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Created April 10, 2020 14:30
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using System.Collections.Generic;
using TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem;
using TaleWorlds.SaveSystem;
namespace TestSPMod
public class CustomSaveTickerTest : CampaignBehaviorBase
public override void RegisterEvents()
CampaignEvents.HourlyTickEvent.AddNonSerializedListener(this, onTick);
private void onTick()
test.Add(Campaign.CurrentTime, new TestSaveAbleClass {myHero = Hero.MainHero,mystring = "TESTTTTTTT"});
Dictionary<float, TestSaveAbleClass> test = new Dictionary<float, TestSaveAbleClass>();
public class TestSaveAbleClass
[SaveableField(1)] public Hero myHero;
public string mystring = "";
public class MySaveDefiner : SaveableTypeDefiner
public MySaveDefiner() : base(10000001)
protected override void DefineClassTypes()
AddClassDefinition(typeof(TestSaveAbleClass), 1);
protected override void DefineContainerDefinitions()
ConstructContainerDefinition(typeof (Dictionary<float, TestSaveAbleClass>));
private void OnSessionLaunched()
public override void SyncData(IDataStore dataStore)
dataStore.SyncData("test", ref test);
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