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Created February 18, 2017 21:09
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'use strict';
// Define example vars
let o = {one: 1, two: 2, three: 3};
let array = [1,2,3];
let f = function(i){ return i+1; }
// Add stuff to Object prototype
Object.prototype.print = function(){
// Let's test it out
console.log('\n//// None of the variables have \'print\' as ownProperty, as it comes directly from Object, no variable/object can have it as ownProperty, ever (Object is the highest in the chain of prototypes) \n');
console.log(`o.hasOwnProperty('print'): ${o.hasOwnProperty('print')}`);
console.log(`array.hasOwnProperty('print'): ${array.hasOwnProperty('print')}`);
console.log(`f.hasOwnProperty('print'): ${f.hasOwnProperty('print')}`);
console.log('\n//// Let\'s use .print() \n');
// Prototype chain: f ---> Function.prototype ---> Object.prototype ---> null
o.print(); // [Object object]
array.print(); // it works as Array inherits from Object prototype
f.print(); // it works too!
// Fucking around with already existing methods in the prototype - Bad practice!
let trollingToString = function(){
// call the default Object.prototype.toString which only returns [Object type] and append trolling
return + ' u mad? (trollface)';
// Override Array and Funciton toString prototypes
Array.prototype.toString = trollingToString;
Function.prototype.toString = trollingToString;
console.log('\n//// Array and Function .toString() is screwed \n');
o.print(); // not affected os Object.prototype.toString is not overriden yet
f.print(); // f not affected because Function.prototype.toString() overrides Object.prototype.toString()
array.print(); // array not affected because Array.prototype.toString() overrides Object.prototype.toString()
// Now what happens if we overwrite even the default Object.prototype.toString ?
let shrugToString = function() { return `¯\\_(ツ)_/¯`; };
Object.prototype.toString = shrugToString;
// Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, 'toString', {value: shrugToString}); // equivalent to the above, provides more fine grained control over the overwrite
console.log('\n//// All of them screwed. U mad? \n');
f.print(); // even after f has been created, it's still affected by changes to Function prototype
array.print(); // same for Array
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