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Created June 6, 2015 08:46
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scala reporter
package reporter
import scala.reflect.internal.util.{Position, NoPosition, FakePos}
object Reporters {
abstract class ReporterFormatter {
def formatTypeTitle(typ: MsgType): String
class ConsoleFormatter extends ReporterFormatter {
def formatTypeTitle(typ: MsgType) = {
typ match {
case FatalMsg =>
case ErrorMsg =>
case WarningMsg =>
case NormalMsg =>
case InfoMsg =>
Console.GREEN + typ.title + Console.RESET
case TitleMsg =>
case DebugMsg =>
class PlainFormatter extends ReporterFormatter {
def formatTypeTitle(typ: MsgType) = {
sealed abstract class MsgType {
val title: String
object MsgType {
val maxTitleSize = WarningMsg.title.size
case object TitleMsg extends MsgType {
val title = "title"
case object FatalMsg extends MsgType {
val title = "fatal"
case object ErrorMsg extends MsgType {
val title = "error"
case object NormalMsg extends MsgType {
val title = "msg"
case object InfoMsg extends MsgType {
val title = "info"
case object WarningMsg extends MsgType {
val title = "warning"
case object DebugMsg extends MsgType {
val title = "debug"
final case class MsgLines(lines: Seq[String]);
case class Msg(lines: Seq[String], typ: MsgType) {
def content = lines.mkString("\n")
val firstLine = lines.head
val otherLines = lines.tail
import language.implicitConversions
implicit def posToOptPos(p: Position): Option[Position] = Some(p)
implicit def strToMsgLines(m: String): MsgLines = MsgLines(Seq(m))
implicit def seqStrToMsgLines(m: Seq[String]): MsgLines = MsgLines(m)
trait ReporterHandler {
def open() { }
def incIndent() { }
def decIndent() { }
def close() { }
def printMessage(msg: Msg, optPos: Option[Position])
def printText(content: String)
class ConsoleReporterHandler() extends ReporterHandler {
var currentIndent: Int = 0;
val indentStep = 8;
val formatter = new ConsoleFormatter
protected def posToString(optPos: Option[Position]): String = {
optPos match {
case Some(posIn) =>
val pos = if (posIn eq null) NoPosition
else if (posIn.isDefined) posIn.inUltimateSource(posIn.source)
else posIn
pos match {
case FakePos(fmsg) =>
"?:? ("+fmsg+"): "
case NoPosition =>
case _ =>
val file = pos.source.file
file.path+":"+pos.line+": "
case None =>
override def incIndent() {
currentIndent += indentStep
override def decIndent() {
currentIndent -= indentStep
override def printMessage(msg: Msg, optPos: Option[Position]) {
val strPos = posToString(optPos)
val indent = " "*currentIndent
val padding = " "*(MsgType.maxTitleSize-msg.typ.title.size)
printText(formatter.formatTypeTitle(msg.typ)+padding+": "+indent+msg.firstLine+"\n")
for (line <- msg.otherLines) {
printText(" "*(MsgType.maxTitleSize+(": "+indent).length) + line+"\n")
optPos match {
case Some(posIn) if posIn ne null=>
val pos = if (posIn.isDefined) posIn.inUltimateSource(posIn.source)
else posIn
pos match {
case FakePos(fmsg) =>
case NoPosition =>
case _ =>
printSourceLine(strPos, pos)
case _ =>
def printSourceLine(prefix: String, pos: Position) = {
if (pos.isDefined) {
printText((" " * (pos.column - 1 + prefix.length) + "^\n"))
def printText(content: String) {
class Reporter() {
var handlers = Set[ReporterHandler]()
def dispatch(cb: ReporterHandler => Unit) {
def attach(rh: ReporterHandler) {
handlers += rh
def detach(rh: ReporterHandler) {
handlers -= rh
def open() {
def close() {
def printMessage(m: Msg, optPos: Option[Position]) {
dispatch { rh => rh.printMessage(m, optPos) }
def printText(s: String) {
dispatch { rh => rh.printText(s) }
def incIndent() {
def decIndent() {
def msg(m: MsgLines, optPos: Option[Position] = None) =
printMessage(Msg(m.lines, NormalMsg), optPos)
def info(m: MsgLines, optPos: Option[Position] = None) =
printMessage(Msg(m.lines, InfoMsg), optPos)
def error(m: MsgLines, optPos: Option[Position] = None) =
printMessage(Msg(m.lines, ErrorMsg), optPos)
def fatal(m: MsgLines, optPos: Option[Position] = None) = {
printMessage(Msg(m.lines, FatalMsg), optPos)
sys.error("Panic! Evacuate Ship!")
def debug(m: MsgLines, optPos: Option[Position] = None) =
printMessage(Msg(m.lines, DebugMsg), optPos)
def warn(m: MsgLines, optPos: Option[Position] = None) =
printMessage(Msg(m.lines, WarningMsg), optPos)
def title(m: String) {
printMessage(Msg(Seq(m), TitleMsg), None)
case class CompilerReporterPassThrough(as: (String, Position) => Unit) extends {
protected def info0(pos: Position, msg: String, severity: Severity, force: Boolean) {
as(msg, pos)
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