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Last active April 22, 2016 19:23
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CustomTlsHandler for DotNetty - Avoid Mono issue
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
using System.IO;
using System.Net.Security;
using System.Runtime.ExceptionServices;
using System.Security.Authentication;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DotNetty.Buffers;
using DotNetty.Codecs;
using DotNetty.Common.Concurrency;
using DotNetty.Common.Utilities;
using DotNetty.Transport.Channels;
namespace PI.SDK.PAX.Playground
public sealed class TlsHandshakeCompletionEvent
public static readonly TlsHandshakeCompletionEvent Success = new TlsHandshakeCompletionEvent();
readonly Exception exception;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new event that indicates a successful handshake.
/// </summary>
this.exception = null;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new event that indicates an unsuccessful handshake.
/// Use {@link #SUCCESS} to indicate a successful handshake.
/// </summary>
public TlsHandshakeCompletionEvent(Exception exception)
Contract.Requires(exception != null);
this.exception = exception;
/// <summary>
/// Return {@code true} if the handshake was successful
/// </summary>
public bool IsSuccessful
get { return this.exception == null; }
/// <summary>
/// Return the {@link Throwable} if {@link #isSuccess()} returns {@code false}
/// and so the handshake failed.
/// </summary>
public Exception Exception
get { return this.exception; }
public sealed class CustomTlsHandler : ByteToMessageDecoder
const int ReadBufferSize = 4 * 1024; // todo: research perfect size
static readonly Exception ChannelClosedException = new IOException("Channel is closed");
static readonly Action<Task, object> AuthenticationCompletionCallback = new Action<Task, object>(HandleAuthenticationCompleted);
static readonly AsyncCallback SslStreamReadCallback = new AsyncCallback(HandleSslStreamRead);
readonly SslStream sslStream;
State state;
readonly MediationStream mediationStream;
IByteBuffer sslStreamReadBuffer;
volatile IChannelHandlerContext capturedContext;
PendingWriteQueue pendingUnencryptedWrites;
Task lastContextWriteTask;
TaskCompletionSource closeFuture;
readonly bool isServer;
readonly X509Certificate2 certificate;
readonly string targetHost;
CustomTlsHandler(bool isServer, X509Certificate2 certificate, string targetHost, RemoteCertificateValidationCallback certificateValidationCallback)
Contract.Requires(!isServer || certificate != null);
Contract.Requires(isServer || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetHost));
this.closeFuture = new TaskCompletionSource();
this.isServer = isServer;
this.certificate = certificate;
this.targetHost = targetHost;
this.mediationStream = new MediationStream(this);
this.sslStream = new SslStream(this.mediationStream, true, certificateValidationCallback);
public static CustomTlsHandler Client(string targetHost)
return new CustomTlsHandler(false, null, targetHost, null);
public static CustomTlsHandler Client(string targetHost, X509Certificate2 certificate)
return new CustomTlsHandler(false, certificate, targetHost, null);
public static CustomTlsHandler Client(string targetHost, X509Certificate2 certificate, RemoteCertificateValidationCallback certificateValidationCallback)
return new CustomTlsHandler(false, certificate, targetHost, certificateValidationCallback);
public static CustomTlsHandler Server(X509Certificate2 certificate)
return new CustomTlsHandler(true, certificate, null, null);
public X509Certificate LocalCertificate
get { return this.sslStream.LocalCertificate; }
public X509Certificate RemoteCertificate
get { return this.sslStream.RemoteCertificate; }
public void Dispose()
if (this.sslStream != null)
public override void ChannelActive(IChannelHandlerContext context)
if (!this.isServer)
public override void ChannelInactive(IChannelHandlerContext context)
// Make sure to release SslStream,
// and notify the handshake future if the connection has been closed during handshake.
public override void ExceptionCaught(IChannelHandlerContext context, Exception exception)
if (IgnoreException(exception))
// Close the connection explicitly just in case the transport
// did not close the connection automatically.
if (context.Channel.Active)
base.ExceptionCaught(context, exception);
bool IgnoreException(Exception t)
if (t is ObjectDisposedException && this.closeFuture.Task.IsCompleted)
return true;
return false;
static void HandleAuthenticationCompleted(Task task, object state)
var self = (CustomTlsHandler)state;
switch (task.Status)
case TaskStatus.RanToCompletion:
State oldState = self.state;
if ((oldState & State.AuthenticationCompleted) == 0)
self.state = (oldState | State.Authenticated) & ~(State.Authenticating | State.FlushedBeforeHandshake);
if ((oldState & State.ReadRequestedBeforeAuthenticated) == State.ReadRequestedBeforeAuthenticated
&& !self.capturedContext.Channel.Configuration.AutoRead)
if ((oldState & State.FlushedBeforeHandshake) != 0)
case TaskStatus.Canceled:
case TaskStatus.Faulted:
// ReSharper disable once AssignNullToNotNullAttribute -- task.Exception will be present as task is faulted
State oldState = self.state;
if ((oldState & State.AuthenticationCompleted) == 0)
self.state = (oldState | State.FailedAuthentication) & ~State.Authenticating;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("task", "Unexpected task status: " + task.Status);
public override void HandlerAdded(IChannelHandlerContext context)
this.capturedContext = context;
this.pendingUnencryptedWrites = new PendingWriteQueue(context);
if (context.Channel.Active && !this.isServer)
// todo: support delayed initialization on an existing/active channel if in client mode
protected override void HandlerRemovedInternal(IChannelHandlerContext context)
if (!this.pendingUnencryptedWrites.IsEmpty)
// Check if queue is not empty first because create a new ChannelException is expensive
this.pendingUnencryptedWrites.RemoveAndFailAll(new ChannelException("Write has failed due to TlsHandler being removed from channel pipeline."));
protected override void Decode(IChannelHandlerContext context, IByteBuffer input, List<object> output)
// pass bytes to SslStream through input -> trigger HandleSslStreamRead. After this call sslStreamReadBuffer may or may not have bytes to read
if (!this.EnsureAuthenticated())
IByteBuffer readBuffer = this.sslStreamReadBuffer;
if (readBuffer == null)
this.sslStreamReadBuffer = readBuffer = context.Channel.Allocator.Buffer(ReadBufferSize);
if (readBuffer.IsReadable())
// SslStream parsed at least one full frame and completed read request
// Pass the buffer to a next handler in pipeline
this.sslStreamReadBuffer = null;
public override void Read(IChannelHandlerContext context)
State oldState = this.state;
if ((oldState & State.AuthenticationCompleted) == 0)
this.state = oldState | State.ReadRequestedBeforeAuthenticated;
bool EnsureAuthenticated()
State oldState = this.state;
if ((oldState & State.AuthenticationStarted) == 0)
this.state = oldState | State.Authenticating;
if (this.isServer)
this.sslStream.AuthenticateAsServerAsync(this.certificate) // todo: change to begin/end
.ContinueWith(AuthenticationCompletionCallback, this, TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously);
var certificateCollection = new X509Certificate2Collection();
if (this.certificate != null)
this.sslStream.AuthenticateAsClientAsync(this.targetHost, certificateCollection, SslProtocols.Tls | SslProtocols.Tls11 | SslProtocols.Tls12, false) // todo: change to begin/end
.ContinueWith(AuthenticationCompletionCallback, this, TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously);
return false;
return (oldState & State.Authenticated) == State.Authenticated;
void ScheduleSslStreamRead()
IByteBuffer buf = this.sslStreamReadBuffer;
this.sslStream.BeginRead(buf.Array, buf.ArrayOffset + buf.WriterIndex, buf.WritableBytes, SslStreamReadCallback, this);
catch (Exception ex)
static void HandleSslStreamRead(IAsyncResult ar)
var self = (CustomTlsHandler)ar.AsyncState;
int length = self.sslStream.EndRead(ar);
self.sslStreamReadBuffer.SetWriterIndex(self.sslStreamReadBuffer.ReaderIndex + length); // adjust byte buffer's writer index to reflect read progress
public override Task WriteAsync(IChannelHandlerContext context, object message)
if (!(message is IByteBuffer))
return TaskEx.FromException(new UnsupportedMessageTypeException(message, typeof(IByteBuffer)));
return this.pendingUnencryptedWrites.Add(message);
public override void Flush(IChannelHandlerContext context)
if (this.pendingUnencryptedWrites.IsEmpty)
if (!this.EnsureAuthenticated())
this.state |= State.FlushedBeforeHandshake;
void Wrap(IChannelHandlerContext context)
Contract.Assert(context == this.capturedContext);
while (true)
object msg = this.pendingUnencryptedWrites.Current;
if (msg == null)
var buf = (IByteBuffer)msg;
buf.ReadBytes(this.sslStream, buf.ReadableBytes); // this leads to FinishWrap being called 0+ times
TaskCompletionSource promise = this.pendingUnencryptedWrites.Remove();
Task task = this.lastContextWriteTask;
if (task != null)
this.lastContextWriteTask = null;
void FinishWrap(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
IByteBuffer output = this.capturedContext.Allocator.Buffer(count);
output.WriteBytes(buffer, offset, count);
if (!output.IsReadable())
output = Unpooled.Empty;
this.lastContextWriteTask = this.capturedContext.WriteAsync(output);
public override Task CloseAsync(IChannelHandlerContext context)
return base.CloseAsync(context);
void HandleFailure(Exception cause)
// Release all resources such as internal buffers that SSLEngine
// is managing.
catch (Exception ex)
// todo: evaluate following:
// only log in Debug mode as it most likely harmless and latest chrome still trigger
// this all the time.
// See
//string msg = ex.Message;
//if (msg == null || !msg.contains("possible truncation attack"))
// logger.Debug("{} SSLEngine.closeInbound() raised an exception.",, e);
void NotifyHandshakeFailure(Exception cause)
if ((this.state & State.AuthenticationCompleted) == 0)
// handshake was not completed yet => TlsHandler react to failure by closing the channel
this.state = (this.state | State.FailedAuthentication) & ~State.Authenticating;
this.capturedContext.FireUserEventTriggered(new TlsHandshakeCompletionEvent(cause));
enum State
Authenticating = 1,
Authenticated = 1 << 1,
FailedAuthentication = 1 << 2,
ReadRequestedBeforeAuthenticated = 1 << 3,
FlushedBeforeHandshake = 1 << 4,
AuthenticationStarted = Authenticating | Authenticated | FailedAuthentication,
AuthenticationCompleted = Authenticated | FailedAuthentication
sealed class MediationStream : Stream
static readonly Action<Task, object> WriteCompleteCallback = HandleChannelWriteComplete;
readonly CustomTlsHandler owner;
IByteBuffer pendingReadBuffer;
readonly SynchronousAsyncResult<int> syncReadResult;
TaskCompletionSource<int> readCompletionSource;
AsyncCallback readCallback;
ArraySegment<byte> sslOwnedBuffer;
TaskCompletionSource writeCompletion;
AsyncCallback writeCallback;
public MediationStream(CustomTlsHandler owner)
Program.Trace.WriteLine($"[MediationStream] Ctor");
this.syncReadResult = new SynchronousAsyncResult<int>();
this.owner = owner;
public void AcceptBytes(IByteBuffer input)
TaskCompletionSource<int> tcs = this.readCompletionSource;
if (tcs == null)
// there is no pending read operation - keep for future
this.pendingReadBuffer = input;
ArraySegment<byte> sslBuffer = this.sslOwnedBuffer;
Contract.Assert(sslBuffer.Array != null);
int readableBytes = input.ReadableBytes;
Program.Trace.WriteLine($"[MediationStream] AcceptBytes - Input Readable bytes {readableBytes}");
int length = Math.Min(sslBuffer.Count, readableBytes);
Program.Trace.WriteLine($"[MediationStream] AcceptBytes - SslBuffer {length}");
input.ReadBytes(sslBuffer.Array, sslBuffer.Offset, length);
if (length < readableBytes)
Program.Trace.WriteLine($"[MediationStream] AcceptBytes - length < readableBytes == true");
// set buffer for consecutive read to use
this.pendingReadBuffer = input;
AsyncCallback callback = this.readCallback;
if (callback != null)
Program.Trace.WriteLine($"[MediationStream] AcceptBytes - before callback()");
Program.Trace.WriteLine($"[MediationStream] AcceptBytes - after callback()");
public override IAsyncResult BeginRead(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
Program.Trace.WriteLine($"[MediationStream] BeginRead ");
IByteBuffer pendingBuf = this.pendingReadBuffer;
if (pendingBuf != null)
// we have the bytes available upfront - write out synchronously
int readableBytes = pendingBuf.ReadableBytes;
Program.Trace.WriteLine($"[MediationStream] BeginRead - ReadableBytes {readableBytes}");
int length = Math.Min(count, readableBytes);
Program.Trace.WriteLine($"[MediationStream] BeginRead - length {length}");
pendingBuf.ReadBytes(buffer, offset, length);
if (length == readableBytes)
Program.Trace.WriteLine($"[MediationStream] BeginRead - length == readableBytes");
// buffer has been read out to the end
this.pendingReadBuffer = null;
Program.Trace.WriteLine($"[MediationStream] BeginRead - return PrepareSyncReadResult");
//return this.PrepareSyncReadResult(length, state);
var syncResult = this.PrepareSyncReadResult(length, state);
if (callback != null)
return syncResult;
Program.Trace.WriteLine($"[MediationStream] BeginRead - return Task");
// take note of buffer - we will pass bytes in here
this.sslOwnedBuffer = new ArraySegment<byte>(buffer, offset, count);
this.readCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<int>(state);
this.readCallback = callback;
return this.readCompletionSource.Task;
public override int EndRead(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
SynchronousAsyncResult<int> syncResult = this.syncReadResult;
if (ReferenceEquals(asyncResult, syncResult))
Program.Trace.WriteLine($"[MediationStream] EndRead - return syncResult.Result");
return syncResult.Result;
return ((Task<int>)asyncResult).Result;
catch (AggregateException ex)
throw; // unreachable
this.readCompletionSource = null;
this.readCallback = null;
this.sslOwnedBuffer = default(ArraySegment<byte>);
public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
this.owner.FinishWrap(buffer, offset, count);
public override IAsyncResult BeginWrite(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
Task task = this.owner.capturedContext.WriteAndFlushAsync(Unpooled.WrappedBuffer(buffer, offset, count));
switch (task.Status)
case TaskStatus.RanToCompletion:
// write+flush completed synchronously (and successfully)
var result = new SynchronousAsyncResult<int>();
result.AsyncState = state;
return result;
this.writeCallback = callback;
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource(state);
this.writeCompletion = tcs;
task.ContinueWith(WriteCompleteCallback, this, TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously);
return tcs.Task;
static void HandleChannelWriteComplete(Task writeTask, object state)
Program.Trace.WriteLine($"[MediationStream] HandleChannelWriteComplete - status {writeTask.Status}");
var self = (MediationStream)state;
switch (writeTask.Status)
case TaskStatus.RanToCompletion:
case TaskStatus.Canceled:
case TaskStatus.Faulted:
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Unexpected task status: " + writeTask.Status);
if (self.writeCallback != null)
Program.Trace.WriteLine($"[MediationStream] HandleChannelWriteComplete - self.writeCallback != null");
public override void EndWrite(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
if (this.writeCallback == null) { return; }
this.writeCallback = null;
this.writeCompletion = null;
if (asyncResult is SynchronousAsyncResult<int>)
catch (AggregateException ex)
IAsyncResult PrepareSyncReadResult(int readBytes, object state)
Program.Trace.WriteLine($"[MediationStream] PrepareSyncReadResult - readBytes {readBytes}");
// it is safe to reuse sync result object as it can't lead to leak (no way to attach to it via handle)
SynchronousAsyncResult<int> result = this.syncReadResult;
result.Result = readBytes;
result.AsyncState = state;
return result;
public override void Flush()
// NOOP: called on SslStream.Close
#region plumbing
public override long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin origin)
Program.Trace.WriteLine($"[MediationStream] Seek");
throw new NotSupportedException();
public override void SetLength(long value)
Program.Trace.WriteLine($"[MediationStream] SetLength");
throw new NotSupportedException();
public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
Program.Trace.WriteLine($"[MediationStream] Read ");
IByteBuffer pendingBuf = this.pendingReadBuffer;
if (pendingBuf != null)
Program.Trace.WriteLine($"[MediationStream] Read pendingBuf != null");
// we have the bytes available upfront - write out synchronously
int readableBytes = pendingBuf.ReadableBytes;
Program.Trace.WriteLine($"[MediationStream] Read - readable bytes {readableBytes}");
int length = Math.Min(count, readableBytes);
Program.Trace.WriteLine($"[MediationStream] Read - {length}");
pendingBuf.ReadBytes(buffer, offset, length);
if (length == readableBytes)
// buffer has been read out to the end
this.pendingReadBuffer = null;
return length;
throw new InvalidOperationException("No readily available bytes to complete the call. Would need to block to complete this call.");
public override bool CanRead
get { return true; }
public override bool CanSeek
get { return false; }
public override bool CanWrite
get { return true; }
public override long Length
get { throw new NotSupportedException(); }
public override long Position
get { throw new NotSupportedException(); }
set { throw new NotSupportedException(); }
#region sync result
sealed class SynchronousAsyncResult<T> : IAsyncResult
public T Result { get; set; }
public bool IsCompleted
get { return true; }
public WaitHandle AsyncWaitHandle
get { throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot wait on a synchronous result."); }
public object AsyncState { get; set; }
public bool CompletedSynchronously
get { return true; }
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