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Created August 23, 2011 10:16
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def update_deliver_partially
@purchase_order = PurchaseOrder.find(params[:id], :include => {:purchased_items => {:item_variant => :item_family}})
# authorize! :update
@purchase_order.attributes = params[:purchase_order]
@stock_receipt = @purchase_order.stock_receipts.to_a.find{|sr| sr.new_record?}
#logger.debug @stock_receipt.inspect
# @purchased_items.each {|pi| p "in controller #{pi.wh_alloc_hash.inspect}"}
# @purchased_items.each {|pi| p pi.delivering_quantity}
@purchased_items = @purchase_order.purchased_items.reject{|pi| pi.balance == 0} #if call .deliverable, it is reloaded from DB | can also check delivering_quantity?
# p @purchase_order.valid?
# p @purchase_order.errors.inspect
respond_to do |format|
unless @purchase_order.valid? # validates the associated pos
logger.warn "Purchase Order validation failed: #{@purchase_order.errors.full_messages}"
format.html { render :action => "deliver_partially" }
# return
PurchaseOrder.transaction do
raise 'Some allocations don\'t tally, please adjust accordingly' unless @purchase_order.purchased_items.all?{|pi| pi.valid?} #we make sure all are valid before trying to transfer to stock
#This comes before the delivery some because the workflow event seems to remove the pis wh_alloc.... Maybe because of the nested transaction... try without it
@stock_receipt.executed = true
raise 'Receipt information not valid, see below.' unless @stock_receipt.valid?
logger.debug 'All OK'
logger.debug "SR >#{@stock_receipt.valid?}<"
#flash[:notice] = 'Purchased items were transferred to stock and marked as delivered.'
format.html { redirect_to([@purchase_order, @stock_receipt], :notice => 'Purchased items were transferred to stock and marked as delivered.') }
#format.html {redirect_to @purchase_order}
#format.html { redirect_to( purchase_order_stock_receipt_path(@purchase_order, @stock_receipt), :notice => 'Purchased items were transferred to stock and marked as delivered.') }
format.xml { head :ok }
rescue Exception => e
raise e if DEBUG_FLAG
#We need to adjust the delivering quantities of the already processed items... ()
#@purchased_items.each{|pi| pi.delivering_quantity= pi.sum_alloc unless pi.delivering_quantity == nil}
logger.error "Error applying partial delivery changes: "+ e.message[:error] = "Error applying partial deliver changes: #{e.message}." #if @purchase_order.errors.empty?
format.html { render :action => "deliver_partially" }
format.xml { render :xml => @purchase_order.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity }
# raise e if DEBUG_FLAG
end #respond_to
logger.debug 'End of update'
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