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Created February 20, 2016 15:33
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A simple game of Tic-Tac-Toe using Haskell's gloss
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Graphics.Gloss
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.Pure.Game
type Coordinates = (Int, Int)
data Player = Nought | Cross
data Board = Board
{ noughts :: [Coordinates]
, crosses :: [Coordinates]
, player :: Player
emptyBoard :: Board
emptyBoard = Board [] [] Nought
pushToken :: Coordinates -> Board -> Board
pushToken c b = case player b of
Nought -> b { noughts = c : noughts b, player = Cross }
Cross -> b { crosses = c : crosses b, player = Nought }
type Size = Float
resize :: Size -> Path -> Path
resize k = fmap (\ (x, y) -> (x * k, y * k))
drawNought :: Size -> Coordinates -> Picture
drawNought k (x, y) =
let x' = k * fromIntegral x
y' = k * fromIntegral y
in color green $ translate x' y' $ thickCircle (0.1 * k) (0.3 * k)
drawCross :: Size -> Coordinates -> Picture
drawCross k (x, y) =
let x' = k * fromIntegral x
y' = k * fromIntegral y
in color red $ translate x' y' $ Pictures
$ fmap (polygon . resize k)
[ [ (-0.35, -0.25), (-0.25, -0.35), (0.35,0.25), (0.25, 0.35) ]
, [ (0.35, -0.25), (0.25, -0.35), (-0.35,0.25), (-0.25, 0.35) ]
drawBoard :: Size -> Board -> Picture
drawBoard k b = Pictures $ grid : ns ++ cs where
ns = fmap (drawNought k) $ noughts b
cs = fmap (drawCross k) $ crosses b
grid :: Picture
grid = color black $ Pictures $ fmap (line . resize k)
[ [(-1.5, -0.5), (1.5 , -0.5)]
, [(-1.5, 0.5) , (1.5 , 0.5)]
, [(-0.5, -1.5), (-0.5, 1.5)]
, [(0.5 , -1.5), (0.5 , 1.5)]
checkCoordinate :: Size -> Float -> Maybe Int
checkCoordinate k f' =
let f = f' / k
in (-1) <$ guard (-1.5 < f && f < -0.5)
<|> 0 <$ guard (-0.5 < f && f < 0.5)
<|> 1 <$ guard (0.5 < f && f < 1.5)
handleKeys :: Size -> Event -> Board -> Board
handleKeys k (EventKey (MouseButton LeftButton) Down _ (x', y')) b =
fromMaybe b $ do
x <- checkCoordinate k x'
y <- checkCoordinate k y'
return $ pushToken (x, y) b
handleKeys k _ b = b
main :: IO ()
main =
let window = InWindow "Tic Tac Toe" (300, 300) (10, 10)
size = 100.0
in play window yellow 1 emptyBoard (drawBoard size) (handleKeys size) (flip const)
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