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Vlad Balin gaperton

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gaperton / watchface.gui
Created February 10, 2020 19:01
<section x="50%" y="50%">
<section width="95%" height="95%">
<g transform="rotate(30)">
<line x1="0" x2="0" y1="-50%" y2="-50%+10" fill="#A0A0A0"></line>
<g transform="rotate(60)">
<line x1="0" x2="0" y1="-50%" y2="-50%+10" fill="#A0A0A0"></line>
<g transform="rotate(90)">
gaperton / view.tsx
Created February 10, 2020 17:55
React Views on Fitbit
import React from 'react'
import { render, loop, Rotate } from './tools';
const App = () => (
<section x="50%" y="50%">
<section width="95%" height="95%">
{ loop( 1, 12, i =>
<Mark angle={ i * 30 } length={10} />
const DEPTH = 3;
function learn( word ){
addStats( '^', word[ 0 ] );
DEPTH > 2 && addStats( word[ 0 ], word[ 1 ] );
for( let i = 2; i < DEPTH - 1; i++ ){
addStats( word.substr( 0, i ), word[i] );
class Statement {
constructor( state ){
this.state = state || [];
return this.state
.map( part => part.toString() )
.join( '\n' );
const PickUser = ({ selected, setSelected }) => {
// Declare the local component's state.
const [ editing, setEditing ] = useState( false );
return (
{ editing ?
<EditUser selected={selected} setSelected={setSelected}
close={() => setEditing( false )}/>
export const EditUser = ({ selected, setSelected, close }) => {
// Create the `filter` local state.
const [ filter, setFilter ] = useState('');
return (
<DelayedInput autoFocus
value={ filter }
onChange={ e => setFilter( ) }
placeholder="Start typing..."
// npm install valuelink linked-controls --save-dev
// That's what you need to start.
import { useLink } from 'valuelink'
// Hooks used in DelayedInput, and the DelayedInput himself.
import { useBoundLink } from 'valuelink'
import { useThrottle, DelayedInput } from 'linked-controls'
// Hooks used in UsersList
export function useIsMountedRef(){
// We need something similar to the plain mutable class member.
const isMounted = useRef( true );
// And, we need something similar to componentWillUnmount.
useEffect( () => {
// Whatever we return is a cleanup effect.
return () => { // <- componentWillUnmount
isMounted.current = false
const UsersList = ({ filter, $selected }) => {
// $users can be modified by async function after the component is unmounted.
// We have to do something to prevent an exception. Let's do it in this custom hook.
const $users = useSafeLink([]);
// It's useful to know if there's an I/O peding. Another custom hook.
const ioComplete = useIO( async () => {
// This thing can happen after unmount.
$users.set( await fetchUsers( filter ) );
}, [ filter ]);