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Created March 26, 2019 17:44
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open import Size
open import Codata.Thunk
data BinaryTreePath (i : Size) : Set where
here : BinaryTreePath i
branchL : Thunk BinaryTreePath i → BinaryTreePath i
branchR : Thunk BinaryTreePath i → BinaryTreePath i
zero : ∀ {i} → BinaryTreePath i
zero = branchL λ where .force → zero
infinity : ∀ {i} → BinaryTreePath i
infinity = branchR λ where .force → infinity
data Choice : Set where
L R : Choice
choice : ∀ {i} → Choice → Thunk BinaryTreePath i → BinaryTreePath i
choice L t = branchL t
choice R t = branchR t
open import Data.List
open import Data.List.NonEmpty
_<|_ : ∀ {i} → List Choice → BinaryTreePath i → BinaryTreePath i
[] <| t = t
(c ∷ cs) <| t = choice c (λ where .force → cs <| t)
_⁺<|_ : ∀ {i} → List⁺ Choice → Thunk BinaryTreePath i → BinaryTreePath i
(c ∷ cs) ⁺<| t = choice c (λ where .force → cs <| t .force)
cycle : ∀ {i} → List⁺ Choice → BinaryTreePath i
cycle cs = cs ⁺<| (λ where .force → cycle cs)
sqrt2 : ∀ {i} → BinaryTreePath i
sqrt2 = cycle (L ∷ R ∷ R ∷ L ∷ [])
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