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Created June 9, 2021 22:23
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def calc_derivative(principal, apr, gas, t=days_between_compounds):
return (principal*((-gas/principal) + ((apr/100)/365) * t + 1)(365/t)) * ( ((apr/100)/( t( (-gas/principal) + t(apr/100)/365 + 1) )) - (365np.log( (-gas/principal) + t(apr/100)/365 + 1))/t2 )
def calc_final_value(principal, apr, gas, num_days):
return principal(1+(num_days(apr/100)/365 - gas/principal))**(365/num_days)
def find_ideal_compound_rate(principal, apr, gas):
der = 99999999999999999
ideal_days = 365
for days in np.arange(0.5,365.25,.25):
der_test = calc_derivative(principal, apr, gas, days)
if (abs(der_test)<der) and (calc_final_value(principal, apr, gas, days) > calc_final_value(principal, apr, gas, days-0.25)) and (calc_final_value(principal, apr, gas, days) > calc_final_value(principal, apr, gas, days+0.25)):
### the above tests to make sure the derivative is a maximum and not a minimum point
der = abs(der_test)
def accumulate_funds(principal, apr, gas):
principal is in dollars
apr is in % so 283% --> 283
gas cost is in dollars
returns a print of when to compound
wen = []
starting_funds = principal
days_of_trial = 0
price = 1 ###used to deteriorate ALCX price
price_end_percent = 1 ### use this if you want to have ALCX price deteriorate
price_depr = (1-price_end_percent)/365
dep_APR = 1 # Use this to depreciate the ALCX emissions rate and hence the APR
while days_of_trial < 365:
days_between_compounds = find_ideal_compound_rate(principal, apr, gas)
prior_compound = days_of_trial
prior_value = final_monies
final_monies = principal+(principal*(days_between_compounds * (apr/365.)/100.) - gas)price
period_rewards = (principal(days_between_compounds * (apr/365.)/100.) )price
wen.append([days_of_trial, round(final_monies,2), round((principal(days_between_compounds * (apr/365.)/100.) )price,2)])
print(f"Day of Compound: {days_of_trial:6.2f} Value: ${final_monies:10.2f} Rewards Earned: {period_rewards:8.2f}, APR: {apr:6.2f}")### Amount Compounded: {(principaldays_between_compounds*(apr/365)/100 - gas):8.2f}" )
principal = final_monies
year_money = prior_value + ( (365-prior_compound)/(days_of_trial-prior_compound) ) * (final_monies-prior_value)
price = price-(price_depr*days_between_compounds)
apr = apr * dep_APR
print(f'\nSelf-compound APY = {100*((year_money-starting_funds)/starting_funds):.2f}%')
#return wen
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