41185) [0x7fffcbcc80e1]
1 CFRetain + 40 (CoreFoundation + 30040) [0x7fffcaa79558] (running)
1 _LSCopyLocalDatabase + 24 (LaunchServices + 42212) [0x7fffcbcc84e4]
1 _pthread_mutex_lock_slow + 226 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 5710) [0x7fffe030964e] (running)
1 _LSCopyLocalDatabase + 67 (LaunchServices + 42255) [0x7fffcbcc850f]
1 _pthread_mutex_unlock_slow + 90 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 6443) [0x7fffe030992b] (running)
2 -[_UTTypeQueryWithIdentifier _enumerateWithXPCConnection:block:] + 1049 (LaunchServices + 1009710) [0x7fffcbdb482e]
2 _UTGetActiveTypeForCFStringIdentifier + 23 (LaunchServices + 93875) [0x7fffcbcd4eb3]
2 _LSDatabaseGetStringForCFString + 122 (LaunchServices + 94026) [0x7fffcbcd4f4a]
2 CSGetStringForCharacters + 109 (LaunchServices + 46077) [0x7fffcbcc93fd]
2 _CSStringHash + 6 (LaunchServices + 328194) [0x7fffcbd0e202]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 -[_UTTypeQueryWithIdentifier _enumerateWithXPCConnection:block:] + 1022 (LaunchServices + 1009683) [0x7fffcbdb4813]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[_UTTypeQueryWithIdentifier _enumerateWithXPCConnection:block:] + 1260 (LaunchServices + 1009921) [0x7fffcbdb4901]
1 __76-[_LSLocalContext _enumerateResolvedResultsOfQuery:XPCConnection:withBlock:]_block_invoke + 59 (LaunchServices + 539578) [0x7fffcbd41bba]
1 -[__NSArrayM insertObject:atIndex:] + 182 (CoreFoundation + 169142) [0x7fffcaa9b4b6]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 objc_msgSend + 26 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27482) [0x7fffdf804b5a]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
2 __81-[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:]_block_invoke + 427 (LaunchServices + 538086) [0x7fffcbd415e6]
2 +[NSArray array] + 22 (CoreFoundation + 386134) [0x7fffcaad0456]
2 +[NSArray allocWithZone:] + 9 (CoreFoundation + 29033) [0x7fffcaa79169] (running)
2 __81-[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:]_block_invoke + 68 (LaunchServices + 537727) [0x7fffcbd4147f]
1 +[NSDictionary dictionary] + 41 (CoreFoundation + 494473) [0x7fffcaaeab89]
1 -[__NSPlaceholderDictionary initWithObjects:forKeys:count:] + 255 (CoreFoundation + 58511) [0x7fffcaa8048f]
1 __CFAllocateObject2 + 1 (CoreFoundation + 29313) [0x7fffcaa79281]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 objc_msgSend + 44 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27500) [0x7fffdf804b6c]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 __81-[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:]_block_invoke + 684 (LaunchServices + 538343) [0x7fffcbd416e7]
1 objc_msgSend + 44 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27500) [0x7fffdf804b6c] (running)
1 objc_msgSend + 44 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27500) [0x7fffdf804b6c]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 -[_LSQueryContext(Internal) _resolveQueries:cachingStrategy:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:] + 183 (LaunchServices + 536902) [0x7fffcbd41146]
1 -[NSSet initWithSet:copyItems:] + 889 (CoreFoundation + 626873) [0x7fffcab0b0b9]
1 -[__NSPlaceholderSet initWithObjects:count:] + 179 (CoreFoundation + 493635) [0x7fffcaaea843]
1 +[__NSSetM __new:::] + 233 (CoreFoundation + 306665) [0x7fffcaabcde9]
1 calloc + 30 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 19927) [0x7fffe0278dd7]
1 malloc_zone_calloc + 87 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 17558) [0x7fffe0278496]
1 nano_calloc + 70 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39626) [0x7fffe027daca]
1 _nano_malloc_check_clear + 186 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 38122) [0x7fffe027d4ea] (running)
1 -[_LSQueryContext(Internal) _resolveQueries:cachingStrategy:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:] + 1 (LaunchServices + 536720) [0x7fffcbd41090]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
3 +[NSSet setWithObject:] + 1 (CoreFoundation + 493809) [0x7fffcaaea8f1]
*3 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
3 UTTypeCopyDeclaration + 75 (LaunchServices + 1001799) [0x7fffcbdb2947]
2 +[_UTTypeQuery typeQueryWithIdentifier:] + 50 (LaunchServices + 302910) [0x7fffcbd07f3e]
2 -[_UTTypeQueryWithIdentifier initWithIdentifier:] + 201 (LaunchServices + 1008499) [0x7fffcbdb4373]
2 CFStringCreateCopy + 368 (CoreFoundation + 83888) [0x7fffcaa867b0]
2 _CFRetain + 90 (CoreFoundation + 30218) [0x7fffcaa7960a]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 +[_UTTypeQuery typeQueryWithIdentifier:] + 34 (LaunchServices + 302894) [0x7fffcbd07f2e]
1 _objc_rootAlloc + 45 (libobjc.A.dylib + 42896) [0x7fffdf808790]
1 class_createInstance + 88 (libobjc.A.dylib + 26993) [0x7fffdf804971]
1 calloc + 30 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 19927) [0x7fffe0278dd7]
1 malloc_zone_calloc + 87 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 17558) [0x7fffe0278496]
1 nano_calloc + 70 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39626) [0x7fffe027daca]
1 _nano_malloc_check_clear + 225 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 38161) [0x7fffe027d511]
*1 return_to_iret + 288 (kernel + 670252) [0xffffff80002a3a2c]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 UTTypeCopyDeclaration + 33 (LaunchServices + 1001757) [0x7fffcbdb291d]
1 _UTTypeIdentifierIsDeclarable + 30 (LaunchServices + 1001656) [0x7fffcbdb28b8]
1 _UTTypeIdentifierIsValid + 370 (LaunchServices + 101160) [0x7fffcbcd6b28]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
12 QSIsUTI + 90 (QSFoundation + 48845) [0x109241ecd]
12 -[NSString rangeOfString:] + 65 (Foundation + 19204) [0x7fffcc50bb04]
12 -[NSString rangeOfString:options:range:locale:] + 430 (Foundation + 19646) [0x7fffcc50bcbe]
12 CFStringFindWithOptionsAndLocale + 2194 (CoreFoundation + 68354) [0x7fffcaa82b02]
*12 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 UTTypeConformsTo + 1 (LaunchServices + 93524) [0x7fffcbcd4d54]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 objc_msgSend + 44 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27500) [0x7fffdf804b6c] (running)
5 QSUTIForAnyTypeString + 201 (QSFoundation + 50208) [0x109242420]
5 -[NSString stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:] + 1041 (Foundation + 434310) [0x7fffcc571086]
5 -[__NSCFString substringWithRange:] + 277 (CoreFoundation + 383797) [0x7fffcaacfb35]
5 CFRetain + 3 (CoreFoundation + 30003) [0x7fffcaa79533]
*5 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
3 QSUTIForAnyTypeString + 174 (QSFoundation + 50181) [0x109242405]
3 +[NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:] + 14 (Foundation + 139968) [0x7fffcc5292c0]
2 CFCharacterSetCreateWithCharactersInString + 62 (CoreFoundation + 570670) [0x7fffcaafd52e]
1 _CFRuntimeCreateInstance + 295 (CoreFoundation + 13879) [0x7fffcaa75637]
1 malloc_zone_malloc + 26 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 8841) [0x7fffe0276289]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 _CFRuntimeCreateInstance + 549 (CoreFoundation + 14133) [0x7fffcaa75735] (running)
1 CFCharacterSetCreateWithCharactersInString + 117 (CoreFoundation + 570725) [0x7fffcaafd565]
1 malloc_zone_malloc + 107 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 8922) [0x7fffe02762da]
1 nano_malloc + 35 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 37906) [0x7fffe027d412]
1 OSAtomicDequeue + 28 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 9560) [0x7fffe0301558] (running)
3 QSUTIForAnyTypeString + 519 (QSFoundation + 50526) [0x10924255e]
3 -[__NSCFString hasPrefix:] + 107 (CoreFoundation + 386539) [0x7fffcaad05eb]
3 CFStringHasPrefix + 194 (CoreFoundation + 66146) [0x7fffcaa82262]
1 CFStringFindWithOptionsAndLocale + 349 (CoreFoundation + 66509) [0x7fffcaa823cd]
1 __CFStringFillCharacterSetInlineBuffer + 610 (CoreFoundation + 81922) [0x7fffcaa86002] (running)
1 CFStringFindWithOptionsAndLocale + 620 (CoreFoundation + 66780) [0x7fffcaa824dc]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 CFStringFindWithOptionsAndLocale + 829 (CoreFoundation + 66989) [0x7fffcaa825ad]
1 CFStringGetCStringPtr + 492 (CoreFoundation + 82428) [0x7fffcaa861fc]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
2 QSUTIForAnyTypeString + 225 (QSFoundation + 50232) [0x109242438]
2 _CFRelease + 368 (CoreFoundation + 1380640) [0x7fffcabc3120]
*2 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*2 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*2 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*2 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*2 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*2 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 QSUTIForAnyTypeString + 40 (QSFoundation + 50047) [0x10924237f]
1 -[__NSCFString retain] + 14 (CoreFoundation + 340702) [0x7fffcaac52de]
1 _CFRetain + 99 (CoreFoundation + 30227) [0x7fffcaa79613] (running)
1 QSUTIForAnyTypeString + 71 (QSFoundation + 50078) [0x10924239e]
1 -[__NSCFString isNSString__] + 1 (CoreFoundation + 116001) [0x7fffcaa8e521]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 QSUTIForAnyTypeString + 108 (QSFoundation + 50115) [0x1092423c3]
1 _CFRelease + 148 (CoreFoundation + 1380420) [0x7fffcabc3044]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 QSUTIForAnyTypeString + 532 (QSFoundation + 50539) [0x10924256b]
1 _CFRelease + 368 (CoreFoundation + 1380640) [0x7fffcabc3120] (running)
1 -[__NSCFString retain] + 1 (CoreFoundation + 340689) [0x7fffcaac52d1] (running)
1 objc_msgSend + 44 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27500) [0x7fffdf804b6c]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
2 -[QSObject _safeObjectForType:] + 56 (QSCore + 109067) [0x1092e0a0b]
1 -[__NSDictionaryM objectForKey:] + 95 (CoreFoundation + 296335) [0x7fffcaaba58f] (running)
1 -[__NSDictionaryM objectForKey:] + 120 (CoreFoundation + 296360) [0x7fffcaaba5a8] (running)
1 -[QSObject _safeObjectForType:] + 6 (QSCore + 109017) [0x1092e09d9] (running)
1 objc_retain + 13 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27117) [0x7fffdf8049ed]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
2 objc_msgSend + 44 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27500) [0x7fffdf804b6c]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
*1 hndl_allintrs + 297 (kernel + 669961) [0xffffff80002a3909]
*1 interrupt + 353 (kernel + 2118289) [0xffffff8000405291]
*1 lapic_interrupt + 75 (kernel + 2153867) [0xffffff800040dd8b]
*1 cpu_signal_handler + 650 (kernel + 2157818) [0xffffff800040ecfa]
*1 sync_iss_to_iks + 215 (kernel + 2121799) [0xffffff8000406047] (running)
1 -[QSObject objectForType:] + 43 (QSCore + 109142) [0x1092e0a56]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
74 -[QSObject isEqual:] + 467 (QSCore + 104659) [0x1092df8d3]
40 -[QSObject count] + 51 (QSCore + 111657) [0x1092e1429]
40 QSUTIForAnyTypeString + 83 (QSFoundation + 50090) [0x1092423aa]
32 QSIsUTI + 52 (QSFoundation + 48807) [0x109241ea7]
27 UTTypeCopyDeclaration + 102 (LaunchServices + 1001826) [0x7fffcbdb2962]
25 -[_UTTypeQuery resolve] + 81 (LaunchServices + 303370) [0x7fffcbd0810a]
25 -[_LSQueryContext(SynchronousResolution) resolveQueries:cachingStrategy:error:] + 418 (LaunchServices + 536240) [0x7fffcbd40eb0]
23 -[_LSQueryContext(Internal) _resolveQueries:cachingStrategy:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:] + 391 (LaunchServices + 537110) [0x7fffcbd41216]
23 -[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:] + 105 (LaunchServices + 537624) [0x7fffcbd41418]
20 __81-[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:]_block_invoke + 618 (LaunchServices + 538277) [0x7fffcbd416a5]
20 -[_LSLocalContext _enumerateResolvedResultsOfQuery:XPCConnection:withBlock:] + 498 (LaunchServices + 539465) [0x7fffcbd41b49]
7 -[_UTTypeQueryWithIdentifier _enumerateWithXPCConnection:block:] + 1260 (LaunchServices + 1009921) [0x7fffcbdb4901]
7 __76-[_LSLocalContext _enumerateResolvedResultsOfQuery:XPCConnection:withBlock:]_block_invoke + 59 (LaunchServices + 539578) [0x7fffcbd41bba]
6 malloc_size + 0 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 26727) [0x7fffe027a867]
*5 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*5 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*5 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*5 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*5 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*5 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
*1 hndl_allintrs + 297 (kernel + 669961) [0xffffff80002a3909]
*1 interrupt + 353 (kernel + 2118289) [0xffffff8000405291]
*1 lapic_interrupt + 75 (kernel + 2153867) [0xffffff800040dd8b]
*1 cpu_signal_handler + 650 (kernel + 2157818) [0xffffff800040ecfa]
*1 sync_iss_to_iks + 215 (kernel + 2121799) [0xffffff8000406047] (running)
1 -[__NSArrayM insertObject:atIndex:] + 1128 (CoreFoundation + 170088) [0x7fffcaa9b868]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
5 -[_UTTypeQueryWithIdentifier _enumerateWithXPCConnection:block:] + 319 (LaunchServices + 1008980) [0x7fffcbdb4554]
4 _LSContextInit + 241 (LaunchServices + 41185) [0x7fffcbcc80e1]
4 _LSCopyLocalDatabase + 31 (LaunchServices + 42219) [0x7fffcbcc84eb]
3 _LSGetSession(unsigned int) + 37 (LaunchServices + 42299) [0x7fffcbcc853b]
3 CFNumberCreate + 217 (CoreFoundation + 52489) [0x7fffcaa7ed09]
*3 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 _LSGetSession(unsigned int) + 75 (LaunchServices + 42337) [0x7fffcbcc8561]
1 CFDictionaryGetValue + 124 (CoreFoundation + 47836) [0x7fffcaa7dadc]
1 CFBasicHashFindBucket + 988 (CoreFoundation + 48908) [0x7fffcaa7df0c] (running)
1 _LSContextInit + 260 (LaunchServices + 41204) [0x7fffcbcc80f4]
1 _LSDatabaseNeedsUpdate(LSDatabase*) + 66 (LaunchServices + 57201) [0x7fffcbccbf71]
1 notify_check + 105 (libsystem_notify.dylib + 30605) [0x7fffe02fc78d]
1 registration_node_find + 73 (libsystem_notify.dylib + 25138) [0x7fffe02fb232] (running)
4 objc_msgSend + 3 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27459) [0x7fffdf804b43]
*4 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*4 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*4 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*4 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*4 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*4 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[_UTTypeQueryWithIdentifier _enumerateWithXPCConnection:block:] + 176 (LaunchServices + 1008837) [0x7fffcbdb44c5]
1 -[_UTTypeQueryWithIdentifier(Private) getLocallyResolvedType:orErrorWithoutMappingDatabase:] + 209 (LaunchServices + 1011170) [0x7fffcbdb4de2]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[_UTTypeQueryWithIdentifier _enumerateWithXPCConnection:block:] + 1162 (LaunchServices + 1009823) [0x7fffcbdb489f]
1 _UTTypeIdentifierIsValid + 138 (LaunchServices + 100928) [0x7fffcbcd6a40]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[_UTTypeQueryWithIdentifier _enumerateWithXPCConnection:block:] + 1216 (LaunchServices + 1009877) [0x7fffcbdb48d5]
1 +[NSSet setWithObject:] + 38 (CoreFoundation + 493846) [0x7fffcaaea916]
1 __createSet + 34 (CoreFoundation + 1644482) [0x7fffcac037c2]
1 -[__NSPlaceholderSet initWithObjects:count:] + 151 (CoreFoundation + 493607) [0x7fffcaaea827]
1 +[__NSSingleObjectSetI __new::] + 21 (CoreFoundation + 1637429) [0x7fffcac01c35]
1 __CFAllocateObject + 17 (CoreFoundation + 264081) [0x7fffcaab2791]
1 class_createInstance + 88 (libobjc.A.dylib + 26993) [0x7fffdf804971]
1 calloc + 30 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 19927) [0x7fffe0278dd7]
1 malloc_zone_calloc + 87 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 17558) [0x7fffe0278496]
1 nano_calloc + 70 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39626) [0x7fffe027daca]
1 OSAtomicDequeue + 31 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 9563) [0x7fffe030155b]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 _Block_object_dispose + 1 (libsystem_blocks.dylib + 3073) [0x7fffe0128c01]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 __81-[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:]_block_invoke + 68 (LaunchServices + 537727) [0x7fffcbd4147f]
1 +[NSDictionary dictionary] + 41 (CoreFoundation + 494473) [0x7fffcaaeab89]
1 -[__NSPlaceholderDictionary initWithObjects:forKeys:count:] + 255 (CoreFoundation + 58511) [0x7fffcaa8048f]
1 +[__NSDictionaryM __new:::::] + 166 (CoreFoundation + 42918) [0x7fffcaa7c7a6]
1 __CFAllocateObject2 + 15 (CoreFoundation + 29327) [0x7fffcaa7928f]
1 class_createInstance + 56 (libobjc.A.dylib + 26961) [0x7fffdf804951]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 __81-[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:]_block_invoke + 684 (LaunchServices + 538343) [0x7fffcbd416e7]
1 -[__NSDictionaryM setObject:forKey:] + 859 (CoreFoundation + 57419) [0x7fffcaa8004b]
1 nano_free_definite_size + 34 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39429) [0x7fffe027da05]
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671558) [0xffffff80002a3f46]
*1 unix_syscall64 + 586 (kernel + 6452170) [0xffffff80008273ca]
*1 _workq_kernreturn + 1189 (pthread + 25785) [0xffffff7f80f274b9]
*1 workqueue_run_nextreq + 3690 (pthread + 12774) [0xffffff7f80f241e6]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 return_to_iret + 288 (kernel + 670252) [0xffffff80002a3a2c]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[NSObject autorelease] + 16 (libobjc.A.dylib + 46170) [0x7fffdf80945a] (running)
2 -[_LSQueryContext(Internal) _resolveQueries:cachingStrategy:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:] + 183 (LaunchServices + 536902) [0x7fffcbd41146]
2 -[NSSet initWithSet:copyItems:] + 889 (CoreFoundation + 626873) [0x7fffcab0b0b9]
2 -[__NSPlaceholderSet initWithObjects:count:] + 179 (CoreFoundation + 493635) [0x7fffcaaea843]
2 +[__NSSetM __new:::] + 154 (CoreFoundation + 306586) [0x7fffcaabcd9a]
2 __CFAllocateObject2 + 15 (CoreFoundation + 29327) [0x7fffcaa7928f]
1 class_createInstance + 49 (libobjc.A.dylib + 26954) [0x7fffdf80494a]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 class_createInstance + 88 (libobjc.A.dylib + 26993) [0x7fffdf804971]
1 calloc + 30 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 19927) [0x7fffe0278dd7]
1 malloc_zone_calloc + 87 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 17558) [0x7fffe0278496]
1 nano_calloc + 70 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39626) [0x7fffe027daca]
1 OSAtomicDequeue + 31 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 9563) [0x7fffe030155b] (running)
1 -[_UTTypeQuery resolve] + 60 (LaunchServices + 303349) [0x7fffcbd080f5]
1 +[NSSet setWithObject:] + 38 (CoreFoundation + 493846) [0x7fffcaaea916]
1 objc_msgSend + 26 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27482) [0x7fffdf804b5a]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[_UTTypeQuery resolve] + 94 (LaunchServices + 303383) [0x7fffcbd08117]
1 -[NSDictionary allValues] + 202 (CoreFoundation + 551850) [0x7fffcaaf8baa]
1 +[NSArray arrayWithObjects:count:] + 52 (CoreFoundation + 60740) [0x7fffcaa80d44]
1 -[__NSPlaceholderArray initWithObjects:count:] + 158 (CoreFoundation + 29646) [0x7fffcaa793ce]
1 +[__NSSingleObjectArrayI __new::] + 21 (CoreFoundation + 1542613) [0x7fffcabea9d5]
1 __CFAllocateObject + 17 (CoreFoundation + 264081) [0x7fffcaab2791]
1 class_createInstance + 88 (libobjc.A.dylib + 26993) [0x7fffdf804971]
1 calloc + 30 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 19927) [0x7fffe0278dd7]
1 malloc_zone_calloc + 87 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 17558) [0x7fffe0278496]
1 nano_calloc + 70 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39626) [0x7fffe027daca]
1 OSAtomicDequeue + 28 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 9560) [0x7fffe0301558] (running)
4 UTTypeCopyDeclaration + 75 (LaunchServices + 1001799) [0x7fffcbdb2947]
3 +[_UTTypeQuery typeQueryWithIdentifier:] + 34 (LaunchServices + 302894) [0x7fffcbd07f2e]
3 _objc_rootAlloc + 45 (libobjc.A.dylib + 42896) [0x7fffdf808790]
3 class_createInstance + 88 (libobjc.A.dylib + 26993) [0x7fffdf804971]
3 calloc + 30 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 19927) [0x7fffe0278dd7]
3 malloc_zone_calloc + 87 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 17558) [0x7fffe0278496]
3 nano_calloc + 70 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39626) [0x7fffe027daca]
2 _nano_malloc_check_clear + 1340 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39276) [0x7fffe027d96c]
2 _platform_memset$VARIANT$Base + 19 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 27731) [0x7fffe0305c53]
*2 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*2 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*2 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*2 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*2 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*2 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 _nano_malloc_check_clear + 123 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 38059) [0x7fffe027d4ab]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 +[_UTTypeQuery typeQueryWithIdentifier:] + 50 (LaunchServices + 302910) [0x7fffcbd07f3e]
1 -[_UTTypeQueryWithIdentifier initWithIdentifier:] + 54 (LaunchServices + 1008352) [0x7fffcbdb42e0]
1 objc_msgSendSuper2 + 11 (libobjc.A.dylib + 28043) [0x7fffdf804d8b] (running)
1 objc_autoreleasePoolPush + 0 (libobjc.A.dylib + 39135) [0x7fffdf8078df]
*1 return_to_iret + 288 (kernel + 670252) [0xffffff80002a3a2c]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
6 QSIsUTI + 37 (QSFoundation + 48792) [0x109241e98]
3 UTTypeConformsTo + 109 (LaunchServices + 93632) [0x7fffcbcd4dc0]
2 _LSContextInit + 241 (LaunchServices + 41185) [0x7fffcbcc80e1]
2 _LSCopyLocalDatabase + 31 (LaunchServices + 42219) [0x7fffcbcc84eb]
2 _LSGetSession(unsigned int) + 75 (LaunchServices + 42337) [0x7fffcbcc8561]
2 CFDictionaryGetValue + 124 (CoreFoundation + 47836) [0x7fffcaa7dadc]
2 CFBasicHashFindBucket + 185 (CoreFoundation + 48105) [0x7fffcaa7dbe9]
2 __CFNumberHash + 124 (CoreFoundation + 53836) [0x7fffcaa7f24c]
2 __CFNumberGetValue + 985 (CoreFoundation + 55065) [0x7fffcaa7f719]
*2 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*2 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*2 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*2 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*2 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*2 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 _LSContextInit + 260 (LaunchServices + 41204) [0x7fffcbcc80f4]
1 _LSDatabaseNeedsUpdate(LSDatabase*) + 66 (LaunchServices + 57201) [0x7fffcbccbf71]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 UTTypeConformsTo + 84 (LaunchServices + 93607) [0x7fffcbcd4da7]
1 _UTTypeIdentifierIsDeclarable + 14 (LaunchServices + 1001640) [0x7fffcbdb28a8]
1 _UTTypeIdentifierIsDynamic + 48 (LaunchServices + 94383) [0x7fffcbcd50af]
1 CFStringCompareWithOptionsAndLocale + 535 (CoreFoundation + 125751) [0x7fffcaa90b37]
1 CFStringGetCStringPtr + 361 (CoreFoundation + 82297) [0x7fffcaa86179]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 UTTypeConformsTo + 96 (LaunchServices + 93619) [0x7fffcbcd4db3]
1 _UTTypeIdentifierIsDeclarable + 14 (LaunchServices + 1001640) [0x7fffcbdb28a8]
1 _UTTypeIdentifierIsDynamic + 27 (LaunchServices + 94362) [0x7fffcbcd509a]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 UTTypeConformsTo + 141 (LaunchServices + 93664) [0x7fffcbcd4de0]
1 _UTGetActiveTypeForCFStringIdentifier + 23 (LaunchServices + 93875) [0x7fffcbcd4eb3]
1 _LSDatabaseGetStringForCFString + 122 (LaunchServices + 94026) [0x7fffcbcd4f4a]
1 CSGetStringForCharacters + 141 (LaunchServices + 46109) [0x7fffcbcc941d]
1 CSMapGetKeyAndValueForKeyData + 42 (LaunchServices + 46234) [0x7fffcbcc949a]
1 CSMapSync + 69 (LaunchServices + 45427) [0x7fffcbcc9173]
1 CSStore2::Store::getData() const + 1 (LaunchServices + 522575) [0x7fffcbd3d94f]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 QSIsUTI + 74 (QSFoundation + 48829) [0x109241ebd] (running)
1 QSIsUTI + 90 (QSFoundation + 48845) [0x109241ecd]
1 -[NSString rangeOfString:] + 65 (Foundation + 19204) [0x7fffcc50bb04]
1 CFStringFindWithOptionsAndLocale + 15143 (CoreFoundation + 81303) [0x7fffcaa85d97] (running)
33 -[QSObject count] + 96 (QSCore + 111702) [0x1092e1456]
29 -[QSObject primaryObject] + 38 (QSCore + 108946) [0x1092e0992]
28 QSUTIForAnyTypeString + 83 (QSFoundation + 50090) [0x1092423aa]
21 QSIsUTI + 52 (QSFoundation + 48807) [0x109241ea7]
16 UTTypeCopyDeclaration + 102 (LaunchServices + 1001826) [0x7fffcbdb2962]
13 -[_UTTypeQuery resolve] + 81 (LaunchServices + 303370) [0x7fffcbd0810a]
12 -[_LSQueryContext(SynchronousResolution) resolveQueries:cachingStrategy:error:] + 418 (LaunchServices + 536240) [0x7fffcbd40eb0]
11 -[_LSQueryContext(Internal) _resolveQueries:cachingStrategy:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:] + 391 (LaunchServices + 537110) [0x7fffcbd41216]
11 -[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:] + 105 (LaunchServices + 537624) [0x7fffcbd41418]
9 __81-[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:]_block_invoke + 618 (LaunchServices + 538277) [0x7fffcbd416a5]
9 -[_LSLocalContext _enumerateResolvedResultsOfQuery:XPCConnection:withBlock:] + 498 (LaunchServices + 539465) [0x7fffcbd41b49]
4 -[_UTTypeQueryWithIdentifier _enumerateWithXPCConnection:block:] + 1186 (LaunchServices + 1009847) [0x7fffcbdb48b7]
4 _objc_rootAlloc + 45 (libobjc.A.dylib + 42896) [0x7fffdf808790]
4 class_createInstance + 6 (libobjc.A.dylib + 26911) [0x7fffdf80491f]
*4 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
2 -[_UTTypeQueryWithIdentifier _enumerateWithXPCConnection:block:] + 319 (LaunchServices + 1008980) [0x7fffcbdb4554]
2 _LSContextInit + 260 (LaunchServices + 41204) [0x7fffcbcc80f4]
2 _LSDatabaseNeedsUpdate(LSDatabase*) + 66 (LaunchServices + 57201) [0x7fffcbccbf71]
1 notify_check + 303 (libsystem_notify.dylib + 30803) [0x7fffe02fc853]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 _os_nospin_lock_lock + 14 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 22443) [0x7fffe03047ab] (running)
2 -[_UTTypeQueryWithIdentifier _enumerateWithXPCConnection:block:] + 1260 (LaunchServices + 1009921) [0x7fffcbdb4901]
2 __76-[_LSLocalContext _enumerateResolvedResultsOfQuery:XPCConnection:withBlock:]_block_invoke + 59 (LaunchServices + 539578) [0x7fffcbd41bba]
2 -[__NSArrayM insertObject:atIndex:] + 238 (CoreFoundation + 169198) [0x7fffcaa9b4ee]
2 malloc + 24 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 4696) [0x7fffe0275258]
1 malloc_zone_malloc + 107 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 8922) [0x7fffe02762da]
1 nano_malloc + 35 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 37906) [0x7fffe027d412]
1 OSAtomicDequeue + 4 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 9536) [0x7fffe0301540]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 nano_malloc + 1 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 37872) [0x7fffe027d3f0] (running)
1 -[_UTTypeQueryWithIdentifier _enumerateWithXPCConnection:block:] + 1216 (LaunchServices + 1009877) [0x7fffcbdb48d5]
1 +[NSSet setWithObject:] + 38 (CoreFoundation + 493846) [0x7fffcaaea916]
1 __createSet + 34 (CoreFoundation + 1644482) [0x7fffcac037c2]
1 -[__NSPlaceholderSet initWithObjects:count:] + 151 (CoreFoundation + 493607) [0x7fffcaaea827]
1 +[__NSSingleObjectSetI __new::] + 21 (CoreFoundation + 1637429) [0x7fffcac01c35]
1 __CFAllocateObject + 17 (CoreFoundation + 264081) [0x7fffcaab2791]
1 class_createInstance + 88 (libobjc.A.dylib + 26993) [0x7fffdf804971]
1 calloc + 30 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 19927) [0x7fffe0278dd7]
1 malloc_zone_calloc + 87 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 17558) [0x7fffe0278496]
1 nano_calloc + 70 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39626) [0x7fffe027daca]
1 OSAtomicDequeue + 28 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 9560) [0x7fffe0301558] (running)
1 __81-[_LSLocalContext _resolveQueries:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:]_block_invoke + 427 (LaunchServices + 538086) [0x7fffcbd415e6]
1 +[NSArray array] + 38 (CoreFoundation + 386150) [0x7fffcaad0466]
1 -[__NSPlaceholderArray initWithObjects:count:] + 186 (CoreFoundation + 29674) [0x7fffcaa793ea]
1 +[__NSArrayM __new:::] + 33 (CoreFoundation + 1541745) [0x7fffcabea671]
1 __CFAllocateObject2 + 15 (CoreFoundation + 29327) [0x7fffcaa7928f]
1 class_createInstance + 88 (libobjc.A.dylib + 26993) [0x7fffdf804971]
1 calloc + 30 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 19927) [0x7fffe0278dd7]
1 malloc_zone_calloc + 87 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 17558) [0x7fffe0278496]
1 nano_calloc + 70 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39626) [0x7fffe027daca]
1 OSAtomicDequeue + 31 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 9563) [0x7fffe030155b]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[NSObject autorelease] + 16 (libobjc.A.dylib + 46170) [0x7fffdf80945a]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[_LSQueryContext(Internal) _resolveQueries:cachingStrategy:synchronously:XPCConnection:completionHandler:] + 183 (LaunchServices + 536902) [0x7fffcbd41146]
1 -[NSSet initWithSet:copyItems:] + 889 (CoreFoundation + 626873) [0x7fffcab0b0b9]
1 -[__NSPlaceholderSet initWithObjects:count:] + 179 (CoreFoundation + 493635) [0x7fffcaaea843]
1 +[__NSSetM __new:::] + 312 (CoreFoundation + 306744) [0x7fffcaabce38]
1 -[_UTTypeQueryWithIdentifier hash] + 21 (LaunchServices + 1010619) [0x7fffcbdb4bbb]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[_LSQueryContext(SynchronousResolution) resolveQueries:cachingStrategy:error:] + 307 (LaunchServices + 536129) [0x7fffcbd40e41] (running)
2 -[_UTTypeQuery resolve] + 60 (LaunchServices + 303349) [0x7fffcbd080f5]
2 +[NSObject alloc] + 0 (libobjc.A.dylib + 42834) [0x7fffdf808752]
*2 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*2 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*2 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*2 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*2 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*2 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[_UTTypeQuery resolve] + 94 (LaunchServices + 303383) [0x7fffcbd08117]
1 -[NSDictionary allValues] + 158 (CoreFoundation + 551806) [0x7fffcaaf8b7e] (running)
4 UTTypeCopyDeclaration + 191 (LaunchServices + 1001915) [0x7fffcbdb29bb]
4 (anonymous namespace)::AutoreleasePoolPage::pop(void*) + 808 (libobjc.A.dylib + 40544) [0x7fffdf807e60]
3 -[__NSDictionaryM dealloc] + 184 (CoreFoundation + 304968) [0x7fffcaabc748]
3 -[__NSArrayM dealloc] + 19 (CoreFoundation + 183923) [0x7fffcaa9ee73]
3 common_removeAllObjects + 255 (CoreFoundation + 1536351) [0x7fffcabe915f]
2 -[_UTConcreteType dealloc] + 95 (LaunchServices + 1085007) [0x7fffcbdc6e4f]
2 default_zone_free_definite_size + 20 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 72593) [0x7fffe0285b91]
*2 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*2 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*2 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*2 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*2 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*2 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[_UTConcreteType dealloc] + 64 (LaunchServices + 1084976) [0x7fffcbdc6e30]
1 objc_release + 119 (libobjc.A.dylib + 36759) [0x7fffdf806f97]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 OSAtomicEnqueue + 32 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 9528) [0x7fffe0301538]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 UTTypeCopyDeclaration + 33 (LaunchServices + 1001757) [0x7fffcbdb291d]
1 _UTTypeIdentifierIsDeclarable + 14 (LaunchServices + 1001640) [0x7fffcbdb28a8]
1 _UTTypeIdentifierIsDynamic + 48 (LaunchServices + 94383) [0x7fffcbcd50af]
1 CFStringCompareWithOptionsAndLocale + 265 (CoreFoundation + 125481) [0x7fffcaa90a29]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
6 QSIsUTI + 37 (QSFoundation + 48792) [0x109241e98]
3 UTTypeConformsTo + 141 (LaunchServices + 93664) [0x7fffcbcd4de0]
3 _UTGetActiveTypeForCFStringIdentifier + 23 (LaunchServices + 93875) [0x7fffcbcd4eb3]
*3 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
2 UTTypeConformsTo + 109 (LaunchServices + 93632) [0x7fffcbcd4dc0]
1 _LSContextInit + 241 (LaunchServices + 41185) [0x7fffcbcc80e1]
1 _LSCopyLocalDatabase + 31 (LaunchServices + 42219) [0x7fffcbcc84eb]
1 _LSGetSession(unsigned int) + 75 (LaunchServices + 42337) [0x7fffcbcc8561]
1 CFDictionaryGetValue + 25 (CoreFoundation + 47737) [0x7fffcaa7da79] (running)
1 _LSContextInit + 260 (LaunchServices + 41204) [0x7fffcbcc80f4]
1 _LSDatabaseNeedsUpdate(LSDatabase*) + 66 (LaunchServices + 57201) [0x7fffcbccbf71]
1 notify_check + 105 (libsystem_notify.dylib + 30605) [0x7fffe02fc78d]
1 registration_node_find + 53 (libsystem_notify.dylib + 25118) [0x7fffe02fb21e]
1 _nc_table_find_64 + 67 (libsystem_notify.dylib + 37446) [0x7fffe02fe246]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 UTTypeConformsTo + 57 (LaunchServices + 93580) [0x7fffcbcd4d8c]
1 _XCFStringEqualCaseInsensitive + 14 (LaunchServices + 310742) [0x7fffcbd09dd6]
1 CFStringGetCStringPtr + 0 (CoreFoundation + 81936) [0x7fffcaa86010]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 QSIsUTI + 90 (QSFoundation + 48845) [0x109241ecd]
1 -[NSString rangeOfString:] + 65 (Foundation + 19204) [0x7fffcc50bb04]
1 -[NSString rangeOfString:options:range:locale:] + 430 (Foundation + 19646) [0x7fffcc50bcbe]
1 CFStringFindWithOptionsAndLocale + 349 (CoreFoundation + 66509) [0x7fffcaa823cd]
1 __CFStringFillCharacterSetInlineBuffer + 608 (CoreFoundation + 81920) [0x7fffcaa86000]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 objc_msgSend + 37 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27493) [0x7fffdf804b65]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
3 -[QSObject primaryObject] + 65 (QSCore + 108973) [0x1092e09ad]
2 -[__NSDictionaryM objectForKey:] + 77 (CoreFoundation + 296317) [0x7fffcaaba57d]
1 __CFStringHash + 218 (CoreFoundation + 38010) [0x7fffcaa7b47a] (running)
1 __CFStringHash + 240 (CoreFoundation + 38032) [0x7fffcaa7b490] (running)
1 -[__NSDictionaryM objectForKey:] + 120 (CoreFoundation + 296360) [0x7fffcaaba5a8] (running)
1 objc_msgSend + 26 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27482) [0x7fffdf804b5a] (running)
1 objc_autoreleaseReturnValue + 4 (libobjc.A.dylib + 52166) [0x7fffdf80abc6]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
11 -[QSObject isEqual:] + 960 (QSCore + 105152) [0x1092dfac0]
11 -[__NSCFDictionary isEqual:] + 65 (CoreFoundation + 819441) [0x7fffcab3a0f1]
10 -[NSDictionary isEqual:] + 64 (CoreFoundation + 622160) [0x7fffcab09e50]
6 -[NSDictionary isEqualToDictionary:] + 213 (CoreFoundation + 621637) [0x7fffcab09c45]
5 __CFBasicHashFastEnumeration + 127 (CoreFoundation + 627951) [0x7fffcab0b4ef]
2 CFBasicHashGetBucket + 25 (CoreFoundation + 186713) [0x7fffcaa9f959]
*2 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*2 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*2 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*2 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*2 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*2 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 CFBasicHashGetBucket + 28 (CoreFoundation + 186716) [0x7fffcaa9f95c] (running)
1 CFBasicHashGetBucket + 47 (CoreFoundation + 186735) [0x7fffcaa9f96f] (running)
1 CFBasicHashGetBucket + 57 (CoreFoundation + 186745) [0x7fffcaa9f979] (running)
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
2 -[NSDictionary isEqualToDictionary:] + 364 (CoreFoundation + 621788) [0x7fffcab09cdc]
2 CFDictionaryGetValue + 124 (CoreFoundation + 47836) [0x7fffcaa7dadc]
2 CFBasicHashFindBucket + 1024 (CoreFoundation + 48944) [0x7fffcaa7df30]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
2 -[NSDictionary isEqualToDictionary:] + 429 (CoreFoundation + 621853) [0x7fffcab09d1d]
2 -[__NSCFNumber isEqual:] + 64 (CoreFoundation + 210320) [0x7fffcaaa5590]
2 -[__NSCFNumber isEqualToNumber:] + 24 (CoreFoundation + 210376) [0x7fffcaaa55c8]
2 -[__NSCFNumber compare:] + 118 (CoreFoundation + 210518) [0x7fffcaaa5656]
1 -[__NSCFNumber objCType] + 9 (CoreFoundation + 210969) [0x7fffcaaa5819]
1 _CFNumberGetType2 + 121 (CoreFoundation + 211145) [0x7fffcaaa58c9]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[__NSCFNumber objCType] + 41 (CoreFoundation + 211001) [0x7fffcaaa5839]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 objc_msgSend + 44 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27500) [0x7fffdf804b6c] (running)
10 objc_retain + 16 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27120) [0x7fffdf8049f0]
*7 return_to_iret + 288 (kernel + 670252) [0xffffff80002a3a2c]
*7 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*7 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*7 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*7 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*7 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
*2 hndl_allintrs + 297 (kernel + 669961) [0xffffff80002a3909]
*2 interrupt + 353 (kernel + 2118289) [0xffffff8000405291]
*2 lapic_interrupt + 75 (kernel + 2153867) [0xffffff800040dd8b]
*2 cpu_signal_handler + 650 (kernel + 2157818) [0xffffff800040ecfa]
*2 sync_iss_to_iks + 215 (kernel + 2121799) [0xffffff8000406047] (running)
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
5 -[QSObject isEqual:] + 175 (QSCore + 104367) [0x1092df7af]
4 -[QSObject(Accessors) identifier] + 31 (QSCore + 121419) [0x1092e3a4b]
3 objc_sync_enter + 16 (libobjc.A.dylib + 48199) [0x7fffdf809c47]
1 id2data(objc_object*, usage) + 233 (libobjc.A.dylib + 48478) [0x7fffdf809d5e] (running)
1 id2data(objc_object*, usage) + 271 (libobjc.A.dylib + 48516) [0x7fffdf809d84]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 id2data(objc_object*, usage) + 640 (libobjc.A.dylib + 48885) [0x7fffdf809ef5]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 objc_sync_enter + 25 (libobjc.A.dylib + 48208) [0x7fffdf809c50]
1 pthread_mutex_lock + 7 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 5379) [0x7fffe0309503] (running)
1 objc_retain + 16 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27120) [0x7fffdf8049f0] (running)
2 -[QSObject isEqual:] + 318 (QSCore + 104510) [0x1092df83e]
1 -[QSObject(Accessors) identifier] + 31 (QSCore + 121419) [0x1092e3a4b]
1 objc_sync_enter + 16 (libobjc.A.dylib + 48199) [0x7fffdf809c47]
1 id2data(objc_object*, usage) + 534 (libobjc.A.dylib + 48779) [0x7fffdf809e8b]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[QSObject(Accessors) identifier] + 243 (QSCore + 121631) [0x1092e3b1f]
1 objc_sync_exit + 46 (libobjc.A.dylib + 49227) [0x7fffdf80a04b]
1 recursive_mutex_tt<false>::tryUnlock() + 9 (libobjc.A.dylib + 49249) [0x7fffdf80a061]
1 _pthread_mutex_unlock_slow + 352 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 6705) [0x7fffe0309a31]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[QSObject isEqual:] + 345 (QSCore + 104537) [0x1092df859]
1 -[__NSCFString isNSString__] + 1 (CoreFoundation + 116001) [0x7fffcaa8e521]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 -[QSObject isEqual:] + 705 (QSCore + 104897) [0x1092df9c1]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[QSObject isEqual:] + 983 (QSCore + 105175) [0x1092dfad7]
1 _CFRelease + 171 (CoreFoundation + 1380443) [0x7fffcabc305b] (running)
1 -[QSObject count] + 1 (QSCore + 111607) [0x1092e13f7]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[__NSCFDictionary isEqual:] + 1 (CoreFoundation + 819377) [0x7fffcab3a0b1] (running)
1 objc_release + 31 (libobjc.A.dylib + 36671) [0x7fffdf806f3f]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
Thread 0x559b 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 20 (base 37)
1002 <truncated backtrace>
1002 __ulock_wait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107442) [0x7fffe02233b2]
*1002 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671558) [0xffffff80002a3f46]
*1002 unix_syscall64 + 586 (kernel + 6452170) [0xffffff80008273ca]
*1002 ulock_wait + 993 (kernel + 5930081) [0xffffff80007a7c61]
*1002 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1002 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1002 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be]
Thread 0x55b4 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 31 (base 31) cpu time <0.001
1002 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12797) [0x7fffe030b1fd]
1002 _pthread_start + 286 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14839) [0x7fffe030b9f7]
1002 _pthread_body + 180 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 15019) [0x7fffe030baab]
1002 __NSThread__start__ + 1243 (Foundation + 207981) [0x7fffcc539c6d]
1002 kevent + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 110122) [0x7fffe0223e2a]
*989 ??? (kernel + 5638912) [0xffffff8000760b00]
*13 ??? (kernel + 5638912) [0xffffff8000760b00] (runnable)
Thread 0x55a3 DispatchQueue 11 9 samples (58-66) priority 31 (base 31) cpu time <0.001
9 ??? [0x6449656c646e7542]
9 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
9 _pthread_wqthread + 1004 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13803) [0x7fffe030b5eb]
9 _dispatch_kevent_worker_thread + 978 (libdispatch.dylib + 115120) [0x7fffe00d81b0]
9 _dispatch_root_queue_drain_deferred_item + 284 (libdispatch.dylib + 103313) [0x7fffe00d5391]
9 _dispatch_mach_invoke + 868 (libdispatch.dylib + 27707) [0x7fffe00c2c3b]
9 _dispatch_queue_serial_drain + 443 (libdispatch.dylib + 100640) [0x7fffe00d4920]
9 _dispatch_mach_msg_invoke + 482 (libdispatch.dylib + 33605) [0x7fffe00c4345]
9 _dispatch_set_priority_and_voucher_slow + 259 (libdispatch.dylib + 92572) [0x7fffe00d299c]
9 _dispatch_set_priority_and_mach_voucher_slow + 174 (libdispatch.dylib + 92177) [0x7fffe00d2811]
9 __bsdthread_ctl + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 102886) [0x7fffe02221e6]
*9 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671558) [0xffffff80002a3f46]
*9 unix_syscall64 + 586 (kernel + 6452170) [0xffffff80008273ca]
*9 _bsdthread_ctl_set_self + 318 (pthread + 7932) [0xffffff7f80f22efc]
*9 kevent_qos_internal_unbind + 271 (kernel + 5640751) [0xffffff800076122f]
*9 ??? (kernel + 669507) [0xffffff80002a3743]
*9 kernel_trap + 1064 (kernel + 2120104) [0xffffff80004059a8]
*9 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*9 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*9 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*9 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
Thread 0x55a3 2 samples (67-960 with gaps of 892) priority 31-46 (base 31-46) cpu time <0.001
1 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
1 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*1 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
1 ??? [0x6469746e65696c63]
1 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
1 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*1 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
Thread 0x56e5 DispatchQueue 41 1 sample (67) priority 31 (base 31) cpu time <0.001
1 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
1 _pthread_wqthread + 1004 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13803) [0x7fffe030b5eb]
1 _dispatch_kevent_worker_thread + 978 (libdispatch.dylib + 115120) [0x7fffe00d81b0]
1 _dispatch_root_queue_drain_deferred_item + 284 (libdispatch.dylib + 103313) [0x7fffe00d5391]
1 _dispatch_mach_invoke + 868 (libdispatch.dylib + 27707) [0x7fffe00c2c3b]
1 _dispatch_queue_serial_drain + 443 (libdispatch.dylib + 100640) [0x7fffe00d4920]
1 _dispatch_mach_msg_invoke + 414 (libdispatch.dylib + 33537) [0x7fffe00c4301]
1 _dispatch_client_callout4 + 9 (libdispatch.dylib + 32454) [0x7fffe00c3ec6]
1 _xpc_connection_mach_event + 1707 (libxpc.dylib + 39263) [0x7fffe035195f]
1 _xpc_connection_call_event_handler + 35 (libxpc.dylib + 44950) [0x7fffe0352f96]
1 LSNotificationReceiver::receiveNotificationFromServer(_xpc_connection_s*, void*) + 102 (LaunchServices + 38278) [0x7fffcbcc7586]
1 LSNotificationReceiver::CopyNotificationInformationForID(void const*) + 142 (LaunchServices + 37328) [0x7fffcbcc71d0]
1 _dispatch_barrier_sync_f_invoke + 83 (libdispatch.dylib + 11506) [0x7fffe00becf2]
1 CFRetain + 11 (CoreFoundation + 30011) [0x7fffcaa7953b]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
Binary Images:
0x1091da000 - 0x109213fff com.blacktree.Quicksilver 1.5.1 (401C) <61189D7D-4208-34A6-8EF2-135E7CC05AF5> /Applications/
0x109236000 - 0x109272fff com.blacktree.QSFoundation (2.3) <AD735315-90C0-3910-852A-09E920B28672> /Applications/
0x1092c6000 - 0x10932cfff com.blacktree.QSCore (2.3) <46D80C1D-99C0-32E5-8532-D543259E5DCE> /Applications/
0x7fffc85e1000 - 0x7fffc93b2fff 6.9 (1504.76) <AF99A491-3175-362D-B313-074A3F87E49A> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fffca051000 - 0x7fffca359fff 2.1.1 (856.11) <11F1BAA6-547C-37CB-88DE-6C4B698AFF37> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fffcaa72000 - 0x7fffcaf06fff 6.9 (1348.28) <0F1FAA52-1C06-327E-A170-382B48B1846D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fffcb953000 - 0x7fffcb9a4fff 712.2 (712.2) <342A13C0-4A6A-3947-B66B-0F624A4A7B52> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/AE.framework/Versions/A/AE
0x7fffcbcbe000 - 0x7fffcbe2afff 775.9.7 (775.9.7) <E350E4F6-822A-3F04-B59B-468A39AF5C64> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/LaunchServices
0x7fffcc507000 - 0x7fffcc8aefff 6.9 (1349.25) <D820A498-2E62-367D-BC72-5845B14C06E3> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fffdece4000 - 0x7fffded0efff libc++abi.dylib (307.2) <1CEF8ABB-7E6D-3C2F-8E0A-E7884478DD23> /usr/lib/libc++abi.dylib
0x7fffdf7fe000 - 0x7fffdfbd3fff libobjc.A.dylib (706) <47104A1B-13E8-369F-BC36-27FF465809FD> /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
0x7fffe00bc000 - 0x7fffe00eefff libdispatch.dylib (703.30.5) <EA0CC14E-D559-3802-B4B2-0E8C7579AAC4> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fffe00ef000 - 0x7fffe00f4fff libdyld.dylib (421.2) <E5A2414F-2480-3BB2-BE94-176119A80876> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fffe0128000 - 0x7fffe0128fff libsystem_blocks.dylib (67) <B8C3701D-5A91-3D35-999D-2DC8D5393525> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_blocks.dylib
0x7fffe0129000 - 0x7fffe01b6fff libsystem_c.dylib (1158.30.7) <2F881962-03CB-3B9D-A782-D98C1BBA4E3D> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib
0x7fffe0209000 - 0x7fffe022bfff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3789.31.2) <FCEEBBD4-DF66-34D8-A32F-4F8C8E814E40> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fffe0274000 - 0x7fffe0292fff libsystem_malloc.dylib (116.30.3) <F40DEE3B-386A-3529-A3F7-98117ED55BF4> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_malloc.dylib
0x7fffe02f5000 - 0x7fffe02fefff libsystem_notify.dylib (165.20.1) <E7FD3A7C-DD07-36E2-9FA4-7561F9F114DA> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_notify.dylib
0x7fffe02ff000 - 0x7fffe0307fff libsystem_platform.dylib (126.1.2) <3CA06D4E-C00A-36DE-AA65-3A390097D1F6> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_platform.dylib
0x7fffe0308000 - 0x7fffe0312fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (218.30.1) <C869ED7C-BE29-3532-8E69-3A8DA1447EDC> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
0x7fffe0348000 - 0x7fffe0371fff libxpc.dylib (972.30.7) <65E41BB6-EBD5-3D93-B0BE-B190CEE4DD93> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f21000 - 0xffffff7f80f2cfff 1.0 (1) <479F2E9E-1F15-3D76-A407-DB04C1277527> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3789.31.2) <8DF81F81-019F-348E-B47E-40A4484B9E21> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: accountsd [387]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/Accounts.framework/Versions/A/Support/accountsd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Tracked (allows idle exit)
Task size: 19 MB (+3)
CPU Time: 0.052
Note: 3 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0xdcf DispatchQueue <multiple> 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 4-31 (base 4-31) cpu time <0.001
514 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 21077) [0x7fffe00f4255]
514 ??? (accountsd + 2602) [0x10c512a2a]
514 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 420 (CoreFoundation + 543572) [0x7fffcaaf6b54]
511 __CFRunLoopRun + 1361 (CoreFoundation + 545537) [0x7fffcaaf7301]
511 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 548484) [0x7fffcaaf7e84]
511 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*511 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
3 __CFRunLoopRun + 2206 (CoreFoundation + 546382) [0x7fffcaaf764e]
3 _CFAutoreleasePoolPush + 11 (CoreFoundation + 267211) [0x7fffcaab33cb]
3 objc_autoreleasePoolPush + 57 (libobjc.A.dylib + 39192) [0x7fffdf807918]
*3 hndl_alltraps + 229 (kernel + 669269) [0xffffff80002a3655]
*3 user_trap + 652 (kernel + 2122460) [0xffffff80004062dc]
*3 ??? (kernel + 1507956) [0xffffff8000370274]
*3 vm_fault_page + 2635 (kernel + 1488123) [0xffffff800036b4fb]
*3 vm_compressor_pager_get + 222 (kernel + 1453934) [0xffffff8000362f6e]
*3 vm_compressor_get + 225 (kernel + 1446641) [0xffffff80003612f1]
*3 ??? (kernel + 1446795) [0xffffff800036138b]
*3 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*3 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*3 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
488 <truncated backtrace>
488 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*488 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
Thread 0x5555 198 samples (274-488 with gaps of 17) priority 0-31 (base 4-31) cpu time 0.002
197 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
197 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*197 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
1 ??? [0x10c51a000]
1 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
1 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*1 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
Thread <multiple> DispatchQueue 847 188 samples (275-488 with gaps of 26) priority 0-31 (base 4-31) cpu time 0.009
186 ??? [0x7f8c38c00000]
186 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
186 _pthread_wqthread + 1004 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13803) [0x7fffe030b5eb]
186 _dispatch_kevent_worker_thread + 978 (libdispatch.dylib + 115120) [0x7fffe00d81b0]
186 _dispatch_root_queue_drain_deferred_item + 284 (libdispatch.dylib + 103313) [0x7fffe00d5391]
186 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 1046 (libdispatch.dylib + 44249) [0x7fffe00c6cd9]
186 _dispatch_queue_serial_drain + 443 (libdispatch.dylib + 100640) [0x7fffe00d4920]
186 _dispatch_mach_invoke + 868 (libdispatch.dylib + 27707) [0x7fffe00c2c3b]
186 _dispatch_queue_serial_drain + 443 (libdispatch.dylib + 100640) [0x7fffe00d4920]
186 _dispatch_mach_msg_invoke + 414 (libdispatch.dylib + 33537) [0x7fffe00c4301]
186 _dispatch_client_callout4 + 9 (libdispatch.dylib + 32454) [0x7fffe00c3ec6]
186 _xpc_connection_mach_event + 1707 (libxpc.dylib + 39263) [0x7fffe035195f]
186 _xpc_connection_call_event_handler + 35 (libxpc.dylib + 44950) [0x7fffe0352f96]
185 objc_release + 162 (libobjc.A.dylib + 36802) [0x7fffdf806fc2]
*185 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 message_handler + 685 (Foundation + 240546) [0x7fffcc541ba2]
1 -[NSXPCConnection _decodeAndInvokeMessageWithData:] + 1134 (Foundation + 241887) [0x7fffcc5420df]
1 __NSXPCCONNECTION_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_EXPORTED_OBJECT__ + 17 (Foundation + 243556) [0x7fffcc542764]
1 -[NSInvocation invoke] + 289 (CoreFoundation + 533857) [0x7fffcaaf4561]
1 __invoking___ + 140 (CoreFoundation + 534236) [0x7fffcaaf46dc]
1 -[ACDAccountStoreFilter supportedDataclassesForAccountType:handler:] + 95 (AccountsDaemon + 434789) [0x7fffd3acd265]
1 -[ACDAccountStore supportedDataclassesForAccountType:handler:] + 350 (AccountsDaemon + 199285) [0x7fffd3a93a75]
1 free + 0 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 15917) [0x7fffe0277e2d]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 ??? [0x10c51a000]
1 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
1 _pthread_wqthread + 1004 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13803) [0x7fffe030b5eb]
1 _dispatch_kevent_worker_thread + 978 (libdispatch.dylib + 115120) [0x7fffe00d81b0]
1 _dispatch_root_queue_drain_deferred_item + 284 (libdispatch.dylib + 103313) [0x7fffe00d5391]
1 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 1046 (libdispatch.dylib + 44249) [0x7fffe00c6cd9]
1 _dispatch_queue_serial_drain + 443 (libdispatch.dylib + 100640) [0x7fffe00d4920]
1 _dispatch_mach_invoke + 868 (libdispatch.dylib + 27707) [0x7fffe00c2c3b]
1 _dispatch_queue_serial_drain + 443 (libdispatch.dylib + 100640) [0x7fffe00d4920]
1 _dispatch_mach_msg_invoke + 414 (libdispatch.dylib + 33537) [0x7fffe00c4301]
1 _dispatch_client_callout4 + 9 (libdispatch.dylib + 32454) [0x7fffe00c3ec6]
1 _xpc_connection_mach_event + 1707 (libxpc.dylib + 39263) [0x7fffe035195f]
1 _xpc_connection_call_event_handler + 35 (libxpc.dylib + 44950) [0x7fffe0352f96]
1 (anonymous namespace)::AutoreleasePoolPage::pop(void*) + 808 (libobjc.A.dylib + 40544) [0x7fffdf807e60]
1 -[NSInvocation dealloc] + 91 (CoreFoundation + 534379) [0x7fffcaaf476b]
1 -[__NSArrayM dealloc] + 19 (CoreFoundation + 183923) [0x7fffcaa9ee73]
1 common_removeAllObjects + 255 (CoreFoundation + 1536351) [0x7fffcabe915f]
1 object_dispose + 22 (libobjc.A.dylib + 36887) [0x7fffdf807017]
1 objc_destructInstance + 92 (libobjc.A.dylib + 36996) [0x7fffdf807084]
1 object_cxxDestructFromClass(objc_object*, objc_class*) + 127 (libobjc.A.dylib + 66882) [0x7fffdf80e542]
1 -[ACAccountType .cxx_destruct] + 126 (Accounts + 157889) [0x7fffc83488c1]
1 _CFRelease + 281 (CoreFoundation + 1380553) [0x7fffcabc30c9]
1 __CFURLDeallocate + 32 (CoreFoundation + 109296) [0x7fffcaa8caf0]
1 _CFRelease + 1107 (CoreFoundation + 1381379) [0x7fffcabc3403]
1 free_tiny + 698 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 106704) [0x7fffe028e0d0]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
1 _pthread_wqthread + 1299 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14098) [0x7fffe030b712]
1 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 99 (libdispatch.dylib + 15431) [0x7fffe00bfc47]
1 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 476 (libdispatch.dylib + 15984) [0x7fffe00bfe70]
1 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 1046 (libdispatch.dylib + 44249) [0x7fffe00c6cd9]
1 _dispatch_queue_serial_drain + 443 (libdispatch.dylib + 100640) [0x7fffe00d4920]
1 _dispatch_mach_invoke + 868 (libdispatch.dylib + 27707) [0x7fffe00c2c3b]
1 _dispatch_queue_serial_drain + 443 (libdispatch.dylib + 100640) [0x7fffe00d4920]
1 _dispatch_mach_msg_invoke + 414 (libdispatch.dylib + 33537) [0x7fffe00c4301]
1 _dispatch_client_callout4 + 9 (libdispatch.dylib + 32454) [0x7fffe00c3ec6]
1 _xpc_connection_mach_event + 1707 (libxpc.dylib + 39263) [0x7fffe035195f]
1 _xpc_connection_call_event_handler + 35 (libxpc.dylib + 44950) [0x7fffe0352f96]
1 message_handler + 685 (Foundation + 240546) [0x7fffcc541ba2]
1 -[NSXPCConnection _decodeAndInvokeMessageWithData:] + 326 (Foundation + 241079) [0x7fffcc541db7]
1 -[NSXPCDecoder decodeObjectOfClass:forKey:] + 129 (Foundation + 189749) [0x7fffcc535535]
1 _decodeObjectAfterSettingWhitelistForKey + 128 (Foundation + 189935) [0x7fffcc5355ef]
1 _decodeObject + 1243 (Foundation + 3022709) [0x7fffcc7e8f75]
1 -[NSXPCDecoder decodeInvocation] + 470 (Foundation + 193781) [0x7fffcc5364f5]
1 decodeInvocationArguments + 550 (Foundation + 195791) [0x7fffcc536ccf]
1 _walkAndDecodeData + 1789 (Foundation + 198277) [0x7fffcc537685]
1 -[NSXPCDecoder decodeObjectOfClass:forKey:] + 129 (Foundation + 189749) [0x7fffcc535535]
1 _decodeObjectAfterSettingWhitelistForKey + 128 (Foundation + 189935) [0x7fffcc5355ef]
1 _decodeObject + 536 (Foundation + 3022002) [0x7fffcc7e8cb2]
1 -[NSXPCDecoder _validateAllowedClass:forKey:allowingInvocations:] + 388 (Foundation + 192819) [0x7fffcc536133]
1 +[NSObject conformsToProtocol:] + 36 (libobjc.A.dylib + 57670) [0x7fffdf80c146]
1 class_conformsToProtocol + 183 (libobjc.A.dylib + 52829) [0x7fffdf80ae5d]
1 protocol_conformsToProtocol_nolock(protocol_t*, protocol_t*) + 63 (libobjc.A.dylib + 53293) [0x7fffdf80b02d] (running)
Thread <multiple> DispatchQueue 56 14 samples (276-301 with gaps of 12) priority 30-46 (base 31) cpu time 0.020
12 ??? [0x70000fad5960]
12 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
12 _pthread_wqthread + 1004 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13803) [0x7fffe030b5eb]
12 _dispatch_kevent_worker_thread + 978 (libdispatch.dylib + 115120) [0x7fffe00d81b0]
12 _dispatch_root_queue_drain_deferred_item + 284 (libdispatch.dylib + 103313) [0x7fffe00d5391]
12 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 1046 (libdispatch.dylib + 44249) [0x7fffe00c6cd9]
12 _dispatch_queue_serial_drain + 443 (libdispatch.dylib + 100640) [0x7fffe00d4920]
12 _dispatch_mach_invoke + 868 (libdispatch.dylib + 27707) [0x7fffe00c2c3b]
12 _dispatch_queue_serial_drain + 443 (libdispatch.dylib + 100640) [0x7fffe00d4920]
12 _dispatch_mach_msg_invoke + 414 (libdispatch.dylib + 33537) [0x7fffe00c4301]
12 _dispatch_client_callout4 + 9 (libdispatch.dylib + 32454) [0x7fffe00c3ec6]
12 _xpc_connection_mach_event + 1707 (libxpc.dylib + 39263) [0x7fffe035195f]
12 _xpc_connection_call_event_handler + 35 (libxpc.dylib + 44950) [0x7fffe0352f96]
12 message_handler + 685 (Foundation + 240546) [0x7fffcc541ba2]
12 -[NSXPCConnection _decodeAndInvokeMessageWithData:] + 1134 (Foundation + 241887) [0x7fffcc5420df]
12 __NSXPCCONNECTION_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_EXPORTED_OBJECT__ + 17 (Foundation + 243556) [0x7fffcc542764]
12 -[NSInvocation invoke] + 289 (CoreFoundation + 533857) [0x7fffcaaf4561]
12 __invoking___ + 140 (CoreFoundation + 534236) [0x7fffcaaf46dc]
10 -[ACDAccountStoreFilter enabledDataclassesForAccountWithIdentifier:handler:] + 95 (AccountsDaemon + 434403) [0x7fffd3acd0e3]
10 -[ACDAccountStore enabledDataclassesForAccountWithIdentifier:handler:] + 264 (AccountsDaemon + 195775) [0x7fffd3a92cbf]
10 -[NSManagedObjectContext performBlockAndWait:] + 287 (CoreData + 402591) [0x7fffca74849f]
10 _dispatch_barrier_sync_f_invoke + 83 (libdispatch.dylib + 11506) [0x7fffe00becf2]
10 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 8376) [0x7fffe00be0b8]
10 developerSubmittedBlockToNSManagedObjectContextPerform + 165 (CoreData + 402837) [0x7fffca748595]
10 __70-[ACDAccountStore enabledDataclassesForAccountWithIdentifier:handler:]_block_invoke + 65 (AccountsDaemon + 195957) [0x7fffd3a92d75]
10 -[ACDAccountStore _accountWithIdentifier:] + 92 (AccountsDaemon + 155866) [0x7fffd3a890da]
10 -[ACDDatabase fetchObjectsForEntityNamed:withPredicate:] + 53 (AccountsDaemon + 345481) [0x7fffd3ab7589]
10 -[ACDDatabase fetchObjectsForEntityNamed:withPredicate:sortDescriptor:] + 453 (AccountsDaemon + 345972) [0x7fffd3ab7774]
10 -[NSManagedObjectContext executeFetchRequest:error:] + 590 (CoreData + 114334) [0x7fffca701e9e]
10 -[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator executeRequest:withContext:error:] + 654 (CoreData + 122110) [0x7fffca703cfe]
10 -[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator _routeHeavyweightBlock:] + 390 (CoreData + 901862) [0x7fffca7c22e6]
10 __65-[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator executeRequest:withContext:error:]_block_invoke + 5622 (CoreData + 940278) [0x7fffca7cb8f6]
10 -[NSSQLCore executeRequest:withContext:error:] + 568 (CoreData + 123256) [0x7fffca704178]
10 -[NSSQLCore processFetchRequest:inContext:] + 93 (CoreData + 1050333) [0x7fffca7e66dd]
10 -[NSSQLCore dispatchRequest:withRetries:] + 233 (CoreData + 1062537) [0x7fffca7e9689]
10 -[NSSQLCoreDispatchManager routeStoreRequest:] + 350 (CoreData + 1217630) [0x7fffca80f45e]
10 -[NSSQLDefaultConnectionManager handleStoreRequest:] + 236 (CoreData + 1899372) [0x7fffca8b5b6c]
10 _dispatch_barrier_sync_f_invoke + 83 (libdispatch.dylib + 11506) [0x7fffe00becf2]
10 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 8376) [0x7fffe00be0b8]
10 __52-[NSSQLDefaultConnectionManager handleStoreRequest:]_block_invoke + 216 (CoreData + 1899672) [0x7fffca8b5c98]
10 -[NSSQLFetchRequestContext executeRequestUsingConnection:] + 53 (CoreData + 1238037) [0x7fffca814415]
10 _executeFetchRequest + 55 (CoreData + 2108967) [0x7fffca8e8e27]
10 newFetchedRowsForFetchPlan_MT + 3700 (CoreData + 194324) [0x7fffca715714]
10 -[NSSQLiteConnection releaseSQLStatement] + 54 (CoreData + 103606) [0x7fffca6ff4b6]
10 -[NSSQLiteConnection _finalizeStatement] + 86 (CoreData + 103494) [0x7fffca6ff446]
10 sqlite3_finalize + 173 (libsqlite3.dylib + 183645) [0x7fffdfcc1d5d]
10 sqlite3VdbeReset + 813 (libsqlite3.dylib + 184605) [0x7fffdfcc211d]
10 sqlite3_db_release_memory + 333 (libsqlite3.dylib + 698877) [0x7fffdfd3f9fd]
10 purgeableCacheShrink + 88 (libsqlite3.dylib + 1019960) [0x7fffdfd8e038]
10 _kernelrpc_mach_vm_purgable_control_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74418) [0x7fffe021b2b2]
*9 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
*1 hndl_mach_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671590) [0xffffff80002a3f66]
*1 mach_call_munger64 + 430 (kernel + 2039726) [0xffffff80003f1fae]
*1 _kernelrpc_mach_vm_purgable_control_trap + 122 (kernel + 945770) [0xffffff80002e6e6a]
*1 vm_map_purgable_control + 320 (kernel + 1614864) [0xffffff800038a410]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1658802) [0xffffff8000394fb2]
*1 lck_mtx_lock + 653 (kernel + 655549) [0xffffff80002a00bd]
*1 lck_mtx_lock_wait_x86 + 510 (kernel + 2093838) [0xffffff80003ff30e]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
2 -[ACDAccountStoreFilter parentAccountForAccountWithIdentifier:handler:] + 171 (AccountsDaemon + 430071) [0x7fffd3acbff7]
2 -[ACDAccountStore parentAccountForAccountWithIdentifier:handler:] + 264 (AccountsDaemon + 187096) [0x7fffd3a90ad8]
2 -[NSManagedObjectContext performBlockAndWait:] + 287 (CoreData + 402591) [0x7fffca74849f]
2 _dispatch_barrier_sync_f_invoke + 83 (libdispatch.dylib + 11506) [0x7fffe00becf2]
2 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 8376) [0x7fffe00be0b8]
2 developerSubmittedBlockToNSManagedObjectContextPerform + 165 (CoreData + 402837) [0x7fffca748595]
2 __65-[ACDAccountStore parentAccountForAccountWithIdentifier:handler:]_block_invoke + 116 (AccountsDaemon + 187329) [0x7fffd3a90bc1]
2 -[ACAccount initWithManagedAccount:accountStore:] + 61 (Accounts + 106419) [0x7fffc833bfb3]
1 -[ACAccount initWithManagedAccount:] + 75 (Accounts + 106551) [0x7fffc833c037]
1 _sharedIMPL_pvfk_core + 21 (CoreData + 224165) [0x7fffca71cba5]
1 _pvfk_header + 103 (CoreData + 224311) [0x7fffca71cc37]
1 _PF_FulfillDeferredFault + 280 (CoreData + 224840) [0x7fffca71ce48]
1 _PFFaultHandlerLookupRow + 457 (CoreData + 226425) [0x7fffca71d479]
1 -[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator(_NSInternalMethods) newValuesForObjectWithID:withContext:error:] + 417 (CoreData + 229569) [0x7fffca71e0c1]
1 -[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator _routeLightweightBlock:toStore:] + 312 (CoreData + 900328) [0x7fffca7c1ce8]
1 __95-[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator(_NSInternalMethods) newValuesForObjectWithID:withContext:error:]_block_invoke + 102 (CoreData + 946150) [0x7fffca7ccfe6]
1 -[NSSQLCore newValuesForObjectWithID:withContext:error:] + 365 (CoreData + 230093) [0x7fffca71e2cd]
1 -[NSSQLCore dispatchRequest:withRetries:] + 233 (CoreData + 1062537) [0x7fffca7e9689]
1 -[NSSQLCoreDispatchManager routeStoreRequest:] + 350 (CoreData + 1217630) [0x7fffca80f45e]
1 -[NSSQLDefaultConnectionManager handleStoreRequest:] + 236 (CoreData + 1899372) [0x7fffca8b5b6c]
1 _dispatch_barrier_sync_f_invoke + 83 (libdispatch.dylib + 11506) [0x7fffe00becf2]
1 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 8376) [0x7fffe00be0b8]
1 __52-[NSSQLDefaultConnectionManager handleStoreRequest:]_block_invoke + 216 (CoreData + 1899672) [0x7fffca8b5c98]
1 -[NSSQLObjectFaultRequestContext executeRequestUsingConnection:] + 37 (CoreData + 1674837) [0x7fffca87ee55]
1 _executeNewRowValuesForObjectFaultRequest + 193 (CoreData + 2099393) [0x7fffca8e68c1]
1 _executeObjectFaultRequest + 600 (CoreData + 2097896) [0x7fffca8e62e8]
1 newFetchedRowsForFetchPlan_MT + 3387 (CoreData + 194011) [0x7fffca7155db]
1 _prepareResultsFromResultSet + 3768 (CoreData + 206840) [0x7fffca7187f8]
1 +[NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:] + 84 (Foundation + 57929) [0x7fffcc515249]
1 _decodeObject + 249 (Foundation + 62088) [0x7fffcc516288]
1 _decodeObjectBinary + 2604 (Foundation + 64964) [0x7fffcc516dc4]
1 -[NSDictionary(NSDictionary) initWithCoder:] + 207 (Foundation + 66309) [0x7fffcc517305]
1 -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _decodeArrayOfObjectsForKey:] + 1829 (Foundation + 69440) [0x7fffcc517f40]
1 _decodeObjectBinary + 2604 (Foundation + 64964) [0x7fffcc516dc4]
1 -[NSDictionary(NSDictionary) initWithCoder:] + 237 (Foundation + 66339) [0x7fffcc517323]
1 -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _decodeArrayOfObjectsForKey:] + 1829 (Foundation + 69440) [0x7fffcc517f40]
1 _decodeObjectBinary + 563 (Foundation + 62923) [0x7fffcc5165cb]
1 CFEqual + 462 (CoreFoundation + 115758) [0x7fffcaa8e42e]
1 objc_msgSend + 3 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27459) [0x7fffdf804b43]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[ACAccount initWithManagedAccount:] + 1954 (Accounts + 108430) [0x7fffc833c78e]
1 _sharedIMPL_pvfk_core + 21 (CoreData + 224165) [0x7fffca71cba5]
1 _pvfk_header + 103 (CoreData + 224311) [0x7fffca71cc37]
1 _PF_FulfillDeferredFault + 280 (CoreData + 224840) [0x7fffca71ce48]
1 _PFFaultHandlerLookupRow + 457 (CoreData + 226425) [0x7fffca71d479]
1 -[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator(_NSInternalMethods) newValuesForObjectWithID:withContext:error:] + 417 (CoreData + 229569) [0x7fffca71e0c1]
1 -[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator _routeLightweightBlock:toStore:] + 312 (CoreData + 900328) [0x7fffca7c1ce8]
1 __95-[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator(_NSInternalMethods) newValuesForObjectWithID:withContext:error:]_block_invoke + 102 (CoreData + 946150) [0x7fffca7ccfe6]
1 -[NSSQLCore newValuesForObjectWithID:withContext:error:] + 365 (CoreData + 230093) [0x7fffca71e2cd]
1 -[NSSQLCore dispatchRequest:withRetries:] + 233 (CoreData + 1062537) [0x7fffca7e9689]
1 -[NSSQLCoreDispatchManager routeStoreRequest:] + 350 (CoreData + 1217630) [0x7fffca80f45e]
1 -[NSSQLDefaultConnectionManager handleStoreRequest:] + 236 (CoreData + 1899372) [0x7fffca8b5b6c]
1 _dispatch_barrier_sync_f_invoke + 83 (libdispatch.dylib + 11506) [0x7fffe00becf2]
1 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 8376) [0x7fffe00be0b8]
1 __52-[NSSQLDefaultConnectionManager handleStoreRequest:]_block_invoke + 216 (CoreData + 1899672) [0x7fffca8b5c98]
1 -[NSSQLObjectFaultRequestContext executeRequestUsingConnection:] + 37 (CoreData + 1674837) [0x7fffca87ee55]
1 _executeNewRowValuesForObjectFaultRequest + 193 (CoreData + 2099393) [0x7fffca8e68c1]
1 _executeObjectFaultRequest + 600 (CoreData + 2097896) [0x7fffca8e62e8]
1 newFetchedRowsForFetchPlan_MT + 1691 (CoreData + 192315) [0x7fffca714f3b]
1 -[NSSQLiteConnection execute] + 2846 (CoreData + 95870) [0x7fffca6fd67e]
1 _execute + 167 (CoreData + 96679) [0x7fffca6fd9a7]
1 sqlite3_step + 975 (libsqlite3.dylib + 321151) [0x7fffdfce367f]
1 sqlite3VdbeExec + 11248 (libsqlite3.dylib + 337248) [0x7fffdfce7560]
1 sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans + 533 (libsqlite3.dylib + 192485) [0x7fffdfcc3fe5]
1 sqlite3PagerGet + 397 (libsqlite3.dylib + 671149) [0x7fffdfd38dad]
1 purgeableCacheFetch + 55 (libsqlite3.dylib + 209655) [0x7fffdfcc82f7]
1 purgeableCachePagePin + 150 (libsqlite3.dylib + 1023974) [0x7fffdfd8efe6]
1 purgeableCacheRetainChunk + 99 (libsqlite3.dylib + 211331) [0x7fffdfcc8983]
1 _kernelrpc_mach_vm_purgable_control_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74418) [0x7fffe021b2b2]
*1 hndl_mach_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671590) [0xffffff80002a3f66]
*1 mach_call_munger64 + 430 (kernel + 2039726) [0xffffff80003f1fae]
*1 _kernelrpc_mach_vm_purgable_control_trap + 122 (kernel + 945770) [0xffffff80002e6e6a]
*1 vm_map_purgable_control + 320 (kernel + 1614864) [0xffffff800038a410]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1658422) [0xffffff8000394e36]
*1 lck_mtx_lock + 653 (kernel + 655549) [0xffffff80002a00bd]
*1 lck_mtx_lock_wait_x86 + 510 (kernel + 2093838) [0xffffff80003ff30e]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 ??? [0x70000fa527e0]
1 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
1 _pthread_wqthread + 1004 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13803) [0x7fffe030b5eb]
1 _dispatch_kevent_worker_thread + 978 (libdispatch.dylib + 115120) [0x7fffe00d81b0]
1 _dispatch_root_queue_drain_deferred_item + 284 (libdispatch.dylib + 103313) [0x7fffe00d5391]
1 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 1046 (libdispatch.dylib + 44249) [0x7fffe00c6cd9]
1 _dispatch_queue_serial_drain + 443 (libdispatch.dylib + 100640) [0x7fffe00d4920]
1 _dispatch_mach_invoke + 868 (libdispatch.dylib + 27707) [0x7fffe00c2c3b]
1 _dispatch_queue_serial_drain + 443 (libdispatch.dylib + 100640) [0x7fffe00d4920]
1 _dispatch_mach_msg_invoke + 414 (libdispatch.dylib + 33537) [0x7fffe00c4301]
1 _dispatch_client_callout4 + 9 (libdispatch.dylib + 32454) [0x7fffe00c3ec6]
1 _xpc_connection_mach_event + 1707 (libxpc.dylib + 39263) [0x7fffe035195f]
1 _xpc_connection_call_event_handler + 35 (libxpc.dylib + 44950) [0x7fffe0352f96]
1 message_handler + 685 (Foundation + 240546) [0x7fffcc541ba2]
1 -[NSXPCConnection _decodeAndInvokeMessageWithData:] + 1134 (Foundation + 241887) [0x7fffcc5420df]
1 __NSXPCCONNECTION_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_EXPORTED_OBJECT__ + 17 (Foundation + 243556) [0x7fffcc542764]
1 -[NSInvocation invoke] + 289 (CoreFoundation + 533857) [0x7fffcaaf4561]
1 __invoking___ + 140 (CoreFoundation + 534236) [0x7fffcaaf46dc]
1 -[ACDAccountStoreFilter accountsWithAccountType:handler:] + 357 (AccountsDaemon + 427439) [0x7fffd3acb5af]
1 -[ACDAccountStore accountsWithAccountType:handler:] + 533 (AccountsDaemon + 184919) [0x7fffd3a90257]
1 -[NSManagedObjectContext performBlockAndWait:] + 287 (CoreData + 402591) [0x7fffca74849f]
1 _dispatch_barrier_sync_f_invoke + 83 (libdispatch.dylib + 11506) [0x7fffe00becf2]
1 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 8376) [0x7fffe00be0b8]
1 developerSubmittedBlockToNSManagedObjectContextPerform + 165 (CoreData + 402837) [0x7fffca748595]
1 __51-[ACDAccountStore accountsWithAccountType:handler:]_block_invoke + 58 (AccountsDaemon + 185502) [0x7fffd3a9049e]
1 -[ACDAccountStore _accountsWithAcountType:error:] + 620 (AccountsDaemon + 186327) [0x7fffd3a907d7]
1 -[ACAccount initWithManagedAccount:accountStore:] + 61 (Accounts + 106419) [0x7fffc833bfb3]
1 -[ACAccount initWithManagedAccount:] + 1954 (Accounts + 108430) [0x7fffc833c78e]
1 _sharedIMPL_pvfk_core + 21 (CoreData + 224165) [0x7fffca71cba5]
1 _pvfk_header + 103 (CoreData + 224311) [0x7fffca71cc37]
1 _PF_FulfillDeferredFault + 280 (CoreData + 224840) [0x7fffca71ce48]
1 _PFFaultHandlerLookupRow + 457 (CoreData + 226425) [0x7fffca71d479]
1 -[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator(_NSInternalMethods) newValuesForObjectWithID:withContext:error:] + 417 (CoreData + 229569) [0x7fffca71e0c1]
1 -[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator _routeLightweightBlock:toStore:] + 312 (CoreData + 900328) [0x7fffca7c1ce8]
1 __95-[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator(_NSInternalMethods) newValuesForObjectWithID:withContext:error:]_block_invoke + 102 (CoreData + 946150) [0x7fffca7ccfe6]
1 -[NSSQLCore newValuesForObjectWithID:withContext:error:] + 365 (CoreData + 230093) [0x7fffca71e2cd]
1 -[NSSQLCore dispatchRequest:withRetries:] + 233 (CoreData + 1062537) [0x7fffca7e9689]
1 -[NSSQLCoreDispatchManager routeStoreRequest:] + 350 (CoreData + 1217630) [0x7fffca80f45e]
1 -[NSSQLDefaultConnectionManager handleStoreRequest:] + 236 (CoreData + 1899372) [0x7fffca8b5b6c]
1 _dispatch_barrier_sync_f_invoke + 83 (libdispatch.dylib + 11506) [0x7fffe00becf2]
1 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 8376) [0x7fffe00be0b8]
1 __52-[NSSQLDefaultConnectionManager handleStoreRequest:]_block_invoke + 216 (CoreData + 1899672) [0x7fffca8b5c98]
1 -[NSSQLObjectFaultRequestContext executeRequestUsingConnection:] + 37 (CoreData + 1674837) [0x7fffca87ee55]
1 _executeNewRowValuesForObjectFaultRequest + 193 (CoreData + 2099393) [0x7fffca8e68c1]
1 _executeObjectFaultRequest + 87 (CoreData + 2097383) [0x7fffca8e60e7]
1 -[NSSQLObjectFaultRequestContext createFetchRequestContext] + 108 (CoreData + 1674748) [0x7fffca87edfc]
1 -[NSSQLFetchRequestContext initWithRequest:context:sqlCore:] + 395 (CoreData + 1230667) [0x7fffca81274b]
1 -[NSObject retain] + 36 (libobjc.A.dylib + 36616) [0x7fffdf806f08] (running)
1 ??? [0xb5d0004449746365]
1 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
1 _pthread_wqthread + 1004 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13803) [0x7fffe030b5eb]
1 _dispatch_kevent_worker_thread + 978 (libdispatch.dylib + 115120) [0x7fffe00d81b0]
1 _dispatch_root_queue_drain_deferred_item + 284 (libdispatch.dylib + 103313) [0x7fffe00d5391]
1 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 1046 (libdispatch.dylib + 44249) [0x7fffe00c6cd9]
1 _dispatch_queue_serial_drain + 443 (libdispatch.dylib + 100640) [0x7fffe00d4920]
1 _dispatch_mach_invoke + 868 (libdispatch.dylib + 27707) [0x7fffe00c2c3b]
1 _dispatch_queue_serial_drain + 443 (libdispatch.dylib + 100640) [0x7fffe00d4920]
1 _dispatch_mach_msg_invoke + 414 (libdispatch.dylib + 33537) [0x7fffe00c4301]
1 _dispatch_client_callout4 + 9 (libdispatch.dylib + 32454) [0x7fffe00c3ec6]
1 _xpc_connection_mach_event + 1707 (libxpc.dylib + 39263) [0x7fffe035195f]
1 _xpc_connection_call_event_handler + 35 (libxpc.dylib + 44950) [0x7fffe0352f96]
1 message_handler + 685 (Foundation + 240546) [0x7fffcc541ba2]
1 -[NSXPCConnection _decodeAndInvokeMessageWithData:] + 1134 (Foundation + 241887) [0x7fffcc5420df]
1 __NSXPCCONNECTION_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_EXPORTED_OBJECT__ + 17 (Foundation + 243556) [0x7fffcc542764]
1 -[NSInvocation invoke] + 289 (CoreFoundation + 533857) [0x7fffcaaf4561]
1 __invoking___ + 140 (CoreFoundation + 534236) [0x7fffcaaf46dc]
1 -[ACDAccountStoreFilter parentAccountForAccountWithIdentifier:handler:] + 171 (AccountsDaemon + 430071) [0x7fffd3acbff7]
1 -[ACDAccountStore parentAccountForAccountWithIdentifier:handler:] + 264 (AccountsDaemon + 187096) [0x7fffd3a90ad8]
1 -[NSManagedObjectContext performBlockAndWait:] + 287 (CoreData + 402591) [0x7fffca74849f]
1 _dispatch_barrier_sync_f_invoke + 83 (libdispatch.dylib + 11506) [0x7fffe00becf2]
1 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 8376) [0x7fffe00be0b8]
1 developerSubmittedBlockToNSManagedObjectContextPerform + 165 (CoreData + 402837) [0x7fffca748595]
1 __65-[ACDAccountStore parentAccountForAccountWithIdentifier:handler:]_block_invoke + 116 (AccountsDaemon + 187329) [0x7fffd3a90bc1]
1 -[ACAccount initWithManagedAccount:accountStore:] + 61 (Accounts + 106419) [0x7fffc833bfb3]
1 -[ACAccount initWithManagedAccount:] + 75 (Accounts + 106551) [0x7fffc833c037]
1 _sharedIMPL_pvfk_core + 21 (CoreData + 224165) [0x7fffca71cba5]
1 _pvfk_header + 103 (CoreData + 224311) [0x7fffca71cc37]
1 _PF_FulfillDeferredFault + 280 (CoreData + 224840) [0x7fffca71ce48]
1 _PFFaultHandlerLookupRow + 457 (CoreData + 226425) [0x7fffca71d479]
1 -[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator(_NSInternalMethods) newValuesForObjectWithID:withContext:error:] + 417 (CoreData + 229569) [0x7fffca71e0c1]
1 -[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator _routeLightweightBlock:toStore:] + 312 (CoreData + 900328) [0x7fffca7c1ce8]
1 __95-[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator(_NSInternalMethods) newValuesForObjectWithID:withContext:error:]_block_invoke + 102 (CoreData + 946150) [0x7fffca7ccfe6]
1 -[NSSQLCore newValuesForObjectWithID:withContext:error:] + 365 (CoreData + 230093) [0x7fffca71e2cd]
1 -[NSSQLCore dispatchRequest:withRetries:] + 233 (CoreData + 1062537) [0x7fffca7e9689]
1 -[NSSQLCoreDispatchManager routeStoreRequest:] + 350 (CoreData + 1217630) [0x7fffca80f45e]
1 -[NSSQLDefaultConnectionManager handleStoreRequest:] + 236 (CoreData + 1899372) [0x7fffca8b5b6c]
1 _dispatch_barrier_sync_f_invoke + 83 (libdispatch.dylib + 11506) [0x7fffe00becf2]
1 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 8376) [0x7fffe00be0b8]
1 __52-[NSSQLDefaultConnectionManager handleStoreRequest:]_block_invoke + 216 (CoreData + 1899672) [0x7fffca8b5c98]
1 -[NSSQLObjectFaultRequestContext executeRequestUsingConnection:] + 37 (CoreData + 1674837) [0x7fffca87ee55]
1 _executeNewRowValuesForObjectFaultRequest + 193 (CoreData + 2099393) [0x7fffca8e68c1]
1 _executeObjectFaultRequest + 600 (CoreData + 2097896) [0x7fffca8e62e8]
1 newFetchedRowsForFetchPlan_MT + 3387 (CoreData + 194011) [0x7fffca7155db]
1 _prepareResultsFromResultSet + 3768 (CoreData + 206840) [0x7fffca7187f8]
1 +[NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:] + 84 (Foundation + 57929) [0x7fffcc515249]
1 _decodeObject + 249 (Foundation + 62088) [0x7fffcc516288]
1 _decodeObjectBinary + 2604 (Foundation + 64964) [0x7fffcc516dc4]
1 -[NSDictionary(NSDictionary) initWithCoder:] + 237 (Foundation + 66339) [0x7fffcc517323]
1 -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _decodeArrayOfObjectsForKey:] + 1829 (Foundation + 69440) [0x7fffcc517f40]
1 _decodeObjectBinary + 535 (Foundation + 62895) [0x7fffcc5165af]
1 __CFBinaryPlistCreateObject + 57 (CoreFoundation + 403385) [0x7fffcaad47b9]
1 __CFBinaryPlistCreateObjectFiltered + 2350 (CoreFoundation + 252542) [0x7fffcaaafa7e]
1 CFStringCreateWithBytes + 59 (CoreFoundation + 83499) [0x7fffcaa8662b]
1 __CFStringCreateImmutableFunnel3 + 2399 (CoreFoundation + 24479) [0x7fffcaa77f9f]
1 __CFSearchStringROM + 121 (CoreFoundation + 26217) [0x7fffcaa78669]
1 _platform_memcmp + 298 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 6410) [0x7fffe030090a]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
Thread 0x5556 14 samples (475-488) priority 4 (base 4)
14 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
14 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*14 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
Thread 0x5704 2 samples (275-302 with gaps of 26) priority 30-31 (base 31) cpu time <0.001
2 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
2 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*2 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
Thread 0x5556 DispatchQueue 194 1 sample (274) priority 31 (base 31) cpu time 0.003
1 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
1 _pthread_wqthread + 1299 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14098) [0x7fffe030b712]
1 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 99 (libdispatch.dylib + 15431) [0x7fffe00bfc47]
1 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 476 (libdispatch.dylib + 15984) [0x7fffe00bfe70]
1 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 1046 (libdispatch.dylib + 44249) [0x7fffe00c6cd9]
1 _dispatch_queue_serial_drain + 443 (libdispatch.dylib + 100640) [0x7fffe00d4920]
1 _dispatch_mach_invoke + 1230 (libdispatch.dylib + 28069) [0x7fffe00c2da5]
1 _dispatch_mach_cancel_invoke + 75 (libdispatch.dylib + 47542) [0x7fffe00c79b6]
1 _dispatch_client_callout4 + 9 (libdispatch.dylib + 32454) [0x7fffe00c3ec6]
1 _xpc_connection_mach_event + 783 (libxpc.dylib + 38339) [0x7fffe03515c3]
1 _xpc_connection_call_event_handler + 35 (libxpc.dylib + 44950) [0x7fffe0352f96]
1 message_handler + 432 (Foundation + 240293) [0x7fffcc541aa5]
1 -[_NSXPCConnectionExportedObjectTable setExportedObject:forProxyNumber:] + 103 (Foundation + 174089) [0x7fffcc531809]
1 object_dispose + 22 (libobjc.A.dylib + 36887) [0x7fffdf807017]
1 objc_destructInstance + 92 (libobjc.A.dylib + 36996) [0x7fffdf807084]
1 object_cxxDestructFromClass(objc_object*, objc_class*) + 127 (libobjc.A.dylib + 66882) [0x7fffdf80e542]
1 -[ACAccountStore dealloc] + 128 (Accounts + 12410) [0x7fffc832507a]
1 object_dispose + 22 (libobjc.A.dylib + 36887) [0x7fffdf807017]
1 objc_destructInstance + 92 (libobjc.A.dylib + 36996) [0x7fffdf807084]
1 object_cxxDestructFromClass(objc_object*, objc_class*) + 127 (libobjc.A.dylib + 66882) [0x7fffdf80e542]
1 -[ACDAccountStore .cxx_destruct] + 190 (AccountsDaemon + 238200) [0x7fffd3a9d278]
1 -[ACDDatabase dealloc] + 115 (AccountsDaemon + 344529) [0x7fffd3ab71d1]
1 object_dispose + 22 (libobjc.A.dylib + 36887) [0x7fffdf807017]
1 objc_destructInstance + 92 (libobjc.A.dylib + 36996) [0x7fffdf807084]
1 object_cxxDestructFromClass(objc_object*, objc_class*) + 127 (libobjc.A.dylib + 66882) [0x7fffdf80e542]
1 -[ACDDatabase .cxx_destruct] + 77 (AccountsDaemon + 356541) [0x7fffd3aba0bd]
1 -[NSManagedObjectContext dealloc] + 399 (CoreData + 446575) [0x7fffca75306f]
1 _dispatch_global_queue_poke_slow + 60 (libdispatch.dylib + 105813) [0x7fffe00d5d55]
1 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
Binary Images:
0x10c512000 - 0x10c512fff accountsd (637.2.9) <AD665F75-9D6F-3815-B637-7C181DF96377> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accounts.framework/Versions/A/Support/accountsd
0x7fffc8322000 - 0x7fffc8360fff 113 (113) <E9D296BC-6DAC-3AB2-81A0-8DD6D1F8673B> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accounts.framework/Versions/A/Accounts
0x7fffca6e6000 - 0x7fffca9e4fff 120 (752.8) <694F9EA9-A785-3F84-8EB1-DAF76E3BDF9B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreData.framework/Versions/A/CoreData
0x7fffcaa72000 - 0x7fffcaf06fff 6.9 (1348.28) <0F1FAA52-1C06-327E-A170-382B48B1846D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fffcc507000 - 0x7fffcc8aefff 6.9 (1349.25) <D820A498-2E62-367D-BC72-5845B14C06E3> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fffd3a63000 - 0x7fffd3b08fff 113 (113) <8D7BC2C8-5645-3B24-ACD4-88887CACBB30> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AccountsDaemon.framework/Versions/A/AccountsDaemon
0x7fffdf7fe000 - 0x7fffdfbd3fff libobjc.A.dylib (706) <47104A1B-13E8-369F-BC36-27FF465809FD> /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
0x7fffdfc95000 - 0x7fffdfdd6fff libsqlite3.dylib (253) <AECBC92F-FF00-3369-8ECB-AE053B3578B8> /usr/lib/libsqlite3.dylib
0x7fffe00bc000 - 0x7fffe00eefff libdispatch.dylib (703.30.5) <EA0CC14E-D559-3802-B4B2-0E8C7579AAC4> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fffe00ef000 - 0x7fffe00f4fff libdyld.dylib (421.2) <E5A2414F-2480-3BB2-BE94-176119A80876> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fffe0209000 - 0x7fffe022bfff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3789.31.2) <FCEEBBD4-DF66-34D8-A32F-4F8C8E814E40> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fffe0274000 - 0x7fffe0292fff libsystem_malloc.dylib (116.30.3) <F40DEE3B-386A-3529-A3F7-98117ED55BF4> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_malloc.dylib
0x7fffe02ff000 - 0x7fffe0307fff libsystem_platform.dylib (126.1.2) <3CA06D4E-C00A-36DE-AA65-3A390097D1F6> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_platform.dylib
0x7fffe0308000 - 0x7fffe0312fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (218.30.1) <C869ED7C-BE29-3532-8E69-3A8DA1447EDC> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
0x7fffe0348000 - 0x7fffe0371fff libxpc.dylib (972.30.7) <65E41BB6-EBD5-3D93-B0BE-B190CEE4DD93> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f21000 - 0xffffff7f80f2cfff 1.0 (1) <479F2E9E-1F15-3D76-A407-DB04C1277527> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3789.31.2) <8DF81F81-019F-348E-B47E-40A4484B9E21> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: Activity Monitor [1654]
Path: /Applications/Utilities/Activity Monitor
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Tracked
Task size: 33 MB (-1)
CPU Time: 0.759
Note: 6 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x4e48 DispatchQueue 1 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 29-47 (base 46-47) cpu time 0.293
1002 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 21077) [0x7fffe00f4255]
1002 NSApplicationMain + 1237 (AppKit + 23936) [0x7fffc85e6d80]
995 -[NSApplication run] + 926 (AppKit + 242789) [0x7fffc861c465]
985 -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 2789 (AppKit + 8131103) [0x7fffc8da221f]
981 _DPSNextEvent + 1120 (AppKit + 289508) [0x7fffc8627ae4]
981 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71 (HIToolbox + 198454) [0x7fffca081736]
947 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432 (HIToolbox + 198913) [0x7fffca081901]
947 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 240 (HIToolbox + 199372) [0x7fffca081acc]
947 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 420 (CoreFoundation + 543572) [0x7fffcaaf6b54]
938 __CFRunLoopRun + 1361 (CoreFoundation + 545537) [0x7fffcaaf7301]
938 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 548484) [0x7fffcaaf7e84]
938 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*935 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
*3 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830] (runnable)
4 __CFRunLoopRun + 873 (CoreFoundation + 545049) [0x7fffcaaf7119]
4 __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 391 (CoreFoundation + 672327) [0x7fffcab16247]
4 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 23 (CoreFoundation + 672471) [0x7fffcab162d7]
4 __37+[NSDisplayCycle currentDisplayCycle]_block_invoke.31 + 323 (AppKit + 4686917) [0x7fffc8a59445]
4 CA::Transaction::commit() + 475 (QuartzCore + 67121) [0x7fffd0845631]
2 CA::Context::commit_transaction(CA::Transaction*) + 160 (QuartzCore + 1153024) [0x7fffd094e800]
2 CA::Transaction::run_commit_handlers(CATransactionPhase) + 46 (QuartzCore + 72342) [0x7fffd0846a96]
2 __37+[NSDisplayCycle currentDisplayCycle]_block_invoke + 454 (AppKit + 1659973) [0x7fffc8776445]
2 ___NSWindowGetDisplayCycleObserver_block_invoke.6228 + 277 (AppKit + 9389043) [0x7fffc8ed53f3]
2 -[NSWindow displayIfNeeded] + 230 (AppKit + 1661287) [0x7fffc8776967]
2 -[NSView displayIfNeeded] + 1748 (AppKit + 1663061) [0x7fffc8777055]
2 -[NSView _displayRectIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:] + 2452 (AppKit + 1681256) [0x7fffc877b768]
2 -[NSThemeFrame _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:] + 334 (AppKit + 1688383) [0x7fffc877d33f]
2 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:] + 3908 (AppKit + 1693537) [0x7fffc877e761]
2 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:] + 3908 (AppKit + 1693537) [0x7fffc877e761]
2 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:] + 4870 (AppKit + 1694499) [0x7fffc877eb23]
2 -[NSView _drawRect:clip:] + 2276 (AppKit + 1699881) [0x7fffc8780029]
2 -[NSControl drawRect:] + 348 (AppKit + 1732957) [0x7fffc878815d]
1 -[NSButtonCell drawWithFrame:inView:] + 308 (AppKit + 1733367) [0x7fffc87882f7]
1 -[NSButtonCell drawBezelWithFrame:inView:] + 818 (AppKit + 1735257) [0x7fffc8788a59]
1 -[NSAppearance _drawInRect:context:options:] + 108 (AppKit + 1646562) [0x7fffc8772fe2]
1 -[NSCompositeAppearance _callCoreUIWithBlock:options:] + 226 (AppKit + 11687591) [0x7fffc91066a7]
1 __44-[NSAppearance _drawInRect:context:options:]_block_invoke + 60 (AppKit + 1646628) [0x7fffc8773024]
1 CUIDraw + 280 (CoreUI + 62082) [0x7fffd674f282]
1 CUIRenderer::Draw(CGRect, CGContext*, __CFDictionary const*, __CFDictionary const**) + 2137 (CoreUI + 50239) [0x7fffd674c43f]
1 CUICoreThemeRenderer::DrawPushButton(CUIDescriptor const*) + 515 (CoreUI + 496029) [0x7fffd67b919d]
1 -[CUIThemeFacet drawInFrame:isFocused:context:effects:] + 148 (CoreUI + 434103) [0x7fffd67a9fb7]
1 -[CUIThemeFacet _drawSpecificRenditionKey:inFrame:context:isFocused:isFlipped:effects:] + 172 (CoreUI + 441859) [0x7fffd67abe03]
1 -[CUIThemeFacet _drawSpecificRenditionKey:rendition:inFrame:context:alpha:operation:isFocused:isFlipped:effects:] + 323 (CoreUI + 442429) [0x7fffd67ac03d]
1 DrawThreePartElementFromRenditionWithOperation + 237 (CoreUI + 405893) [0x7fffd67a3185]
1 DrawThreePartImageWithOperation + 2738 (CoreUI + 408646) [0x7fffd67a3c46]
1 CGContextDrawImages + 2330 (CoreGraphics + 2076716) [0x7fffcb10202c]
1 CGContextDrawImageWithOptions + 629 (CoreGraphics + 2072202) [0x7fffcb100e8a]
1 CGContextDelegateDrawImage + 70 (CoreGraphics + 1058935) [0x7fffcb009877]
1 backing_store_DrawImage + 503 (AppKit + 2053216) [0x7fffc87d6460]
1 backing_store_delegate + 78 (AppKit + 2034337) [0x7fffc87d1aa1]
1 -[_NSCGSWindowBackingStore lockBackBuffer] + 56 (AppKit + 2035517) [0x7fffc87d1f3d]
1 -[_NSCGSWindow size] + 94 (AppKit + 1497168) [0x7fffc874e850]
1 SLSGetWindowSize + 35 (SkyLight + 1580777) [0x7fffdc4dfee9]
1 CGSWindowGetSize + 17 (SkyLight + 759110) [0x7fffdc417546]
1 window_update_rights_cache_if_not_owner + 17 (SkyLight + 755487) [0x7fffdc41671f]
1 CGSCurrentProcessOwnsConnectionID + 54 (SkyLight + 567847) [0x7fffdc3e8a27]
1 pthread_mutex_unlock + 96 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 6343) [0x7fffe03098c7]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 -[NSButtonCell drawWithFrame:inView:] + 483 (AppKit + 1733542) [0x7fffc87883a6]
1 -[NSButtonCell drawInteriorWithFrame:inView:] + 2021 (AppKit + 1737602) [0x7fffc8789382]
1 -[NSButtonCell _configureAndDrawTitleWithRect:cellFrame:controlView:] + 903 (AppKit + 1834651) [0x7fffc87a0e9b]
1 drawTitle_withFrame_inView_ + 283 (AppKit + 2465201) [0x7fffc883adb1]
1 -[NSButtonCell drawTitle:withFrame:inView:] + 173 (AppKit + 2465512) [0x7fffc883aee8]
1 -[NSCell _finalizeStyleTextOptions:] + 172 (AppKit + 1472050) [0x7fffc8748632]
1 objc_msgSendSuper2 + 11 (libobjc.A.dylib + 28043) [0x7fffdf804d8b]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
2 CA::Context::commit_transaction(CA::Transaction*) + 959 (QuartzCore + 1153823) [0x7fffd094eb1f]
2 CA::Transaction::run_commit_handlers(CATransactionPhase) + 46 (QuartzCore + 72342) [0x7fffd0846a96]
2 __39+[_NSCGSTransaction currentTransaction]_block_invoke + 34 (AppKit + 1610635) [0x7fffc876a38b]
2 NSCGSTransactionRunPreCommitActions_ + 31 (AppKit + 1610678) [0x7fffc876a3b6]
1 NSCGSTransactionRunPreCommitActionsForOrder_ + 147 (AppKit + 1610844) [0x7fffc876a45c]
1 NSCGSDisableUpdates + 215 (AppKit + 1611304) [0x7fffc876a628]
1 _dispatch_barrier_sync_f_slow + 402 (libdispatch.dylib + 54658) [0x7fffe00c9582]
1 _dispatch_thread_event_wait_slow + 85 (libdispatch.dylib + 109678) [0x7fffe00d6c6e]
1 __ulock_wait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107442) [0x7fffe02233b2]
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671558) [0xffffff80002a3f46]
*1 unix_syscall64 + 586 (kernel + 6452170) [0xffffff80008273ca]
*1 ulock_wait + 993 (kernel + 5930081) [0xffffff80007a7c61]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be]
1 NSCGSTransactionRunPreCommitActionsForOrder_ + 289 (AppKit + 1610986) [0x7fffc876a4ea]
1 __NSCGSWindowBackingStoreMark__block_invoke + 1133 (AppKit + 1859881) [0x7fffc87a7129]
1 lock_device + 66 (AppKit + 2056797) [0x7fffc87d725d]
1 SLSDeviceLock + 39 (SkyLight + 1863708) [0x7fffdc52501c]
1 CGSWindowSynchronizeBacking + 154 (SkyLight + 758129) [0x7fffdc417171]
1 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*1 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
2 __CFRunLoopRun + 1214 (CoreFoundation + 545390) [0x7fffcaaf726e]
2 __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 391 (CoreFoundation + 672327) [0x7fffcab16247]
2 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 23 (CoreFoundation + 672471) [0x7fffcab162d7]
1 CA::Transaction::observer_callback(__CFRunLoopObserver*, unsigned long, void*) + 108 (QuartzCore + 69522) [0x7fffd0845f92]
1 CA::Transaction::commit() + 618 (QuartzCore + 67264) [0x7fffd08456c0]
1 CA::Transaction::lock() + 1 (QuartzCore + 65795) [0x7fffd0845103] (running)
1 CA::Transaction::observer_callback(__CFRunLoopObserver*, unsigned long, void*) + 145 (QuartzCore + 69559) [0x7fffd0845fb7]
1 _os_unfair_lock_lock_slow + 130 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 21554) [0x7fffe0304432]
1 __ulock_wait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107442) [0x7fffe02233b2]
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671558) [0xffffff80002a3f46]
*1 unix_syscall64 + 586 (kernel + 6452170) [0xffffff80008273ca]
*1 ulock_wait + 970 (kernel + 5930058) [0xffffff80007a7c4a]
*1 thread_handoff + 132 (kernel + 1145668) [0xffffff8000317b44]
*1 thread_run + 34 (kernel + 1102402) [0xffffff800030d242]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be]
2 __CFRunLoopRun + 2081 (CoreFoundation + 546257) [0x7fffcaaf75d1]
1 __CFRunLoopDoTimers + 191 (CoreFoundation + 580111) [0x7fffcaaffa0f]
1 -[__NSArrayM insertObject:atIndex:] + 432 (CoreFoundation + 169392) [0x7fffcaa9b5b0]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 __CFRunLoopDoTimers + 298 (CoreFoundation + 580218) [0x7fffcaaffa7a]
1 __CFRunLoopDoTimer + 322 (CoreFoundation + 580658) [0x7fffcaaffc32]
1 mk_timer_arm + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74994) [0x7fffe021b4f2]
*1 hndl_mach_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671590) [0xffffff80002a3f66]
*1 mach_call_munger64 + 430 (kernel + 2039726) [0xffffff80003f1fae]
*1 mk_timer_arm_trap + 195 (kernel + 1061923) [0xffffff8000303423]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1223991) [0xffffff800032ad37] (running)
1 __CFRunLoopRun + 1544 (CoreFoundation + 545720) [0x7fffcaaf73b8]
1 _pthread_mutex_lock_slow + 285 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 5769) [0x7fffe0309689]
1 __psynch_mutexwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 105654) [0x7fffe0222cb6]
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671558) [0xffffff80002a3f46]
*1 unix_syscall64 + 586 (kernel + 6452170) [0xffffff80008273ca]
*1 psynch_mutexwait + 50 (kernel + 6254786) [0xffffff80007f70c2]
*1 _psynch_mutexwait + 382 (pthread + 29350) [0xffffff7f80f282a6]
*1 ksyn_mtx_update_owner_qos_override + 198 (pthread + 31159) [0xffffff7f80f289b7]
*1 proc_thread_qos_add_override + 110 (kernel + 1244142) [0xffffff800032fbee]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1243599) [0xffffff800032f9cf] (running)
33 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 184 (HIToolbox + 198665) [0x7fffca081809]
31 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 240 (HIToolbox + 199372) [0x7fffca081acc]
25 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 420 (CoreFoundation + 543572) [0x7fffcaaf6b54]
23 __CFRunLoopRun + 873 (CoreFoundation + 545049) [0x7fffcaaf7119]
22 __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 391 (CoreFoundation + 672327) [0x7fffcab16247]
22 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 23 (CoreFoundation + 672471) [0x7fffcab162d7]
14 __37+[NSDisplayCycle currentDisplayCycle]_block_invoke.31 + 323 (AppKit + 4686917) [0x7fffc8a59445]
14 CA::Transaction::commit() + 475 (QuartzCore + 67121) [0x7fffd0845631]
8 CA::Context::commit_transaction(CA::Transaction*) + 280 (QuartzCore + 1153144) [0x7fffd094e878]
8 CA::Layer::layout_and_display_if_needed(CA::Transaction*) + 35 (QuartzCore + 1196185) [0x7fffd0959099]
8 CA::Layer::display_if_needed(CA::Transaction*) + 572 (QuartzCore + 1195886) [0x7fffd0958f6e]
4 -[_NSViewBackingLayer display] + 885 (AppKit + 1664305) [0x7fffc8777531]
4 _NSBackingLayerDisplay + 577 (AppKit + 1716938) [0x7fffc87842ca]
4 CA::Layer::display_() + 1803 (QuartzCore + 1245381) [0x7fffd09650c5]
4 ___ZN2CA5Layer8display_Ev_block_invoke + 75 (QuartzCore + 1246308) [0x7fffd0965464]
4 CABackingStoreUpdate_ + 3740 (QuartzCore + 78612) [0x7fffd0848314]
4 -[NSView(NSLayerKitGlue) drawLayer:inContext:] + 80 (AppKit + 1721394) [0x7fffc8785432]
4 -[NSView(NSLayerKitGlue) _drawViewBackingLayer:inContext:drawingHandler:] + 1589 (AppKit + 1722989) [0x7fffc8785a6d]
4 __46-[NSView(NSLayerKitGlue) drawLayer:inContext:]_block_invoke + 267 (AppKit + 1724229) [0x7fffc8785f45]
4 -[NSView(NSInternal) _recursive:displayRectIgnoringOpacity:inGraphicsContext:CGContext:topView:shouldChangeFontReferenceColor:] + 1318 (AppKit + 1725854) [0x7fffc878659e]
2 -[NSTableView drawRect:] + 1501 (AppKit + 1830637) [0x7fffc879feed]
2 -[NSOutlineView drawRowIndexes:clipRect:] + 113 (AppKit + 3358679) [0x7fffc8914fd7]
2 -[NSTableView drawRowIndexes:clipRect:] + 513 (AppKit + 2815854) [0x7fffc889076e]
2 -[NSTableView drawRow:clipRect:] + 1736 (AppKit + 2818067) [0x7fffc8891013]
2 -[NSOutlineView _drawContentsAtRow:column:withCellFrame:] + 93 (AppKit + 3380512) [0x7fffc891a520]
2 -[NSTableView _drawContentsAtRow:column:withCellFrame:] + 368 (AppKit + 2819554) [0x7fffc88915e2]
2 -[NSTextFieldCell drawWithFrame:inView:] + 219 (AppKit + 1758866) [0x7fffc878e692]
2 +[NSAppearance _performWithCurrentAppearance:usingBlock:] + 79 (AppKit + 1286400) [0x7fffc871b100]
2 __40-[NSTextFieldCell drawWithFrame:inView:]_block_invoke + 451 (AppKit + 1759549) [0x7fffc878e93d]
1 -[NSTextFieldCell drawInteriorWithFrame:inView:] + 809 (AppKit + 1827394) [0x7fffc879f242]
1 -[NSCell _drawHighlightWithFrame:inView:] + 121 (AppKit + 3553459) [0x7fffc89448b3]
1 NSRectFill + 272 (AppKit + 1641535) [0x7fffc8771c3f]
1 CGContextFillRect + 135 (CoreGraphics + 2876247) [0x7fffcb1c5357]
1 CGContextFillRects + 96 (CoreGraphics + 2876004) [0x7fffcb1c5264]
1 ripc_DrawRects + 411 (CoreGraphics + 545892) [0x7fffcaf8c464]
1 ripc_Render + 318 (CoreGraphics + 535296) [0x7fffcaf89b00]
1 RIPLayerBltShape + 1518 (CoreGraphics + 4175252) [0x7fffcb302594]
1 argb32_mark + 3276 (CoreGraphics + 76030) [0x7fffcaf198fe]
1 CGBlt_fillBytes + 305 (CoreGraphics + 2865648) [0x7fffcb1c29f0]
1 _platform_memset_pattern4$VARIANT$Base + 8 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 28264) [0x7fffe0305e68]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[NSTextFieldCell drawInteriorWithFrame:inView:] + 981 (AppKit + 1827566) [0x7fffc879f2ee]
1 _NSDrawTextCell2 + 253 (AppKit + 1783479) [0x7fffc87946b7]
1 __NSGetStringAndAttributesFromTextCell + 406 (AppKit + 532703) [0x7fffc86630df]
1 -[NSTextFieldCell _textAttributes] + 281 (AppKit + 483547) [0x7fffc86570db]
1 objc_msgSend + 26 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27482) [0x7fffdf804b5a] (running)
1 -[NSTableView drawRect:] + 1305 (AppKit + 1830441) [0x7fffc879fe29]
1 -[NSTableView _callDrawBackgroundInClipRect:] + 112 (AppKit + 2813050) [0x7fffc888fc7a]
1 -[NSTableView drawBackgroundInClipRect:] + 224 (AppKit + 1832269) [0x7fffc87a054d]
1 -[NSTableView _drawAlternatingRowBackgroundColors:inRect:] + 61 (AppKit + 3548283) [0x7fffc894347b]
1 -[NSTableView _drawAlternatingRowBackgroundColors:inRect:useGetRectsBeingDrawn:] + 1796 (AppKit + 3550085) [0x7fffc8943b85]
1 NSRectFill + 272 (AppKit + 1641535) [0x7fffc8771c3f]
1 CGContextFillRect + 135 (CoreGraphics + 2876247) [0x7fffcb1c5357]
1 CGContextFillRects + 96 (CoreGraphics + 2876004) [0x7fffcb1c5264]
1 ripc_DrawRects + 411 (CoreGraphics + 545892) [0x7fffcaf8c464]
1 ripc_Render + 318 (CoreGraphics + 535296) [0x7fffcaf89b00]
1 RIPLayerBltShape + 1518 (CoreGraphics + 4175252) [0x7fffcb302594]
1 argb32_mark + 3276 (CoreGraphics + 76030) [0x7fffcaf198fe]
1 CGBlt_fillBytes + 305 (CoreGraphics + 2865648) [0x7fffcb1c29f0]
1 _platform_memset_pattern16$VARIANT$Base + 72 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 28392) [0x7fffe0305ee8]
*1 hndl_alltraps + 229 (kernel + 669269) [0xffffff80002a3655]
*1 user_trap + 652 (kernel + 2122460) [0xffffff80004062dc]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1509987) [0xffffff8000370a63]
*1 return_to_iret + 288 (kernel + 670252) [0xffffff80002a3a2c]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[NSTableHeaderView drawRect:] + 251 (AppKit + 3543800) [0x7fffc89422f8]
1 -[NSTableHeaderView _drawColumnHeaderWithIndexes:] + 210 (AppKit + 3544890) [0x7fffc894273a]
1 -[NSTableHeaderView _drawHeaderOfColumn:] + 215 (AppKit + 3545153) [0x7fffc8942841]
1 -[NSTableHeaderView _drawHeaderCell:withFrame:withStateFromColumn:] + 258 (AppKit + 3547988) [0x7fffc8943354]
1 -[NSTableHeaderCell drawWithFrame:inView:] + 113 (AppKit + 3539295) [0x7fffc894115f]
1 -[NSTableHeaderCell _drawThemeContents:highlighted:inView:] + 609 (AppKit + 3539910) [0x7fffc89413c6]
1 -[NSTableHeaderCell drawInteriorWithFrame:inView:] + 861 (AppKit + 3542133) [0x7fffc8941c75]
1 -[NSTextFieldCell drawInteriorWithFrame:inView:] + 109 (AppKit + 1826694) [0x7fffc879ef86]
1 -[NSTextFieldCell _maybeCheckTitleClippingForFrame:inView:] + 102 (AppKit + 1013689) [0x7fffc86d87b9]
1 -[NSCell _allowsTextTighteningInView:] + 84 (AppKit + 5165271) [0x7fffc8ace0d7]
1 -[NSAppearance _resolvesToFunctionRowAppearanceForWidget:] + 22 (AppKit + 11685136) [0x7fffc9105d10]
1 -[NSCompositeAppearance resolvedAppearanceForWidget:] + 288 (AppKit + 1770940) [0x7fffc87915bc]
1 -[NSAppearance resolvedAppearanceForWidget:] + 59 (AppKit + 1771125) [0x7fffc8791675]
1 -[CUICatalog(CUICoreUIWidget) hasCustomizedAppearanceForWidget:] + 228 (CoreUI + 891093) [0x7fffd68198d5]
1 +[CUIThemeFacet assetExistsForRenditionKey:fromTheme:] + 218 (CoreUI + 429642) [0x7fffd67a8e4a]
1 -[CUIStructuredThemeStore _canGetRenditionWithKey:isFPO:lookForSubstitutions:] + 777 (CoreUI + 682633) [0x7fffd67e6a89]
1 -[CUIStructuredThemeStore _getKeyForAssetInOtherLookGroupClosestToKey:foundAsset:] + 819 (CoreUI + 675752) [0x7fffd67e4fa8]
1 -[CUIStructuredThemeStore _getKeyForAssetClosestToKey:foundAsset:] + 65 (CoreUI + 674787) [0x7fffd67e4be3]
1 objc_msgSend + 46 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27502) [0x7fffdf804b6e] (running)
3 _NSBackingLayerDisplay + 577 (AppKit + 1716938) [0x7fffc87842ca]
3 CA::Layer::display_() + 1803 (QuartzCore + 1245381) [0x7fffd09650c5]
3 ___ZN2CA5Layer8display_Ev_block_invoke + 75 (QuartzCore + 1246308) [0x7fffd0965464]
3 CABackingStoreUpdate_ + 3740 (QuartzCore + 78612) [0x7fffd0848314]
3 +[NSGraphicsContext configureGraphicsContextForCALayer:withCGContext:andRenderWithHandler:] + 97 (AppKit + 1760268) [0x7fffc878ec0c]
3 -[NSTextFieldCell drawLayer:inGraphicsContext:] + 181 (AppKit + 1781265) [0x7fffc8793e11]
3 -[NSFocusStack performWithFocusView:inWindow:usingBlock:] + 101 (AppKit + 1760980) [0x7fffc878eed4]
3 __47-[NSTextFieldCell drawLayer:inGraphicsContext:]_block_invoke + 135 (AppKit + 1781415) [0x7fffc8793ea7]
3 +[NSAppearance _performWithCurrentAppearance:usingBlock:] + 79 (AppKit + 1286400) [0x7fffc871b100]
3 __47-[NSTextFieldCell drawLayer:inGraphicsContext:]_block_invoke_2 + 670 (AppKit + 1782096) [0x7fffc8794150]
3 _NSDrawTextCell + 57 (AppKit + 1783218) [0x7fffc87945b2]
2 _NSDrawTextCell2 + 7524 (AppKit + 1790750) [0x7fffc879631e]
2 _NSStringDrawingCore + 159 (UIFoundation + 151400) [0x7fffdd5fff68]
2 __NSStringDrawingEngine + 7348 (UIFoundation + 165781) [0x7fffdd603795]
2 CTFontTransformGlyphs + 283 (CoreText + 154691) [0x7fffcc0a5c43]
2 TShapingEngine::ShapeGlyphs(TRunGlue&, AnnexTableFlag, __CFString const*) + 149 (CoreText + 457753) [0x7fffcc0efc19]
2 TOpenTypeMorph::ShapeGlyphs(SyncState&) + 1733 (CoreText + 157127) [0x7fffcc0a65c7]
2 OTL::GSUB::ApplyLookups(TRunGlue&, int, OTL::GlyphLookups&, SyncState&, unsigned char const*, unsigned long) const + 1082 (CoreText + 821938) [0x7fffcc148ab2]
2 malloc + 0 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 4672) [0x7fffe0275240]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
*1 hndl_allintrs + 297 (kernel + 669961) [0xffffff80002a3909]
*1 interrupt + 353 (kernel + 2118289) [0xffffff8000405291]
*1 lapic_interrupt + 75 (kernel + 2153867) [0xffffff800040dd8b]
*1 cpu_signal_handler + 650 (kernel + 2157818) [0xffffff800040ecfa]
*1 sync_iss_to_iks + 215 (kernel + 2121799) [0xffffff8000406047] (running)
1 _NSDrawTextCell2 + 6744 (AppKit + 1789970) [0x7fffc8796012]
1 -[NSCompositeAppearance resolvedAppearanceForWidget:styleConfiguration:] + 201 (AppKit + 1770186) [0x7fffc87912ca]
1 -[NSAppearance resolvedAppearanceForWidget:] + 59 (AppKit + 1771125) [0x7fffc8791675]
1 -[CUICatalog(CUICoreUIWidget) hasCustomizedAppearanceForWidget:] + 228 (CoreUI + 891093) [0x7fffd68198d5]
1 +[CUIThemeFacet assetExistsForRenditionKey:fromTheme:] + 141 (CoreUI + 429565) [0x7fffd67a8dfd]
1 -[CUIStructuredThemeStore _canGetRenditionWithKey:isFPO:lookForSubstitutions:] + 777 (CoreUI + 682633) [0x7fffd67e6a89]
1 -[CUIStructuredThemeStore _getKeyForAssetInOtherLookGroupClosestToKey:foundAsset:] + 637 (CoreUI + 675570) [0x7fffd67e4ef2]
1 -[CUIStructuredThemeStore _getKeyForAssetClosestToKey:foundAsset:] + 65 (CoreUI + 674787) [0x7fffd67e4be3]
1 -[_CUIKeyTestOrganizer initWithRenditionKey:] + 183 (CoreUI + 669827) [0x7fffd67e3883]
1 objc_msgSend + 33 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27489) [0x7fffdf804b61]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 CA::Layer::display_() + 1155 (QuartzCore + 1244733) [0x7fffd0964e3d]
1 -[CALayer drawInContext:] + 257 (QuartzCore + 1247338) [0x7fffd096586a]
1 -[NSSearchFieldCell drawLayer:inContext:] + 86 (AppKit + 1838955) [0x7fffc87a1f6b]
1 +[NSGraphicsContext configureGraphicsContextForCALayer:withCGContext:andRenderWithHandler:] + 97 (AppKit + 1760268) [0x7fffc878ec0c]
1 -[NSSearchFieldCell drawLayer:inGraphicsContext:] + 148 (AppKit + 1839137) [0x7fffc87a2021]
1 -[NSFocusStack performWithFocusView:inWindow:usingBlock:] + 101 (AppKit + 1760980) [0x7fffc878eed4]
1 __49-[NSSearchFieldCell drawLayer:inGraphicsContext:]_block_invoke + 173 (AppKit + 1839325) [0x7fffc87a20dd]
1 +[NSAppearance _performWithCurrentAppearance:usingBlock:] + 79 (AppKit + 1286400) [0x7fffc871b100]
1 __49-[NSSearchFieldCell drawLayer:inGraphicsContext:]_block_invoke_2 + 1705 (AppKit + 1841043) [0x7fffc87a2793]
1 -[NSButtonCell drawWithFrame:inView:] + 483 (AppKit + 1733542) [0x7fffc87883a6]
1 -[NSButtonCell drawInteriorWithFrame:inView:] + 1908 (AppKit + 1737489) [0x7fffc8789311]
1 -[NSButtonCell _configureAndDrawImageWithRect:cellFrame:controlView:] + 522 (AppKit + 1738460) [0x7fffc87896dc]
1 -[NSButtonCell drawImage:withFrame:inView:] + 1216 (AppKit + 1740319) [0x7fffc8789e1f]
1 -[NSImage _drawMappingAlignmentRectToRect:withState:backgroundStyle:operation:fraction:flip:hints:] + 1574 (AppKit + 1742092) [0x7fffc878a50c]
1 -[NSImage drawInRect:fromRect:operation:fraction:respectFlipped:hints:] + 2028 (AppKit + 1779828) [0x7fffc8793874]
1 -[NSImage _usingBestRepresentationForRect:context:hints:body:] + 164 (AppKit + 1529299) [0x7fffc87565d3]
1 __71-[NSImage drawInRect:fromRect:operation:fraction:respectFlipped:hints:]_block_invoke.1348 + 1124 (AppKit + 6494983) [0x7fffc8c12b07]
1 -[NSImageRep drawInRect:fromRect:operation:fraction:respectFlipped:hints:] + 1074 (AppKit + 1748737) [0x7fffc878bf01]
1 __74-[NSImageRep drawInRect:fromRect:operation:fraction:respectFlipped:hints:]_block_invoke + 1050 (AppKit + 1750289) [0x7fffc878c511]
1 NSGraphicsContextPushContextWithFlippedMetadata_drawWithBlock_ + 357 (AppKit + 1751134) [0x7fffc878c85e]
1 __74-[NSImageRep drawInRect:fromRect:operation:fraction:respectFlipped:hints:]_block_invoke_2 + 64 (AppKit + 1751293) [0x7fffc878c8fd]
1 -[NSImageRep drawInRect:] + 481 (AppKit + 1751792) [0x7fffc878caf0]
1 -[NSCoreUIImageRep draw] + 438 (AppKit + 1757565) [0x7fffc878e17d]
1 -[NSAppearance _drawInRect:context:options:] + 108 (AppKit + 1646562) [0x7fffc8772fe2]
1 -[NSCompositeAppearance _callCoreUIWithBlock:options:] + 226 (AppKit + 11687591) [0x7fffc91066a7]
1 __44-[NSAppearance _drawInRect:context:options:]_block_invoke + 60 (AppKit + 1646628) [0x7fffc8773024]
1 CUIDraw + 280 (CoreUI + 62082) [0x7fffd674f282]
1 CUIRenderer::Draw(CGRect, CGContext*, __CFDictionary const*, __CFDictionary const**) + 2137 (CoreUI + 50239) [0x7fffd674c43f]
1 CUICoreThemeRenderer::DrawButtonSearchFieldFind(CUIDescriptor const*) + 1099 (CoreUI + 499797) [0x7fffd67ba055]
1 CUIRenderer::DrawImage(CGRect, long, CUIDescriptor const*) const + 12266 (CoreUI + 109786) [0x7fffd675acda]
1 CUIRenderer::CreateImageByApplyingEffectsToImage(CUIDescriptor const*, long, __CFArray const*, CGImage*, double, unsigned char, CGBlendMode&) const + 15889 (CoreUI + 92309) [0x7fffd6756895]
1 -[CIContext render:toBitmap:rowBytes:bounds:format:colorSpace:] + 1297 (CoreImage + 125838) [0x7fffcb5c9b8e]
1 CI::image_get_bitmap(CI::Context*, CI::Image*, CGRect, CGColorSpace*, CI::Bitmap*) + 2273 (CoreImage + 246137) [0x7fffcb5e7179]
1 CI::tile_node_graph(CI::Context*, char const*, CI::Node*, CGRect const&, CI::PixelFormat, CI::swizzle_info const&, void (CI::Node*, CGRect) block_pointer) + 834 (CoreImage + 253873) [0x7fffcb5e8fb1]
1 ___ZN2CI16image_get_bitmapEPNS_7ContextEPNS_5ImageE6CGRectP12CGColorSpacePNS_6BitmapE_block_invoke + 1539 (CoreImage + 257242) [0x7fffcb5e9cda]
1 CI::GLContext::readback_bitmap(CI::Bitmap*, CI::swizzle_info) + 246 (CoreImage + 1614578) [0x7fffcb7352f2]
1 glReadPixels_Exec + 1387 (GLEngine + 256157) [0x10d9a589d]
1 ??? (GeForceTeslaGLDriver + 3168476) [0x10e7e18dc]
1 ??? (GeForceTeslaGLDriver + 3081675) [0x10e7cc5cb]
1 ??? (GeForceTeslaGLDriver + 3082355) [0x10e7cc873]
1 IOConnectCallMethod + 336 (IOKit + 26213) [0x7fffcca75665]
1 io_connect_method + 375 (IOKit + 528249) [0x7fffccaeff79]
1 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*1 hndl_mach_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671590) [0xffffff80002a3f66]
*1 mach_call_munger64 + 430 (kernel + 2039726) [0xffffff80003f1fae]
*1 mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 327 (kernel + 951191) [0xffffff80002e8397]
*1 ipc_kmsg_send + 225 (kernel + 868321) [0xffffff80002d3fe1]
*1 ipc_kobject_server + 412 (kernel + 1012604) [0xffffff80002f737c]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1856280) [0xffffff80003c5318]
*1 is_io_connect_method + 497 (kernel + 7266817) [0xffffff80008ee201]
*1 IOUserClient::externalMethod(unsigned int, IOExternalMethodArguments*, IOExternalMethodDispatch*, OSObject*, void*) + 792 (kernel + 7230248) [0xffffff80008e5328]
*1 shim_io_connect_method_scalarI_structureO + 606 (kernel + 7237918) [0xffffff80008e711e]
*1 IONVGLContextTesla::submit_command_buffer(unsigned int, sIOGLGetCommandBuffer*) + 91 (GeForceTesla + 72445) [0xffffff7f82b12afd]
*1 IONVGLContextTesla::clientMemoryForType(unsigned int, unsigned int*, IOMemoryDescriptor**) + 1803 (GeForceTesla + 78207) [0xffffff7f82b1417f]
*1 NVGLContextTesla::processCommandBuffer(VendorCommandDescriptor*) + 369 (GeForceTesla + 285111) [0xffffff7f82b469b7]
*1 IONVGLContextTesla::processCommandBuffer(VendorCommandDescriptor*) + 233 (GeForceTesla + 81329) [0xffffff7f82b14db1]
*1 NVGLContextTesla::ProcessTokenUnbindFBO(VendorGLStreamInfo&, bool) + 121 (GeForceTesla + 277159) [0xffffff7f82b44aa7]
*1 IONVSharedTesla::delete_texture(nvTextureBuffer*) + 35 (GeForceTesla + 95061) [0xffffff7f82b18355]
*1 IONVSharedTesla::delete_texture_internal(IONVAcceleratorTesla*, IONVSharedTesla*, nvTextureBuffer*) + 724 (GeForceTesla + 100646) [0xffffff7f82b19926]
*1 IONVSharedTesla::finalize_texture(IONVAcceleratorTesla*, nvTextureBuffer*) + 183 (GeForceTesla + 100999) [0xffffff7f82b19a87]
*1 IONVAcceleratorTesla::removeTransferFromGART(NVTransferBuffer*) + 84 (GeForceTesla + 33606) [0xffffff7f82b09346]
*1 NVMemoryTesla::RemoveFromGART(IOMemoryDescriptor*, unsigned long long) + 53 (GeForceTesla + 305215) [0xffffff7f82b4b83f] (running)
4 CA::Context::commit_transaction(CA::Transaction*) + 160 (QuartzCore + 1153024) [0x7fffd094e800]
4 CA::Transaction::run_commit_handlers(CATransactionPhase) + 46 (QuartzCore + 72342) [0x7fffd0846a96]
4 __37+[NSDisplayCycle currentDisplayCycle]_block_invoke + 454 (AppKit + 1659973) [0x7fffc8776445]
4 ___NSWindowGetDisplayCycleObserver_block_invoke.6228 + 277 (AppKit + 9389043) [0x7fffc8ed53f3]
4 -[NSWindow displayIfNeeded] + 230 (AppKit + 1661287) [0x7fffc8776967]
3 -[NSView displayIfNeeded] + 1748 (AppKit + 1663061) [0x7fffc8777055]
3 -[NSView _displayRectIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:] + 2452 (AppKit + 1681256) [0x7fffc877b768]
3 -[NSThemeFrame _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:] + 334 (AppKit + 1688383) [0x7fffc877d33f]
2 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:] + 837 (AppKit + 1690466) [0x7fffc877db62]
2 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:] + 2884 (AppKit + 2028606) [0x7fffc87d043e]
2 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:] + 2884 (AppKit + 2028606) [0x7fffc87d043e]
2 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:] + 1753 (AppKit + 2027475) [0x7fffc87cffd3]
2 -[NSView _drawRect:clip:] + 2276 (AppKit + 1699881) [0x7fffc8780029]
2 -[NSControl drawRect:] + 348 (AppKit + 1732957) [0x7fffc878815d]
1 -[NSButtonCell drawWithFrame:inView:] + 308 (AppKit + 1733367) [0x7fffc87882f7]
1 objc_msgSend + 44 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27500) [0x7fffdf804b6c]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[NSTextFieldCell drawWithFrame:inView:] + 219 (AppKit + 1758866) [0x7fffc878e692]
1 +[NSAppearance _performWithCurrentAppearance:usingBlock:] + 79 (AppKit + 1286400) [0x7fffc871b100]
1 __40-[NSTextFieldCell drawWithFrame:inView:]_block_invoke + 451 (AppKit + 1759549) [0x7fffc878e93d]
1 -[NSTextFieldCell drawInteriorWithFrame:inView:] + 981 (AppKit + 1827566) [0x7fffc879f2ee]
1 _NSDrawTextCell2 + 253 (AppKit + 1783479) [0x7fffc87946b7]
1 __NSGetStringAndAttributesFromTextCell + 406 (AppKit + 532703) [0x7fffc86630df]
1 -[NSTextFieldCell _textAttributes] + 133 (AppKit + 483399) [0x7fffc8657047]
1 -[NSCell _textAttributes] + 218 (AppKit + 484611) [0x7fffc8657503]
1 -[__NSDictionaryM setObject:forKey:] + 452 (CoreFoundation + 57012) [0x7fffcaa7feb4]
*1 hndl_alltraps + 229 (kernel + 669269) [0xffffff80002a3655]
*1 user_trap + 652 (kernel + 2122460) [0xffffff80004062dc]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1506926) [0xffffff800036fe6e]
*1 vm_compressor_pager_get + 222 (kernel + 1453934) [0xffffff8000362f6e]
*1 vm_compressor_get + 225 (kernel + 1446641) [0xffffff80003612f1]
*1 return_to_iret + 288 (kernel + 670252) [0xffffff80002a3a2c]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[NSRegion containsRect:] + 1 (AppKit + 847179) [0x7fffc86afd4b] (running)
1 -[NSView displayIfNeeded] + 1096 (AppKit + 1662409) [0x7fffc8776dc9]
1 -[NSView _sendViewWillDrawInRect:clipRootView:] + 1794 (AppKit + 1669687) [0x7fffc8778a37]
1 -[_NSDisplayOperationStack exitDisplayOperationForWindow:] + 376 (AppKit + 1678324) [0x7fffc877abf4]
1 -[__NSArrayM removeObjectsInRange:] + 254 (CoreFoundation + 1539438) [0x7fffcabe9d6e]
1 -[_NSDisplayOperation dealloc] + 129 (AppKit + 1678586) [0x7fffc877acfa]
1 OSAtomicEnqueue + 32 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 9528) [0x7fffe0301538]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 CA::Context::commit_transaction(CA::Transaction*) + 959 (QuartzCore + 1153823) [0x7fffd094eb1f]
1 CA::Transaction::run_commit_handlers(CATransactionPhase) + 46 (QuartzCore + 72342) [0x7fffd0846a96]
1 __39+[_NSCGSTransaction currentTransaction]_block_invoke + 34 (AppKit + 1610635) [0x7fffc876a38b]
1 NSCGSTransactionRunPreCommitActions_ + 21 (AppKit + 1610668) [0x7fffc876a3ac]
1 NSCGSTransactionRunPreCommitActionsForOrder_ + 289 (AppKit + 1610986) [0x7fffc876a4ea]
1 __NSCGSWindowMark__block_invoke + 1164 (AppKit + 1612781) [0x7fffc876abed]
1 SLSSetWindowHasMainAppearance + 124 (SkyLight + 1839077) [0x7fffdc51efe5]
1 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*1 hndl_mach_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671590) [0xffffff80002a3f66]
*1 mach_call_munger64 + 430 (kernel + 2039726) [0xffffff80003f1fae]
*1 mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 327 (kernel + 951191) [0xffffff80002e8397]
*1 ipc_kmsg_send + 1036 (kernel + 869132) [0xffffff80002d430c]
*1 ipc_mqueue_send + 133 (kernel + 884805) [0xffffff80002d8045]
*1 ipc_mqueue_post + 1260 (kernel + 886444) [0xffffff80002d86ac]
*1 ??? (kernel + 669507) [0xffffff80002a3743]
*1 kernel_trap + 1064 (kernel + 2120104) [0xffffff80004059a8]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 CA::Context::commit_transaction(CA::Transaction*) + 1975 (QuartzCore + 1154839) [0x7fffd094ef17]
1 CA::Render::Encoder::send_message(unsigned int, unsigned int) + 674 (QuartzCore + 1278772) [0x7fffd096d334]
1 CA::Render::Message::send_message() + 43 (QuartzCore + 1273509) [0x7fffd096bea5]
1 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*1 hndl_mach_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671590) [0xffffff80002a3f66]
*1 mach_call_munger64 + 430 (kernel + 2039726) [0xffffff80003f1fae]
*1 mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 327 (kernel + 951191) [0xffffff80002e8397]
*1 ipc_kmsg_send + 1036 (kernel + 869132) [0xffffff80002d430c]
*1 ipc_mqueue_send + 133 (kernel + 884805) [0xffffff80002d8045]
*1 ipc_mqueue_post + 1260 (kernel + 886444) [0xffffff80002d86ac]
*1 ??? (kernel + 669507) [0xffffff80002a3743]
*1 kernel_trap + 1064 (kernel + 2120104) [0xffffff80004059a8]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
5 __38-[NSApplication setWindowsNeedUpdate:]_block_invoke.2372 + 68 (AppKit + 4721823) [0x7fffc8a61c9f]
4 -[NSApplication updateWindows] + 80 (AppKit + 298690) [0x7fffc8629ec2]
2 -[NSApplication(NSWindowCache) _updateWindowsUsingCache] + 565 (AppKit + 304328) [0x7fffc862b4c8]
2 -[NSArray makeObjectsPerformSelector:] + 240 (CoreFoundation + 674704) [0x7fffcab16b90]
2 -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 66 (Foundation + 27191) [0x7fffcc50da37]
2 _CFXNotificationPost + 667 (CoreFoundation + 359675) [0x7fffcaac9cfb]
2 -[_CFXNotificationRegistrar find:object:observer:enumerator:] + 1835 (CoreFoundation + 363611) [0x7fffcaacac5b]
1 -[_CFXNotificationNameRegistration find:observer:matching:] + 270 (CoreFoundation + 630574) [0x7fffcab0bf2e]
1 objc_release + 11 (libobjc.A.dylib + 36651) [0x7fffdf806f2b]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 objc_msgSend + 3 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27459) [0x7fffdf804b43] (running)
2 -[NSApplication(NSWindowCache) _updateWindowsUsingCache] + 577 (AppKit + 304340) [0x7fffc862b4d4]
1 objc_msgSendSuper2 + 29 (libobjc.A.dylib + 28061) [0x7fffdf804d9d] (running)
1 nano_free_definite_size + 42 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 39437) [0x7fffe027da0d]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[NSApplication updateWindows] + 68 (AppKit + 298678) [0x7fffc8629eb6]
1 -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 66 (Foundation + 27191) [0x7fffcc50da37]
1 _CFXNotificationPost + 86 (CoreFoundation + 359094) [0x7fffcaac9ab6]
1 objc_msgSend + 44 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27500) [0x7fffdf804b6c]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 ___NSPostActiveFirstResponderChanged_block_invoke + 29 (AppKit + 1620957) [0x7fffc876cbdd]
1 +[_NSAutomaticFocusRing showForView:] + 4405 (AppKit + 1626319) [0x7fffc876e0cf]
1 CGContextEndTransparencyLayer + 53 (CoreGraphics + 4113889) [0x7fffcb2f35e1]
1 ripc_EndLayer + 1540 (CoreGraphics + 569524) [0x7fffcaf920b4]
1 ripc_RenderImage + 798 (CoreGraphics + 541279) [0x7fffcaf8b25f]
1 rips_f_BltImage + 96 (CoreGraphics + 838300) [0x7fffcafd3a9c]
1 rips_f_DrawRing + 1090 (CoreGraphics + 839498) [0x7fffcafd3f4a]
1 RIPLayerBltImage + 1180 (CoreGraphics + 4173611) [0x7fffcb301f2b]
1 ripl_Mark + 23 (CoreGraphics + 4189898) [0x7fffcb305eca]
1 A8_image + 1966 (CoreGraphics + 1653738) [0x7fffcb09abea]
1 CGSConvertRGBA8888toMask + 79 (CoreGraphics + 730734) [0x7fffcafb966e]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 __37+[NSDisplayCycle currentDisplayCycle]_block_invoke.31 + 467 (AppKit + 4687061) [0x7fffc8a594d5]
1 +[NSDisplayTiming(NSDisplayTimingCreation) displayTimingForScreenNumber:] + 17 (AppKit + 7393045) [0x7fffc8cedf15]
1 SLSDisplayGetRefreshTiming + 212 (SkyLight + 2210795) [0x7fffdc579beb]
1 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*1 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
1 __38-[NSApplication setWindowsNeedUpdate:]_block_invoke.2372 + 113 (AppKit + 4721868) [0x7fffc8a61ccc]
1 CFRunLoopRemoveObserver + 183 (CoreFoundation + 672663) [0x7fffcab16397]
1 -[__NSArrayM removeObjectsInRange:] + 410 (CoreFoundation + 1539594) [0x7fffcabe9e0a] (running)
1 __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 271 (CoreFoundation + 672207) [0x7fffcab161cf]
1 _pthread_mutex_unlock_slow + 284 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 6637) [0x7fffe03099ed] (running)
2 __CFRunLoopRun + 1147 (CoreFoundation + 545323) [0x7fffcaaf722b]
2 _kernelrpc_mach_port_insert_member_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74538) [0x7fffe021b32a]
*2 hndl_mach_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671590) [0xffffff80002a3f66]
*2 mach_call_munger64 + 430 (kernel + 2039726) [0xffffff80003f1fae]
*2 _kernelrpc_mach_port_insert_member_trap + 72 (kernel + 946776) [0xffffff80002e7258]
*1 mach_port_insert_member + 76 (kernel + 960012) [0xffffff80002ea60c]
*1 waitq_link_reserve + 68 (kernel + 1278036) [0xffffff8000338054]
*1 return_to_iret + 288 (kernel + 670252) [0xffffff80002a3a2c]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
*1 mach_port_insert_member + 201 (kernel + 960137) [0xffffff80002ea689]
*1 ipc_mqueue_add + 1042 (kernel + 884434) [0xffffff80002d7ed2] (running)
6 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 454 (CoreFoundation + 543606) [0x7fffcaaf6b76]
5 __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 391 (CoreFoundation + 672327) [0x7fffcab16247]
5 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 23 (CoreFoundation + 672471) [0x7fffcab162d7]
5 CA::Transaction::observer_callback(__CFRunLoopObserver*, unsigned long, void*) + 108 (QuartzCore + 69522) [0x7fffd0845f92]
3 CA::Transaction::commit() + 475 (QuartzCore + 67121) [0x7fffd0845631]
2 CA::Context::commit_transaction(CA::Transaction*) + 2447 (QuartzCore + 1155311) [0x7fffd094f0ef]
2 _dispatch_global_queue_poke_slow + 60 (libdispatch.dylib + 105813) [0x7fffe00d5d55]
2 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 CA::Context::commit_transaction(CA::Transaction*) + 280 (QuartzCore + 1153144) [0x7fffd094e878]
1 CA::Layer::layout_and_display_if_needed(CA::Transaction*) + 24 (QuartzCore + 1196174) [0x7fffd095908e]
1 CA::Layer::layout_if_needed(CA::Transaction*) + 97 (QuartzCore + 1196291) [0x7fffd0959103]
1 CA::Layer::thread_flags_(CA::Transaction*) + 245 (QuartzCore + 1186143) [0x7fffd095695f]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 CA::Transaction::commit() + 41 (QuartzCore + 66687) [0x7fffd084547f] (running)
1 CA::Transaction::commit() + 618 (QuartzCore + 67264) [0x7fffd08456c0]
1 CA::Layer::free_transaction(CA::Transaction*) + 191 (QuartzCore + 1186769) [0x7fffd0956bd1]
1 CALayerRelease + 59 (QuartzCore + 1181926) [0x7fffd09558e6]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 86 (CoreFoundation + 672022) [0x7fffcab16116]
1 CFArrayGetCount + 115 (CoreFoundation + 167811) [0x7fffcaa9af83] (running)
1 _NotifyEventLoopObservers + 1 (HIToolbox + 32975) [0x7fffca0590cf]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 195 (HIToolbox + 199327) [0x7fffca081a9f]
1 CFStringCompareWithOptionsAndLocale + 1804 (CoreFoundation + 127020) [0x7fffcaa9102c]
1 _platform_memcmp + 298 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 6410) [0x7fffe030090a] (running)
1 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 209 (HIToolbox + 198690) [0x7fffca081822]
1 GetCurrentEventQueue + 23 (HIToolbox + 198245) [0x7fffca081665]
1 MPTaskIsPreemptive + 22 (CarbonCore + 24697) [0x7fffcb9ab079]
1 ThreadIsCooperative + 41 (CarbonCore + 24748) [0x7fffcb9ab0ac]
1 TSLockMutex + 826 (CarbonCore + 23553) [0x7fffcb9aac01]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
3 _DPSNextEvent + 3787 (AppKit + 292175) [0x7fffc862854f]
3 SendEventToEventTarget + 40 (HIToolbox + 121124) [0x7fffca06e924]
3 SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 428 (HIToolbox + 32246) [0x7fffca058df6]
3 DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 2721 (HIToolbox + 36730) [0x7fffca059f7a]
3 ToolboxEventDispatcherHandler(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*) + 1687 (HIToolbox + 286303) [0x7fffca096e5f]
3 SendEventToEventTargetWithOptions + 43 (HIToolbox + 31807) [0x7fffca058c3f]
3 SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 428 (HIToolbox + 32246) [0x7fffca058df6]
3 DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 1708 (HIToolbox + 35717) [0x7fffca059b85]
2 TSMAppActivationHandler + 1142 (HIToolbox + 288306) [0x7fffca097632]
2 TSMSimulateAppActivated + 103 (HIToolbox + 288572) [0x7fffca09773c]
1 MyActivateTSMDocument + 145 (HIToolbox + 278967) [0x7fffca0951b7]
1 _ISSetPhysicalKeyboardCapsLockDelayOverride + 159 (HIToolbox + 1655472) [0x7fffca1e52b0]
1 HIS_XPC_SetCapsLockDelayOverride + 251 (HIServices + 290662) [0x7fffc9834f66]
1 __SetPhysicalKeyboardCapsLockDelayOverride_block_invoke + 115 (HIToolbox + 1658755) [0x7fffca1e5f83]
1 IOHIDEventSystemClientSetProperty + 178 (IOKit + 296945) [0x7fffccab77f1]
1 io_hideventsystem_set_properties + 159 (IOKit + 348802) [0x7fffccac4282]
1 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*1 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
1 MyActivateTSMDocument + 1910 (HIToolbox + 280732) [0x7fffca09589c]
1 utOpenActivateAllSelectedIMInDoc + 187 (HIToolbox + 310584) [0x7fffca09cd38]
1 CFArrayApplyFunction + 68 (CoreFoundation + 298708) [0x7fffcaabaed4]
1 utOpenActivateAllSelectedIMInDocIterator + 21 (HIToolbox + 2189508) [0x7fffca2678c4]
1 utOpenActivateSelectedInputMethodInDoc + 369 (HIToolbox + 2189914) [0x7fffca267a5a]
1 ActivateInputMethodInstance + 100 (HIToolbox + 2236460) [0x7fffca27302c]
1 IMKInputSessionActivate + 36 (HIToolbox + 2239643) [0x7fffca273c9b]
1 -[IMKInputSession activate] + 3471 (HIToolbox + 2550816) [0x7fffca2bfc20]
1 -[IMKInputSessionXPCInvocation invocationAwaitXPCReply] + 606 (HIToolbox + 2541166) [0x7fffca2bd66e]
1 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 420 (CoreFoundation + 543572) [0x7fffcaaf6b54]
1 __CFRunLoopRun + 1544 (CoreFoundation + 545720) [0x7fffcaaf73b8]
1 _pthread_mutex_lock_slow + 285 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 5769) [0x7fffe0309689]
1 __psynch_mutexwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 105654) [0x7fffe0222cb6]
*1 psynch_mtxcontinue + 0 (pthread + 31396) [0xffffff7f80f28aa4] (runnable)
1 TSMAppActivationHandler + 153 (HIToolbox + 287317) [0x7fffca097255]
1 SLPSGetKeyFocusProcess + 135 (SkyLight + 45739) [0x7fffdc3692ab]
1 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*1 hndl_mach_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671590) [0xffffff80002a3f66]
*1 mach_call_munger64 + 430 (kernel + 2039726) [0xffffff80003f1fae]
*1 mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 327 (kernel + 951191) [0xffffff80002e8397]
*1 ipc_kmsg_send + 1036 (kernel + 869132) [0xffffff80002d430c]
*1 ipc_mqueue_send + 133 (kernel + 884805) [0xffffff80002d8045]
*1 ipc_mqueue_post + 1260 (kernel + 886444) [0xffffff80002d86ac]
*1 ??? (kernel + 669507) [0xffffff80002a3743]
*1 kernel_trap + 1064 (kernel + 2120104) [0xffffff80004059a8]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[__NSArrayI count] + 1 (CoreFoundation + 210065) [0x7fffcaaa5491] (running)
5 -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 3877 (AppKit + 8132191) [0x7fffc8da265f]
2 -[NSEvent _initWithCGEvent:eventRef:] + 206 (AppKit + 6125320) [0x7fffc8bb8708]
1 -[NSApplication(NSWindowCache) _findWindowUsingCache:] + 86 (AppKit + 321356) [0x7fffc862f74c]
1 object_getIndexedIvars + 42 (libobjc.A.dylib + 44907) [0x7fffdf808f6b] (running)
1 -[NSApplication(NSWindowCache) _findWindowUsingCache:] + 247 (AppKit + 321517) [0x7fffc862f7ed] (running)
2 -[NSEvent _initWithCGEvent:eventRef:] + 521 (AppKit + 6125635) [0x7fffc8bb8843]
1 +[NSCGSWindow(NSCGSWindowCreation) windowWithWindowID:] + 60 (AppKit + 1497810) [0x7fffc874ead2]
1 -[NSConcreteMapTable objectForKey:] + 83 (Foundation + 97142) [0x7fffcc51eb76]
1 readARCWeakAt + 22 (Foundation + 346339) [0x7fffcc55b8e3]
1 objc_loadWeak + 15 (libobjc.A.dylib + 67019) [0x7fffdf80e5cb]
1 objc_loadWeakRetained + 384 (libobjc.A.dylib + 59403) [0x7fffdf80c80b] (running)
1 -[NSConcreteMapTable objectForKey:] + 1 (Foundation + 97060) [0x7fffcc51eb24] (running)
1 -[NSEvent _initWithCGEvent:eventRef:] + 1147 (AppKit + 6126261) [0x7fffc8bb8ab5]
1 SLEventGetTimestamp + 6 (SkyLight + 582762) [0x7fffdc3ec46a]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
2 -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 444 (AppKit + 8128758) [0x7fffc8da18f6]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 388 (AppKit + 8128702) [0x7fffc8da18be] (running)
1 -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 920 (AppKit + 8129234) [0x7fffc8da1ad2]
1 -[NSEvent window] + 148 (AppKit + 1866183) [0x7fffc87a89c7]
1 -[NSApplication _indexOfWindow:] + 315 (AppKit + 367175) [0x7fffc863aa47] (running)
1 -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 3858 (AppKit + 8132172) [0x7fffc8da264c]
1 _objc_rootAlloc + 45 (libobjc.A.dylib + 42896) [0x7fffdf808790]
1 class_createInstance + 88 (libobjc.A.dylib + 26993) [0x7fffdf804971]
1 calloc + 30 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 19927) [0x7fffe0278dd7]
1 malloc_zone_calloc + 87 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 17558) [0x7fffe0278496]
1 default_zone_calloc + 58 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 71975) [0x7fffe0285927] (running)
5 -[NSApplication run] + 1002 (AppKit + 242865) [0x7fffc861c4b1]
4 -[NSApplication(NSEvent) sendEvent:] + 1145 (AppKit + 8122537) [0x7fffc8da00a9]
4 -[NSWindow(NSEventRouting) sendEvent:] + 541 (AppKit + 9660274) [0x7fffc8f17772]
4 -[NSWindow(NSEventRouting) _reallySendEvent:isDelayedEvent:] + 1942 (AppKit + 9663188) [0x7fffc8f182d4]
4 -[NSWindow(NSEventRouting) _handleMouseDownEvent:isDelayedEvent:] + 4875 (AppKit + 9676029) [0x7fffc8f1b4fd]
3 -[NSWindow _changeKeyAndMainLimitedOK:] + 877 (AppKit + 1535221) [0x7fffc8757cf5]
3 _NXSendWindowNotification + 248 (AppKit + 1537153) [0x7fffc8758481]
3 -[NSWindow becomeKeyWindow] + 1402 (AppKit + 1538621) [0x7fffc8758a3d]
3 -[NSWindow(NSWindow_Theme) acquireKeyAppearance] + 211 (AppKit + 1541374) [0x7fffc87594fe]
3 _NSWindowSetHasKeyAppearance + 70 (AppKit + 1546158) [0x7fffc875a7ae]
3 SLSGetWindowTags + 189 (SkyLight + 1577659) [0x7fffdc4df2bb]
3 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*2 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830] (runnable)
*1 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
1 -[NSWindow _changeKeyAndMainLimitedOK:] + 939 (AppKit + 1535283) [0x7fffc8757d33]
1 -[NSWindow becomeMainWindow] + 42 (AppKit + 1561713) [0x7fffc875e471]
1 -[NSWindow(NSWindow_Theme) acquireMainAppearance] + 119 (AppKit + 1561962) [0x7fffc875e56a]
1 -[NSObject respondsToSelector:] + 47 (libobjc.A.dylib + 50166) [0x7fffdf80a3f6]
1 class_respondsToSelector_inst + 35 (libobjc.A.dylib + 50213) [0x7fffdf80a425]
1 lookUpImpOrNil + 20 (libobjc.A.dylib + 49357) [0x7fffdf80a0cd]
1 lookUpImpOrForward + 291 (libobjc.A.dylib + 31669) [0x7fffdf805bb5]
1 search_method_list(method_list_t const*, objc_selector*) + 230 (libobjc.A.dylib + 23268) [0x7fffdf803ae4] (running)
1 -[NSApplication(NSEvent) sendEvent:] + 3166 (AppKit + 8124558) [0x7fffc8da088e]
1 -[NSWindow(NSEventRouting) sendEvent:] + 541 (AppKit + 9660274) [0x7fffc8f17772]
1 objc_msgSend + 44 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27500) [0x7fffdf804b6c] (running)
1 -[NSApplication run] + 1072 (AppKit + 242935) [0x7fffc861c4f7]
1 objc_msgSend + 44 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27500) [0x7fffdf804b6c] (running)
1 -[NSApplication run] + 1093 (AppKit + 242956) [0x7fffc861c50c]
1 -[NSAutoreleasePool drain] + 146 (Foundation + 93971) [0x7fffcc51df13]
1 _CFAutoreleasePoolPop + 22 (CoreFoundation + 282886) [0x7fffcaab7106]
1 (anonymous namespace)::AutoreleasePoolPage::pop(void*) + 808 (libobjc.A.dylib + 40544) [0x7fffdf807e60]
1 objc_object::sidetable_release(bool) + 285 (libobjc.A.dylib + 60489) [0x7fffdf80cc49]
1 -[NSEvent dealloc] + 113 (AppKit + 1613249) [0x7fffc876adc1] (running)
Thread 0x4e95 Thread name "" 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 40-47 (base 46-47) cpu time 0.110
1002 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12797) [0x7fffe030b1fd]
1002 _pthread_start + 286 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14839) [0x7fffe030b9f7]
1002 _pthread_body + 180 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 15019) [0x7fffe030baab]
1002 _NSEventThread + 205 (AppKit + 1654674) [0x7fffc8774f92]
1002 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 420 (CoreFoundation + 543572) [0x7fffcaaf6b54]
976 __CFRunLoopRun + 1361 (CoreFoundation + 545537) [0x7fffcaaf7301]
975 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 548484) [0x7fffcaaf7e84]
975 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*968 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
*6 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830] (runnable)
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 235 (CoreFoundation + 548507) [0x7fffcaaf7e9b]
1 voucher_mach_msg_adopt + 67 (libdispatch.dylib + 56242) [0x7fffe00c9bb2]
1 _voucher_create_with_mach_voucher + 122 (libdispatch.dylib + 47903) [0x7fffe00c7b1f]
1 mach_voucher_extract_attr_recipe_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74934) [0x7fffe021b4b6]
*1 hndl_mach_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671590) [0xffffff80002a3f66]
*1 mach_call_munger64 + 420 (kernel + 2039716) [0xffffff80003f1fa4]
*1 return_to_iret + 288 (kernel + 670252) [0xffffff80002a3a2c]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
26 __CFRunLoopRun + 2405 (CoreFoundation + 546581) [0x7fffcaaf7715]
26 __CFRunLoopDoSource1 + 465 (CoreFoundation + 579217) [0x7fffcaaff691]
26 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE1_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 41 (CoreFoundation + 579353) [0x7fffcaaff719]
26 __CFMachPortPerform + 253 (CoreFoundation + 579629) [0x7fffcaaff82d]
26 MessageHandler(__CFMachPort*, void*, long, void*) + 51 (HIToolbox + 239465) [0x7fffca08b769]
17 PullEventsFromWindowServerOnConnection(unsigned int, unsigned char, __CFMachPortBoost*) + 102 (HIToolbox + 239613) [0x7fffca08b7fd]
17 SLEventCreateNextEvent + 48 (SkyLight + 594261) [0x7fffdc3ef155]
17 SLSGetNextEventRecordInternal + 84 (SkyLight + 2228404) [0x7fffdc57e0b4]
12 CGSSnarfAndDispatchDatagrams + 180 (SkyLight + 561012) [0x7fffdc3e6f74]
12 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*5 hndl_mach_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671590) [0xffffff80002a3f66]
*5 mach_call_munger64 + 430 (kernel + 2039726) [0xffffff80003f1fae]
*4 mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 327 (kernel + 951191) [0xffffff80002e8397]
*4 ipc_kmsg_send + 1036 (kernel + 869132) [0xffffff80002d430c]
*4 ipc_mqueue_send + 133 (kernel + 884805) [0xffffff80002d8045]
*3 ipc_mqueue_post + 1260 (kernel + 886444) [0xffffff80002d86ac]
*3 ??? (kernel + 669507) [0xffffff80002a3743]
*3 kernel_trap + 1064 (kernel + 2120104) [0xffffff80004059a8]
*3 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*3 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*3 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*3 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
*1 ipc_mqueue_post + 1260 (kernel + 886444) [0xffffff80002d86ac] (running)
*1 mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 579 (kernel + 951443) [0xffffff80002e8493]
*1 ipc_mqueue_copyin + 527 (kernel + 890847) [0xffffff80002d97df]
*1 ??? (kernel + 669507) [0xffffff80002a3743]
*1 kernel_trap + 1064 (kernel + 2120104) [0xffffff80004059a8]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
*4 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
*3 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830] (runnable)
4 CGSSnarfAndDispatchDatagrams + 4753 (SkyLight + 565585) [0x7fffdc3e8151]
4 _kernelrpc_mach_vm_deallocate_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74430) [0x7fffe021b2be]
*4 hndl_mach_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671590) [0xffffff80002a3f66]
*4 mach_call_munger64 + 430 (kernel + 2039726) [0xffffff80003f1fae]
*4 _kernelrpc_mach_vm_deallocate_trap + 134 (kernel + 945238) [0xffffff80002e6c56]
*4 vm_map_remove + 108 (kernel + 1546940) [0xffffff8000379abc]
*4 ??? (kernel + 1549346) [0xffffff800037a422]
*4 ??? (kernel + 1631610) [0xffffff800038e57a]
*4 ??? (kernel + 1635478) [0xffffff800038f496]
*3 ??? (kernel + 1630417) [0xffffff800038e0d1]
*2 ??? (kernel + 1635714) [0xffffff800038f582]
*2 lck_mtx_lock + 653 (kernel + 655549) [0xffffff80002a00bd]
*2 lck_mtx_lock_wait_x86 + 510 (kernel + 2093838) [0xffffff80003ff30e]
*2 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*2 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*2 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
*1 ??? (kernel + 1636995) [0xffffff800038fa83]
*1 vm_page_free_list + 109 (kernel + 1771933) [0xffffff80003b099d]
*1 vm_page_free_prepare_object + 24 (kernel + 1760248) [0xffffff80003adbf8]
*1 return_to_iret + 288 (kernel + 670252) [0xffffff80002a3a2c]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
*1 lck_rw_done + 100 (kernel + 654308) [0xffffff800029fbe4]
*1 lck_rw_done_gen + 144 (kernel + 2088576) [0xffffff80003fde80]
*1 lck_rw_clear_promotion + 330 (kernel + 1049834) [0xffffff80003004ea]
*1 ??? (kernel + 669507) [0xffffff80002a3743]
*1 kernel_trap + 1064 (kernel + 2120104) [0xffffff80004059a8]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 CGSSnarfAndDispatchDatagrams + 1773 (SkyLight + 562605) [0x7fffdc3e75ad]
1 CGSDecodeEventRecord + 77 (SkyLight + 608415) [0x7fffdc3f289f]
1 SLEventCreateFromDataAndSource + 1356 (SkyLight + 595989) [0x7fffdc3ef815]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
8 PullEventsFromWindowServerOnConnection(unsigned int, unsigned char, __CFMachPortBoost*) + 601 (HIToolbox + 240112) [0x7fffca08b9f0]
4 CFRunLoopWakeUp + 204 (CoreFoundation + 472940) [0x7fffcaae576c]
4 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*4 hndl_mach_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671590) [0xffffff80002a3f66]
*4 mach_call_munger64 + 430 (kernel + 2039726) [0xffffff80003f1fae]
*4 mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 327 (kernel + 951191) [0xffffff80002e8397]
*4 ipc_kmsg_send + 1036 (kernel + 869132) [0xffffff80002d430c]
*4 ipc_mqueue_send + 133 (kernel + 884805) [0xffffff80002d8045]
*2 ipc_mqueue_post + 118 (kernel + 885302) [0xffffff80002d8236]
*2 waitq_wakeup64_identify_locked + 206 (kernel + 1273982) [0xffffff800033707e]
*2 ??? (kernel + 1272603) [0xffffff8000336b1b]
*2 ??? (kernel + 1270768) [0xffffff80003363f0]
*2 ??? (kernel + 1270492) [0xffffff80003362dc]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1269761) [0xffffff8000336001] (running)
*1 ??? (kernel + 1269205) [0xffffff8000335dd5]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1268880) [0xffffff8000335c90] (running)
*1 ipc_mqueue_post + 53 (kernel + 885237) [0xffffff80002d81f5]
*1 waitq_prepost_reserve + 180 (kernel + 1281348) [0xffffff8000338d44]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1270411) [0xffffff800033628b]
*1 ltable_get_elem + 151 (kernel + 1056919) [0xffffff8000302097] (running)
*1 ipc_mqueue_post + 1260 (kernel + 886444) [0xffffff80002d86ac]
*1 ??? (kernel + 669507) [0xffffff80002a3743]
*1 kernel_trap + 1064 (kernel + 2120104) [0xffffff80004059a8]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
4 CFRunLoopWakeUp + 240 (CoreFoundation + 472976) [0x7fffcaae5790]
4 __psynch_mutexdrop + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 105630) [0x7fffe0222c9e]
*4 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671558) [0xffffff80002a3f46]
*4 unix_syscall64 + 586 (kernel + 6452170) [0xffffff80008273ca]
*4 psynch_mutexdrop + 50 (kernel + 6254850) [0xffffff80007f7102]
*4 _psynch_mutexdrop + 556 (pthread + 34490) [0xffffff7f80f296ba]
*4 ksyn_mtxsignal + 444 (pthread + 35368) [0xffffff7f80f29a28]
*4 ksyn_signal + 90 (pthread + 35512) [0xffffff7f80f29ab8]
*4 thread_wakeup_prim + 66 (kernel + 1100690) [0xffffff800030cb92]
*4 waitq_wakeup64_one + 200 (kernel + 1284456) [0xffffff8000339968]
*4 ??? (kernel + 669507) [0xffffff80002a3743]
*4 kernel_trap + 1064 (kernel + 2120104) [0xffffff80004059a8]
*4 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*4 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*4 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*4 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 PullEventsFromWindowServerOnConnection(unsigned int, unsigned char, __CFMachPortBoost*) + 593 (HIToolbox + 240104) [0x7fffca08b9e8]
1 pthread_mutex_lock + 7 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 5379) [0x7fffe0309503] (running)
Thread 0x5635 Thread name "" 996 samples (1-996) priority 31-46 (base 46-47) cpu time 0.318
996 thread_start + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12797) [0x7fffe030b1fd]
996 _pthread_start + 286 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14839) [0x7fffe030b9f7]
996 _pthread_body + 180 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 15019) [0x7fffe030baab]
996 __NSThread__start__ + 1243 (Foundation + 207981) [0x7fffcc539c6d]
948 -[NSUIHeartBeat _heartBeatThread:] + 2696 (AppKit + 3213250) [0x7fffc88f17c2]
948 usleep + 54 (libsystem_c.dylib + 526950) [0x7fffe01a9a66]
948 __semwait_signal + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 106458) [0x7fffe0222fda]
*902 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1140672) [0xffffff80003167c0]
*45 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1140672) [0xffffff80003167c0] (runnable)
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
43 -[NSUIHeartBeat _heartBeatThread:] + 2516 (AppKit + 3213070) [0x7fffc88f170e]
43 CA::Transaction::commit() + 475 (QuartzCore + 67121) [0x7fffd0845631]
30 CA::Context::commit_transaction(CA::Transaction*) + 280 (QuartzCore + 1153144) [0x7fffd094e878]
30 CA::Layer::layout_and_display_if_needed(CA::Transaction*) + 35 (QuartzCore + 1196185) [0x7fffd0959099]
30 CA::Layer::display_if_needed(CA::Transaction*) + 572 (QuartzCore + 1195886) [0x7fffd0958f6e]
29 -[_NSViewBackingLayer display] + 885 (AppKit + 1664305) [0x7fffc8777531]
29 _NSBackingLayerDisplay + 577 (AppKit + 1716938) [0x7fffc87842ca]
28 CA::Layer::display_() + 1803 (QuartzCore + 1245381) [0x7fffd09650c5]
28 ___ZN2CA5Layer8display_Ev_block_invoke + 75 (QuartzCore + 1246308) [0x7fffd0965464]
20 CABackingStoreUpdate_ + 3740 (QuartzCore + 78612) [0x7fffd0848314]
20 -[NSView(NSLayerKitGlue) drawLayer:inContext:] + 80 (AppKit + 1721394) [0x7fffc8785432]
18 -[NSView(NSLayerKitGlue) _drawViewBackingLayer:inContext:drawingHandler:] + 1589 (AppKit + 1722989) [0x7fffc8785a6d]
17 __46-[NSView(NSLayerKitGlue) drawLayer:inContext:]_block_invoke + 267 (AppKit + 1724229) [0x7fffc8785f45]
14 -[NSView(NSInternal) _recursive:displayRectIgnoringOpacity:inGraphicsContext:CGContext:topView:shouldChangeFontReferenceColor:] + 1318 (AppKit + 1725854) [0x7fffc878659e]
14 -[NSProgressIndicator drawRect:] + 812 (AppKit + 2331061) [0x7fffc881a1b5]
14 -[NSProgressIndicator _drawBar:] + 495 (AppKit + 3731918) [0x7fffc89701ce]
14 -[NSAppearance _drawInRect:context:options:] + 108 (AppKit + 1646562) [0x7fffc8772fe2]
14 -[NSCompositeAppearance _callCoreUIWithBlock:options:] + 226 (AppKit + 11687591) [0x7fffc91066a7]
14 __44-[NSAppearance _drawInRect:context:options:]_block_invoke + 60 (AppKit + 1646628) [0x7fffc8773024]
14 CUIDraw + 280 (CoreUI + 62082) [0x7fffd674f282]
14 CUIRenderer::Draw(CGRect, CGContext*, __CFDictionary const*, __CFDictionary const**) + 2137 (CoreUI + 50239) [0x7fffd674c43f]
4 CUICoreThemeRenderer::DrawProgressBar(CUIDescriptor const*) + 668 (CoreUI + 510190) [0x7fffd67bc8ee]
3 CUICoreThemeRenderer::GetBezelTintEffectStackForDescriptor(CUIDescriptor const*) + 57 (CoreUI + 566937) [0x7fffd67ca699]
3 CUICoreThemeRenderer::CreateEffectPresetFromDescription(CUIDescriptor const*, __CFDictionary const*, unsigned char) const + 242 (CoreUI + 96438) [0x7fffd67578b6]
1 -[CUIStructuredThemeStore renditionWithKey:usingKeySignature:] + 504 (CoreUI + 679672) [0x7fffd67e5ef8]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[CUIStructuredThemeStore renditionWithKey:usingKeySignature:] + 571 (CoreUI + 679739) [0x7fffd67e5f3b]
1 -[CUIStructuredThemeStore _getKeyForAssetClosestToKey:foundAsset:] + 65 (CoreUI + 674787) [0x7fffd67e4be3]
1 -[_CUIKeyTestOrganizer initWithRenditionKey:] + 132 (CoreUI + 669776) [0x7fffd67e3850]
1 +[NSIndexSet indexSet] + 1 (Foundation + 420497) [0x7fffcc56da91] (running)
1 -[CUIStructuredThemeStore renditionWithKey:usingKeySignature:] + 677 (CoreUI + 679845) [0x7fffd67e5fa5]
1 -[CUIStructuredThemeStore _getKeyForAssetInOtherLookGroupClosestToKey:foundAsset:] + 819 (CoreUI + 675752) [0x7fffd67e4fa8]
1 -[CUIStructuredThemeStore _getKeyForAssetClosestToKey:foundAsset:] + 65 (CoreUI + 674787) [0x7fffd67e4be3]
1 objc_msgSend + 41 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27497) [0x7fffdf804b69] (running)
1 CUICoreThemeRenderer::GetBezelTintEffectStackForDescriptor(CUIDescriptor const*) + 36 (CoreUI + 566916) [0x7fffd67ca684]
1 CopyStandardShapeEffectDescription(CUIDescriptor const*, CUIShapeEffectStyleID) + 51 (CoreUI + 75944) [0x7fffd67528a8]
1 CFDictionaryCreateMutable + 212 (CoreFoundation + 42084) [0x7fffcaa7c464]
1 CFBasicHashCreate + 125 (CoreFoundation + 11341) [0x7fffcaa74c4d]
1 _CFRuntimeCreateInstance + 557 (CoreFoundation + 14141) [0x7fffcaa7573d]
1 object_setClass + 83 (libobjc.A.dylib + 42448) [0x7fffdf8085d0] (running)
3 CUICoreThemeRenderer::DrawProgressBar(CUIDescriptor const*) + 1919 (CoreUI + 511441) [0x7fffd67bcdd1]
3 -[CUIThemeFacet drawInFrame:isFocused:context:effects:] + 148 (CoreUI + 434103) [0x7fffd67a9fb7]
3 -[CUIThemeFacet _drawSpecificRenditionKey:inFrame:context:isFocused:isFlipped:effects:] + 172 (CoreUI + 441859) [0x7fffd67abe03]
2 -[CUIThemeFacet _drawSpecificRenditionKey:rendition:inFrame:context:alpha:operation:isFocused:isFlipped:effects:] + 675 (CoreUI + 442781) [0x7fffd67ac19d]
2 -[CUIThemeFacet drawGradientInFrame:angle:alpha:operation:isFocused:keyAdjustment:context:] + 458 (CoreUI + 438498) [0x7fffd67ab0e2]
2 -[CUIThemeGradient drawInRect:angle:withContext:] + 173 (CoreUI + 457242) [0x7fffd67afa1a]
2 -[CUIThemeGradient drawFromPoint:toPoint:options:withContext:] + 252 (CoreUI + 458139) [0x7fffd67afd9b]
2 CGContextDrawShading + 51 (CoreGraphics + 252214) [0x7fffcaf44936]
2 ripc_DrawShading + 11867 (CoreGraphics + 565874) [0x7fffcaf91272]
2 RIPLayerBltShade + 1354 (CoreGraphics + 4189461) [0x7fffcb305d15]
2 argb32_shade + 577 (CoreGraphics + 104713) [0x7fffcaf20909]
2 argb32_image_mark + 14386 (CoreGraphics + 187104) [0x7fffcaf34ae0]
1 argb32_shade_axial_RGB + 342 (CoreGraphics + 191473) [0x7fffcaf35bf1]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 argb32_shade_axial_RGB + 355 (CoreGraphics + 191486) [0x7fffcaf35bfe] (running)
1 -[CUIThemeFacet drawGradientInFrame:angle:alpha:operation:isFocused:keyAdjustment:context:] + 1 (CoreUI + 438041) [0x7fffd67aaf19] (running)
2 CUICoreThemeRenderer::DrawProgressBar(CUIDescriptor const*) + 653 (CoreUI + 510175) [0x7fffd67bc8df]
2 CGContextBeginTransparencyLayerWithRect + 115 (CoreGraphics + 4112348) [0x7fffcb2f2fdc]
2 CGContextDelegateBeginLayer + 70 (CoreGraphics + 1059539) [0x7fffcb009ad3]
1 ripc_BeginLayer + 96 (CoreGraphics + 566735) [0x7fffcaf915cf]
1 ripc_GetRenderingState + 144 (CoreGraphics + 534267) [0x7fffcaf896fb]
1 ripc_GetClipState + 8752 (CoreGraphics + 4697096) [0x7fffcb381c08] (running)
1 ripc_BeginLayer + 1307 (CoreGraphics + 567946) [0x7fffcaf91a8a]
1 RIPLayerCreate + 563 (CoreGraphics + 4168563) [0x7fffcb300b73]
1 calloc + 30 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 19927) [0x7fffe0278dd7]
1 malloc_zone_calloc + 87 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 17558) [0x7fffe0278496]
1 szone_malloc_should_clear + 400 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 9418) [0x7fffe02764ca]
1 tiny_malloc_from_free_list + 41 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 14321) [0x7fffe02777f1] (running)
2 CUICoreThemeRenderer::DrawProgressBar(CUIDescriptor const*) + 2085 (CoreUI + 511607) [0x7fffd67bce77]
2 -[CUIThemeFacet drawInFrame:isFocused:context:effects:] + 148 (CoreUI + 434103) [0x7fffd67a9fb7]
2 -[CUIThemeFacet _drawSpecificRenditionKey:inFrame:context:isFocused:isFlipped:effects:] + 172 (CoreUI + 441859) [0x7fffd67abe03]
2 -[CUIThemeFacet _drawSpecificRenditionKey:rendition:inFrame:context:alpha:operation:isFocused:isFlipped:effects:] + 675 (CoreUI + 442781) [0x7fffd67ac19d]
2 -[CUIThemeFacet drawGradientInFrame:angle:alpha:operation:isFocused:keyAdjustment:context:] + 458 (CoreUI + 438498) [0x7fffd67ab0e2]
2 -[CUIThemeGradient drawInRect:angle:withContext:] + 173 (CoreUI + 457242) [0x7fffd67afa1a]
2 -[CUIThemeGradient drawFromPoint:toPoint:options:withContext:] + 252 (CoreUI + 458139) [0x7fffd67afd9b]
2 CGContextDrawShading + 51 (CoreGraphics + 252214) [0x7fffcaf44936]
2 ripc_DrawShading + 11867 (CoreGraphics + 565874) [0x7fffcaf91272]
2 RIPLayerBltShade + 1354 (CoreGraphics + 4189461) [0x7fffcb305d15]
2 argb32_shade + 577 (CoreGraphics + 104713) [0x7fffcaf20909]
1 argb32_image_mark + 14684 (CoreGraphics + 187402) [0x7fffcaf34c0a] (running)
1 argb32_image_mark + 14690 (CoreGraphics + 187408) [0x7fffcaf34c10] (running)
1 CUICoreThemeRenderer::DrawProgressBar(CUIDescriptor const*) + 846 (CoreUI + 510368) [0x7fffd67bc9a0]
1 -[CUIThemeFacet drawInFrame:isFocused:context:effects:] + 148 (CoreUI + 434103) [0x7fffd67a9fb7]
1 -[CUIThemeFacet _drawSpecificRenditionKey:inFrame:context:isFocused:isFlipped:effects:] + 172 (CoreUI + 441859) [0x7fffd67abe03]
1 -[CUIThemeFacet _drawSpecificRenditionKey:rendition:inFrame:context:alpha:operation:isFocused:isFlipped:effects:] + 323 (CoreUI + 442429) [0x7fffd67ac03d]
1 DrawThreePartElementFromRenditionWithOperation + 237 (CoreUI + 405893) [0x7fffd67a3185]
1 DrawThreePartImageWithOperation + 2738 (CoreUI + 408646) [0x7fffd67a3c46]
1 CGContextDrawImages + 228 (CoreGraphics + 2074614) [0x7fffcb1017f6]
1 ripc_DrawImages + 4112 (CoreGraphics + 551746) [0x7fffcaf8db42]
1 ripc_RenderImage + 250 (CoreGraphics + 540731) [0x7fffcaf8b03b]
1 RIPLayerBltImage + 1180 (CoreGraphics + 4173611) [0x7fffcb301f2b]
1 ripl_Mark + 23 (CoreGraphics + 4189898) [0x7fffcb305eca]
1 argb32_image + 1909 (CoreGraphics + 98261) [0x7fffcaf1efd5]
1 argb32_mark + 9385 (CoreGraphics + 82139) [0x7fffcaf1b0db]
1 blt_bitmap_blend_AXXX32 + 95 (CoreGraphics + 2416451) [0x7fffcb154f43]
1 blt_pattern_blend_XXXX32 + 662 (CoreGraphics + 2415755) [0x7fffcb154c8b]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 CUICoreThemeRenderer::DrawProgressBar(CUIDescriptor const*) + 2349 (CoreUI + 511871) [0x7fffd67bcf7f]
1 objc_msgSend + 44 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27500) [0x7fffdf804b6c]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 CUICoreThemeRenderer::DrawProgressBar(CUIDescriptor const*) + 2956 (CoreUI + 512478) [0x7fffd67bd1de]
1 CUICoreThemeRenderer::FacetForRenditionKey(CUIRenditionKey*) + 40 (CoreUI + 462976) [0x7fffd67b1080]
1 +[CUIThemeFacet assetExistsForRenditionKey:fromTheme:] + 141 (CoreUI + 429565) [0x7fffd67a8dfd]
1 -[CUIStructuredThemeStore _canGetRenditionWithKey:isFPO:lookForSubstitutions:] + 307 (CoreUI + 682163) [0x7fffd67e68b3]
1 CUIRenditionKeyValueForAttribute + 63 (CoreUI + 820989) [0x7fffd68086fd]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 -[NSView(NSInternal) _recursive:displayRectIgnoringOpacity:inGraphicsContext:CGContext:topView:shouldChangeFontReferenceColor:] + 3216 (AppKit + 1727752) [0x7fffc8786d08]
1 -[NSFocusStack popTopView] + 126 (AppKit + 1647010) [0x7fffc87731a2]
1 +[NSGraphicsContext restoreGraphicsState] + 130 (AppKit + 1647184) [0x7fffc8773250]
1 CGContextRestoreGState + 32 (CoreGraphics + 1932261) [0x7fffcb0debe5]
1 CGGStackRestore + 58 (CoreGraphics + 3325111) [0x7fffcb232cb7]
1 CGGStateRelease + 57 (CoreGraphics + 3756223) [0x7fffcb29c0bf]
1 stroke_state_release + 71 (CoreGraphics + 3526527) [0x7fffcb263f7f]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 +[NSString(NSStringDrawing) setTypesetterBehavior:] + 1 (UIFoundation + 152851) [0x7fffdd600513]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 objc_msgSend + 63 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27519) [0x7fffdf804b7f] (running)
1 objc_msgSend + 33 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27489) [0x7fffdf804b61] (running)
1 -[NSView(NSLayerKitGlue) _drawViewBackingLayer:inContext:drawingHandler:] + 657 (AppKit + 1722057) [0x7fffc87856c9]
1 objc_msgSend + 44 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27500) [0x7fffdf804b6c] (running)
1 -[NSView(NSLayerKitGlue) _drawViewBackingLayer:inContext:drawingHandler:] + 1526 (AppKit + 1722926) [0x7fffc8785a2e]
1 -[_NSDisplayOperationStack enterDisplayOperationForWindow:windowRegion:] + 179 (AppKit + 1670149) [0x7fffc8778c05] (running)
5 CABackingStoreUpdate_ + 1020 (QuartzCore + 75892) [0x7fffd0847874]
5 CABackingStoreSynchronize(CABackingStore*, CA::GenericContext*, unsigned int, int) + 75 (QuartzCore + 79709) [0x7fffd084875d]
5 CA::Context::synchronize(unsigned int, int) + 121 (QuartzCore + 1146937) [0x7fffd094d039]
4 _CASSynchronize + 69 (QuartzCore + 1565549) [0x7fffd09b336d]
4 _CASSynchronize_ + 116 (QuartzCore + 338867) [0x7fffd0887bb3]
4 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*4 hndl_mach_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671590) [0xffffff80002a3f66]
*4 mach_call_munger64 + 430 (kernel + 2039726) [0xffffff80003f1fae]
*4 mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 327 (kernel + 951191) [0xffffff80002e8397]
*2 ipc_kmsg_send + 1036 (kernel + 869132) [0xffffff80002d430c]
*2 ipc_mqueue_send + 133 (kernel + 884805) [0xffffff80002d8045]
*2 ipc_mqueue_post + 1260 (kernel + 886444) [0xffffff80002d86ac]
*2 ??? (kernel + 669507) [0xffffff80002a3743]
*2 kernel_trap + 1064 (kernel + 2120104) [0xffffff80004059a8]
*2 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*2 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*2 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*2 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
*2 ipc_kmsg_send + 85 (kernel + 868181) [0xffffff80002d3f55]
*1 return_to_iret + 288 (kernel + 670252) [0xffffff80002a3a2c]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
*1 ipc_voucher_send_preprocessing + 165 (kernel + 942021) [0xffffff80002e5fc5]
*1 ipc_create_mach_voucher + 238 (kernel + 933678) [0xffffff80002e3f2e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 934485) [0xffffff80002e4255]
*1 ??? (kernel + 938362) [0xffffff80002e517a]
*1 usimple_lock + 0 (kernel + 2085584) [0xffffff80003fd2d0] (running)
1 _CASSynchronize + 112 (QuartzCore + 1565592) [0x7fffd09b3398]
1 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*1 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830] (runnable)
2 CABackingStoreUpdate_ + 3257 (QuartzCore + 78129) [0x7fffd0848131]
2 CAGetCachedCGBitmapContext + 9 (QuartzCore + 1781811) [0x7fffd09e8033]
1 CGBitmapContextSetData + 1 (CoreGraphics + 289496) [0x7fffcaf4dad8]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 CAGetCachedCGBitmapContext_(void*, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned long, CGColorSpace*) + 471 (QuartzCore + 1782298) [0x7fffd09e821a]
1 CGBitmapContextSetData + 179 (CoreGraphics + 289674) [0x7fffcaf4db8a]
1 __CGBitmapContextDelegateData + 259 (CoreGraphics + 573794) [0x7fffcaf93162]
1 RIPLayerCreateWithData + 207 (CoreGraphics + 4169001) [0x7fffcb300d29]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 objc_msgSend + 44 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27500) [0x7fffdf804b6c] (running)
1 CA::Layer::display_() + 1864 (QuartzCore + 1245442) [0x7fffd0965102]
1 CA::Layer::begin_change(CA::Transaction*, unsigned int, objc_object*&) + 140 (QuartzCore + 1202368) [0x7fffd095a8c0]
1 actionForKey(CALayer*, CA::Transaction*, NSString*) + 76 (QuartzCore + 1202482) [0x7fffd095a932]
1 -[CALayer actionForKey:] + 95 (QuartzCore + 1221288) [0x7fffd095f2a8]
1 -[NSView actionForLayer:forKey:] + 73 (AppKit + 346008) [0x7fffc8635798]
1 -[NSAnimationContext allowsImplicitAnimation] + 31 (AppKit + 335886) [0x7fffc863300e]
1 +[CATransaction valueForKey:] + 31 (QuartzCore + 1585826) [0x7fffd09b82a2]
1 CFStringGetCStringPtr + 0 (CoreFoundation + 81936) [0x7fffcaa86010]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[_NSViewBackingLayer display] + 715 (AppKit + 1664135) [0x7fffc8777487]
1 -[CALayer(NSSuggestedContentsScale) NS_suggestedContentsScaleSize] + 97 (AppKit + 1720987) [0x7fffc878529b]
1 -[CAContext(NSSuggestedContentsScale) _NS_accumulateSuggestedScaleBelow::] + 26 (AppKit + 2328893) [0x7fffc881993d]
1 -[CAContext(NSDefaultContentsScale) NS_defaultContentsScale] + 56 (AppKit + 2328976) [0x7fffc8819990]
1 std::__1::__tree_iterator<std::__1::__value_type<void*, objc_references_support::ObjcAssociation>, std::__1::__tree_node<std::__1::__value_type<void*, objc_references_support::ObjcAssociation>, void*>*, long> std::__1::__tree<std::__1::__value_type<void*, objc_references_support::ObjcAssociation>, std::__1::__map_value_compare<void*, std::__1::__value_type<void*, objc_references_support::ObjcAssociation>, objc_references_support::ObjectPointerLess, true>, objc_references_support::ObjcAllocator<std::__1::__value_type<void*, objc_references_support::ObjcAssociation> > >::find<void*>(void* const&) + 4 (libobjc.A.dylib + 118284) [0x7fffdf81ae0c]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
7 CA::Context::commit_transaction(CA::Transaction*) + 1975 (QuartzCore + 1154839) [0x7fffd094ef17]
7 CA::Render::Encoder::send_message(unsigned int, unsigned int) + 674 (QuartzCore + 1278772) [0x7fffd096d334]
7 CA::Render::Message::send_message() + 43 (QuartzCore + 1273509) [0x7fffd096bea5]
7 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*7 hndl_mach_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671590) [0xffffff80002a3f66]
*7 mach_call_munger64 + 430 (kernel + 2039726) [0xffffff80003f1fae]
*7 mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 327 (kernel + 951191) [0xffffff80002e8397]
*7 ipc_kmsg_send + 1036 (kernel + 869132) [0xffffff80002d430c]
*7 ipc_mqueue_send + 133 (kernel + 884805) [0xffffff80002d8045]
*7 ipc_mqueue_post + 1260 (kernel + 886444) [0xffffff80002d86ac]
*7 ??? (kernel + 669507) [0xffffff80002a3743]
*7 kernel_trap + 1064 (kernel + 2120104) [0xffffff80004059a8]
*7 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*7 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*7 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*7 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
3 CA::Context::commit_transaction(CA::Transaction*) + 2447 (QuartzCore + 1155311) [0x7fffd094f0ef]
3 _dispatch_global_queue_poke_slow + 60 (libdispatch.dylib + 105813) [0x7fffe00d5d55]
3 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*3 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
2 CA::Context::commit_transaction(CA::Transaction*) + 291 (QuartzCore + 1153155) [0x7fffd094e883]
2 CA::Layer::prepare_commit(CA::Transaction*) + 458 (QuartzCore + 1197284) [0x7fffd09594e4]
2 x_heap_free + 43 (QuartzCore + 1170185) [0x7fffd0952b09]
*2 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*2 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*2 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*2 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*2 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*2 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 pthread_mutex_lock + 7 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 5379) [0x7fffe0309503]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[NSUIHeartBeat _heartBeatThread:] + 752 (AppKit + 3211306) [0x7fffc88f102a]
1 +[CATransaction(CATransactionPrivate) activateBackground:] + 34 (QuartzCore + 1586358) [0x7fffd09b84b6]
1 CA::Transaction::ensure_implicit() + 160 (QuartzCore + 70054) [0x7fffd08461a6]
1 pthread_mutex_lock + 7 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 5379) [0x7fffe0309503]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 -[NSUIHeartBeat _heartBeatThread:] + 2066 (AppKit + 3212620) [0x7fffc88f154c]
1 -[NSProgressIndicator heartBeat:] + 956 (AppKit + 3214464) [0x7fffc88f1c80]
1 -[NSView setNeedsDisplay:] + 81 (AppKit + 146754) [0x7fffc8604d42]
1 -[NSView setNeedsDisplayInRect:] + 48 (AppKit + 147107) [0x7fffc8604ea3]
1 NSViewSetNeedsDisplayInRect + 897 (AppKit + 148013) [0x7fffc860522d]
1 -[NSView(NSInternal) _setLayerNeedsDisplayInViewRect:] + 473 (AppKit + 344906) [0x7fffc863534a]
1 -[CALayer setNeedsDisplay] + 62 (QuartzCore + 1231153) [0x7fffd0961931]
1 -[_NSBackingLayer setNeedsDisplayInRect:] + 61 (AppKit + 341972) [0x7fffc86347d4]
1 objc_msgSend + 26 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27482) [0x7fffdf804b5a] (running)
1 -[NSUIHeartBeat _heartBeatThread:] + 2670 (AppKit + 3213224) [0x7fffc88f17a8]
1 _CFAutoreleasePoolPop + 22 (CoreFoundation + 282886) [0x7fffcaab7106]
1 (anonymous namespace)::AutoreleasePoolPage::pop(void*) + 1039 (libobjc.A.dylib + 40775) [0x7fffdf807f47]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 return_to_iret + 288 (kernel + 670252) [0xffffff80002a3a2c]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 -[NSUIHeartBeat _heartBeatThread:] + 2712 (AppKit + 3213266) [0x7fffc88f17d2]
1 -[NSUIHeartBeat _isSpinning] + 14 (AppKit + 3213479) [0x7fffc88f18a7]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
1 objc_msgSend + 44 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27500) [0x7fffdf804b6c] (running)
Thread <multiple> DispatchQueue 10 18 samples (15-993 with gaps of 961) priority 30-47 (base 31-47) cpu time 0.002
18 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
18 _pthread_wqthread + 1299 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14098) [0x7fffe030b712]
18 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 99 (libdispatch.dylib + 15431) [0x7fffe00bfc47]
16 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 476 (libdispatch.dylib + 15984) [0x7fffe00bfe70]
16 _dispatch_queue_override_invoke + 743 (libdispatch.dylib + 70246) [0x7fffe00cd266]
16 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 8376) [0x7fffe00be0b8]
9 async_collect_callback(void*) + 101 (QuartzCore + 81380) [0x7fffd0848de4]
8 CA::call_at_time(void (*)(double, void*), double, void*) + 187 (QuartzCore + 73656) [0x7fffd0846fb8]
5 CFRunLoopTimerSetNextFireDate + 517 (CoreFoundation + 628629) [0x7fffcab0b795]
5 __CFRepositionTimerInMode + 127 (CoreFoundation + 367167) [0x7fffcaacba3f]
5 mk_timer_arm + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74994) [0x7fffe021b4f2]
*5 hndl_mach_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671590) [0xffffff80002a3f66]
*5 mach_call_munger64 + 430 (kernel + 2039726) [0xffffff80003f1fae]
*5 mk_timer_arm_trap + 308 (kernel + 1062036) [0xffffff8000303494]
*5 ??? (kernel + 669507) [0xffffff80002a3743]
*5 kernel_trap + 1064 (kernel + 2120104) [0xffffff80004059a8]
*5 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*5 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*5 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*5 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
2 CFRunLoopTimerSetNextFireDate + 710 (CoreFoundation + 628822) [0x7fffcab0b856]
2 __psynch_mutexdrop + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 105630) [0x7fffe0222c9e]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671558) [0xffffff80002a3f46]
*1 unix_syscall64 + 586 (kernel + 6452170) [0xffffff80008273ca]
*1 psynch_mutexdrop + 50 (kernel + 6254850) [0xffffff80007f7102]
*1 _psynch_mutexdrop + 556 (pthread + 34490) [0xffffff7f80f296ba]
*1 ksyn_mtxsignal + 444 (pthread + 35368) [0xffffff7f80f29a28]
*1 ksyn_signal + 90 (pthread + 35512) [0xffffff7f80f29ab8]
*1 thread_wakeup_prim + 66 (kernel + 1100690) [0xffffff800030cb92]
*1 waitq_wakeup64_one + 200 (kernel + 1284456) [0xffffff8000339968]
*1 ??? (kernel + 669507) [0xffffff80002a3743]
*1 kernel_trap + 1064 (kernel + 2120104) [0xffffff80004059a8]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 CFRelease + 51 (CoreFoundation + 56483) [0x7fffcaa7fca3]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 _os_unfair_lock_unlock_slow + 42 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 21764) [0x7fffe0304504]
1 __ulock_wake + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107466) [0x7fffe02233ca]
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671558) [0xffffff80002a3f46]
*1 unix_syscall64 + 586 (kernel + 6452170) [0xffffff80008273ca]
*1 ulock_wake + 395 (kernel + 5931595) [0xffffff80007a824b]
*1 ??? (kernel + 5930955) [0xffffff80007a7fcb]
*1 lck_mtx_unlock + 184 (kernel + 656616) [0xffffff80002a04e8]
*1 ??? (kernel + 669507) [0xffffff80002a3743]
*1 kernel_trap + 1064 (kernel + 2120104) [0xffffff80004059a8]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
7 async_collect_callback(void*) + 30 (QuartzCore + 81309) [0x7fffd0848d9d]
5 CA::call_at_time(void (*)(double, void*), double, void*) + 187 (QuartzCore + 73656) [0x7fffd0846fb8]
3 CFRunLoopTimerSetNextFireDate + 737 (CoreFoundation + 628849) [0x7fffcab0b871]
2 CFRunLoopWakeUp + 204 (CoreFoundation + 472940) [0x7fffcaae576c]
2 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*2 hndl_mach_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671590) [0xffffff80002a3f66]
*2 mach_call_munger64 + 430 (kernel + 2039726) [0xffffff80003f1fae]
*1 mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 287 (kernel + 951151) [0xffffff80002e836f]
*1 ipc_kmsg_copyin + 39 (kernel + 876311) [0xffffff80002d5f17]
*1 ipc_kmsg_copyin_header + 264 (kernel + 870600) [0xffffff80002d48c8]
*1 usimple_lock + 117 (kernel + 2085701) [0xffffff80003fd345] (running)
*1 mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 327 (kernel + 951191) [0xffffff80002e8397]
*1 ipc_kmsg_send + 1036 (kernel + 869132) [0xffffff80002d430c]
*1 ipc_mqueue_send + 133 (kernel + 884805) [0xffffff80002d8045]
*1 ipc_mqueue_post + 1260 (kernel + 886444) [0xffffff80002d86ac]
*1 ??? (kernel + 669507) [0xffffff80002a3743]
*1 kernel_trap + 1064 (kernel + 2120104) [0xffffff80004059a8]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 CFRunLoopWakeUp + 240 (CoreFoundation + 472976) [0x7fffcaae5790]
1 __psynch_mutexdrop + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 105630) [0x7fffe0222c9e]
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671558) [0xffffff80002a3f46]
*1 unix_syscall64 + 586 (kernel + 6452170) [0xffffff80008273ca]
*1 psynch_mutexdrop + 50 (kernel + 6254850) [0xffffff80007f7102]
*1 _psynch_mutexdrop + 556 (pthread + 34490) [0xffffff7f80f296ba]
*1 ksyn_mtxsignal + 444 (pthread + 35368) [0xffffff7f80f29a28]
*1 ksyn_signal + 90 (pthread + 35512) [0xffffff7f80f29ab8]
*1 thread_wakeup_prim + 66 (kernel + 1100690) [0xffffff800030cb92]
*1 waitq_wakeup64_one + 200 (kernel + 1284456) [0xffffff8000339968] (running)
1 CFRelease + 3 (CoreFoundation + 56435) [0x7fffcaa7fc73]
*1 return_from_trap + 175 (kernel + 669455) [0xffffff80002a370f]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 CFRunLoopTimerSetNextFireDate + 517 (CoreFoundation + 628629) [0x7fffcab0b795]
1 __CFRepositionTimerInMode + 127 (CoreFoundation + 367167) [0x7fffcaacba3f]
1 mk_timer_arm + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74994) [0x7fffe021b4f2]
*1 hndl_mach_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671590) [0xffffff80002a3f66]
*1 mach_call_munger64 + 430 (kernel + 2039726) [0xffffff80003f1fae]
*1 mk_timer_arm_trap + 308 (kernel + 1062036) [0xffffff8000303494]
*1 ??? (kernel + 669507) [0xffffff80002a3743]
*1 kernel_trap + 1064 (kernel + 2120104) [0xffffff80004059a8]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 CABackingStoreCollect + 30 (QuartzCore + 80348) [0x7fffd08489dc]
1 CABackingStoreCollect_(double, bool) + 572 (QuartzCore + 80999) [0x7fffd0848c67]
1 CABackingStoreDeleteBuffer(CABackingStoreBuffer*) + 45 (QuartzCore + 74721) [0x7fffd08473e1]
1 CA::Render::Shmem::~Shmem() + 14 (QuartzCore + 149868) [0x7fffd085996c]
1 CA::Render::Shmem::~Shmem() + 79 (QuartzCore + 149787) [0x7fffd085991b]
1 _kernelrpc_mach_vm_deallocate_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74430) [0x7fffe021b2be]
*1 hndl_mach_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671590) [0xffffff80002a3f66]
*1 mach_call_munger64 + 430 (kernel + 2039726) [0xffffff80003f1fae]
*1 _kernelrpc_mach_vm_deallocate_trap + 134 (kernel + 945238) [0xffffff80002e6c56]
*1 vm_map_remove + 108 (kernel + 1546940) [0xffffff8000379abc]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1548728) [0xffffff800037a1b8]
*1 pmap_remove_options + 1178 (kernel + 2021338) [0xffffff80003ed7da]
*1 pmap_remove_range_options + 1623 (kernel + 2018135) [0xffffff80003ecb57] (running)
1 _os_unfair_lock_unlock_slow + 42 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 21764) [0x7fffe0304504]
1 __ulock_wake + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107466) [0x7fffe02233ca]
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671558) [0xffffff80002a3f46]
*1 unix_syscall64 + 586 (kernel + 6452170) [0xffffff80008273ca]
*1 ulock_wake + 395 (kernel + 5931595) [0xffffff80007a824b]
*1 ??? (kernel + 5930955) [0xffffff80007a7fcb]
*1 lck_mtx_unlock + 184 (kernel + 656616) [0xffffff80002a04e8]
*1 ??? (kernel + 669507) [0xffffff80002a3743]
*1 kernel_trap + 1064 (kernel + 2120104) [0xffffff80004059a8]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
2 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 404 (libdispatch.dylib + 15912) [0x7fffe00bfe28]
2 _dispatch_global_queue_poke_slow + 60 (libdispatch.dylib + 105813) [0x7fffe00d5d55]
2 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*2 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
Thread 0x5530 10 samples (59-952 with gaps of 884) priority 31-37 (base 31-37) cpu time <0.001
10 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
10 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*10 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
Thread <multiple> DispatchQueue 201 7 samples (65-995 with gaps of 924) priority 37-47 (base 37-47) cpu time <0.001
7 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
7 _pthread_wqthread + 1299 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14098) [0x7fffe030b712]
7 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 99 (libdispatch.dylib + 15431) [0x7fffe00bfc47]
7 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 476 (libdispatch.dylib + 15984) [0x7fffe00bfe70]
7 _dispatch_queue_override_invoke + 369 (libdispatch.dylib + 69872) [0x7fffe00cd0f0]
7 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 1046 (libdispatch.dylib + 44249) [0x7fffe00c6cd9]
7 _dispatch_queue_serial_drain + 896 (libdispatch.dylib + 101093) [0x7fffe00d4ae5]
7 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 8376) [0x7fffe00be0b8]
7 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12 (libdispatch.dylib + 44791) [0x7fffe00c6ef7]
7 CGSUpdateManager::enable_update(unsigned long long) + 526 (SkyLight + 1260434) [0x7fffdc491b92]
7 _CGSReenableUpdateForConnectionSync + 99 (SkyLight + 1264978) [0x7fffdc492d52]
7 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*6 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
*1 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830] (runnable)
Thread 0x552f 7 samples (58-140 with gaps of 76) priority 30-37 (base 31-37) cpu time <0.001
7 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
7 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*7 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
Thread 0x5639 DispatchQueue 170 2 samples (991-992) priority 0-37 (base 37) cpu time <0.001
2 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
2 _pthread_wqthread + 1299 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14098) [0x7fffe030b712]
2 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 99 (libdispatch.dylib + 15431) [0x7fffe00bfc47]
2 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 476 (libdispatch.dylib + 15984) [0x7fffe00bfe70]
2 _dispatch_queue_override_invoke + 369 (libdispatch.dylib + 69872) [0x7fffe00cd0f0]
2 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 1046 (libdispatch.dylib + 44249) [0x7fffe00c6cd9]
2 _dispatch_queue_serial_drain + 896 (libdispatch.dylib + 101093) [0x7fffe00d4ae5]
2 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 8376) [0x7fffe00be0b8]
2 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12 (libdispatch.dylib + 44791) [0x7fffe00c6ef7]
2 ___ZN2CI9GLContext16render_root_nodeEPNS_11ProgramNodeERK6CGRectU13block_pointerFvvE_block_invoke + 44 (CoreImage + 1613040) [0x7fffcb734cf0]
2 glClientWaitSync_Exec + 523 (GLEngine + 339352) [0x10d9b9d98]
2 swtch_pri + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74874) [0x7fffe021b47a]
*2 ??? (kernel + 1143520) [0xffffff80003172e0] (runnable)
Thread 0x537f 2 samples (65-66) priority 31 (base 31) cpu time <0.001
2 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
2 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*1 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
*1 Thread_continue + 8 (kernel + 657864) [0xffffff80002a09c8]
*1 thread_continue + 114 (kernel + 1102658) [0xffffff800030d342]
*1 ??? (kernel + 669507) [0xffffff80002a3743]
*1 kernel_trap + 1064 (kernel + 2120104) [0xffffff80004059a8]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
Thread 0x552f DispatchQueue 11 1 sample (59) priority 30 (base 31) cpu time <0.001
1 ??? [0xa765d8b9d2080020]
1 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
1 _pthread_wqthread + 1004 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13803) [0x7fffe030b5eb]
1 _dispatch_kevent_worker_thread + 978 (libdispatch.dylib + 115120) [0x7fffe00d81b0]
1 _dispatch_root_queue_drain_deferred_item + 284 (libdispatch.dylib + 103313) [0x7fffe00d5391]
1 _dispatch_mach_invoke + 868 (libdispatch.dylib + 27707) [0x7fffe00c2c3b]
1 _dispatch_queue_serial_drain + 443 (libdispatch.dylib + 100640) [0x7fffe00d4920]
1 _dispatch_mach_msg_invoke + 414 (libdispatch.dylib + 33537) [0x7fffe00c4301]
1 _dispatch_client_callout4 + 9 (libdispatch.dylib + 32454) [0x7fffe00c3ec6]
1 _xpc_connection_mach_event + 1707 (libxpc.dylib + 39263) [0x7fffe035195f]
1 _xpc_connection_call_event_handler + 35 (libxpc.dylib + 44950) [0x7fffe0352f96]
1 LSNotificationReceiver::receiveNotificationFromServer(_xpc_connection_s*, void*) + 328 (LaunchServices + 38504) [0x7fffcbcc7668]
1 _dispatch_global_queue_poke_slow + 60 (libdispatch.dylib + 105813) [0x7fffe00d5d55]
1 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
Thread 0x5639 DispatchQueue 209 1 sample (983) priority 31 (base 31) cpu time <0.001
1 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
1 _pthread_wqthread + 1299 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14098) [0x7fffe030b712]
1 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 99 (libdispatch.dylib + 15431) [0x7fffe00bfc47]
1 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 476 (libdispatch.dylib + 15984) [0x7fffe00bfe70]
1 _dispatch_source_invoke + 822 (libdispatch.dylib + 18252) [0x7fffe00c074c]
1 _dispatch_queue_serial_drain + 896 (libdispatch.dylib + 101093) [0x7fffe00d4ae5]
1 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 8376) [0x7fffe00be0b8]
1 kevent_qos + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 110170) [0x7fffe0223e5a]
*1 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671558) [0xffffff80002a3f46]
*1 unix_syscall64 + 586 (kernel + 6452170) [0xffffff80008273ca]
*1 kevent_qos + 94 (kernel + 5639822) [0xffffff8000760e8e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 5629243) [0xffffff800075e53b]
*1 return_to_iret + 288 (kernel + 670252) [0xffffff80002a3a2c]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
Thread 0x552f DispatchQueue 268 1 sample (60) priority 36 (base 37) cpu time <0.001
1 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
1 _pthread_wqthread + 1299 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14098) [0x7fffe030b712]
1 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 99 (libdispatch.dylib + 15431) [0x7fffe00bfc47]
1 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 476 (libdispatch.dylib + 15984) [0x7fffe00bfe70]
1 _dispatch_queue_override_invoke + 369 (libdispatch.dylib + 69872) [0x7fffe00cd0f0]
1 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 1046 (libdispatch.dylib + 44249) [0x7fffe00c6cd9]
1 _dispatch_queue_serial_drain + 896 (libdispatch.dylib + 101093) [0x7fffe00d4ae5]
1 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 8376) [0x7fffe00be0b8]
1 _xpc_connection_call_reply + 36 (libxpc.dylib + 40231) [0x7fffe0351d27]
1 _xpc_connection_reply_callout + 45 (libxpc.dylib + 40345) [0x7fffe0351d99]
1 __95-[NSXPCConnection _sendInvocation:withProxy:remoteInterface:withErrorHandler:timeout:userInfo:]_block_invoke.318 + 261 (Foundation + 2989447) [0x7fffcc7e0d87]
1 -[NSXPCConnection _decodeAndInvokeReplyBlockWithData:sequence:replyInfo:] + 791 (Foundation + 188225) [0x7fffcc534f41]
1 __NSXPCCONNECTION_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_REPLY_BLOCK__ + 17 (Foundation + 199279) [0x7fffcc537a6f]
1 -[NSInvocation invoke] + 289 (CoreFoundation + 533857) [0x7fffcaaf4561]
1 __invoking___ + 140 (CoreFoundation + 534236) [0x7fffcaaf46dc]
1 __27-[IMKInputSession activate]_block_invoke.240 + 837 (HIToolbox + 2553205) [0x7fffca2c0575]
1 -[IMKInputSessionXPCInvocation invocationInterruptXPCReply] + 261 (HIToolbox + 2543961) [0x7fffca2be159]
1 CFRunLoopWakeUp + 240 (CoreFoundation + 472976) [0x7fffcaae5790]
1 __psynch_mutexdrop + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 105630) [0x7fffe0222c9e]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
Thread 0x5530 DispatchQueue 530 1 sample (996) priority 31 (base 31) cpu time <0.001
1 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
1 _pthread_wqthread + 1299 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14098) [0x7fffe030b712]
1 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 99 (libdispatch.dylib + 15431) [0x7fffe00bfc47]
1 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 476 (libdispatch.dylib + 15984) [0x7fffe00bfe70]
1 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 1046 (libdispatch.dylib + 44249) [0x7fffe00c6cd9]
1 _dispatch_queue_serial_drain + 896 (libdispatch.dylib + 101093) [0x7fffe00d4ae5]
1 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 8376) [0x7fffe00be0b8]
1 __NSOQSchedule_f + 201 (Foundation + 255387) [0x7fffcc54559b]
1 -[__NSOperationInternal _start:] + 672 (Foundation + 272100) [0x7fffcc5496e4]
1 -[NSBlockOperation main] + 101 (Foundation + 278460) [0x7fffcc54afbc]
1 __NSBLOCKOPERATION_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_BLOCK__ + 7 (Foundation + 279257) [0x7fffcc54b2d9]
1 __37-[NSUIHeartBeat updateHeartBeatState]_block_invoke.140 + 60 (AppKit + 9161662) [0x7fffc8e9dbbe]
1 -[NSLock lock] + 145 (Foundation + 33154) [0x7fffcc50f182]
1 __psynch_mutexwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 105654) [0x7fffe0222cb6]
*1 psynch_mtxcontinue + 0 (pthread + 31396) [0xffffff7f80f28aa4]
Thread 0x5639 1 sample (986) priority 37 (base 37)
1 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
1 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*1 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
Binary Images:
0x10a425000 - 0x10a482fff 10.12 (968) <30EDEB4B-0491-33FB-9603-BA7FC726E8F2> /Applications/Utilities/Activity Monitor
0x10d967000 - 0x10db0dfff GLEngine (13.0.10) <BCEDD508-5670-307C-ACC0-4B4740CE6D85> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Resources/GLEngine.bundle/GLEngine
0x10e4dc000 - 0x10ed55fff 10.2.12 (10.0.2) <2EC4E619-0583-31DE-AD28-5721CF48F47E> /System/Library/Extensions/GeForceTeslaGLDriver.bundle/Contents/MacOS/GeForceTeslaGLDriver
0x7fffc85e1000 - 0x7fffc93b2fff 6.9 (1504.76) <AF99A491-3175-362D-B313-074A3F87E49A> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x7fffc97ee000 - 0x7fffc983efff 1.22 (591) <34C950CC-1084-354A-BCE6-9396EDB29DF8> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIServices.framework/Versions/A/HIServices
0x7fffca051000 - 0x7fffca359fff 2.1.1 (856.11) <11F1BAA6-547C-37CB-88DE-6C4B698AFF37> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x7fffcaa72000 - 0x7fffcaf06fff 6.9 (1348.28) <0F1FAA52-1C06-327E-A170-382B48B1846D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fffcaf07000 - 0x7fffcb5aafff 2.0 (1070.13) <1C8DB6D6-6952-337F-BCF3-5B068FB7C632> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/CoreGraphics
0x7fffcb5ab000 - 0x7fffcb7edfff 12.2.0 (451.2.6) <FA735717-BE82-397E-B0DC-71D83682D2F7> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreImage.framework/Versions/A/CoreImage
0x7fffcb9a5000 - 0x7fffcbc80fff 1159.5 (1159.5) <11CC2194-0C9C-397A-B7F9-CDAB9B68D87D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonCore.framework/Versions/A/CarbonCore
0x7fffcbcbe000 - 0x7fffcbe2afff 775.9.7 (775.9.7) <E350E4F6-822A-3F04-B59B-468A39AF5C64> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/LaunchServices
0x7fffcc080000 - 0x7fffcc1ccfff 352.0 (544.5) <E90EA1D8-3491-3014-9043-9928C4E4349C> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreText.framework/Versions/A/CoreText
0x7fffcc507000 - 0x7fffcc8aefff 6.9 (1349.25) <D820A498-2E62-367D-BC72-5845B14C06E3> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fffcca6f000 - 0x7fffccb04fff 2.0.2 (1324.30.13) <163BE7FA-B29A-348F-8B5F-E301F2E8C964> /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit
0x7fffd0835000 - 0x7fffd0a30fff 1.11 (449.41.15) <32D80183-DCE4-34A7-AA46-DD1DE0DAA859> /System/Library/Frameworks/QuartzCore.framework/Versions/A/QuartzCore
0x7fffd6740000 - 0x7fffd687efff 2.1 (430.6) <99D08D71-3E9D-300C-9EB2-A73F1B5E228C> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreUI.framework/Versions/A/CoreUI
0x7fffdc35e000 - 0x7fffdc5ccfff 1.600.0 (122.8) <C65A18FE-3021-38F2-9AA1-9527B0ADD4A2> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SkyLight.framework/Versions/A/SkyLight
0x7fffdd5db000 - 0x7fffdd76bfff 1.0 (490.7) <047781ED-9E79-361F-8E04-71FF90C650F3> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/UIFoundation.framework/Versions/A/UIFoundation
0x7fffdf7fe000 - 0x7fffdfbd3fff libobjc.A.dylib (706) <47104A1B-13E8-369F-BC36-27FF465809FD> /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
0x7fffe00bc000 - 0x7fffe00eefff libdispatch.dylib (703.30.5) <EA0CC14E-D559-3802-B4B2-0E8C7579AAC4> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fffe00ef000 - 0x7fffe00f4fff libdyld.dylib (421.2) <E5A2414F-2480-3BB2-BE94-176119A80876> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fffe0129000 - 0x7fffe01b6fff libsystem_c.dylib (1158.30.7) <2F881962-03CB-3B9D-A782-D98C1BBA4E3D> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib
0x7fffe0209000 - 0x7fffe022bfff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3789.31.2) <FCEEBBD4-DF66-34D8-A32F-4F8C8E814E40> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fffe0274000 - 0x7fffe0292fff libsystem_malloc.dylib (116.30.3) <F40DEE3B-386A-3529-A3F7-98117ED55BF4> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_malloc.dylib
0x7fffe02ff000 - 0x7fffe0307fff libsystem_platform.dylib (126.1.2) <3CA06D4E-C00A-36DE-AA65-3A390097D1F6> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_platform.dylib
0x7fffe0308000 - 0x7fffe0312fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (218.30.1) <C869ED7C-BE29-3532-8E69-3A8DA1447EDC> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
0x7fffe0348000 - 0x7fffe0371fff libxpc.dylib (972.30.7) <65E41BB6-EBD5-3D93-B0BE-B190CEE4DD93> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f21000 - 0xffffff7f80f2cfff 1.0 (1) <479F2E9E-1F15-3D76-A407-DB04C1277527> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff7f82b01000 - 0xffffff7f82b90fff 10.2.12 (10.0.2) <7ACF4782-CBC3-39FA-BE6D-38EBD8B84E35> /System/Library/Extensions/GeForceTesla.kext/Contents/MacOS/GeForceTesla
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3789.31.2) <8DF81F81-019F-348E-B47E-40A4484B9E21> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: AirPlayUIAgent [488]
Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Tracked
Task size: 5 MB
CPU Time: <0.001
Note: 1 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x11a6 DispatchQueue 1 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 46 (base 46)
1002 <truncated backtrace>
1002 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*1002 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
Thread 0x11e5 Thread name "" 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 46 (base 46)
1002 <truncated backtrace>
1002 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*1002 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
Binary Images:
0x10b518000 - 0x10b522fff 2.0 (310.15) <1C14FE2D-C2A1-3C04-9F69-8549B2A9B978> /System/Library/CoreServices/
0x7fffe0209000 - 0x7fffe022bfff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3789.31.2) <FCEEBBD4-DF66-34D8-A32F-4F8C8E814E40> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3789.31.2) <8DF81F81-019F-348E-B47E-40A4484B9E21> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: AirPlayXPCHelper [113]
Path: /usr/libexec/AirPlayXPCHelper
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Task size: 3 MB
CPU Time: <0.001
Note: 1 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x4d6 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 20 (base 20)
1002 <truncated backtrace>
1002 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107130) [0x7fffe022327a]
*1002 ??? (kernel + 5813680) [0xffffff800078b5b0]
Binary Images:
0x105cea000 - 0x105cebfff AirPlayXPCHelper (310.15) <BD7D3072-8365-3B70-BA8B-F6837C255ABC> /usr/libexec/AirPlayXPCHelper
0x7fffe0209000 - 0x7fffe022bfff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3789.31.2) <FCEEBBD4-DF66-34D8-A32F-4F8C8E814E40> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3789.31.2) <8DF81F81-019F-348E-B47E-40A4484B9E21> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: airportd [71]
Path: /usr/libexec/airportd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Tracked
Task size: 6 MB (-1)
Note: 1 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x22d DispatchQueue 1 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 4 (base 4)
1002 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 21077) [0x7fffe00f4255]
1002 ??? (airportd + 298014) [0x106e18c1e]
1002 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) run] + 76 (Foundation + 140522) [0x7fffcc5294ea]
1002 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 277 (Foundation + 140818) [0x7fffcc529612]
1002 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 420 (CoreFoundation + 543572) [0x7fffcaaf6b54]
1002 __CFRunLoopRun + 1361 (CoreFoundation + 545537) [0x7fffcaaf7301]
1002 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 548484) [0x7fffcaaf7e84]
1002 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*1002 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
Thread 0x4e2 Thread name "" 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 4 (base 4)
1002 <truncated backtrace>
1002 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 106314) [0x7fffe0222f4a]
*1002 ??? (kernel + 5813680) [0xffffff800078b5b0]
Thread 0x4e45 Thread name "NetworkLoad" 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 4 (base 4)
1002 <truncated backtrace>
1002 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*1002 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
Binary Images:
0x106dd0000 - 0x106eebfff airportd (1200.41) <2F065067-9A5D-3380-A846-773BE6569736> /usr/libexec/airportd
0x7fffcaa72000 - 0x7fffcaf06fff 6.9 (1348.28) <0F1FAA52-1C06-327E-A170-382B48B1846D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fffcc507000 - 0x7fffcc8aefff 6.9 (1349.25) <D820A498-2E62-367D-BC72-5845B14C06E3> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fffe00ef000 - 0x7fffe00f4fff libdyld.dylib (421.2) <E5A2414F-2480-3BB2-BE94-176119A80876> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fffe0209000 - 0x7fffe022bfff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3789.31.2) <FCEEBBD4-DF66-34D8-A32F-4F8C8E814E40> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3789.31.2) <8DF81F81-019F-348E-B47E-40A4484B9E21> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: akd [498]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AuthKit.framework/Versions/A/Support/akd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Tracked (allows idle exit)
Task size: 5 MB
CPU Time: <0.001
Note: 3 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x11f8 DispatchQueue 1 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 4 (base 4)
1002 <truncated backtrace>
1002 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*1002 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
Thread 0x1204 Thread name "" 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 4 (base 4)
1002 <truncated backtrace>
1002 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*1002 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
Thread 0x54b3 448 samples (34-481) priority 4 (base 4)
448 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
448 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*448 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
Thread 0x558b 12 samples (478-489) priority 4 (base 4) cpu time <0.001
12 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
8 _pthread_wqthread + 1486 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14285) [0x7fffe030b7cd]
8 _pthread_exit + 152 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 21065) [0x7fffe030d249]
8 _pthread_tsd_cleanup + 544 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 21775) [0x7fffe030d50f]
8 _dispatch_alloc_continuation_free + 81 (libdispatch.dylib + 25074) [0x7fffe00c21f2]
*8 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
4 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*4 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
Thread 0x558c 7 samples (483-489) priority 4 (base 4)
7 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
7 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*7 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
Binary Images:
0x10b4ae000 - 0x10b52efff akd (119.2.8) <CCC8E730-A46A-3D1F-94CA-8F67C8ADBC5A> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AuthKit.framework/Versions/A/Support/akd
0x7fffe00bc000 - 0x7fffe00eefff libdispatch.dylib (703.30.5) <EA0CC14E-D559-3802-B4B2-0E8C7579AAC4> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fffe0209000 - 0x7fffe022bfff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3789.31.2) <FCEEBBD4-DF66-34D8-A32F-4F8C8E814E40> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fffe0308000 - 0x7fffe0312fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (218.30.1) <C869ED7C-BE29-3532-8E69-3A8DA1447EDC> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f21000 - 0xffffff7f80f2cfff 1.0 (1) <479F2E9E-1F15-3D76-A407-DB04C1277527> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3789.31.2) <8DF81F81-019F-348E-B47E-40A4484B9E21> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: amfid [438]
Path: /usr/libexec/amfid
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Tracked (allows idle exit)
Task size: 2 MB
Note: 1 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0xf8f 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 31 (base 31)
1002 <truncated backtrace>
1002 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107130) [0x7fffe022327a]
*1002 ??? (kernel + 5813680) [0xffffff800078b5b0]
Binary Images:
0x10af84000 - 0x10af8afff amfid (225.30.2) <558678C6-A94F-3EF8-BA73-059B79EB081C> /usr/libexec/amfid
0x7fffe0209000 - 0x7fffe022bfff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3789.31.2) <FCEEBBD4-DF66-34D8-A32F-4F8C8E814E40> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3789.31.2) <8DF81F81-019F-348E-B47E-40A4484B9E21> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: appleeventsd [60]
Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/appleeventsd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 55
Task size: 3 MB
Note: 1 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x5a4 DispatchQueue 11 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 4 (base 4)
1002 <truncated backtrace>
1002 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107130) [0x7fffe022327a]
*1002 ??? (kernel + 5813680) [0xffffff800078b5b0]
Binary Images:
0x105a39000 - 0x105a39fff appleeventsd (712.2) <682123B8-99BC-3A57-918D-34ED2EA51E4F> /System/Library/CoreServices/appleeventsd
0x7fffe0209000 - 0x7fffe022bfff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3789.31.2) <FCEEBBD4-DF66-34D8-A32F-4F8C8E814E40> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3789.31.2) <8DF81F81-019F-348E-B47E-40A4484B9E21> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: AppleIDAuthAgent [465]
Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/AppleIDAuthAgent
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Tracked (allows idle exit)
Task size: 5 MB
Note: 3 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x10fd DispatchQueue 1 333 samples (1-333) priority 4 (base 4)
333 <truncated backtrace>
333 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*333 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
Thread 0x1102 333 samples (1-333) priority 4 (base 4)
333 <truncated backtrace>
333 semaphore_timedwait_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74718) [0x7fffe021b3de]
*333 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 (kernel + 1140672) [0xffffff80003167c0]
Thread 0x13f3 333 samples (1-333) priority 4 (base 4)
333 <truncated backtrace>
333 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*333 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
Thread 0x13fa Thread name "" 333 samples (1-333) priority 4 (base 4)
333 <truncated backtrace>
333 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*333 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
Thread 0x54ab 300 samples (34-333) priority 4 (base 4)
300 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
300 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*300 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
Binary Images:
0x7fffe0209000 - 0x7fffe022bfff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3789.31.2) <FCEEBBD4-DF66-34D8-A32F-4F8C8E814E40> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fffe0308000 - 0x7fffe0312fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (218.30.1) <C869ED7C-BE29-3532-8E69-3A8DA1447EDC> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f21000 - 0xffffff7f80f2cfff 1.0 (1) <479F2E9E-1F15-3D76-A407-DB04C1277527> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3789.31.2) <8DF81F81-019F-348E-B47E-40A4484B9E21> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: AppleSpell [1662]
Path: /System/Library/Services/AppleSpell.service/Contents/MacOS/AppleSpell
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Tracked
Task size: 17 MB
CPU Time: <0.001
Note: 1 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x50bf 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 31 (base 31)
1002 <truncated backtrace>
1002 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*1002 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
Thread 0x50c9 10 samples (310-839 with gaps of 520) priority 31 (base 31)
9 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
9 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*9 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
1 <truncated backtrace>
1 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*1 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
Binary Images:
0x10dc63000 - 0x10dd5efff 2.4 (383) <5AA4F491-F940-3078-8A7C-D70AA9210D9F> /System/Library/Services/AppleSpell.service/Contents/MacOS/AppleSpell
0x7fffe0209000 - 0x7fffe022bfff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3789.31.2) <FCEEBBD4-DF66-34D8-A32F-4F8C8E814E40> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fffe0308000 - 0x7fffe0312fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (218.30.1) <C869ED7C-BE29-3532-8E69-3A8DA1447EDC> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f21000 - 0xffffff7f80f2cfff 1.0 (1) <479F2E9E-1F15-3D76-A407-DB04C1277527> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3789.31.2) <8DF81F81-019F-348E-B47E-40A4484B9E21> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: apsd [93]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ApplePushService.framework/apsd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Task size: 5 MB
CPU Time: <0.001
Note: 1 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x219 DispatchQueue 1 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 31 (base 31) cpu time <0.001
1002 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 21077) [0x7fffe00f4255]
1002 ??? (apsd + 382442) [0x1069605ea]
1002 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) run] + 76 (Foundation + 140522) [0x7fffcc5294ea]
1002 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 277 (Foundation + 140818) [0x7fffcc529612]
1002 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 420 (CoreFoundation + 543572) [0x7fffcaaf6b54]
1002 __CFRunLoopRun + 1361 (CoreFoundation + 545537) [0x7fffcaaf7301]
1002 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 548484) [0x7fffcaaf7e84]
1002 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*1001 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
*1 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830] (runnable)
Thread 0x9da Thread name "" 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 31 (base 31)
1002 <truncated backtrace>
1002 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*1002 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
Thread 0xa3b Thread name "" 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 31 (base 31)
1002 <truncated backtrace>
1002 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 106314) [0x7fffe0222f4a]
*1002 ??? (kernel + 5813680) [0xffffff800078b5b0]
Binary Images:
0x106903000 - 0x1069cbfff apsd (305) <626C0FBA-A9FB-3E34-BDFA-2511DD2828C0> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ApplePushService.framework/apsd
0x7fffcaa72000 - 0x7fffcaf06fff 6.9 (1348.28) <0F1FAA52-1C06-327E-A170-382B48B1846D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fffcc507000 - 0x7fffcc8aefff 6.9 (1349.25) <D820A498-2E62-367D-BC72-5845B14C06E3> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fffe00ef000 - 0x7fffe00f4fff libdyld.dylib (421.2) <E5A2414F-2480-3BB2-BE94-176119A80876> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fffe0209000 - 0x7fffe022bfff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3789.31.2) <FCEEBBD4-DF66-34D8-A32F-4F8C8E814E40> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3789.31.2) <8DF81F81-019F-348E-B47E-40A4484B9E21> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: askpermissiond [487]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AskPermission.framework/Versions/A/Resources/askpermissiond
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Tracked
Task size: 2 MB
Note: 1 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x123b 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 4 (base 4)
1002 <truncated backtrace>
1002 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*1002 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
Binary Images:
0x10ff21000 - 0x10ff39fff askpermissiond (75) <33B0519D-15E4-3BF0-B03B-1B6374A98041> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AskPermission.framework/Versions/A/Resources/askpermissiond
0x7fffe0209000 - 0x7fffe022bfff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3789.31.2) <FCEEBBD4-DF66-34D8-A32F-4F8C8E814E40> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3789.31.2) <8DF81F81-019F-348E-B47E-40A4484B9E21> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: aslmanager [150]
Path: /usr/sbin/aslmanager
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Tracked (allows idle exit)
Task size: 1 MB
Note: 1 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x2cb 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 31 (base 31)
1002 <truncated backtrace>
1002 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107130) [0x7fffe022327a]
*1002 ??? (kernel + 5813680) [0xffffff800078b5b0]
Binary Images:
0x10b9ea000 - 0x10b9f3fff aslmanager (349.30.2) <2CAA87B8-A553-3780-AC2C-22CB3669987F> /usr/sbin/aslmanager
0x7fffe0209000 - 0x7fffe022bfff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3789.31.2) <FCEEBBD4-DF66-34D8-A32F-4F8C8E814E40> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3789.31.2) <8DF81F81-019F-348E-B47E-40A4484B9E21> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: AssetCacheLocatorService [333]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AssetCacheServices.framework/XPCServices/AssetCacheLocatorService.xpc/Contents/MacOS/AssetCacheLocatorService
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 235
Sudden Term: Tracked (allows idle exit)
Task size: 2 MB (-1)
Note: Suspended for 1 sample
Note: Terminated (zombie) for 1 sample
Note: 1 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x9ed 738 samples (1-738) priority 4-31 (base 4-31)
738 <truncated backtrace>
738 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*737 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
*1 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830] (runnable, suspended)
Thread 0x18da 1 sample (738) priority 31 (base 31)
1 <truncated backtrace>
1 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*1 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable, suspended)
Binary Images:
0x7fffe0209000 - 0x7fffe022bfff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3789.31.2) <FCEEBBD4-DF66-34D8-A32F-4F8C8E814E40> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f21000 - 0xffffff7f80f2cfff 1.0 (1) <479F2E9E-1F15-3D76-A407-DB04C1277527> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3789.31.2) <8DF81F81-019F-348E-B47E-40A4484B9E21> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: assistant_service [496]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AssistantServices.framework/assistant_service
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Tracked (allows idle exit)
Task size: 15 MB
CPU Time: <0.001
Note: 2 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x11d5 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 4 (base 4)
1002 <truncated backtrace>
1002 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*1002 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
Thread 0x556f 181 samples (310-490) priority 4 (base 4) cpu time <0.001
178 ??? [0x7fffe8f32000]
178 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
178 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*178 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
3 ??? [0x108002e40]
3 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
3 _pthread_wqthread + 1004 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13803) [0x7fffe030b5eb]
3 _dispatch_kevent_worker_thread + 33 (libdispatch.dylib + 114175) [0x7fffe00d7dff]
*3 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
Binary Images:
0x107d2c000 - 0x107d36fff assistant_service (1352.66) <7D14CE79-8C93-30AC-9EF3-0E50E14DD3BD> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AssistantServices.framework/assistant_service
0x7fffe00bc000 - 0x7fffe00eefff libdispatch.dylib (703.30.5) <EA0CC14E-D559-3802-B4B2-0E8C7579AAC4> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fffe0209000 - 0x7fffe022bfff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3789.31.2) <FCEEBBD4-DF66-34D8-A32F-4F8C8E814E40> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fffe0308000 - 0x7fffe0312fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (218.30.1) <C869ED7C-BE29-3532-8E69-3A8DA1447EDC> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f21000 - 0xffffff7f80f2cfff 1.0 (1) <479F2E9E-1F15-3D76-A407-DB04C1277527> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3789.31.2) <8DF81F81-019F-348E-B47E-40A4484B9E21> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: assistantd [466]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AssistantServices.framework/assistantd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Tracked (allows idle exit)
Task size: 15 MB
CPU Time: 0.003
Note: 2 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x10ff 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 4 (base 4)
1002 <truncated backtrace>
1002 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*1002 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
Thread 0x1148 Thread name "" 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 4 (base 4)
1002 <truncated backtrace>
1002 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*1002 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
Thread 0x1149 Thread name "" 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 4 (base 4)
1002 <truncated backtrace>
1002 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*1002 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
Thread 0x547f 764 samples (133-1002 with gaps of 106) priority 4 (base 4)
764 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
764 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*764 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
Thread 0x571b DispatchQueue 79 515 samples (488-1002) priority 1-46 (base 4) cpu time 0.002
515 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
515 _pthread_wqthread + 1299 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14098) [0x7fffe030b712]
515 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 99 (libdispatch.dylib + 15431) [0x7fffe00bfc47]
515 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 476 (libdispatch.dylib + 15984) [0x7fffe00bfe70]
515 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 1046 (libdispatch.dylib + 44249) [0x7fffe00c6cd9]
515 _dispatch_queue_serial_drain + 443 (libdispatch.dylib + 100640) [0x7fffe00d4920]
515 _dispatch_source_invoke + 1248 (libdispatch.dylib + 18678) [0x7fffe00c08f6]
515 _dispatch_source_latch_and_call + 192 (libdispatch.dylib + 55914) [0x7fffe00c9a6a]
515 _dispatch_continuation_pop + 533 (libdispatch.dylib + 97115) [0x7fffe00d3b5b]
515 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 8376) [0x7fffe00be0b8]
515 ??? (assistantd + 152685) [0x10369346d]
515 ??? (assistantd + 152360) [0x103693328]
409 ??? (assistantd + 335449) [0x1036bfe59]
409 -[AFAnalytics logEventWithType:context:] + 76 (AssistantServices + 351981) [0x7fffd4055eed]
409 -[AFAnalytics logEventWithType:machAbsoluteTime:categoryType:context:contextNoCopy:] + 189 (AssistantServices + 352780) [0x7fffd405620c]
409 _dispatch_global_queue_poke_slow + 60 (libdispatch.dylib + 105813) [0x7fffe00d5d55]
409 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*409 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
106 ??? (assistantd + 386178) [0x1036cc482]
106 -[__NSArrayM dealloc] + 19 (CoreFoundation + 183923) [0x7fffcaa9ee73]
104 common_removeAllObjects + 255 (CoreFoundation + 1536351) [0x7fffcabe915f]
104 -[AceObject dealloc] + 98 (SAObjects + 10563) [0x7fffdb606943]
104 -[__NSDictionaryM dealloc] + 128 (CoreFoundation + 304912) [0x7fffcaabc710]
104 _CFRelease + 81 (CoreFoundation + 1380353) [0x7fffcabc3001]
*103 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
*1 hndl_alltraps + 229 (kernel + 669269) [0xffffff80002a3655]
*1 user_trap + 652 (kernel + 2122460) [0xffffff80004062dc]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1506926) [0xffffff800036fe6e]
*1 vm_compressor_pager_get + 222 (kernel + 1453934) [0xffffff8000362f6e]
*1 vm_compressor_get + 225 (kernel + 1446641) [0xffffff80003612f1]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1448200) [0xffffff8000361908]
*1 lck_mtx_unlock + 184 (kernel + 656616) [0xffffff80002a04e8]
*1 ??? (kernel + 669507) [0xffffff80002a3743]
*1 kernel_trap + 1064 (kernel + 2120104) [0xffffff80004059a8]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
2 objc_msgSend + 41 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27497) [0x7fffdf804b69]
*2 hndl_alltraps + 229 (kernel + 669269) [0xffffff80002a3655]
*2 user_trap + 652 (kernel + 2122460) [0xffffff80004062dc]
*2 ??? (kernel + 1507956) [0xffffff8000370274]
*2 vm_fault_page + 2635 (kernel + 1488123) [0xffffff800036b4fb]
*2 vm_compressor_pager_get + 222 (kernel + 1453934) [0xffffff8000362f6e]
*2 vm_compressor_get + 225 (kernel + 1446641) [0xffffff80003612f1]
*2 ??? (kernel + 1446795) [0xffffff800036138b]
*2 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*2 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*2 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
Thread 0x5709 468 samples (535-1002) priority 4 (base 4)
468 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
468 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*468 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
Binary Images:
0x10366e000 - 0x103a09fff assistantd (1352.66) <9BCFDCBB-1855-3374-8EF4-E39B4834D5CD> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AssistantServices.framework/assistantd
0x7fffcaa72000 - 0x7fffcaf06fff 6.9 (1348.28) <0F1FAA52-1C06-327E-A170-382B48B1846D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fffd4000000 - 0x7fffd4095fff 1.0 (1) <1DF3FB4D-4533-3101-AFBD-722C4EE2BD13> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AssistantServices.framework/Versions/A/AssistantServices
0x7fffdb604000 - 0x7fffdb65cfff 1.0 (1) <8A8FC621-4CE9-3DC2-B3BA-5D7186FA4915> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SAObjects.framework/Versions/A/SAObjects
0x7fffdf7fe000 - 0x7fffdfbd3fff libobjc.A.dylib (706) <47104A1B-13E8-369F-BC36-27FF465809FD> /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
0x7fffe00bc000 - 0x7fffe00eefff libdispatch.dylib (703.30.5) <EA0CC14E-D559-3802-B4B2-0E8C7579AAC4> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fffe0209000 - 0x7fffe022bfff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3789.31.2) <FCEEBBD4-DF66-34D8-A32F-4F8C8E814E40> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fffe0308000 - 0x7fffe0312fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (218.30.1) <C869ED7C-BE29-3532-8E69-3A8DA1447EDC> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f21000 - 0xffffff7f80f2cfff 1.0 (1) <479F2E9E-1F15-3D76-A407-DB04C1277527> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3789.31.2) <8DF81F81-019F-348E-B47E-40A4484B9E21> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: authd [148]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/authd.xpc/Contents/MacOS/authd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Tracked (allows idle exit)
Task size: 5 MB (-1)
CPU Time: <0.001
Note: 4 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x2b0 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 4 (base 4)
1002 <truncated backtrace>
1002 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107130) [0x7fffe022327a]
*1002 ??? (kernel + 5813680) [0xffffff800078b5b0]
Thread 0x2b2 DispatchQueue 10 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 4 (base 4) cpu time <0.001
1002 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
1002 _pthread_wqthread + 1299 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14098) [0x7fffe030b712]
1002 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 99 (libdispatch.dylib + 15431) [0x7fffe00bfc47]
1002 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 917 (libdispatch.dylib + 16425) [0x7fffe00c0029]
1002 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 8376) [0x7fffe00be0b8]
1002 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12 (libdispatch.dylib + 44791) [0x7fffe00c6ef7]
1002 ??? (authd + 72633) [0x10540abb9]
1002 au_sdev_read_aia + 569 (libbsm.0.dylib + 60343) [0x7fffdec7bbb7]
1002 fgetc + 52 (libsystem_c.dylib + 253401) [0x7fffe0166dd9]
1002 __srget + 14 (libsystem_c.dylib + 280754) [0x7fffe016d8b2]
1002 __srefill1 + 24 (libsystem_c.dylib + 280471) [0x7fffe016d797]
1002 __read_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 106074) [0x7fffe0222e5a]
*1002 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671558) [0xffffff80002a3f46]
*1002 unix_syscall64 + 586 (kernel + 6452170) [0xffffff80008273ca]
*1002 read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 5896291) [0xffffff800079f863]
*1002 ??? (kernel + 5896954) [0xffffff800079fafa]
*1002 ??? (kernel + 3412350) [0xffffff800054117e]
*1002 spec_read + 201 (kernel + 3514681) [0xffffff800055a139]
*1002 ??? (kernel + 5456820) [0xffffff80007343b4]
*1002 ??? (kernel + 5813091) [0xffffff800078b363]
*1002 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 1049412) [0xffffff8000300344]
*1002 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1002 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*815 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
*187 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be]
Thread 0x5624 467 samples (536-1002) priority 4 (base 4)
467 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
467 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*467 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
Thread 0x55cd 461 samples (542-1002) priority 4 (base 4)
461 ??? [0x10541f000]
461 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
461 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*461 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
Thread 0x5625 DispatchQueue 313 426 samples (55-480) priority 4 (base 4) cpu time <0.001
426 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
426 _pthread_wqthread + 1299 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14098) [0x7fffe030b712]
426 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 99 (libdispatch.dylib + 15431) [0x7fffe00bfc47]
426 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 476 (libdispatch.dylib + 15984) [0x7fffe00bfe70]
426 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 1046 (libdispatch.dylib + 44249) [0x7fffe00c6cd9]
426 _dispatch_queue_serial_drain + 443 (libdispatch.dylib + 100640) [0x7fffe00d4920]
426 _dispatch_mach_invoke + 868 (libdispatch.dylib + 27707) [0x7fffe00c2c3b]
426 _dispatch_queue_serial_drain + 443 (libdispatch.dylib + 100640) [0x7fffe00d4920]
426 _dispatch_mach_msg_invoke + 414 (libdispatch.dylib + 33537) [0x7fffe00c4301]
426 _dispatch_client_callout4 + 9 (libdispatch.dylib + 32454) [0x7fffe00c3ec6]
426 _xpc_connection_mach_event + 943 (libxpc.dylib + 38499) [0x7fffe0351663]
426 _kernelrpc_mach_port_deallocate_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74490) [0x7fffe021b2fa]
*426 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
Thread 0x55cc 426 samples (55-480) priority 4 (base 4)
426 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
426 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*426 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
Thread 0x5625 54 samples (1-54) priority 4 (base 4)
54 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
54 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*54 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
Binary Images:
0x1053f9000 - 0x105410fff 1.0 (57740.31.2) <2FD69A94-994B-3064-B7C6-37AAC94376E2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/authd.xpc/Contents/MacOS/authd
0x7fffdec6d000 - 0x7fffdec7dfff libbsm.0.dylib (34) <20084796-B04D-3B35-A003-EA11459557A9> /usr/lib/libbsm.0.dylib
0x7fffe00bc000 - 0x7fffe00eefff libdispatch.dylib (703.30.5) <EA0CC14E-D559-3802-B4B2-0E8C7579AAC4> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fffe0129000 - 0x7fffe01b6fff libsystem_c.dylib (1158.30.7) <2F881962-03CB-3B9D-A782-D98C1BBA4E3D> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib
0x7fffe0209000 - 0x7fffe022bfff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3789.31.2) <FCEEBBD4-DF66-34D8-A32F-4F8C8E814E40> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fffe0308000 - 0x7fffe0312fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (218.30.1) <C869ED7C-BE29-3532-8E69-3A8DA1447EDC> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
0x7fffe0348000 - 0x7fffe0371fff libxpc.dylib (972.30.7) <65E41BB6-EBD5-3D93-B0BE-B190CEE4DD93> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f21000 - 0xffffff7f80f2cfff 1.0 (1) <479F2E9E-1F15-3D76-A407-DB04C1277527> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3789.31.2) <8DF81F81-019F-348E-B47E-40A4484B9E21> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: authorizationhost [1702]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/MachServices/authorizationhost.bundle/Contents/MacOS/authorizationhost
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Tracked (allows idle exit)
Task size: 3 MB
CPU Time: <0.001
Note: 4 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x56c0 DispatchQueue 1 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 26-30 (base 31) cpu time <0.001
1002 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 21077) [0x7fffe00f4255]
1002 main + 210 (authorizationhost + 35386) [0x107930a3a]
1002 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) run] + 76 (Foundation + 140522) [0x7fffcc5294ea]
1002 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 277 (Foundation + 140818) [0x7fffcc529612]
1002 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 420 (CoreFoundation + 543572) [0x7fffcaaf6b54]
978 __CFRunLoopRun + 1361 (CoreFoundation + 545537) [0x7fffcaaf7301]
978 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 548484) [0x7fffcaaf7e84]
978 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*978 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
24 __CFRunLoopRun + 2221 (CoreFoundation + 546397) [0x7fffcaaf765d]
24 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE__ + 9 (CoreFoundation + 804457) [0x7fffcab36669]
13 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 925 (libdispatch.dylib + 64331) [0x7fffe00cbb4b]
13 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 8376) [0x7fffe00be0b8]
13 _dispatch_barrier_sync_f_slow_invoke + 295 (libdispatch.dylib + 61544) [0x7fffe00cb068]
13 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 8376) [0x7fffe00be0b8]
13 ??? (authorizationhost + 39987) [0x107931c33]
13 object_dispose + 22 (libobjc.A.dylib + 36887) [0x7fffdf807017]
13 objc_destructInstance + 92 (libobjc.A.dylib + 36996) [0x7fffdf807084]
13 object_cxxDestructFromClass(objc_object*, objc_class*) + 127 (libobjc.A.dylib + 66882) [0x7fffdf80e542]
13 ??? (authorizationhost + 35119) [0x10793092f]
13 -[__NSDictionaryM dealloc] + 201 (CoreFoundation + 304985) [0x7fffcaabc759]
13 free_tiny + 549 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 106555) [0x7fffe028e03b]
*13 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
11 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 976 (libdispatch.dylib + 64382) [0x7fffe00cbb7e]
11 __bsdthread_ctl + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 102886) [0x7fffe02221e6]
*11 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671558) [0xffffff80002a3f46]
*11 unix_syscall64 + 586 (kernel + 6452170) [0xffffff80008273ca]
*11 _bsdthread_ctl_qos_override_end + 231 (pthread + 17795) [0xffffff7f80f25583]
*11 proc_thread_qos_remove_override + 48 (kernel + 1244304) [0xffffff800032fc90]
*11 ??? (kernel + 1245139) [0xffffff800032ffd3]
*11 ??? (kernel + 669507) [0xffffff80002a3743]
*11 kernel_trap + 1064 (kernel + 2120104) [0xffffff80004059a8]
*11 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*11 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*11 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*11 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
Thread 0x56c3 DispatchQueue 25 13 samples (55-67) priority 31 (base 31) cpu time <0.001
13 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
13 _pthread_wqthread + 1299 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14098) [0x7fffe030b712]
13 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 99 (libdispatch.dylib + 15431) [0x7fffe00bfc47]
13 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 476 (libdispatch.dylib + 15984) [0x7fffe00bfe70]
13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 1046 (libdispatch.dylib + 44249) [0x7fffe00c6cd9]
13 _dispatch_queue_serial_drain + 443 (libdispatch.dylib + 100640) [0x7fffe00d4920]
13 _dispatch_mach_invoke + 1230 (libdispatch.dylib + 28069) [0x7fffe00c2da5]
13 _dispatch_mach_cancel_invoke + 75 (libdispatch.dylib + 47542) [0x7fffe00c79b6]
13 _dispatch_client_callout4 + 9 (libdispatch.dylib + 32454) [0x7fffe00c3ec6]
13 _xpc_connection_mach_event + 783 (libxpc.dylib + 38339) [0x7fffe03515c3]
13 _xpc_connection_call_event_handler + 35 (libxpc.dylib + 44950) [0x7fffe0352f96]
13 ??? (authorizationhost + 36270) [0x107930dae]
13 ??? (authorizationhost + 39876) [0x107931bc4]
13 _dispatch_barrier_sync_f_slow + 402 (libdispatch.dylib + 54658) [0x7fffe00c9582]
13 _dispatch_thread_event_wait_slow + 85 (libdispatch.dylib + 109678) [0x7fffe00d6c6e]
13 __ulock_wait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107442) [0x7fffe02233b2]
*13 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671558) [0xffffff80002a3f46]
*13 unix_syscall64 + 586 (kernel + 6452170) [0xffffff80008273ca]
*13 ulock_wait + 993 (kernel + 5930081) [0xffffff80007a7c61]
*13 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*13 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*13 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be]
Thread 0x56c4 4 samples (608-611) priority 37 (base 37)
4 ??? [0xaa00000000]
4 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
4 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*4 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
Binary Images:
0x107928000 - 0x10793bfff 1.0 (55308.30.8) <81B24353-92A8-3D44-8C4C-E947710EA075> /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/MachServices/authorizationhost.bundle/Contents/MacOS/authorizationhost
0x7fffcaa72000 - 0x7fffcaf06fff 6.9 (1348.28) <0F1FAA52-1C06-327E-A170-382B48B1846D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fffcc507000 - 0x7fffcc8aefff 6.9 (1349.25) <D820A498-2E62-367D-BC72-5845B14C06E3> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fffdf7fe000 - 0x7fffdfbd3fff libobjc.A.dylib (706) <47104A1B-13E8-369F-BC36-27FF465809FD> /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
0x7fffe00bc000 - 0x7fffe00eefff libdispatch.dylib (703.30.5) <EA0CC14E-D559-3802-B4B2-0E8C7579AAC4> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fffe00ef000 - 0x7fffe00f4fff libdyld.dylib (421.2) <E5A2414F-2480-3BB2-BE94-176119A80876> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fffe0209000 - 0x7fffe022bfff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3789.31.2) <FCEEBBD4-DF66-34D8-A32F-4F8C8E814E40> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fffe0274000 - 0x7fffe0292fff libsystem_malloc.dylib (116.30.3) <F40DEE3B-386A-3529-A3F7-98117ED55BF4> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_malloc.dylib
0x7fffe0308000 - 0x7fffe0312fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (218.30.1) <C869ED7C-BE29-3532-8E69-3A8DA1447EDC> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
0x7fffe0348000 - 0x7fffe0371fff libxpc.dylib (972.30.7) <65E41BB6-EBD5-3D93-B0BE-B190CEE4DD93> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f21000 - 0xffffff7f80f2cfff 1.0 (1) <479F2E9E-1F15-3D76-A407-DB04C1277527> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3789.31.2) <8DF81F81-019F-348E-B47E-40A4484B9E21> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: autofsd [104]
Path: /usr/libexec/autofsd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Tracked
Task size: 1 MB
Note: 1 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x2a0 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 20 (base 20)
1002 <truncated backtrace>
1002 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107130) [0x7fffe022327a]
*1002 ??? (kernel + 5813680) [0xffffff800078b5b0]
Binary Images:
0x10a88a000 - 0x10a88afff autofsd (259.30.2) <D27E519F-EFD3-3258-9CC4-2C0D38DABA8A> /usr/libexec/autofsd
0x7fffe0209000 - 0x7fffe022bfff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3789.31.2) <FCEEBBD4-DF66-34D8-A32F-4F8C8E814E40> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3789.31.2) <8DF81F81-019F-348E-B47E-40A4484B9E21> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: autossh [1303]
Path: /usr/local/bin/autossh
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: iTerm2 [622]
UID: 501
Task size: 0 MB
Thread 0x461b 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 31 (base 31)
1002 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 21077) [0x7fffe00f4255]
1002 main + 1404 (autossh + 5201) [0x1059a5451]
1002 ssh_run + 370 (autossh + 7794) [0x1059a5e72]
1002 ssh_watch + 301 (autossh + 8646) [0x1059a61c6]
1002 __sigsuspend + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107106) [0x7fffe0223262]
*1002 ??? (kernel + 5813680) [0xffffff800078b5b0]
Binary Images:
0x1059a4000 - 0x1059a7fff autossh (0) <35579543-B1C2-3205-A767-8AA008ADE575> /usr/local/bin/autossh
0x7fffe00ef000 - 0x7fffe00f4fff libdyld.dylib (421.2) <E5A2414F-2480-3BB2-BE94-176119A80876> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fffe0209000 - 0x7fffe022bfff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3789.31.2) <FCEEBBD4-DF66-34D8-A32F-4F8C8E814E40> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3789.31.2) <8DF81F81-019F-348E-B47E-40A4484B9E21> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: awdd [184]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/WirelessDiagnostics.framework/Support/awdd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Tracked (allows idle exit)
Task size: 4 MB
CPU Time: 0.002
Note: 6 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x4cd DispatchQueue 1 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 4-31 (base 4-31)
1002 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 21077) [0x7fffe00f4255]
1002 ??? (awdd + 29565) [0x102c4537d]
1002 CFRunLoopRun + 97 (CoreFoundation + 804401) [0x7fffcab36631]
1002 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 420 (CoreFoundation + 543572) [0x7fffcaaf6b54]
1002 __CFRunLoopRun + 1361 (CoreFoundation + 545537) [0x7fffcaaf7301]
1002 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212 (CoreFoundation + 548484) [0x7fffcaaf7e84]
1002 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*1002 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
Thread 0x553e 263 samples (510-772) priority 4-31 (base 4-31)
263 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
263 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*263 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
Thread 0x55be 262 samples (511-772) priority 4-37 (base 4-37) cpu time <0.001
261 ??? [0x7ffae2400004]
261 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
261 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*261 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
1 <truncated backtrace>
1 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*1 call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 658167) [0xffffff80002a0af7]
*1 wq_unpark_continue + 650 (pthread + 16056) [0xffffff7f80f24eb8]
*1 _setup_wqthread + 828 (pthread + 14488) [0xffffff7f80f24898]
*1 kevent_qos_internal + 70 (kernel + 5639910) [0xffffff8000760ee6]
*1 ??? (kernel + 5630576) [0xffffff800075ea70]
*1 kqueue_scan + 165 (kernel + 5635973) [0xffffff800075ff85]
*1 ??? (kernel + 5637732) [0xffffff8000760664]
*1 ??? (kernel + 669507) [0xffffff80002a3743]
*1 kernel_trap + 1064 (kernel + 2120104) [0xffffff80004059a8]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
Thread 0x5514 258 samples (515-772) priority 4-31 (base 4-31)
258 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
258 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*258 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
Thread 0x5515 253 samples (520-772) priority 4-31 (base 4-31) cpu time <0.001
253 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
253 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*252 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
Thread 0x546c 248 samples (525-772) priority 4-31 (base 4-31) cpu time <0.001
247 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
247 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*247 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
1 <truncated backtrace>
1 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
Binary Images:
0x102c3e000 - 0x102d1ffff awdd (849) <83BD08A0-2332-305C-A028-571EF6AE3B94> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/WirelessDiagnostics.framework/Support/awdd
0x7fffcaa72000 - 0x7fffcaf06fff 6.9 (1348.28) <0F1FAA52-1C06-327E-A170-382B48B1846D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fffe00ef000 - 0x7fffe00f4fff libdyld.dylib (421.2) <E5A2414F-2480-3BB2-BE94-176119A80876> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fffe0209000 - 0x7fffe022bfff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3789.31.2) <FCEEBBD4-DF66-34D8-A32F-4F8C8E814E40> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fffe0308000 - 0x7fffe0312fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (218.30.1) <C869ED7C-BE29-3532-8E69-3A8DA1447EDC> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f21000 - 0xffffff7f80f2cfff 1.0 (1) <479F2E9E-1F15-3D76-A407-DB04C1277527> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3789.31.2) <8DF81F81-019F-348E-B47E-40A4484B9E21> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: bash [628]
Path: /bin/bash
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: login [627]
Responsible: iTerm2 [622]
UID: 501
Task size: 0 MB
Thread 0x3a96 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 31 (base 31)
1002 <truncated backtrace>
1002 read + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 111322) [0x7fffe02242da]
*1002 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671558) [0xffffff80002a3f46]
*1002 unix_syscall64 + 586 (kernel + 6452170) [0xffffff80008273ca]
*1002 read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 5896291) [0xffffff800079f863]
*1002 ??? (kernel + 5896954) [0xffffff800079fafa]
*1002 ??? (kernel + 3412350) [0xffffff800054117e]
*1002 spec_read + 201 (kernel + 3514681) [0xffffff800055a139]
*1002 ??? (kernel + 5958508) [0xffffff80007aeb6c]
*1002 ttread + 1433 (kernel + 5948649) [0xffffff80007ac4e9]
*1002 msleep0 + 106 (kernel + 5814186) [0xffffff800078b7aa]
*1002 ??? (kernel + 5813091) [0xffffff800078b363]
*1002 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 1049412) [0xffffff8000300344]
*1002 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1002 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1002 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be]
Binary Images:
0x10b1bc000 - 0x10b23ffff bash (103) <266DD3A0-BA2D-38F8-8A93-8022F6053CD0> /bin/bash
0x7fffe0209000 - 0x7fffe022bfff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3789.31.2) <FCEEBBD4-DF66-34D8-A32F-4F8C8E814E40> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3789.31.2) <8DF81F81-019F-348E-B47E-40A4484B9E21> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: bash [649]
Path: /bin/bash
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: login [641]
Responsible: iTerm2 [622]
UID: 501
Task size: 0 MB
Thread 0x3ac5 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 31 (base 31)
1002 <truncated backtrace>
1002 read + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 111322) [0x7fffe02242da]
*1002 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671558) [0xffffff80002a3f46]
*1002 unix_syscall64 + 586 (kernel + 6452170) [0xffffff80008273ca]
*1002 read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 5896291) [0xffffff800079f863]
*1002 ??? (kernel + 5896954) [0xffffff800079fafa]
*1002 ??? (kernel + 3412350) [0xffffff800054117e]
*1002 spec_read + 201 (kernel + 3514681) [0xffffff800055a139]
*1002 ??? (kernel + 5958508) [0xffffff80007aeb6c]
*1002 ttread + 1433 (kernel + 5948649) [0xffffff80007ac4e9]
*1002 msleep0 + 106 (kernel + 5814186) [0xffffff800078b7aa]
*1002 ??? (kernel + 5813091) [0xffffff800078b363]
*1002 lck_mtx_sleep + 132 (kernel + 1049412) [0xffffff8000300344]
*1002 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1002 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1002 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be]
Binary Images:
0x10b5ed000 - 0x10b670fff bash (103) <266DD3A0-BA2D-38F8-8A93-8022F6053CD0> /bin/bash
0x7fffe0209000 - 0x7fffe022bfff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3789.31.2) <FCEEBBD4-DF66-34D8-A32F-4F8C8E814E40> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3789.31.2) <8DF81F81-019F-348E-B47E-40A4484B9E21> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: bird [385]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudDocsDaemon.framework/Versions/A/Support/bird
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Tracked (allows idle exit)
Task size: 5 MB
Note: 1 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0xdb6 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 31 (base 31)
1002 <truncated backtrace>
1002 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*1002 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
Binary Images:
0x10acae000 - 0x10acaffff bird (485.12) <E9E04F64-58D2-3677-A604-94CA18E89645> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudDocsDaemon.framework/Versions/A/Support/bird
0x7fffe0209000 - 0x7fffe022bfff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3789.31.2) <FCEEBBD4-DF66-34D8-A32F-4F8C8E814E40> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3789.31.2) <8DF81F81-019F-348E-B47E-40A4484B9E21> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: blued [103]
Path: /usr/sbin/blued
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Tracked
Task size: 3 MB
Note: 1 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x21c 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 31 (base 31)
1002 <truncated backtrace>
1002 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*1002 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
Thread 0x4ae Thread name "" 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 31 (base 31)
1002 <truncated backtrace>
1002 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 106314) [0x7fffe0222f4a]
*1002 ??? (kernel + 5813680) [0xffffff800078b5b0]
Binary Images:
0x1011fc000 - 0x1012cefff blued (5002.4.4) <E8F88052-4E4C-339F-83BF-E74CC1C4A639> /usr/sbin/blued
0x7fffe0209000 - 0x7fffe022bfff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3789.31.2) <FCEEBBD4-DF66-34D8-A32F-4F8C8E814E40> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3789.31.2) <8DF81F81-019F-348E-B47E-40A4484B9E21> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: CalendarAgent [400]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CalendarAgent.framework/Executables/CalendarAgent
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Tracked (allows idle exit)
Task size: 9 MB
CPU Time: <0.001
Note: 2 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0xe42 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 4 (base 4)
1002 <truncated backtrace>
1002 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*683 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
*319 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830] (runnable)
Thread 0x10ea Thread name "" 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 4 (base 4)
1002 <truncated backtrace>
1002 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*1002 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
Thread 0x548c 181 samples (310-490) priority 4 (base 4) cpu time <0.001
178 <truncated backtrace>
178 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*178 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
3 ??? [0x20000008000]
3 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
3 _pthread_wqthread + 1004 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13803) [0x7fffe030b5eb]
3 _dispatch_kevent_worker_thread + 33 (libdispatch.dylib + 114175) [0x7fffe00d7dff]
*3 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
Binary Images:
0x10c714000 - 0x10c715fff CalendarAgent (384) <E7B1DCE5-23AA-3DCD-832E-392D6A3B9574> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CalendarAgent.framework/Executables/CalendarAgent
0x7fffe00bc000 - 0x7fffe00eefff libdispatch.dylib (703.30.5) <EA0CC14E-D559-3802-B4B2-0E8C7579AAC4> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fffe0209000 - 0x7fffe022bfff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3789.31.2) <FCEEBBD4-DF66-34D8-A32F-4F8C8E814E40> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fffe0308000 - 0x7fffe0312fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (218.30.1) <C869ED7C-BE29-3532-8E69-3A8DA1447EDC> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f21000 - 0xffffff7f80f2cfff 1.0 (1) <479F2E9E-1F15-3D76-A407-DB04C1277527> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3789.31.2) <8DF81F81-019F-348E-B47E-40A4484B9E21> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: CallHistorySyncHelper [505]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CallHistory.framework/Support/CallHistorySyncHelper
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Tracked (allows idle exit)
Task size: 4 MB
Note: 1 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x1242 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 4 (base 4)
1002 <truncated backtrace>
1002 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*1002 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
Binary Images:
0x7fffe0209000 - 0x7fffe022bfff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3789.31.2) <FCEEBBD4-DF66-34D8-A32F-4F8C8E814E40> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3789.31.2) <8DF81F81-019F-348E-B47E-40A4484B9E21> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: callservicesd [468]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/TelephonyUtilities.framework/callservicesd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Tracked (allows idle exit)
Task size: 11 MB
CPU Time: 0.006
Note: 3 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x1120 DispatchQueue 1 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 2-4 (base 4) cpu time 0.002
513 <truncated backtrace>
513 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*491 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
*22 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830] (runnable)
489 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 21077) [0x7fffe00f4255]
489 ??? (callservicesd + 942920) [0x10b9c4348]
489 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) run] + 76 (Foundation + 140522) [0x7fffcc5294ea]
489 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 285 (Foundation + 140826) [0x7fffcc52961a]
489 _CFAutoreleasePoolPop + 22 (CoreFoundation + 282886) [0x7fffcaab7106]
489 (anonymous namespace)::AutoreleasePoolPage::pop(void*) + 808 (libobjc.A.dylib + 40544) [0x7fffdf807e60]
489 ??? (IMFoundation + 7588) [0x7fffd96dfda4]
489 ??? (IMFoundation + 95254) [0x7fffd96f5416]
489 _voucher_dispose + 73 (libdispatch.dylib + 49171) [0x7fffe00c8013]
489 _voucher_dealloc_mach_voucher + 9 (libdispatch.dylib + 48400) [0x7fffe00c7d10]
489 _kernelrpc_mach_port_deallocate_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74490) [0x7fffe021b2fa]
*489 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
Thread 0x517c 451 samples (31-489 with gaps of 8) priority 4-46 (base 4) cpu time <0.001
451 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
451 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*450 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
*1 call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 658167) [0xffffff80002a0af7]
*1 wq_unpark_continue + 650 (pthread + 16056) [0xffffff7f80f24eb8]
*1 _setup_wqthread + 828 (pthread + 14488) [0xffffff7f80f24898]
*1 kevent_qos_internal + 70 (kernel + 5639910) [0xffffff8000760ee6]
*1 ??? (kernel + 5630576) [0xffffff800075ea70]
*1 kqueue_scan + 165 (kernel + 5635973) [0xffffff800075ff85]
*1 ??? (kernel + 5637773) [0xffffff800076068d]
*1 ??? (kernel + 906895) [0xffffff80002dd68f]
*1 mach_msg_receive_results + 1036 (kernel + 950124) [0xffffff80002e7f6c]
*1 ipc_kmsg_put + 204 (kernel + 870156) [0xffffff80002d470c]
*1 kfree + 189 (kernel + 1037085) [0xffffff80002fd31d]
*1 kmem_free + 147 (kernel + 1529379) [0xffffff8000375623]
*1 vm_map_remove + 108 (kernel + 1546940) [0xffffff8000379abc]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1550325) [0xffffff800037a7f5]
*1 vm_fault_unwire + 622 (kernel + 1516094) [0xffffff800037223e]
*1 vm_fault_page + 658 (kernel + 1486146) [0xffffff800036ad42]
*1 return_to_iret + 288 (kernel + 670252) [0xffffff80002a3a2c]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
Thread 0x5708 32 samples (481-513 with gaps of 1) priority 4 (base 4) cpu time <0.001
24 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
24 _pthread_wqthread + 1004 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13803) [0x7fffe030b5eb]
24 _dispatch_kevent_worker_thread + 595 (libdispatch.dylib + 114737) [0x7fffe00d8031]
24 _dispatch_mach_kevent_merge + 67 (libdispatch.dylib + 124917) [0x7fffe00da7f5]
24 _dispatch_mach_msg_recv + 309 (libdispatch.dylib + 37396) [0x7fffe00c5214]
24 dispatch_mach_msg_create + 78 (libdispatch.dylib + 11710) [0x7fffe00bedbe]
24 _os_object_alloc_realized + 35 (libdispatch.dylib + 7975) [0x7fffe00bdf27]
24 class_createInstance + 88 (libobjc.A.dylib + 26993) [0x7fffdf804971]
24 calloc + 30 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 19927) [0x7fffe0278dd7]
24 malloc_zone_calloc + 87 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 17558) [0x7fffe0278496]
24 szone_malloc_should_clear + 1649 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 10667) [0x7fffe02769ab]
24 small_free_list_add_ptr + 352 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 19380) [0x7fffe0278bb4]
*24 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
*8 call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 658167) [0xffffff80002a0af7]
*8 wq_unpark_continue + 650 (pthread + 16056) [0xffffff7f80f24eb8]
*8 return_to_iret + 288 (kernel + 670252) [0xffffff80002a3a2c]
*8 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*8 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*8 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*8 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*8 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
Thread 0x571d DispatchQueue 67 25 samples (489-513) priority 3-46 (base 4) cpu time 0.001
25 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
25 _pthread_wqthread + 1299 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14098) [0x7fffe030b712]
25 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 99 (libdispatch.dylib + 15431) [0x7fffe00bfc47]
25 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 476 (libdispatch.dylib + 15984) [0x7fffe00bfe70]
25 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 1046 (libdispatch.dylib + 44249) [0x7fffe00c6cd9]
25 _dispatch_queue_serial_drain + 443 (libdispatch.dylib + 100640) [0x7fffe00d4920]
25 _dispatch_mach_invoke + 868 (libdispatch.dylib + 27707) [0x7fffe00c2c3b]
25 _dispatch_queue_serial_drain + 443 (libdispatch.dylib + 100640) [0x7fffe00d4920]
25 _dispatch_mach_msg_invoke + 414 (libdispatch.dylib + 33537) [0x7fffe00c4301]
25 _dispatch_client_callout4 + 9 (libdispatch.dylib + 32454) [0x7fffe00c3ec6]
22 _xpc_connection_mach_event + 1715 (libxpc.dylib + 39271) [0x7fffe0351967]
22 _xpc_dispose + 15 (libxpc.dylib + 17677) [0x7fffe034c50d]
22 _xpc_dictionary_dispose + 124 (libxpc.dylib + 19117) [0x7fffe034caad]
22 _xpc_dispose + 15 (libxpc.dylib + 17677) [0x7fffe034c50d]
22 _xpc_dictionary_dispose + 34 (libxpc.dylib + 19027) [0x7fffe034ca53]
22 _xpc_dictionary_node_free + 54 (libxpc.dylib + 19255) [0x7fffe034cb37]
22 _xpc_dispose + 15 (libxpc.dylib + 17677) [0x7fffe034c50d]
22 -[OS_dispatch_data dealloc] + 66 (libdispatch.dylib + 10000) [0x7fffe00be710]
22 free_small + 151 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 67996) [0x7fffe028499c]
22 _os_unfair_lock_lock_slow + 130 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 21554) [0x7fffe0304432]
22 __ulock_wait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107442) [0x7fffe02233b2]
*22 hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671558) [0xffffff80002a3f46]
*22 unix_syscall64 + 586 (kernel + 6452170) [0xffffff80008273ca]
*22 ulock_wait + 181 (kernel + 5929269) [0xffffff80007a7935]
*21 ??? (kernel + 5930806) [0xffffff80007a7f36]
*21 lck_mtx_unlock + 184 (kernel + 656616) [0xffffff80002a04e8]
*21 ??? (kernel + 669507) [0xffffff80002a3743]
*21 kernel_trap + 1064 (kernel + 2120104) [0xffffff80004059a8]
*21 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*21 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*21 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*21 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
*1 ??? (kernel + 5930560) [0xffffff80007a7e40]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1297010) [0xffffff800033ca72]
*1 lck_mtx_unlock + 184 (kernel + 656616) [0xffffff80002a04e8]
*1 ??? (kernel + 669507) [0xffffff80002a3743]
*1 kernel_trap + 1064 (kernel + 2120104) [0xffffff80004059a8]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
3 _xpc_connection_mach_event + 1707 (libxpc.dylib + 39263) [0x7fffe035195f]
3 _xpc_connection_call_event_handler + 35 (libxpc.dylib + 44950) [0x7fffe0352f96]
3 im_local_object_peer_event_handler + 1023 (IMFoundation + 142585) [0x7fffd9700cf9]
2 IMCreateInvocationFromXPCObjectWithProtocol + 62 (IMFoundation + 205282) [0x7fffd97101e2]
2 objc_msgSend + 41 (libobjc.A.dylib + 27497) [0x7fffdf804b69]
*2 hndl_alltraps + 229 (kernel + 669269) [0xffffff80002a3655]
*2 user_trap + 652 (kernel + 2122460) [0xffffff80004062dc]
*2 ??? (kernel + 1507956) [0xffffff8000370274]
*2 vm_fault_page + 2635 (kernel + 1488123) [0xffffff800036b4fb]
*2 vm_compressor_pager_get + 222 (kernel + 1453934) [0xffffff8000362f6e]
*2 vm_compressor_get + 225 (kernel + 1446641) [0xffffff80003612f1]
*2 ??? (kernel + 1446795) [0xffffff800036138b]
*2 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*2 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*2 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
1 IMCreateInvocationFromXPCObjectWithProtocol + 41 (IMFoundation + 205261) [0x7fffd97101cd]
1 _xpc_dictionary_look_up + 737 (libxpc.dylib + 18708) [0x7fffe034c914]
1 _xpc_dictionary_unpack_value_and_vend + 36 (libxpc.dylib + 31221) [0x7fffe034f9f5]
1 _xpc_malloc + 24 (libxpc.dylib + 7709) [0x7fffe0349e1d]
1 malloc + 24 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 4696) [0x7fffe0275258]
1 malloc_zone_malloc + 107 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 8922) [0x7fffe02762da]
1 szone_malloc_should_clear + 400 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 9418) [0x7fffe02764ca]
1 tiny_malloc_from_free_list + 37 (libsystem_malloc.dylib + 14317) [0x7fffe02777ed]
*1 hndl_alltraps + 229 (kernel + 669269) [0xffffff80002a3655]
*1 user_trap + 652 (kernel + 2122460) [0xffffff80004062dc]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1510465) [0xffffff8000370c41]
*1 vm_fault_enter + 4680 (kernel + 1502216) [0xffffff800036ec08]
*1 lck_mtx_lock + 653 (kernel + 655549) [0xffffff80002a00bd]
*1 lck_mtx_lock_wait_x86 + 510 (kernel + 2093838) [0xffffff80003ff30e]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
*1 machine_switch_context + 206 (kernel + 2102462) [0xffffff80004014be] (runnable)
Thread 0x517c DispatchQueue 2 8 samples (481-488) priority 4 (base 4) cpu time <0.001
8 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
8 _pthread_wqthread + 1004 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13803) [0x7fffe030b5eb]
8 _dispatch_kevent_worker_thread + 595 (libdispatch.dylib + 114737) [0x7fffe00d8031]
8 _dispatch_mach_kevent_merge + 67 (libdispatch.dylib + 124917) [0x7fffe00da7f5]
8 _dispatch_mach_msg_recv + 243 (libdispatch.dylib + 37330) [0x7fffe00c51d2]
8 _voucher_create_with_mach_voucher + 226 (libdispatch.dylib + 48007) [0x7fffe00c7b87]
8 _os_object_alloc_realized + 35 (libdispatch.dylib + 7975) [0x7fffe00bdf27]
8 class_createInstance + 46 (libobjc.A.dylib + 26951) [0x7fffdf804947]
*8 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
Binary Images:
0x10b8de000 - 0x10ba28fff callservicesd (838.2.10) <0CDBA24F-3036-3D87-8C42-9521986C6801> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/TelephonyUtilities.framework/callservicesd
0x7fffcaa72000 - 0x7fffcaf06fff 6.9 (1348.28) <0F1FAA52-1C06-327E-A170-382B48B1846D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x7fffcc507000 - 0x7fffcc8aefff 6.9 (1349.25) <D820A498-2E62-367D-BC72-5845B14C06E3> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fffd96de000 - 0x7fffd9742fff 10.0 (1000) <57FF9654-3548-34FD-9306-1A34CE118D9F> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IMFoundation.framework/Versions/A/IMFoundation
0x7fffdf7fe000 - 0x7fffdfbd3fff libobjc.A.dylib (706) <47104A1B-13E8-369F-BC36-27FF465809FD> /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
0x7fffe00bc000 - 0x7fffe00eefff libdispatch.dylib (703.30.5) <EA0CC14E-D559-3802-B4B2-0E8C7579AAC4> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fffe00ef000 - 0x7fffe00f4fff libdyld.dylib (421.2) <E5A2414F-2480-3BB2-BE94-176119A80876> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fffe0209000 - 0x7fffe022bfff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3789.31.2) <FCEEBBD4-DF66-34D8-A32F-4F8C8E814E40> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fffe0274000 - 0x7fffe0292fff libsystem_malloc.dylib (116.30.3) <F40DEE3B-386A-3529-A3F7-98117ED55BF4> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_malloc.dylib
0x7fffe02ff000 - 0x7fffe0307fff libsystem_platform.dylib (126.1.2) <3CA06D4E-C00A-36DE-AA65-3A390097D1F6> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_platform.dylib
0x7fffe0308000 - 0x7fffe0312fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (218.30.1) <C869ED7C-BE29-3532-8E69-3A8DA1447EDC> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
0x7fffe0348000 - 0x7fffe0371fff libxpc.dylib (972.30.7) <65E41BB6-EBD5-3D93-B0BE-B190CEE4DD93> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f21000 - 0xffffff7f80f2cfff 1.0 (1) <479F2E9E-1F15-3D76-A407-DB04C1277527> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3789.31.2) <8DF81F81-019F-348E-B47E-40A4484B9E21> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: CalNCService [410]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CalendarNotification.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/CalNCService.xpc/Contents/MacOS/CalNCService
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
Responsible: CalendarAgent [400]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Tracked (allows idle exit)
Task size: 8 MB
CPU Time: <0.001
Note: 2 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x109e 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 4 (base 4)
1002 <truncated backtrace>
1002 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*1002 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
Thread 0x1313 178 samples (310-487) priority 4 (base 4)
178 <truncated backtrace>
178 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*178 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
Binary Images:
0x7fffe0209000 - 0x7fffe022bfff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3789.31.2) <FCEEBBD4-DF66-34D8-A32F-4F8C8E814E40> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff7f80f21000 - 0xffffff7f80f2cfff 1.0 (1) <479F2E9E-1F15-3D76-A407-DB04C1277527> /System/Library/Extensions/pthread.kext/Contents/MacOS/pthread
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3789.31.2) <8DF81F81-019F-348E-B47E-40A4484B9E21> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: captiveagent [348]
Path: /usr/libexec/captiveagent
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 258
Sudden Term: Tracked (allows idle exit)
Task size: 2 MB
Note: 1 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0xa30 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 31 (base 31)
1002 <truncated backtrace>
1002 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*1002 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
Thread 0xa36 Thread name "" 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 31 (base 31)
1002 <truncated backtrace>
1002 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*1002 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
Thread 0xac3 Thread name "" 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 31 (base 31)
1002 <truncated backtrace>
1002 __select + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 106314) [0x7fffe0222f4a]
*1002 ??? (kernel + 5813680) [0xffffff800078b5b0]
Binary Images:
0x1009e0000 - 0x1009e7fff captiveagent (346) <D67FC04E-AECB-3705-A191-D8F227F39CD0> /usr/libexec/captiveagent
0x7fffe0209000 - 0x7fffe022bfff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3789.31.2) <FCEEBBD4-DF66-34D8-A32F-4F8C8E814E40> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3789.31.2) <8DF81F81-019F-348E-B47E-40A4484B9E21> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: cdpd [583]
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreCDP.framework/Versions/A/Resources/cdpd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 501
Sudden Term: Tracked (allows idle exit)
Task size: 2 MB
Note: 1 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x1e9c 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 3 (base 4)
1002 <truncated backtrace>
1002 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*1002 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 (kernel + 886832) [0xffffff80002d8830]
Binary Images:
0x10fdc5000 - 0x10fdc5fff cdpd (97.2.3) <323A5A0A-1341-34F4-8828-750774B304C9> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreCDP.framework/Versions/A/Resources/cdpd
0x7fffe0209000 - 0x7fffe022bfff libsystem_kernel.dylib (3789.31.2) <FCEEBBD4-DF66-34D8-A32F-4F8C8E814E40> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
*0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff kernel (3789.31.2) <8DF81F81-019F-348E-B47E-40A4484B9E21> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: cfprefsd [146]
Path: /usr/sbin/cfprefsd
Architecture: x86_64
Parent: launchd [1]
UID: 0
Sudden Term: Tracked
Task size: 2 MB
CPU Time: 0.006
Note: 5 idle work queue threads omitted
Thread 0x2a4 1002 samples (1-1002) priority 4-31 (base 4-31)
1002 <truncated backtrace>
1002 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107130) [0x7fffe022327a]
*1002 ??? (kernel + 5813680) [0xffffff800078b5b0]
Thread 0x5554 553 samples (130-1002 with gaps of 320) priority 2-31 (base 4-31) cpu time <0.001
236 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
236 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*236 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
229 start_wqthread + 0 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12768) [0x7fffe030b1e0]
*229 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
88 ??? [0x7fffe8f1b060]
88 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
88 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*88 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
Thread 0x562a 364 samples (27-1002 with gaps of 612) priority 4-37 (base 4-37) cpu time <0.001
229 ??? [0x7f91d9d1d260]
229 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
229 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*229 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
77 -[CFPrefsDaemon handleSourceMessage:replyHandler:] + 3616 (CoreFoundation + 1941008) [0x7fffcac4be10]
77 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
77 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*77 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
33 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
33 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*33 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
25 ??? [0x700006407ae0]
25 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
25 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*25 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
Thread 0x562b 262 samples (329-1002 with gaps of 412) priority 4-37 (base 4-37) cpu time <0.001
164 ??? [0x900000000072]
164 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
164 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*164 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
50 ??? [0x70000650d880]
50 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
50 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*50 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
37 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
37 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*37 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
11 __49-[CFPrefsDaemon handleMultiMessage:replyHandler:]_block_invoke_3 + 128 (CoreFoundation + 1945264) [0x7fffcac4ceb0]
11 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
11 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*11 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
Thread 0x5306 200 samples (1-200) priority 4 (base 4) cpu time <0.001
200 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
141 _pthread_wqthread + 1486 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14285) [0x7fffe030b7cd]
141 _pthread_exit + 152 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 21065) [0x7fffe030d249]
141 _pthread_tsd_cleanup + 544 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 21775) [0x7fffe030d50f]
141 _dispatch_cache_cleanup + 11 (libdispatch.dylib + 24950) [0x7fffe00c2176]
*141 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
59 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 107746) [0x7fffe02234e2]
*59 wq_unpark_continue + 0 (pthread + 15406) [0xffffff7f80f24c2e] (runnable)
Thread <multiple> DispatchQueue 11 143 samples (60-202) priority 4-46 (base 4-31) cpu time 0.001
143 start_wqthread + 13 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12781) [0x7fffe030b1ed]
141 _pthread_wqthread + 1004 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13803) [0x7fffe030b5eb]
141 _dispatch_kevent_worker_thread + 978 (libdispatch.dylib + 115120) [0x7fffe00d81b0]
141 _dispatch_root_queue_drain_deferred_item + 284 (libdispatch.dylib + 103313) [0x7fffe00d5391]
141 _dispatch_mach_invoke + 868 (libdispatch.dylib + 27707) [0x7fffe00c2c3b]
141 _dispatch_queue_serial_drain + 443 (libdispatch.dylib + 100640) [0x7fffe00d4920]
141 _dispatch_mach_msg_invoke + 482 (libdispatch.dylib + 33605) [0x7fffe00c4345]
141 _dispatch_set_priority_and_voucher_slow + 259 (libdispatch.dylib + 92572) [0x7fffe00d299c]
141 _dispatch_set_priority_and_mach_voucher_slow + 174 (libdispatch.dylib + 92177) [0x7fffe00d2811]
141 __bsdthread_ctl + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 102886) [0x7fffe02221e6]
*141 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
2 _pthread_wqthread + 1299 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 14098) [0x7fffe030b712]
2 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 99 (libdispatch.dylib + 15431) [0x7fffe00bfc47]
2 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 917 (libdispatch.dylib + 16425) [0x7fffe00c0029]
2 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 8376) [0x7fffe00be0b8]
2 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12 (libdispatch.dylib + 44791) [0x7fffe00c6ef7]
2 __49-[CFPrefsDaemon handleMultiMessage:replyHandler:]_block_invoke.178 + 18 (CoreFoundation + 1946050) [0x7fffcac4d1c2]
2 __49-[CFPrefsDaemon handleMultiMessage:replyHandler:]_block_invoke_2 + 58 (CoreFoundation + 1944570) [0x7fffcac4cbfa]
2 xpc_connection_send_message + 89 (libxpc.dylib + 41889) [0x7fffe03523a1]
2 _xpc_connection_enqueue + 104 (libxpc.dylib + 37470) [0x7fffe035125e]
2 dispatch_mach_send_with_result + 50 (libdispatch.dylib + 116740) [0x7fffe00d8804]
2 _dispatch_mach_send_msg + 243 (libdispatch.dylib + 116510) [0x7fffe00d871e]
2 _dispatch_mach_msg_send + 1195 (libdispatch.dylib + 30604) [0x7fffe00c378c]
2 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 74634) [0x7fffe021b38a]
*1 thread_exception_return + 0 (kernel + 657450) [0xffffff80002a082a] (runnable)
*1 hndl_mach_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 671590) [0xffffff80002a3f66]
*1 mach_call_munger64 + 430 (kernel + 2039726) [0xffffff80003f1fae]
*1 mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 149 (kernel + 951013) [0xffffff80002e82e5]
*1 ipc_kmsg_get + 141 (kernel + 867245) [0xffffff80002d3bad]
*1 ipc_kmsg_alloc + 248 (kernel + 864904) [0xffffff80002d3288]
*1 kalloc_canblock + 233 (kernel + 1036489) [0xffffff80002fd0c9]
*1 kernel_memory_allocate + 1012 (kernel + 1524420) [0xffffff80003742c4]
*1 return_to_iret + 288 (kernel + 670252) [0xffffff80002a3a2c]
*1 i386_astintr + 46 (kernel + 2123662) [0xffffff800040678e]
*1 ast_taken + 138 (kernel + 965034) [0xffffff80002eb9aa]
*1 thread_block_reason + 222 (kernel + 1091198) [0xffffff800030a67e]
*1 ??? (kernel + 1095771) [0xffffff800030b85b]
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