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Last active January 2, 2016 12:39
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FlxCollision optimization
package flixel.util;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.BlendMode;
import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
import flash.geom.Matrix;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flixel.FlxCamera;
import flixel.FlxG;
import flixel.FlxSprite;
import flixel.tile.FlxTileblock;
* FlxCollision
* @link
* @author Richard Davey / Photon Storm
class FlxCollision
inline static public var CAMERA_WALL_OUTSIDE:Int = 0;
inline static public var CAMERA_WALL_INSIDE:Int = 1;
// Store tmp images indexed by size, used to perform collision checks
static public var imgCache:Map<Int, BitmapData> = Map<Int, BitmapData>();
static public var debug:BitmapData = new BitmapData(1, 1, false);
// Optimization: Local static vars to reduce allocations
private var pointA:Point = new Point();
private var pointB:Point = new Point();
private var centerA:Point = new Point();
private var centerB:Point = new Point();
private var matrixA:Matrix = new Matrix();
private var matrixB:Matrix = new Matrix();
private var testMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
private var boundsA:Rectangle = new Rectangle();
private var boundsB:Rectangle = new Rectangle();
* A Pixel Perfect Collision check between two FlxSprites.
* It will do a bounds check first, and if that passes it will run a pixel perfect match on the intersecting area.
* Works with rotated and animated sprites.
* It's extremly slow on cpp targets, so I don't recommend you to use it on them.
* Not working on neko target and awfully slows app down
* @param Contact The first FlxSprite to test against
* @param Target The second FlxSprite to test again, sprite order is irrelevant
* @param AlphaTolerance The tolerance value above which alpha pixels are included. Default to 255 (must be fully opaque for collision).
* @param Camera If the collision is taking place in a camera other than (the default/current) then pass it here
* @return Boolean True if the sprites collide, false if not
static public function pixelPerfectCheck(Contact:FlxSprite, Target:FlxSprite, AlphaTolerance:Int = 255, ?Camera:FlxCamera):Bool
//if either of the angles are non-zero, consider the angles of the sprites in the pixel check
var considerRotation:Bool = Contact.angle != 0 || Target.angle != 0;
if (Camera != null)
pointA.x = Contact.x - * Contact.scrollFactor.x) - Contact.offset.x;
pointA.y = Contact.y - * Contact.scrollFactor.y) - Contact.offset.y;
pointB.x = Target.x - * Target.scrollFactor.x) - Target.offset.x;
pointB.y = Target.y - * Target.scrollFactor.y) - Target.offset.y;
pointA.x = Contact.x - * Contact.scrollFactor.x) - Contact.offset.x;
pointA.y = Contact.y - * Contact.scrollFactor.y) - Contact.offset.y;
pointB.x = Target.x - * Target.scrollFactor.x) - Target.offset.x;
pointB.y = Target.y - * Target.scrollFactor.y) - Target.offset.y;
if (considerRotation)
// find the center of both sprites
centerA.set(Contact.origin.x, Contact.origin.y);
centerB.set(Target.origin.x, Target.origin.y);
// now make a bounding box that allows for the sprite to be rotated in 360 degrees
(pointA.x + centerA.x - centerA.length),
(pointA.y + centerA.y - centerA.length),
centerA.length*2, centerA.length*2);
(pointB.x + centerB.x - centerB.length),
(pointB.y + centerB.y - centerB.length),
centerB.length*2, centerB.length*2);
#if flash
boundsA.set(pointA.x, pointA.y, Contact.framePixels.width, Contact.framePixels.height);
boundsB.set(pointB.x, pointB.y, Target.framePixels.width, Target.framePixels.height);
boundsA.set(pointA.x, pointA.y, Contact.frameWidth, Contact.frameHeight);
boundsB.set(pointB.x, pointB.y, Target.frameWidth, Target.frameHeight);
var intersect:Rectangle = boundsA.intersection(boundsB);
if (intersect.isEmpty() || intersect.width == 0 || intersect.height == 0)
return false;
// Normalise the values or it'll break the BitmapData creation below
intersect.x = Math.floor(intersect.x);
intersect.y = Math.floor(intersect.y);
intersect.width = Math.ceil(intersect.width);
intersect.height = Math.ceil(intersect.height);
if (intersect.isEmpty())
return false;
// Thanks to Chris Underwood for helping with the translate logic :)
matrixA.translate(-(intersect.x - boundsA.x), -(intersect.y - boundsA.y));
matrixB.translate(-(intersect.x - boundsB.x), -(intersect.y - boundsB.y));
#if !flash
Contact.drawFrame(); //@Beeblerox: why is this necessary? - crazysam 1/2014
Target.drawFrame(); //@Beeblerox: why is this necessary? - crazysam 1/2014
var testA:BitmapData = Contact.framePixels;
var testB:BitmapData = Target.framePixels;
var imgSize = intersect.width * intersect.height;
var overlapArea:BitmapData = imgCache.get(imgSize);
if(overlapArea == null)
FlxG.log.add("pixelPerfectCollision: New BitmapData, size = " + imgSize);
overlapArea = new BitmapData(intersect.width, intersect.height, false);
imgCache.set(imgSize, overlapArea);
// More complicated case, if either of the sprites is rotated
if (considerRotation)
// translate the matrix to the center of the sprite
testMatrix.translate( -Contact.origin.x, -Contact.origin.y);
// rotate the matrix according to angle
testMatrix.rotate(Contact.angle * 0.017453293 ); // degrees to rad
// translate it back!
testMatrix.translate(boundsA.width / 2, boundsA.height / 2);
// prepare an empty canvas
imgSize = *;
var testA2:BitmapData = imgCache.get(imgSize);
if(testA2 == null)
FlxG.log.add("pixelPerfectCollision: New BitmapData, size = " + imgSize);
testA2 = new BitmapData(Math.floor(boundsA.width) , Math.floor(boundsA.height), true, 0x00000000);
imgCache.set(imgSize, testA2);
// plot the sprite using the matrix
testA2.draw(testA, testMatrix, null, null, null, false);
testA = testA2;
// (same as above)
testMatrix.rotate(Target.angle * 0.017453293 ); // degrees to rad
imgSize = Math.floor(boundsB.width) * Math.floor(boundsB.height);
var testB2:BitmapData = imgCache.get(imgSize);
if(testB2 == null)
FlxG.log.add("pixelPerfectCollision: New BitmapData, size = " + imgSize);
testB2 = new BitmapData(Math.floor(boundsB.width), Math.floor(boundsB.height), true, 0x00000000);
imgCache.set(imgSize, testB2);
testB2.draw(testB, testMatrix, null, null, null, false);
testB = testB2;
#if flash
overlapArea.draw(testA, matrixA, new ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, 1, 255, -255, -255, AlphaTolerance), BlendMode.NORMAL);
overlapArea.draw(testB, matrixB, new ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, 1, 255, 255, 255, AlphaTolerance), BlendMode.DIFFERENCE);
// TODO: try to fix this method for neko target
var overlapWidth:Int = overlapArea.width;
var overlapHeight:Int = overlapArea.height;
var targetX:Int;
var targetY:Int;
var pixelColor:Int;
var pixelAlpha:Int;
var transformedAlpha:Int;
var maxX:Int = testA.width + 1;
var maxY:Int = testA.height + 1;
for (i in 0...maxX)
targetX = Math.floor(i + matrixA.tx);
if (targetX >= 0 && targetX < maxX)
for (j in 0...maxY)
targetY = Math.floor(j + matrixA.ty);
if (targetY >= 0 && targetY < maxY)
pixelColor = testA.getPixel32(i, j);
pixelAlpha = (pixelColor >> 24) & 0xFF;
if (pixelAlpha >= AlphaTolerance)
overlapArea.setPixel32(targetX, targetY, 0xffff0000);
overlapArea.setPixel32(targetX, targetY, FlxColor.WHITE);
maxX = testB.width + 1;
maxY = testB.height + 1;
var secondColor:Int;
for (i in 0...maxX)
targetX = Math.floor(i + matrixB.tx);
if (targetX >= 0 && targetX < maxX)
for (j in 0...maxY)
targetY = Math.floor(j + matrixB.ty);
if (targetY >= 0 && targetY < maxY)
pixelColor = testB.getPixel32(i, j);
pixelAlpha = (pixelColor >> 24) & 0xFF;
if (pixelAlpha >= AlphaTolerance)
secondColor = overlapArea.getPixel32(targetX, targetY);
if (secondColor == 0xffff0000)
overlapArea.setPixel32(targetX, targetY, 0xff00ffff);
overlapArea.setPixel32(targetX, targetY, 0x00000000);
// Developers: If you'd like to see how this works enable the debugger and display it in your game somewhere.
debug = overlapArea;
var overlap:Rectangle = overlapArea.getColorBoundsRect(0xffffffff, 0xff00ffff);
overlap.offset(intersect.x, intersect.y);
* A Pixel Perfect Collision check between a given x/y coordinate and an FlxSprite<br>
* @param PointX The x coordinate of the point given in local space (relative to the FlxSprite, not game world coordinates)
* @param PointY The y coordinate of the point given in local space (relative to the FlxSprite, not game world coordinates)
* @param Target The FlxSprite to check the point against
* @param AlphaTolerance The alpha tolerance level above which pixels are counted as colliding. Default to 255 (must be fully transparent for collision)
* @return Boolean True if the x/y point collides with the FlxSprite, false if not
static public function pixelPerfectPointCheck(PointX:Int, PointY:Int, Target:FlxSprite, AlphaTolerance:Int = 255):Bool
// Intersect check
if (FlxMath.pointInCoordinates(PointX, PointY, Math.floor(Target.x), Math.floor(Target.y),, == false)
return false;
#if flash
// How deep is pointX/Y within the rect?
var test:BitmapData = Target.framePixels;
var test:BitmapData = Target.getFlxFrameBitmapData();
var pixelAlpha:Int = 0;
pixelAlpha = FlxColorUtil.getAlpha(test.getPixel32(Math.floor(PointX - Target.x), Math.floor(PointY - Target.y)));
#if !flash
pixelAlpha = * Target.alpha);
// How deep is pointX/Y within the rect?
if (pixelAlpha >= AlphaTolerance)
return true;
return false;
* Creates a "wall" around the given camera which can be used for FlxSprite collision
* @param Camera The FlxCamera to use for the wall bounds (can be for the current one)
* @param Thickness The thickness of the wall in pixels
* @param AdjustWorldBounds Adjust the FlxG.worldBounds based on the wall (true) or leave alone (false)
* @return FlxGroup The 4 FlxTileblocks that are created are placed into this FlxGroup which should be added to your State
static public function createCameraWall(Camera:FlxCamera, Placement:Int, Thickness:Int, AdjustWorldBounds:Bool = false):FlxGroup
var left:FlxTileblock = null;
var right:FlxTileblock = null;
var top:FlxTileblock = null;
var bottom:FlxTileblock = null;
switch (Placement)
case FlxCollision.CAMERA_WALL_OUTSIDE:
left = new FlxTileblock(Math.floor(Camera.x - Thickness), Math.floor(Camera.y + Thickness), Thickness, Camera.height - (Thickness * 2));
right = new FlxTileblock(Math.floor(Camera.x + Camera.width), Math.floor(Camera.y + Thickness), Thickness, Camera.height - (Thickness * 2));
top = new FlxTileblock(Math.floor(Camera.x - Thickness), Math.floor(Camera.y - Thickness), Camera.width + Thickness * 2, Thickness);
bottom = new FlxTileblock(Math.floor(Camera.x - Thickness), Camera.height, Camera.width + Thickness * 2, Thickness);
if (AdjustWorldBounds)
FlxG.worldBounds.set(Camera.x - Thickness, Camera.y - Thickness, Camera.width + Thickness * 2, Camera.height + Thickness * 2);
case FlxCollision.CAMERA_WALL_INSIDE:
left = new FlxTileblock(Math.floor(Camera.x), Math.floor(Camera.y + Thickness), Thickness, Camera.height - (Thickness * 2));
right = new FlxTileblock(Math.floor(Camera.x + Camera.width - Thickness), Math.floor(Camera.y + Thickness), Thickness, Camera.height - (Thickness * 2));
top = new FlxTileblock(Math.floor(Camera.x), Math.floor(Camera.y), Camera.width, Thickness);
bottom = new FlxTileblock(Math.floor(Camera.x), Camera.height - Thickness, Camera.width, Thickness);
if (AdjustWorldBounds)
FlxG.worldBounds.set(Camera.x, Camera.y, Camera.width, Camera.height);
var result:FlxGroup = new FlxGroup(4);
return result;
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