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Created December 31, 2021 21:57
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# load data
url <-
mack_raw <- url %>%
read_html() %>%
html_elements('table') %>%
html_table() %>%
.[1] %>% %>%
# make first row the column headers
first_pass <- mack_raw %>%
row_to_names(row_number = 1)
# remove other column header row
mack <- subset(first_pass, Rk != 'Rk')
# fix unamed columns
names(mack)[5] <- paste0('Location')
names(mack)[7] <- paste0('Result')
# change date to only use year
mack$Date <- str_extract(mack$Date, "[^-]+")
# remove non-power 5 opponents
mack <- mack %>%
Opponent != 'Mercer',
Opponent != 'Georgia State',
Opponent != 'Western Carolina',
Opponent != 'Wofford',
Opponent != 'Appalachian State'
# change texas a&m bowl game to 2020 season
mack <- mack %>%
mutate(Date = replace(Date, Opponent == 'Texas A&M', 2020))
# summarize point differential
mack_all <- mack %>%
mutate(diff_raw = as.numeric(Pts) - as.numeric(Opp)) %>%
group_by(Date) %>%
mutate(PD = sum(diff_raw)) %>%
select(Date, PD)
# show unique point differential totals
diff <- unique(mack_all)
# print it out
# A tibble: 3 × 2
# Groups: Date [3]
Date PD
<chr> <dbl>
1 2021 -21
2 2020 107
3 2019 76
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