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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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💡 Ideas 💡

#Facebook Assistant#

Social networks have become an integrated part of most of us. I am one of those people who can't just quit facebook because there are few groups I don't want to miss out, few pages and people I follow.

My likes

  • Groups
    • My college technology club
    • Coursera study groups
    • My Professor's group
    • My dota2 clan
  • Pages
    • News channels
    • Sports related
    • Science & Technology
  • People
    • Close friends
    • Few people whom I admire

My dislikes

  • Dogs, cats, any pets
  • List of my friends wishing someone on his/her birthday
  • Non close friends opinions on random things
  • Random apps posts from people
  • Pretty much everything which are not under my likes list

Cleaning up the mess

Last month I left groups, unfollowed people and pages whose contents didn't interest me repeatedly. Few iterations of the process made my facebook wall looks pretty intersting, filled with contents I like.

Still bothered?

Yes. My wall is filled with 70%-80% contents I like and rest of them is still crappy. The reason is we can't like everything from a single source. I might not like the news about celebrities from the news channel pages. I like when artists posts about their upcoming release or tours but not the posts tagetted to increase their followers. I don't want to know who all had taken ice bucket challenge. I do not want to know the song someone is listening to right now, even though he/she is my close friend etc.

So I need a facebook assistant who is nothing more than a facebook profile powered by ML codes. Let the assistant hold my name(and be friends with everyone of my friends, follow the pages I like and be in the groups I am in) and I will hold a private profile from which I will be connected only to my assistant. Let the assistant keeps me updated and taking feedback from how I interact with the content.

What is the benefit?

I can simply unfollow people. Why do I need an assistant? People change. After couple of years, a friend may start posting things that interests me. An inactive college group may miss people and become active after several years. My friend may not have pets :p These mays make me want to follow them but not see their contents right now and let my facebook assistant take care of it.

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*Benefit not benifit btw

In regards to your idea. I like it and I can see the potential. I think you should try to work on your pitch a little more.
Another way to present this might be: "This facebook assistant finds and displays the best content from my friends and groups while filtering out undesirable content."

This could be useful for people who use facebook and are in the situation you described. Good luck on making this.

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