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Last active June 1, 2020 13:06
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Python script to tag AMI, Snapshot and Volumes the one not used by instances or AMI will get the Name tag with a Prefixed UNUSED at first run, when run again if the TAG start with UNUSED will delete the resource
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# most credit to the original: &
# Python script to tag AMI, Snapshot and Volumes the one not used by instances or AMI
# will get the Name tag with a Prefixed UNUSED at first run
# when run again if the TAG start with UNUSED will delete the resource
# Export the below variable to point Profile and region
# export AWS_PROFILE=aws-profile
# export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=eu-west-3
# export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=eu-west-2
# export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=eu-central-1
# export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=eu-west-1
# python3
import copy
import logging
import os
import boto3
import time
from ratelimiter import RateLimiter
from datetime import datetime
import datetime
# import dateparser?
# dateparser.parse('12-12-12')
logging.basicConfig(level=os.environ.get('LOG_LEVEL', 'INFO'))
ec2 = boto3.client('ec2')
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def tag_ami():
image = {}
for image in ec2.describe_images(Owners=['self'])['Images']:
tags = extract_tags(image.get('Tags', []))
cur_tags = extract_tags(image.get('Tags', []))
new_tags = copy.deepcopy(cur_tags)
new_tags['Name'] = 'AMI:' + image['Name']
if new_tags != cur_tags:'{0}: Tags changed to {1}'.format(image['ImageId'], new_tags))
ec2.create_tags(Resources=[image['ImageId']], Tags=load_tags(new_tags))
# imagecreation = image.get('CreationDate', [])
# today ="%Y-%m-%d")
# print(today)
# print(imagecreation)
def tag_snapshots_and_clean_not_used():
snapshots = {}
for response in ec2.get_paginator('describe_snapshots').paginate(OwnerIds=['self']):
snapshots.update([(snapshot['SnapshotId'], snapshot) for snapshot in response['Snapshots']])
for image in ec2.describe_images(Owners=['self'])['Images']:
tags = extract_tags(image.get('Tags', []))
devnum = 0
for device in image['BlockDeviceMappings']:
if 'SnapshotId' in device['Ebs']:
devnum += 1
snapshot = snapshots[device['Ebs']['SnapshotId']]
snapshot['Used'] = True
cur_tags = extract_tags(snapshot.get('Tags', []))
new_tags = copy.deepcopy(cur_tags)
new_tags['ImageId'] = image['ImageId']
# here's where to change formatting
new_tags['Name'] = 'AMI:' + image['Name'] + ' ' + device['DeviceName'] + ' (' + str(devnum) + '/' + str(numberofdevs) + ')'
if new_tags != cur_tags:'{0}: Tags changed to {1}'.format(snapshot['SnapshotId'], new_tags))
ec2.create_tags(Resources=[snapshot['SnapshotId']], Tags=load_tags(new_tags))
except Exception as error:'Not an EBS Device! Skipping {0} for Image: {1} as {2} - Python Error: {3}'.format(device['DeviceName'],image['ImageId'],device['VirtualName'],error))
for snapshot in snapshots.values():
if 'Used' not in snapshot:
cur_tags = extract_tags(snapshot.get('Tags', []))
name = cur_tags.get('Name', snapshot['SnapshotId'])
if name.startswith('UNUSED'):
logger.warning('Deleting not used snapshot: {0}'.format(snapshot['SnapshotId']))
ec2.delete_snapshot(SnapshotId=snapshot['SnapshotId'] )
if not name.startswith('UNUSED'):
logger.warning('{0} Unused! Updating tag'.format(snapshot['SnapshotId']))
cur_tags['Name'] = 'UNUSED ' + name
ec2.create_tags(Resources=[snapshot['SnapshotId']], Tags=load_tags(cur_tags))
def tag_volumes_and_clean_not_used():
volumes = {}
for response in ec2.get_paginator('describe_volumes').paginate():
volumes.update([(volume['VolumeId'], volume) for volume in response['Volumes']])
for response in ec2.get_paginator('describe_instances').paginate():
for reservation in response['Reservations']:
for instance in reservation['Instances']:
tags = extract_tags(instance.get('Tags', []))
# to tag the number volumes on an instance, e.g., (1/3) (2/3) (3/3)
devnum = 0
for device in instance['BlockDeviceMappings']:
devnum += 1
volume = volumes[device['Ebs']['VolumeId']]
volume['Used'] = True
cur_tags = extract_tags(volume.get('Tags', []))
new_tags = copy.deepcopy(cur_tags)
# here's where to change formatting
new_tags['Name'] = tags['Name'] + ' ' + device['DeviceName'] + ' (' + str(devnum) + '/' + str(numberofdevs) + ')'
if new_tags != cur_tags:'{0} Tags changed to {1}'.format(volume['VolumeId'], new_tags))
ec2.create_tags(Resources=[volume['VolumeId']], Tags=load_tags(new_tags))
for volume in volumes.values():
if 'Used' not in volume:
cur_tags = extract_tags(volume.get('Tags', []))
name = cur_tags.get('Name', volume['VolumeId'])
if name.startswith('UNUSED'):
logger.warning('Deleting not used volume: {0}'.format(volume['VolumeId']))
ec2.delete_volume(VolumeId=volume['VolumeId'] )
if not name.startswith('UNUSED'):
logger.warning('{0} Unused! Updating tag'.format(volume['VolumeId']))
cur_tags['Name'] = 'UNUSED ' + name
ec2.create_tags(Resources=[volume['VolumeId']], Tags=load_tags(cur_tags))
@RateLimiter(max_calls=5, period=1)
def tag_everything():
def extract_tags(tags):
return {tag["Key"]: tag["Value"] for tag in tags if not tag["Key"].startswith("aws:")}
def load_tags(tags):
return [{"Key": k, "Value": v} for k, v in tags.items() if not k.startswith("aws:")]
def handler(event, context):
if __name__ == '__main__':
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