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Created September 15, 2016 12:37
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alternative bivariate chloropleth map legend done in R with ggplot
# alternative bivariate chloropleth map legend
# by Florian Hoedt
require(ape) #needed?
# shp with data
dataPath <- "C:/temp/Modul_09_VisKarto/A/A_1/both.shp"
shpData <- readShapePoly(dataPath)
### Fertility
f <- shpData$FertRate
f.noNull <- subset(f,!
f.max <- max(f.noNull)
main = "Geburtenrate bei Jugendlichen",
xlim=c(0, f.max * 1.2),
xlab = "Im Alter von 15-19 Jahren [Geburt je 1000 Frauen]",
sub = "blaue Linien entsprechen Klassengrenzen",
rug(f,ticksize = -0.05,col="red")
f.groups = c(88,121)
for (i in f.groups)
a <- shpData$AgrRate
a.noNull <- subset(a,!
a.max <- max(a.noNull)
main = "Landwirtschaftlicher Flächenanteil",
xlim=c(0, a.max * 1.2),
xlab = "Im Alter von 15-19 Jahren [Geburt je 1000 Frauen]",
sub = "blaue Linien entsprechen Klassengrenzen",
rug(a,ticksize = -0.05,col="red")
a.groups = c(42,65)
for (i in a.groups)
b.A3.col = rgb(108,131,181, maxColorValue=255)
b.B3.col = rgb(88,122,149, maxColorValue=255)
b.C3.col = rgb(41,91,92, maxColorValue=255)
b.A2.col = rgb(180,192,218, maxColorValue=255)
b.B2.col = rgb(144,178,179, maxColorValue=255)
b.C2.col = rgb(91,145,121, maxColorValue=255)
b.A1.col = rgb(232,232,232, maxColorValue=255)
b.B1.col = rgb(184,214,190, maxColorValue=255)
b.C1.col = rgb(115,174,130, maxColorValue=255)
b.Al <- 0
b.Ah <- 41
b.Bl <- 41
b.Bh <- 64
b.Cl <- 64
b.Ch <- 80
b.1l <- 0
b.1h <- 88
b.2l <- 88
b.2h <- 120
b.3l <- 120
b.3h <- 210
# Leerplot (type="n") im Koordinatenbereich der st
plot(x=a, y=f, type="n",
ylab="Geburtenrate bei Jugendlichen [Geburt je 1000 Frauen]", xlab="Landwirtschaftlicher Flächenanteil [% Gesamtfläche]")
# Einfügen der Teilgebietsgrenzen
rect( ytop = b.1h,
xleft = b.Ah,
xright = b.Al,
ybottom = b.1l,
border = "dark gray", col = b.A1.col)
rect( ytop = b.2h,
xleft = b.Ah,
xright = b.Al,
ybottom = b.2l,
border = "dark gray", col = b.A2.col)
rect( ytop = b.3h,
xleft = b.Ah,
xright = b.Al,
ybottom = b.3l,
border = "dark gray", col = b.A3.col)
rect( ytop = b.1h,
xleft = b.Bh,
xright = b.Bl,
ybottom = b.1l,
border = "dark gray", col = b.B1.col)
rect( ytop = b.2h,
xleft = b.Bh,
xright = b.Bl,
ybottom = b.2l,
border = "dark gray", col = b.B2.col)
rect( ytop = b.3h,
xleft = b.Bh,
xright = b.Bl,
ybottom = b.3l,
border = "dark gray", col = b.B3.col)
rect( ytop = b.1h,
xleft = b.Ch,
xright = b.Cl,
ybottom = b.1l,
border = "dark gray", col = b.C1.col)
rect( ytop = b.2h,
xleft = b.Ch,
xright = b.Cl,
ybottom = b.2l,
border = "dark gray", col = b.C2.col)
rect( ytop = b.3h,
xleft = b.Ch,
xright = b.Cl,
ybottom = b.3l,
border = "dark gray", col = b.C3.col)
# für cor() dürfen keine NA Werte enthalten sein
# z.B. Definitionsabfrage in ArcGIS nutzen und neuen bereinigten
# Datensatz exportieren
dataPath <- "C:/temp/Modul_09_VisKarto/A/A_1/bothNoNull.shp"
shpDataNoNull <- readShapePoly(dataPath)
corrFA <- cor(shpDataNoNull$AgrRate,shpDataNoNull$FertRate)
# Einfügen der Baumpunkte
points(x=a,y=f,pch = ".", cex=5,
# Einfügen Titel und Untertitel
title("Die echte Aufteilung der Klassen",
sub = paste0("Korrelationskoeffizient Landwirtschaftliche Flächen zu Geburtenrate: ",round(corrFA,digits = 4)),
cex.sub = 0.75, font.sub = 3, col.sub = "dark gray")
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