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#installing required software, firstly by setting up homebrew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install python
# at this point, you might want to check the installed location of python
which pip3
# if this is not /usr/local/bin/pip3 you probably already have custom python installed.
# in that case, replace the "pip3" of the following with /usr/local/bin/pip3
pip3 install --upgrade setuptools
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install nanopack
brew install bwa
brew install samtools
brew install wget
#install jellyfish
chmod 755 jellyfish-macosx
#install BBTools
curl -L -o bbtools.tar.gz
tar -xzvf bbtools.tar.gz
#install pilon
#rehash the software paths
hash -r
#at this stage, download a FASTQ file from NCBI SRA or EBI ENA
#print out statistics for a given FASTQ with BBmap
#replace the following "ERR2092776.fastq" with desired FASTQ (or could also be FASTA) file
bbmap/ ERR2092776.fastq
#Estimate the genome size using jellyfish
#replace the following "ERR2092776.fastq" with desired FASTQ file
jellyfish-macosx count -C -m 21 -s 1000000000 -t 4 ERR2092781.fastq -o reads.jf
jellyfish-macosx histo -t 4 reads.jf_0 > reads.histo
#upload the resulting reads.histo at to calculate the genome size estimate
#Visualizing long read quality using Nanopack
#replace the following "ERR2092776.fastq" with desired FASTQ file
NanoPlot -t 2 --fastq ERR2092776.fastq
#Filter FASTQ to only keep reads above 10,000bp
#Replace "10000" for desired length, and "input.fastq" for desired input FASTQ file
awk 'BEGIN {OFS = "\n"} {header = $0 ; getline seq ; getline qheader ; getline qseq ; if (length(seq) >= 10000 ) {print header, seq, qheader, qseq}}' < input.fastq > filtered-10000.fastq
#Assembly with Canu
#First download and install Canu
tar xf canu-1.8.Darwin-amd64.tar.xz
#Now assemble
#replace the following "ERR2092776.fastq" with desired FASTQ file
#modify genomeSize and maxThreads options to match your genome and number of CPU cores, respectively
#WARINING: This process will take weeks to finish for eukaryotic genomes
canu-1.8/Darwin-amd64/bin/canu -nanopore-raw ~/ERR2092776.fastq -d canu -p canu genomeSize=100m maxThreads=4
#print the statistics for the assembly
bbmap/ canu/canu.contigs.fasta
#Alternative assembly with wtdbg2
#CAUTION: This will not work on a Mac. Use a Linux machine. Firstly download and compile.
git clone
cd wtdbg2 && make
#Now assemble
#replace the following "ERR2092776.fastq" with desired FASTQ file, modify -t to match the number of CPU cores.
wtdbg2/wtdbg2 -t 32 -i ERR2092776.fastq -fo worm.wtdbg2
wtpoa-cns -t 32 -i worm.wtdbg2.ctg.lay.gz -fo worm.wtdbg2.fa
#print the statistics for the assembly
bbmap/ worm.wtdbg2.fa
#Now check the quality of assembly using BUSCO completeness, through gVolante server
#Error correction. Download a desired Illumina FASTQ files from ENA or SRA as described previously.
#Here we assume the file to be ERR2092781.fastq, but replace the filename to match your needs.
bwa index worm.wtdbg2.fa
bwa mem -t 4 worm.wtdbg2.fa ERR2092781.fastq |samtools view -@ 4 -b -o aln.bam -
samtools sort -T sort.tmp -o aln.sorted.bam -@ 4 aln.bam
samtools index aln.sorted.bam
java -Xms14g -jar pilon-1.23.jar --genome worm.wtdbg2.fa --bam aln.sorted.bam --threads 4 --output worm.pilon
#Check again on gVolante for improved BUSCO completeness scores. Multiple rounds of pilon can be run, as long as there is an increase in the BUSCO completeness.
#Validating the assembly. This is done with a reference genome sequence. Here we test with C. elegans genome.
gunzip c_elegans.PRJNA13758.WS268.genomic.fa.gz
#Now upload the reference as well as the assembly to to performa dot plot
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