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Last active October 5, 2018 10:08
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# KOPS Cluster Spec
# enable the node authorization service
nodeAuthorizer: {}
# technically only the above is required as everything else gets defaulted.
# But given how kops works if you specify the sections below, the defaults
# don't get carried through, thus you need to apply these below.
# enable bootstrap token on the kube-apiserver
enableBootstrapTokenAuth: true
- Initializers
- NodeRestriction # <-- this is the one you want
- MutatingAdmissionWebhook
- NamespaceLifecycle
- LimitRanger
- ServiceAccount
- PersistentVolumeLabel
- DefaultStorageClass
- ResourceQuota
- DefaultTolerationSeconds
- ValidatingAdmissionWebhook
# enable the tokencleaner controller on the kube-controller-manager.
# this is used to clean up expired bootstrap token
# PLEASE NOTE - as for writing this (02/10/18) the `controllers` flag only exists on
# the master branch and hasn't been cut into a release yet.
- "*"
- tokencleaner
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