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Created June 14, 2016 12:27
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$ = jQuery
gmap: (options) ->
el ="gmap")
return el if el?
$(this).each((input_field) ->
el = new Gmap(this, $(this).data())
return el
class Gmap
constructor: (@dom_element, options = {}) ->
defaults =
lat: 50.4501
lng: 30.5234
zoom: 12
marker: true
map: {}
@options = $.extend defaults, options
_setup: ->
@element = $(@dom_element)
@location = this._build_location()
@map = this._build_map(
if @options.marker is true
@marker = this._build_marker(@location)'gmap', this)
_build_location: ->
new google.maps.LatLng(, @options.lng)
_build_map: (options = {}) ->
mapStyles = [{featureType: "all", stylers: [{hue: "#ffa200"}, {saturation: 45}]}]
defaults =
zoom: @options.zoom
center: @location
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
sensor: 'true'
styles: mapStyles
scrollwheel: false
streetViewControl: false
backgroundColor: 'f4e8d3'
disableDefaultUI: true
navigationControl: true
navigationControlOptions: { style: google.maps.NavigationControlStyle.SMALL }
options = $.extend defaults, options
new google.maps.Map(@element.get(0), options)
_build_marker: (pos, options) ->
options ?=
position: pos,
map: @map,
icon: '/assets/marker.png',
shadow: '/assets/marker_shadow.png',
animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP
new google.maps.Marker(options)
_build_cluster: (markers, options = {}) ->
defaults =
clusterClass: "marker_count"
imagePath: "/assets/markers/"
styles: [ {url: "/assets/markers/1.png", width: 33, height: 36, textColor: "#662f12", fontFamily: 'Georgia,"Times New Roman", serif'} ]
options = $.extend defaults, options
return new MarkerClusterer(@map, markers, options)
load_markers: (url) ->
fn = (data) =>
markers = []
$.each(data, (index, item) =>
pos = new google.maps.LatLng(item.latitude, item.longitude)
marker = this._build_marker(pos)
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "click", (e) =>
new InfoBox({
latlng: pos
map: @map
address: item.address
title: item.title
markers.push marker
@cluster = this._build_cluster(markers)
$.get(url, {}, fn)
return true
window.Gmap = Gmap
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