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Last active August 31, 2022 21:42
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Script to prompt user for input to add to for Jekyll blog post for podcast show notes on website
# author : @CochinoChingon
# about : bash script to create new jekyll posts with minimal-music-project theme by @itsMeaga1n
# description : This will make a new Jekyll blog post as an md file and open in neovim to complete for the discography section of the above theme.
# URL :
# POSTS -- not necessary but a good habit to be in Git dir; alternatively can use variables to post to Git dir regardless of location
read -p "did you copy YouTube link? " answer
if [ $answer == y ]
echo "copy the YouTube link dumbass!"
if [[ $(pwd) != *_posts ]]; then
echo "You must be inside the _posts dir" # test if we are inside the _posts dir
# CAL print 2 month calendar with Days in left column to find Day of week across all printed months
ncal -A 2
if [[ $(date -v+2m +%Y) != $(date +%Y) ]]; then # this is to for near end of year months
read -p "which year?: " year
year=`date +%Y`;
read -p "Post date: " pdate # date you want post to go live
read -p "Title: " title # episode title
read -p "episode category? " category # blog post category
read -p "one line for exerpt: " oneline # hopefully this will correctly output everything I write as a full string for the exerpt
read -p "image name? (teaser image for blog post) " img
read -p "YouTube link: " link # YouTube link for video
blogCopy=$(cat $HOME/esc.txt) # blog copy from Descript transcript saved to esc.txt with Keyboard Maestro shortcut
postTitle=`echo $title | tr " " "-"` # convert spaces in title to hyphens
ytID=`echo $link | cut -d "/" -f4` # cut command uses -d as delimiter (what it breaks sections into) "/" uses the backslash -f4 still cant figure out, would expect count to start at 0 making it f2, but that's for another day
ptlower=`echo "$postTitle" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'` # convert title to lowercase
postname=$year-$pdate-$ # file name
touch $postname # create blank post
echo "---
title: $title
date: $year-$pdate
excerpt: ${oneline[@]}
teaser: /images/$img
overlay_image: /images/show-logo.png
overlay_filter: 0.5
category: $category
{% include video id='$ytID' provider='youtube' %}
# Show links
<br> Listen on:
<br> [Spotify]( <a href=''><i class='fab fa-spotify'></i></a>
<br> [Apple Podcasts]( <a href='
'><i class='fas fa-podcast'></i></a>
<br> [Google Podcasts]( <a href='
<br> Active Socials:
<br> [u/SuciasAreMyFavorite]( on Reddit <a href=''><i class='fab fa-square-reddit'></i></a>
<br> []( on Instagram <a href=''><i class='fab fa-instagram-square'></i></a>" >> $postname
/Applications/ $postname
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