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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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module Main where
data Trie a =
| Node (Trie a) a (Trie a)
data Code = Dot | Dash
type Word = [ Code ]
type Phrase = [ Word ]
type Dict = Trie (Maybe Char)
mkNode :: Trie (Maybe a) -> Trie (Maybe a) -> Trie (Maybe a)
mkNode l r = Node l Nothing r
insert :: Char -> Word -> Dict -> Dict
insert a [] Leaf = Node Leaf (Just a) Leaf
insert a [] (Node l _ r) = Node l (Just a) r
insert a (Dot : cs) Leaf = mkNode (insert a cs Leaf) Leaf
insert a (Dash : cs) Leaf = mkNode Leaf (insert a cs Leaf)
insert a (Dot : cs) (Node l b r) = Node (insert a cs l) b r
insert a (Dash : cs) (Node l b r) = Node l b (insert a cs r)
decodeWord :: Dict -> Word -> Maybe Char
decodeWord Leaf _ = Nothing
decodeWord (Node _ a _) [] = a
decodeWord (Node l _ _) (Dot : cs) = decodeWord l cs
decodeWord (Node _ _ r) (Dash : cs) = decodeWord r cs
parseCode :: Char -> Code
parseCode '.' = Dot
parseCode '-' = Dash
parseWord :: String -> Word
parseWord = map parseCode
parsePhrase :: String -> Phrase
parsePhrase = map parseWord . words
decodePhrase :: Dict -> Phrase -> Maybe String
decodePhrase dict = sequence . fmap (decodeWord dict)
dictionary :: Dict
dictionary = foldl (\ d (c, w) -> insert c (parseWord w) d) Leaf
[ ('A', ".-"),
('B', "-..."),
('C', "-.-."),
('D', "-.."),
('E', "."),
('F', "..-."),
('G', "--."),
('H', "...."),
('I', ".."),
('J', ".---"),
('K', "-.-"),
('L', ".-.."),
('M', "--"),
('N', "-."),
('O', "---"),
('P', ".--."),
('Q', "--.-"),
('R', ".-."),
('S', "..."),
('T', "-"),
('U', "..-"),
('V', "...-"),
('W', ".--"),
('X', "-..-"),
('Y', "-.--"),
('Z', "--.."),
('0', "-----"),
('1', ".----"),
('2', "..---"),
('3', "...--"),
('4', "....-"),
('5', "....."),
('6', "-...."),
('7', "--..."),
('8', "---.."),
('9', "----."),
('.', ".-.-.-"),
('\'', "--..--"),
(',', "---..."),
('?', "..--.."),
('\'', ".----."),
('-', "-....-"),
('/', "-..-.") ]
msg :: Phrase
msg = parsePhrase ".... . .-.. .-.. ---"
main :: IO ()
main = print $ decodePhrase dictionary msg
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