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Created January 4, 2018 16:55
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How to convert flat data to structured case classes
case class B(name: String)
case class A(name: String, seq: Seq[B])
case class X(name: String, seq: Seq[A])
val data: Seq[Tuple3[String, String, String]] = Seq(
("X", "Left", "Some value"),
("X", "Left", "Some other value"),
("X", "Right", "A third value"),
("X", "Right", "Fourth value")
val structuredData = X("X", Seq(
A("A", Seq(
B("Some value"),
B("Some other value")
A("B", Seq(
B("A third value"),
B("Fourth value")
val structuredByUglyCode = data
.groupBy(_._1) // group by "X"
.mapValues(_.groupBy(_._2)) // group by "Left" and "Right"
.mapValues(_.mapValues( => B(t._3)))) // Remove the grouped values from inner-most tuple and map to B
.mapValues( { case (k, v) => A(k, v) }) // middle layer from `"Left" -> List(B("Some value"), B("Some other value"))` to `A(....)
.map { case (k, v) => X(k, v.toSeq) } // Map outer-most layer to List(X(...))
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