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Created December 30, 2019 15:15
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import socket
import curses
import time
import sys
import random
import os
import implementation
import json
import testing
import traceback
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print("Usage: python3 <HOST> <PORT>")
HOST = sys.argv[1]
PORT = int(sys.argv[2])
def receive_until_prompt(sock, prompt=b"\n"):
received = b""
buf_size = len(prompt)
while True:
new = sock.recv(buf_size)
received += new
for i in range(1, len(prompt) + 1):
if received.endswith(prompt[-i:]):
if i == len(prompt):
return received
buf_size = len(prompt) - i + 1
if not new:
raise Exception(f"Connection closed before {prompt} was found.")
def recv(sock):
data = receive_until_prompt(sock)
data = data.strip()
data = data.split(b"\x00")
return data
def send(sock, data):
PIT = "1"
BREEZE = "3"
SMELL = "4"
actual_flag = "A"*42
map_data = {(0, 0) : NOTHING}
with open("explored_map.json") as f:
mod_map = json.load(f)
for key, val in mod_map.items():
no_b = key[1:-1]
x, y = no_b.split(", ")
x = int(x)
y = int(y)
map_data[(x, y)] = val
flag_chars = []
bounds = (49, 49)
current_pos = (0, 0)
def add_pos(pos, move):
return (pos[0] + move[0], pos[1] + move[1])
def next_pos(move):
global current_pos
return add_pos(current_pos, move)
def add_to_pos(pos, value):
global map_data
map_data[pos] = value#.add(value)
def parse_data(data, n_pos):
global flag_chars, actual_flag
if data[0] == b"iw":
# invalid move
print(f"found potential bounds: {n_pos}")
return False, False
elif data[0] == b"d":
# dead
print(f"found pit: {n_pos}")
if map_pos(n_pos) == NOTHING:
print(f"Found pit at {n_pos}, but we previously recorded nothing there! Something bad happened for sure!")
add_to_pos(n_pos, PIT)
return False, False
elif data[0] == b"f":
# flag char
remote_char = data[1].decode("utf8")
print(f"found flag char: {remote_char}")
local_char = testing.flag_char_for_pos(n_pos)
if local_char is None:
print(f"Local char is none for pos: {n_pos}, maybe we made a mistake?")
return False, False
idx = testing.flag_char_to_index(local_char)
print(f"According to local game, position of {remote_char} is {idx}")
update_flag(remote_char, idx)
print(f"Currently recovered flag: {actual_flag}")
#add_to_pos(n_pos, FLAG_CHAR)
#add_to_pos(n_pos, data[1].decode("utf-8"))
add_to_pos(n_pos, NOTHING)
return True, True
#return False
elif data[0] == b"i":
# if b"breeze" in data:
# add_to_pos(n_pos, BREEZE)
# if b"smell" in data:
# add_to_pos(n_pos, SMELL)
#if len(data) < 2:
add_to_pos(n_pos, NOTHING)
elif data[0] == b"e":
print("Had an error: ", data)
return False, False
return True, False
(1, 0) : "d",
(-1, 0) : "a",
(0, 1) : "s",
(0, -1) : "w"
def update_flag(char, pos):
global actual_flag
actual_flag = actual_flag[:pos] + char + actual_flag[pos+1:]
def one_iter(s, move):
mv_char = MOVE_LIST[move]
send(s, mv_char)
again = True
while again:
data = recv(s)
alive, again = parse_data(data, next_pos(move))
if not alive:
return False
return True
def game_loop(next_move):
global current_pos, next_explore, did_visit_flag, outside_recs, flag_pos, flag_chars, map_data
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:
s.connect((HOST, PORT))
current_pos = (0, 0)
outside_recs = 0
next_explore = find_next_unexplored()
did_visit_flag = False
cnt = 0
alive = True
data = recv(s)
print(f"Initial Data: {data}")
while alive:
move = next_move()
alive = one_iter(s, move)
if alive:
current_pos = next_pos(move)
if flag_pos == current_pos or flag_pos == next_pos(move):
print(f"This char seems good!: {flag_chars[-1]}")
print(f"Died after {cnt} {cnt // 2}")
except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
except Exception as e:
traceback_str = ''.join(traceback.format_tb(e.__traceback__))
print("Had an error")
def map_pos(pos):
global map_data
if pos in map_data:
return map_data[pos]
return ""
def find_bounds():
global current_pos
right = (0, 1)
down = (1, 0)
n_pos = next_pos(down)
nn_pos = add_pos(n_pos, right)
if PIT in map_pos(nn_pos):
nnn_pos = add_pos(next_pos(right), right)
if PIT in map_pos(nnn_pos):
return (0, -1)
return right
if PIT in map_pos(n_pos):
return right
return down
def is_in_bounds(pos):
global bounds
x, y = pos
return x >= 0 and y >= 0 and x < bounds[0] and y < bounds[1]
def explore():
global current_pos, map_data, outside_recs
outside_recs += 1
if outside_recs > 10:
return (0, 0)
options = [(0, 1), (0, 1), (0, 1), (0, 1), (0, 1), (1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, -1), (0, -1), (0, -1), (0, -1), (0, -1), (0, -1), (0, -1)]
possibilities = []
for move in options:
n_pos = next_pos(move)
if is_in_bounds(n_pos) and PIT not in map_pos(n_pos):
possibilities.append((n_pos, move))
# first find anything with a smell
for poss in possibilities:
n_pos, move = poss
if SMELL in map_pos(n_pos):
return move
# next find anything with nothing
for poss in possibilities:
n_pos, move = poss
if NOTHING in map_pos(n_pos):
return move
if len(possibilities) > 0:
return possibilities[0][0]
return options[0]
def find_next_unexplored():
global map_data
for y in range(50):
for x in range(50):
if (x, y) not in map_data:
return (x, y)
return None
next_explore = (0, 1)
square_grid = implementation.GridWithWeights(50, 50)
def correct_square_grid():
global square_grid, map_data
walls = []
for y in range(50):
for x in range(50):
pos = (x,y)
if pos in map_data:
if map_data[pos] == PIT:
square_grid.walls = walls
def make_path(pos):
global map_data, current_pos, square_grid
path, _ = implementation.a_star_search(square_grid, current_pos, pos)
real_path = []
current = pos
if current not in path:
return None
while current != current_pos:
current = path[current]
return real_path
def explore2():
global next_explore, current_pos
if current_pos == next_explore:
next_explore = find_next_unexplored()
if next_explore is None:
print("Nothing left to explore!")
return (0, 0)
path = make_path(next_explore)
if path is None or len(path) < 1:
#add_to_pos(next_explore, NOTHING)
print(f"Could not find a path to {next_explore} from {current_pos}")
next_explore = find_next_unexplored()
path = make_path(next_explore)
if (48, 0) in path:
print(f"Path has 48, 0, cur_pos: {current_pos}, target: {next_explore}")
nxt = path[0]
move = (nxt[0] - current_pos[0], nxt[1] - current_pos[1])
return move
def flag_char_pos(idx):
return (26 - 22 + idx, 26)
did_visit_flag = False
flag_pos = flag_char_pos(4)
outside_recs = 0
def explore3():
global did_visit_flag, current_pos, flag_pos
if did_visit_flag:
return (0,0)
return explore()
if current_pos == flag_pos:
did_visit_flag = True
return (0,0)
path = make_path(flag_pos)
if path is None or len(path) < 1:
return explore()
nxt = path[0]
move = (nxt[0] - current_pos[0], nxt[1] - current_pos[1])
return move
exp_next_location = (38, 33)
my_rand = random.Random()
def new_location():
global my_rand
while True:
rand_pos = my_rand.randint(2, 47), my_rand.randint(10, 40)
if map_pos(rand_pos) != PIT:
return rand_pos
def explore4():
global exp_next_location, current_pos
if exp_next_location == current_pos:
exp_next_location = new_location()
path = make_path(exp_next_location)
if path is None or len(path) < 1:
return (0, 0)
nxt = path[0]
move = (nxt[0] - current_pos[0], nxt[1] - current_pos[1])
return move
corner = (49, 49)
def explore_bounds():
global corner, current_pos
if corner == current_pos:
corner = (corner[0] + 1, corner[1])
path = make_path(corner)
if path is None or len(path) < 1:
print("No path!")
return (0, 0)
nxt = path[0]
move = (nxt[0] - current_pos[0], nxt[1] - current_pos[1])
return move
def print_map():
global map_data
s = "y |"
for x in range(50):
s += f" {x:02} |"
for y in range(50):
s = f"{y:02} |"
for x in range(50):
data = map_pos((x, y))
#inner = " ".join(data)
s += f"{data: ^3} |"
def save_map():
global map_data
mod_map = {}
for key, val in map_data.items():
mod_map[f"{key[0], key[1]}"] = val
with open("explored_map.json", "w+") as f:
json.dump(mod_map, f)
### For figuring out the bounds
# game_loop(explore_bounds)
### For dumping the map data
# for i in range(200):
# game_loop(explore2)
# #print_map()
# save_map()
### For figuring out the amount of chars in the flag
# flag_chars = []
# game_loop(explore4)
# print(len(flag_chars), flag_chars)
### For actually finding the flag
{"(0, 0)": "0", "(1, 0)": "0", "(2, 0)": "0", "(3, 0)": "0", "(4, 0)": "0", "(5, 0)": "0", "(6, 0)": "0", "(7, 0)": "0", "(8, 0)": "0", "(9, 0)": "0", "(10, 0)": "0", "(11, 0)": "0", "(12, 0)": "0", "(13, 0)": "0", "(14, 0)": "0", "(15, 0)": "0", "(16, 0)": "0", "(17, 0)": "0", "(18, 0)": "0", "(19, 0)": "0", "(20, 0)": "0", "(21, 0)": "0", "(22, 0)": "0", "(23, 0)": "0", "(24, 0)": "0", "(25, 0)": "0", "(26, 0)": "0", "(27, 0)": "0", "(28, 0)": "0", "(29, 0)": "0", "(30, 0)": "0", "(31, 0)": "0", "(32, 0)": "0", "(33, 0)": "1", "(32, 1)": "0", "(33, 1)": "0", "(34, 1)": "0", "(34, 0)": "0", "(35, 0)": "0", "(36, 0)": "0", "(37, 0)": "1", "(35, 1)": "0", "(36, 1)": "0", "(37, 1)": "0", "(38, 1)": "0", "(38, 0)": "0", "(39, 0)": "0", "(40, 0)": "1", "(39, 1)": "0", "(40, 1)": "0", "(41, 1)": "1", "(40, 2)": "0", "(41, 2)": "1", "(40, 3)": "0", "(41, 3)": "0", "(42, 3)": "1", "(41, 4)": "0", "(42, 4)": "0", "(43, 4)": "1", "(41, 5)": "0", "(42, 5)": "0", "(43, 5)": "0", "(44, 5)": "0", 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"0", "(4, 37)": "0", "(5, 37)": "0", "(6, 37)": "0", "(7, 37)": "0", "(8, 37)": "0", "(9, 37)": "0", "(10, 37)": "1", "(11, 37)": "0", "(12, 37)": "0", "(13, 37)": "0", "(17, 37)": "1", "(18, 37)": "0", "(19, 37)": "0", "(20, 37)": "0", "(21, 37)": "0", "(22, 37)": "0", "(23, 37)": "0", "(24, 37)": "0", "(25, 37)": "1", "(26, 37)": "0", "(27, 37)": "0", "(28, 37)": "0", "(29, 37)": "0", "(30, 37)": "0", "(31, 37)": "0", "(32, 37)": "0", "(33, 37)": "0", "(34, 37)": "0", "(35, 37)": "0", "(36, 37)": "0", "(37, 37)": "0", "(38, 37)": "0", "(39, 37)": "0", "(40, 37)": "0", "(41, 37)": "0", "(42, 37)": "0", "(43, 37)": "0", "(44, 37)": "0", "(45, 37)": "0", "(46, 37)": "0", "(47, 37)": "1", "(48, 37)": "0", "(49, 37)": "0", "(48, 38)": "0", "(47, 38)": "0", "(46, 38)": "0", "(45, 38)": "0", "(44, 38)": "0", "(43, 38)": "1", "(17, 38)": "0", "(18, 38)": "0", "(19, 38)": "0", "(20, 38)": "0", "(21, 38)": "0", "(22, 38)": "0", "(23, 38)": "0", "(24, 38)": "0", "(25, 38)": "0", "(26, 38)": "0", "(27, 38)": "0", "(28, 38)": "0", "(29, 38)": "0", "(30, 38)": "0", "(31, 38)": "0", "(32, 38)": "0", "(33, 38)": "0", "(34, 38)": "0", "(35, 38)": "0", "(36, 38)": "0", "(37, 38)": "0", "(38, 38)": "0", "(39, 38)": "0", "(40, 38)": "0", "(41, 38)": "0", "(42, 38)": "0", "(49, 38)": "0", "(44, 39)": "0", "(43, 39)": "0", "(42, 39)": "0", "(41, 39)": "0", "(40, 39)": "0", "(39, 39)": "0", "(38, 39)": "0", "(37, 39)": "0", "(36, 39)": "0", "(35, 39)": "0", "(34, 39)": "0", "(33, 39)": "0", "(32, 39)": "0", "(31, 39)": "0", "(30, 39)": "0", "(29, 39)": "0", "(28, 39)": "0", "(27, 39)": "0", "(26, 39)": "0", "(25, 39)": "0", "(24, 39)": "0", "(23, 39)": "0", "(22, 39)": "0", "(21, 39)": "0", "(20, 39)": "0", "(19, 39)": "0", "(18, 39)": "0", "(17, 39)": "0", "(16, 39)": "0", "(15, 39)": "0", "(14, 39)": "0", "(13, 39)": "0", "(12, 39)": "0", "(11, 39)": "0", "(10, 39)": "0", "(9, 39)": "0", "(8, 39)": "0", "(7, 39)": "0", "(6, 39)": "0", "(5, 39)": "0", "(4, 39)": "0", "(3, 39)": "0", "(2, 39)": "0", "(1, 39)": "0", "(0, 39)": "0", "(45, 39)": "0", "(46, 39)": "0", "(47, 39)": "0", "(48, 39)": "0", "(49, 39)": "0", "(0, 40)": "0", "(1, 40)": "0", "(2, 40)": "0", "(3, 40)": "0", "(4, 40)": "0", "(5, 40)": "0", "(6, 40)": "0", "(7, 40)": "0", "(8, 40)": "0", "(9, 40)": "1", "(10, 40)": "0", "(11, 40)": "0", "(12, 40)": "0", "(13, 40)": "0", "(14, 40)": "0", "(15, 40)": "0", "(16, 40)": "0", "(17, 40)": "0", "(18, 40)": "0", "(19, 40)": "0", "(20, 40)": "0", "(21, 40)": "0", "(22, 40)": "1", "(23, 40)": "0", "(24, 40)": "0", "(25, 40)": "1", "(26, 40)": "0", "(27, 40)": "0", "(28, 40)": "0", "(29, 40)": "0", "(30, 40)": "0", "(31, 40)": "0", "(32, 40)": "0", "(33, 40)": "0", "(34, 40)": "0", "(35, 40)": "0", "(36, 40)": "0", "(37, 40)": "0", "(38, 40)": "0", "(39, 40)": "0", "(40, 40)": "0", "(41, 40)": "0", "(42, 40)": "0", "(43, 40)": "0", "(44, 40)": "1", "(45, 40)": "0", "(46, 40)": "0", "(47, 40)": "0", "(48, 40)": "0", "(49, 40)": "0", "(45, 41)": "0", "(44, 41)": "1", "(0, 41)": "0", "(1, 41)": "0", "(2, 41)": "0", "(3, 41)": "0", "(4, 41)": "0", "(5, 41)": "0", "(6, 41)": "0", "(7, 41)": "0", "(8, 41)": "0", "(9, 41)": "0", "(10, 41)": "0", "(11, 41)": "0", "(12, 41)": "0", "(13, 41)": "0", "(14, 41)": "0", "(15, 41)": "0", "(16, 41)": "0", "(17, 41)": "0", "(18, 41)": "0", "(19, 41)": "1", "(20, 41)": "0", "(21, 41)": "0", "(22, 41)": "0", "(23, 41)": "0", "(24, 41)": "0", "(25, 41)": "0", "(26, 41)": "0", "(27, 41)": "0", "(28, 41)": "0", "(29, 41)": "0", "(30, 41)": "0", "(31, 41)": "0", "(32, 41)": "0", "(33, 41)": "0", "(34, 41)": "0", "(35, 41)": "0", "(36, 41)": "0", "(37, 41)": "0", "(38, 41)": "0", "(39, 41)": "0", "(40, 41)": "0", "(41, 41)": "0", "(42, 41)": "0", "(43, 41)": "0", "(43, 42)": "0", "(44, 42)": "1", "(46, 41)": "1", "(47, 41)": "1", "(48, 41)": "1", "(49, 41)": "0", "(49, 42)": "0", "(48, 42)": "0", "(47, 42)": "0", "(46, 42)": "0", "(45, 42)": "0", "(45, 43)": "0", "(44, 43)": "0", "(43, 43)": "0", "(42, 43)": "0", "(41, 43)": "0", "(40, 43)": "0", "(39, 43)": "0", "(38, 43)": "0", "(37, 43)": "1", "(0, 42)": "0", "(1, 42)": "0", "(2, 42)": "0", "(3, 42)": "0", "(4, 42)": "0", "(5, 42)": "0", "(6, 42)": "0", "(7, 42)": "1", "(8, 42)": "0", "(9, 42)": "0", "(10, 42)": "0", "(11, 42)": "0", "(12, 42)": "0", "(13, 42)": "0", "(14, 42)": "0", "(15, 42)": "0", "(16, 42)": "0", "(17, 42)": "0", "(18, 42)": "0", "(19, 42)": "0", "(20, 42)": "0", "(21, 42)": "0", "(22, 42)": "0", "(23, 42)": "0", "(24, 42)": "0", "(25, 42)": "0", "(26, 42)": "0", "(27, 42)": "0", "(28, 42)": "0", "(29, 42)": "0", "(30, 42)": "0", "(31, 42)": "1", "(32, 42)": "0", "(33, 42)": "0", "(34, 42)": "0", "(35, 42)": "0", "(36, 42)": "0", "(37, 42)": "0", "(38, 42)": "0", "(39, 42)": "0", "(40, 42)": "0", "(41, 42)": "0", "(42, 42)": "0", "(32, 43)": "0", "(31, 43)": "0", "(30, 43)": "0", "(29, 43)": "1", "(0, 43)": "0", "(1, 43)": "0", "(2, 43)": "0", "(3, 43)": "0", "(4, 43)": "0", "(5, 43)": "0", "(6, 43)": "1", "(5, 44)": "0", "(6, 44)": "0", "(7, 44)": "0", "(7, 43)": "0", "(8, 43)": "0", "(9, 43)": "0", "(10, 43)": "0", "(11, 43)": "0", "(12, 43)": "1", "(13, 43)": "0", "(14, 43)": "0", "(15, 43)": "0", "(16, 43)": "0", "(17, 43)": "0", "(18, 43)": "0", "(19, 43)": "0", "(20, 43)": "0", "(21, 43)": "1", "(22, 43)": "0", "(23, 43)": "1", "(24, 43)": "0", "(25, 43)": "0", "(26, 43)": "0", "(27, 43)": "1", "(28, 43)": "0", "(33, 43)": "0", "(34, 43)": "1", "(35, 43)": "0", "(36, 43)": "0", "(46, 43)": "0", "(47, 43)": "0", "(48, 43)": "0", "(49, 43)": "0", "(38, 44)": "0", "(37, 44)": "0", "(36, 44)": "0", "(35, 44)": "0", "(34, 44)": "0", "(33, 44)": "0", "(32, 44)": "0", "(31, 44)": "0", "(30, 44)": "0", "(29, 44)": "0", "(28, 44)": "0", "(27, 44)": "0", "(26, 44)": "1", "(0, 44)": "1", "(1, 44)": "0", "(2, 44)": "0", "(3, 44)": "0", "(4, 44)": "0", "(8, 44)": "0", "(9, 44)": "0", "(10, 44)": "0", "(11, 44)": "0", "(12, 44)": "0", "(13, 44)": "0", "(14, 44)": "0", "(15, 44)": "0", "(16, 44)": "0", "(17, 44)": "0", "(18, 44)": "1", "(19, 44)": "0", "(20, 44)": "0", "(21, 44)": "0", "(22, 44)": "0", "(23, 44)": "0", "(24, 44)": "0", "(25, 44)": "0", "(25, 45)": "0", "(26, 45)": "0", "(27, 45)": "0", "(39, 44)": "0", "(40, 44)": "0", "(41, 44)": "0", "(42, 44)": "0", "(43, 44)": "0", "(44, 44)": "0", "(45, 44)": "0", "(46, 44)": "1", "(47, 44)": "0", "(48, 44)": "0", "(49, 44)": "0", "(47, 45)": "0", "(46, 45)": "0", "(45, 45)": "0", "(44, 45)": "0", "(43, 45)": "0", "(42, 45)": "1", "(1, 45)": "0", "(0, 45)": "1", "(2, 45)": "1", "(3, 45)": "0", "(4, 45)": "0", "(5, 45)": "1", "(6, 45)": "0", "(7, 45)": "0", "(8, 45)": "0", "(9, 45)": "0", "(10, 45)": "0", "(11, 45)": "0", "(12, 45)": "0", "(13, 45)": "0", "(14, 45)": "0", "(15, 45)": "0", "(16, 45)": "0", "(17, 45)": "0", "(18, 45)": "1", "(19, 45)": "0", "(20, 45)": "0", "(21, 45)": "0", "(22, 45)": "0", "(23, 45)": "0", "(24, 45)": "1", "(28, 45)": "0", "(29, 45)": "0", "(30, 45)": "0", "(31, 45)": "0", "(32, 45)": "0", "(33, 45)": "0", "(34, 45)": "0", "(35, 45)": "0", "(36, 45)": "0", "(37, 45)": "1", "(38, 45)": "0", "(39, 45)": "1", "(40, 45)": "0", "(41, 45)": "0", "(48, 45)": "0", "(49, 45)": "0", "(43, 46)": "0", "(42, 46)": "0", "(41, 46)": "0", "(40, 46)": "1", "(1, 46)": "0", "(0, 46)": "0", "(2, 46)": "0", "(3, 46)": "0", "(4, 46)": "0", "(5, 46)": "0", "(6, 46)": "0", "(7, 46)": "0", "(8, 46)": "0", "(9, 46)": "0", "(10, 46)": "0", "(11, 46)": "0", "(12, 46)": "0", "(13, 46)": "0", "(14, 46)": "0", "(15, 46)": "1", "(16, 46)": "0", "(17, 46)": "0", "(18, 46)": "0", "(19, 46)": "1", "(20, 46)": "0", "(21, 46)": "0", "(22, 46)": "0", "(23, 46)": "1", "(22, 47)": "0", "(23, 47)": "0", "(24, 47)": "0", "(24, 46)": "0", "(25, 46)": "0", "(26, 46)": "0", "(27, 46)": "0", "(28, 46)": "0", "(29, 46)": "0", "(30, 46)": "0", "(31, 46)": "0", "(32, 46)": "0", "(33, 46)": "0", "(34, 46)": "0", "(35, 46)": "0", "(36, 46)": "0", "(37, 46)": "0", "(38, 46)": "1", "(37, 47)": "0", "(38, 47)": "0", "(39, 47)": "0", "(39, 46)": "1", "(44, 46)": "0", "(45, 46)": "0", "(46, 46)": "0", "(47, 46)": "0", "(48, 46)": "0", "(49, 46)": "0", "(41, 47)": "0", "(40, 47)": "1", "(0, 47)": "0", "(1, 47)": "1", "(2, 47)": "0", "(3, 47)": "0", "(4, 47)": "0", "(5, 47)": "0", "(6, 47)": "0", "(7, 47)": "0", "(8, 47)": "0", "(9, 47)": "1", "(10, 47)": "0", "(11, 47)": "0", "(12, 47)": "0", "(13, 47)": "0", "(14, 47)": "0", "(15, 47)": "0", "(16, 47)": "0", "(17, 47)": "0", "(18, 47)": "0", "(19, 47)": "1", "(20, 47)": "0", "(21, 47)": "0", "(25, 47)": "0", "(26, 47)": "0", "(27, 47)": "0", "(28, 47)": "0", "(29, 47)": "0", "(30, 47)": "0", "(31, 47)": "0", "(32, 47)": "0", "(33, 47)": "1", "(34, 47)": "1", "(35, 47)": "0", "(36, 47)": "0", "(39, 48)": "0", "(40, 48)": "0", "(41, 48)": "0", "(42, 47)": "1", "(43, 47)": "0", "(44, 47)": "0", "(45, 47)": "0", "(46, 47)": "0", "(47, 47)": "0", "(48, 47)": "0", "(49, 47)": "1", "(0, 48)": "0", "(1, 48)": "0", "(2, 48)": "0", "(3, 48)": "0", "(4, 48)": "0", "(5, 48)": "1", "(6, 48)": "0", "(7, 48)": "0", "(8, 48)": "0", "(9, 48)": "0", "(10, 48)": "0", "(11, 48)": "0", "(12, 48)": "0", "(13, 48)": "0", "(14, 48)": "0", "(15, 48)": "0", "(16, 48)": "0", "(17, 48)": "0", "(18, 48)": "0", "(19, 48)": "0", "(20, 48)": "0", "(21, 48)": "0", "(22, 48)": "0", "(23, 48)": "0", "(24, 48)": "0", "(25, 48)": "1", "(26, 48)": "0", "(27, 48)": "0", "(28, 48)": "0", "(29, 48)": "0", "(30, 48)": "0", "(31, 48)": "0", "(32, 48)": "0", "(33, 48)": "0", "(34, 48)": "0", "(35, 48)": "0", "(36, 48)": "0", "(37, 48)": "0", "(38, 48)": "0", "(42, 48)": "0", "(43, 48)": "1", "(44, 48)": "0", "(45, 48)": "0", "(46, 48)": "0", "(47, 48)": "0", "(48, 48)": "0", "(49, 48)": "0", "(44, 49)": "0", "(43, 49)": "0", "(42, 49)": "0", "(41, 49)": "0", "(40, 49)": "0", "(39, 49)": "0", "(38, 49)": "0", "(37, 49)": "0", "(36, 49)": "0", "(35, 49)": "1", "(0, 49)": "0", "(1, 49)": "0", "(2, 49)": "0", "(3, 49)": "1", "(4, 49)": "0", "(5, 49)": "0", "(6, 49)": "0", "(7, 49)": "0", "(8, 49)": "0", "(9, 49)": "0", "(10, 49)": "0", "(11, 49)": "0", "(12, 49)": "0", "(13, 49)": "0", "(14, 49)": "0", "(15, 49)": "1", "(16, 49)": "0", "(17, 49)": "1", "(18, 49)": "0", "(19, 49)": "0", "(20, 49)": "1", "(21, 49)": "0", "(22, 49)": "0", "(23, 49)": "0", "(24, 49)": "1", "(26, 49)": "0", "(25, 49)": "0", "(27, 49)": "0", "(28, 49)": "0", "(29, 49)": "0", "(30, 49)": "0", "(31, 49)": "0", "(32, 49)": "0", "(33, 49)": "0", "(34, 49)": "0", "(45, 49)": "0", "(46, 49)": "0", "(47, 49)": "1", "(48, 49)": "0", "(49, 49)": "0"}
import sys
import random
import time
class FlagChar:
def __init__(self, char, x, y, width, height):
self.char = char
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.width, self.height = width, height
def move(self, fields):
fields: (0,1,2,3)
0 current 2
True = something is there
# 10 tries, else do not move
for _ in range(10):
s = random.randint(0,3)
if s == 1 and (self.y <= 0 or fields[1]):
if s == 0 and (self.x <= 0 or fields[0]):
if s == 2 and (self.x >= (self.width - 1) or fields[2]):
if s == 3 and (self.y >= (self.height - 1) or fields[3]):
if s == 0:
self.x -= 1
if s == 1:
self.y -= 1
if s == 2:
self.x += 1
if s == 3:
self.y += 1
# we moved, break loop
def catch(self, x, y):
if self.x == x and self.y == y:
return self.char
return None
# Sample code from
# Copyright 2014 Red Blob Games <>
# Feel free to use this code in your own projects, including commercial projects
# License: Apache v2.0 <>
class SimpleGraph:
def __init__(self):
self.edges = {}
def neighbors(self, id):
return self.edges[id]
example_graph = SimpleGraph()
example_graph.edges = {
'A': ['B'],
'B': ['A', 'C', 'D'],
'C': ['A'],
'D': ['E', 'A'],
'E': ['B']
import collections
class Queue:
def __init__(self):
self.elements = collections.deque()
def empty(self):
return len(self.elements) == 0
def put(self, x):
def get(self):
return self.elements.popleft()
# utility functions for dealing with square grids
def from_id_width(id, width):
return (id % width, id // width)
def draw_tile(graph, id, style, width):
r = "."
if 'number' in style and id in style['number']: r = "%d" % style['number'][id]
if 'point_to' in style and style['point_to'].get(id, None) is not None:
(x1, y1) = id
(x2, y2) = style['point_to'][id]
if x2 == x1 + 1: r = ">"
if x2 == x1 - 1: r = "<"
if y2 == y1 + 1: r = "v"
if y2 == y1 - 1: r = "^"
if 'start' in style and id == style['start']: r = "A"
if 'goal' in style and id == style['goal']: r = "Z"
if 'path' in style and id in style['path']: r = "@"
if id in graph.walls: r = "#" * width
return r
def draw_grid(graph, width=2, **style):
for y in range(graph.height):
for x in range(graph.width):
print("%%-%ds" % width % draw_tile(graph, (x, y), style, width), end="")
# data from main article
DIAGRAM1_WALLS = [from_id_width(id, width=30) for id in [21,22,51,52,81,82,93,94,111,112,123,124,133,134,141,142,153,154,163,164,171,172,173,174,175,183,184,193,194,201,202,203,204,205,213,214,223,224,243,244,253,254,273,274,283,284,303,304,313,314,333,334,343,344,373,374,403,404,433,434]]
class SquareGrid:
def __init__(self, width, height):
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.walls = []
def in_bounds(self, id):
(x, y) = id
return 0 <= x < self.width and 0 <= y < self.height
def passable(self, id):
return id not in self.walls
def neighbors(self, id):
(x, y) = id
results = [(x+1, y), (x, y-1), (x-1, y), (x, y+1)]
if (x + y) % 2 == 0: results.reverse() # aesthetics
results = filter(self.in_bounds, results)
results = filter(self.passable, results)
return results
class GridWithWeights(SquareGrid):
def __init__(self, width, height):
super().__init__(width, height)
self.weights = {}
def cost(self, from_node, to_node):
return self.weights.get(to_node, 1)
diagram4 = GridWithWeights(10, 10)
diagram4.walls = [(1, 7), (1, 8), (2, 7), (2, 8), (3, 7), (3, 8)]
diagram4.weights = {loc: 5 for loc in [(3, 4), (3, 5), (4, 1), (4, 2),
(4, 3), (4, 4), (4, 5), (4, 6),
(4, 7), (4, 8), (5, 1), (5, 2),
(5, 3), (5, 4), (5, 5), (5, 6),
(5, 7), (5, 8), (6, 2), (6, 3),
(6, 4), (6, 5), (6, 6), (6, 7),
(7, 3), (7, 4), (7, 5)]}
import heapq
class PriorityQueue:
def __init__(self):
self.elements = []
def empty(self):
return len(self.elements) == 0
def put(self, item, priority):
heapq.heappush(self.elements, (priority, item))
def get(self):
return heapq.heappop(self.elements)[1]
def dijkstra_search(graph, start, goal):
frontier = PriorityQueue()
frontier.put(start, 0)
came_from = {}
cost_so_far = {}
came_from[start] = None
cost_so_far[start] = 0
while not frontier.empty():
current = frontier.get()
if current == goal:
for next in graph.neighbors(current):
new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + graph.cost(current, next)
if next not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[next]:
cost_so_far[next] = new_cost
priority = new_cost
frontier.put(next, priority)
came_from[next] = current
return came_from, cost_so_far
# thanks to @m1sp <Jaiden Mispy> for this simpler version of
# reconstruct_path that doesn't have duplicate entries
def reconstruct_path(came_from, start, goal):
current = goal
path = []
while current != start:
current = came_from[current]
path.append(start) # optional
path.reverse() # optional
return path
def heuristic(a, b):
(x1, y1) = a
(x2, y2) = b
return abs(x1 - x2) + abs(y1 - y2)
def a_star_search(graph, start, goal):
frontier = PriorityQueue()
frontier.put(start, 0)
came_from = {}
cost_so_far = {}
came_from[start] = None
cost_so_far[start] = 0
while not frontier.empty():
current = frontier.get()
if current == goal:
for next in graph.neighbors(current):
new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + graph.cost(current, next)
if next not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[next]:
cost_so_far[next] = new_cost
priority = new_cost + heuristic(goal, next)
frontier.put(next, priority)
came_from[next] = current
return came_from, cost_so_far
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
from flag_char import FlagChar
width, height = 50, 50
mapp = []
flagstr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
flagstr = flagstr[:42]
player_pos = (0, 0)
cnt = 0
updated_map = []
PIT = "1"
def write_map(actual_map):
mapp = [NOTHING]*(width*height+1)
for y in range(50):
for x in range(50):
pos = (x,y)
if pos in actual_map and actual_map[pos] == PIT:
mapp[index(x, y)+1] = PIT
mapp[index(x, y)+1] = NOTHING
with open("map", "w+") as f:
for i in range(width * height):
if i == 0:
if (i % width - 1) == 0 and i > 1:
def initialize_map(actual_map):
global mapp, flag, flagstr, player_pos, cnt, updated_map
flag = []
mapp = [NOTHING]*(width*height)
for y in range(50):
for x in range(50):
pos = (x,y)
if pos in actual_map and actual_map[pos] == PIT:
mapp[index(x, y)] = PIT
mapp[index(x, y)] = NOTHING
#with open("flag.txt", "r") as f:
tmp =
for x, i in enumerate(tmp):
flag.append(FlagChar(i, (width // 2) - (len(tmp) // 2) + x, height // 2, width, height))
print("FLAG LENGTH:")
player_pos = (0, 0)
cnt = 0
updated_map = mapp.copy()
# build map with current flag positions
for i in flag:
updated_map[index(i.x, i.y)] = FLAG_CHAR
flag = []
def index(x,y):
return x + y * width
def get_neighbor_values(m, x, y):
return (west, north, east, south)
w = map_pos(m, x - 1, y)
n = map_pos(m, x, y - 1)
e = map_pos(m, x + 1, y)
s = map_pos(m, x, y + 1)
return (w, n, e, s)
def map_pos(m, x, y):
if x < 0 or x > width - 1 or y < 0 or y > height - 1:
return "wall"
return m[index(x, y)]
def flag_char_to_index(char):
global flagstr
return flagstr.index(char)
def flag_char_for_pos(pos):
global flag
x, y = pos
for i in flag:
if i.x == x and i.y == y:
return i.char
return None
def move_flag():
global flag, updated_map, player_pos
px, py = player_pos
updated_map[index(px, py)] = "3"
for i in flag:
neighbors = get_neighbor_values(updated_map, i.x, i.y)
old_idx = index(i.x, i.y)
i.move((neighbors[0] != NOTHING,
neighbors[1] != NOTHING,
neighbors[2] != NOTHING,
neighbors[3] != NOTHING))
updated_map[old_idx] = NOTHING
updated_map[index(i.x, i.y)] = FLAG_CHAR
def check_catch():
global player_pos, flag
for f in flag:
caught = f.catch(player_pos[0], player_pos[1])
if caught:
def tick_game(next_position):
global updated_map, flag
global cnt, player_pos
slow = 2
player_pos = next_position
cnt += 1
if cnt % slow == 0:
updated_map = mapp.copy()
# build map with current flag positions
for i in flag:
updated_map[index(i.x, i.y)] = FLAG_CHAR
def game_loop(flag_idx):
global updated_map
cnt = 0
slow = 2
locations = {}
while cnt < 40:
updated_map = mapp.copy()
# build map with current flag positions
for i in flag:
updated_map[index(i.x, i.y)] = FLAG_CHAR
cnt += 1
if cnt % slow == 0:
f = flag[flag_idx]
if (cnt > 10):
locations[cnt // 2] = (f.x, f.y)
return locations
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