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Last active August 16, 2022 08:29
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Minimal automatic list continuing for ordered and unordered lists for nvim in Lua
M.autolist = function()
local preceding_line = vim.fn.getline(vim.fn.line(".") - 1)
if preceding_line:match("^%s*%d+%.%s.") then
local list_index = preceding_line:match("%d+")
print(list_index .. "t")
vim.fn.setline(".", preceding_line:match("^%s*") .. list_index + 1 .. ". ")
vim.cmd([[execute "normal \<esc>A\<space>"]])
elseif preceding_line:match("^%s*%d+%.%s$") then
vim.fn.setline(vim.fn.line(".") - 1, "")
elseif preceding_line:match("^%s*[-+*]") and #preceding_line:match("[-+*].*") == 1 then
vim.fn.setline(vim.fn.line(".") - 1, "")
vim.fn.setline(".", "")
-- all of the above should go in your func file (for me its func.lua and ive just got a local M = {} and a return M at the end)
function map(mode, keys, output)
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap(mode, keys, output, { noremap = true, silent = true})
function imap(keys, output)
map("i", keys, output)
function au(evt, pat, cmd) -- (string|table), (string|table), (string)
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd(evt, { pattern = pat, command = cmd, })
imap("<cr>", [[<cr><cmd>lua require('func').autolist()<cr>]])
au("FileType", "markdown", "setl comments=b:*,b:-,b:+,n:>")
au("FileType", "markdown", "setl formatoptions+=r")


Minimal automatic list continuing for ordered and unordered lists for nvim in lua

Made a plugin for this

(cant be bothered to search for the link, this was in my clipboard so yeah)


  • tabs
  • autodeletes empty list bullets
  • indented lists with and

doesn't support:

  • renumbering of lists


If your lua config is organised, you should have a file for options, for mappings etc. Put the top function in some function file, and put everything below the "all of the above" comment into a mappings and autocommands file. You don't have to 'require' the file with the functions in the init, just "require('func').autolist()".

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gaoDean commented Aug 15, 2022

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gaoDean commented Aug 16, 2022

Made a plugin for this, here it is:

(cant be bothered to search for the link, this was in my clipboard so yeah)

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