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Jonas Galvez galvez

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export class ModuleUtils {
static mixin(target) {
for (const member of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(ModuleUtils.prototype)) {
target[member] = ModuleUtils.prototype[member].bind(target)
resolvePath(...args) {
return resolve(process.cwd(), ...args)
import Vue from 'vue'
function componentInject(key, setter) {
const installKey = `__component_inject_${key}`
if (Vue[installKey]) {
Vue[installKey] = true
const componentKey = `$${key}`
const privateKey = `_${key}`
function wrapAt (str, max) {
if (str.length > max) {
const parts = str.split(' ')
let i = 0
for (let w = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
w += parts[i].length
if (w >= max) {
parts[i] = `\n${parts[i]}`
w = 0

Nootropic Frappuccino

This comes from years of personal experience tweaking the recipe. I also recommend studying Ray Peat's articles for general knowledge and understanding of metabolism. Make up your own mind.

Ingredients are listed in the order I put them in the mixer.

Some of the powder tends to stick to the sides -- use a spoon to scrape while mixing if necessary.

export default function makeSymbols (...symbols) {
return symbols.reduce((obj, s) => ({ ...obj, [s]: Symbol.for(s) }), {})
// APIStoreProps are properties that need to be
// ignored when running APIStore.makeStore()
const APIStoreProps = ['use', 'classes', 'constructor', 'init', 'state']
// getMethods returns methods defined
// in a given class' prototype, except init and constructor
const getMethods = (cls) => {
return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(cls.prototype)
.reduce((obj, prop) => {
from time import sleep
from pygame import mixer
# Download file from'white-rose.mp3')
module.exports = {
build: {
loaders: [
test: /\.(png|jpe?g|gif|svg)$/,
loader: 'url-loader',
query: {
limit: 1000, // 1KO
name: 'img/[name].[hash:7].[ext]'
<h1>Hello world</h1>
import fetch from 'isomorphic-fetch'
import { ENV } from 'constants/env'
export const URL = (path, host, schema = 'http') => {
return `${schema}://${host}/${path}/`
export const GET = 'GET'
export const DELETE = 'DELETE'
export const HEAD = 'HEAD'