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Created October 12, 2018 06:36
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-- Setup
create table json_test(id int,tree json);
insert into json_test values(16605,'{ "id": 0, "children": [{ "id": 965, "children": [{ "id": 967 }, { "id": 969 }, { "id": 971 }, { "id": 973 } ] }, { "id": 974, "children": [{ "id": 976 }, { "id": 978 } ] } ] }');
WITH RECURSIVE rec (id,json_element) as
SELECT tree -> 'id', tree -> 'children' from json_test where (tree -> 'id')::text::int = 0
SELECT json_element -> 'id', json_element -> 'children' from rec)
select * from rec;
with recursive cte(id,json_element) as (
select tree->'id',tree->'children' from json_test
select json_element->'id',json_element->'children' from cte
) select * from cte;
--could not identify an equality operator for type json
WITH RECURSIVE cte(id, children) AS (
tree->'id' as id,
tree->'children' as children
FROM json_test
children -> 'id',
children -> 'children'
FROM cte,
--json_each(CASE WHEN json_typeof(cte.children) <> 'object' THEN '{}' :: JSON ELSE cte.children END) AS t
json_each(CASE WHEN json_typeof(cte.children) = 'array' THEN json_array_elements(cte.children) ELSE cte.children END) AS t
SELECT * FROM cte WHERE json_typeof(cte.children) <> 'object';
--ERROR: set-returning functions are not allowed in CASE
--Hint: You might be able to move the set-returning function into a LATERAL FROM item.
--Position: 393
--json_each(CASE WHEN json_typeof(cte.children) = 'array' THEN json_array_elements(cte.children) ELSE --cte.children END) AS t
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