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Created December 2, 2020 23:33
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Save gander/f63a191dabd8ab6e44bba179e3444bb7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Use playwright to enable release notifications in all starred repositories
import {chromium as browser, ElementHandle, Page} from "playwright";
import {default as PQueue} from "p-queue"
const username: string = 'gander'
const links = new Set;
let nextPage: string = '';
(async () => {
const pages = new PQueue({concurrency: 7})
const options = {headless: false};
const context = await browser.launchPersistentContext('./userDataDir', options);
const page = await context.newPage();
await page.goto(`${username}?tab=stars`);
await processPage(page)
while (nextPage = await getNextPage(page)) {
await page.goto(nextPage);
await processPage(page)
await page.close();
const values = Array.from(links.values());
let counter = values.length;
await pages.addAll( => async () => {
const page = await context.newPage()
await page.goto(`${value}`);
await setWatchReleases(page);
await page.waitForTimeout(1000);
await page.close();
console.log(`${counter--} left`)
await context.close();
const processPage = async (page: Page): Promise<void> => {
const repos = await page.$$('css=h3>a');
await Promise.all( repo => processRepo(repo)))
const processRepo = async (repo: ElementHandle): Promise<void> => {
const href = await repo.getAttribute('href');
const getNextPage = async (page: Page): Promise<string | null> => {
try {
const link: ElementHandle = await page.$('//a[text()="Next"]')
return await link.getAttribute('href');
} catch {
return null;
const setWatchReleases = async (page: Page): Promise<void> => {
const menuButton = await page.$('//notifications-list-subscription-form//summary')
await page.waitForTimeout(500);
const customButton = await page.$('//details-menu//button[@value="ignore"]/../following-sibling::button')
await page.waitForTimeout(750);
const release = await page.$('//input[@type="checkbox"][@value="Release"]');
await release.check();
await page.waitForTimeout(750);
const applyButton = await page.$('//button[text()="Apply"]')
const isEnabled = !await applyButton.getAttribute('disabled')
if (isEnabled) {
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