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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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Currying using a Universe
module Currying where
open import Level
open import Data.Product as P using (_×_ ; _,_)
open import Function
data Universe (ℓ : Level) : Set (suc ℓ) where
set : (A : Set ℓ) → Universe ℓ
_**_ : (u₁ u₂ : Universe ℓ) → Universe ℓ
⟦_⟧ : {ℓ : Level} (u : Universe ℓ) → Set ℓ
⟦ set A ⟧ = A
⟦ u₁ ** u₂ ⟧ = ⟦ u₁ ⟧ × ⟦ u₂ ⟧
⟦_⟧→_ : {ℓ : Level} (u : Universe ℓ) (R : Set ℓ) → Set ℓ
⟦ set A ⟧→ R = A → R
⟦ u₁ ** u₂ ⟧→ R = ⟦ u₁ ⟧→ (⟦ u₂ ⟧→ R)
curry : {ℓ : Level} (u : Universe ℓ) {R : Set ℓ} (f : ⟦ u ⟧ → R) → ⟦ u ⟧→ R
curry (set A) f = f
curry (u₁ ** u₂) f = curry u₁ $ λ v₁ →
curry u₂ $ λ v₂ →
f (v₁ , v₂)
uncurry : {ℓ : Level} (u : Universe ℓ) {R : Set ℓ} (f : ⟦ u ⟧→ R) → ⟦ u ⟧ → R
uncurry (set A) f = f
uncurry (u₁ ** u₂) f = P.uncurry $ λ v₁ v₂ → uncurry u₂ (uncurry u₁ f v₁) v₂
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