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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module MutuallyDefinedList where
import Data.Type.Natural
-- Machinery
data Elem :: k -> [k] -> * where
Here :: Elem x (x ': xs)
There :: Elem x xs -> Elem x (y ': xs)
newtype Tie (f :: * -> * -> (u -> *) -> [u] -> u -> *) l n ks k =
Tie { unTie :: f l n (Tie f l n ks) ks k }
tie :: forall f l n r ks .
(forall a b. (forall k. Elem k ks -> a k -> b k) ->
forall k . Elem k ks -> f l n a ks k -> f l n b ks k)
-> (forall k . Elem k ks -> f l n r ks k -> r k)
-> (forall k . Elem k ks -> Tie f l n ks k -> r k)
tie fmap phi elt = phi elt . rec elt . unTie
rec :: Elem k ks -> f l n (Tie f l n ks) ks k -> f l n r ks k
rec = fmap $ tie fmap phi
-- Tree
data Tags = TTree | TForest
data ForestF l n (r :: Tags -> *) ks k where
Leaf :: l -> ForestF l n r (TTree ': TForest ': '[]) TTree
Node :: n -> r TForest -> ForestF l n r (TTree ': TForest ': '[]) TTree
Nil :: ForestF l n r (TTree ': TForest ': '[]) TForest
Cons :: r TTree -> r TForest -> ForestF l n r (TTree ': TForest ': '[]) TForest
type Tree l n = Tie ForestF l n (TTree ': TForest ': '[]) TTree
type Forest l n = Tie ForestF l n (TTree ': TForest ': '[]) TForest
leaf :: l -> Tree l n
leaf = Tie . Leaf
node :: n -> Forest l n -> Tree l n
node n = Tie . Node n
nil :: Forest l n
nil = Tie Nil
cons :: Tree l n -> Forest l n -> Forest l n
cons t = Tie . Cons t
mapForestF :: forall l n a b .
(forall k . Elem k (TTree ': TForest ': '[]) -> a k -> b k) ->
forall k. Elem k (TTree ': TForest ': '[]) ->
ForestF l n a (TTree ': TForest ': '[]) k ->
ForestF l n b (TTree ': TForest ': '[]) k
mapForestF f Here (Leaf l) = Leaf l
mapForestF f Here (Node n ts) = Node n $ f (There Here) ts
mapForestF f (There Here) Nil = Nil
mapForestF f (There Here) (Cons t ts) = Cons (f Here t) $ f (There Here) ts
newtype Cst k (a :: Tags) = Cst { runCst :: k }
numberLeaves :: forall l n. Tree l n -> Nat
numberLeaves = runCst . tie mapForestF alg Here
alg :: forall k . Elem k (TTree ': TForest ': '[]) ->
ForestF l n (Cst Nat) (TTree ': TForest ': '[]) k ->
Cst Nat k
alg Here (Leaf l) = Cst $ S Z
alg Here (Node n ts) = Cst . runCst $ ts
alg (There Here) Nil = Cst Z
alg (There Here) (Cons t ts) = Cst $ runCst t + runCst ts
example :: Tree () ()
example = node () $ cons (leaf ()) $ cons (leaf ()) $ cons (node () nil) $ cons (leaf ()) nil
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