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Created May 7, 2019 15:57
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-export([listen/2, accept/1, accept/2,
connect/3, connect/4,
send/2, recv/1, recv/2, recv/3,
-export([run/0, run/2]).
%% Naive gen_tcp shim over the socket API
listen(Port, Opts) ->
{ok, LSock} = socket:open(inet, stream, tcp),
Addr = proplists:get_value(ip, Opts, any),
{ok, OutPort} = socket:bind(LSock, #{family => inet,
port => Port,
addr => Addr}),
ok = socket:listen(LSock),
{ok, LSock, OutPort}.
accept(LSock) ->
accept(LSock, infinity).
accept(LSock, Timeout) ->
socket:accept(LSock, Timeout).
connect(SAddr, SPort, Opts) ->
connect(SAddr, SPort, Opts, infinity).
connect(localhost, SPort, Opts, Timeout) ->
connect(loopback, SPort, Opts, Timeout);
connect(SAddr, SPort, Opts, Timeout) ->
{ok, Sock} = socket:open(inet, stream, tcp),
Addr = proplists:get_value(ip, Opts, any),
{ok, _} = socket:bind(Sock, #{family => inet,
addr => Addr}),
ok = socket:connect(Sock, #{family => inet,
addr => SAddr,
port => SPort}, Timeout),
{ok, Sock}.
send(Sock, Data) ->
socket:send(Sock, Data).
recv(Sock) ->
recv(Sock, Length) ->
socket:recv(Sock, Length).
recv(Sock, Length, Timeout) ->
socket:recv(Sock, Length, Timeout).
close(Sock) ->
%% This benchmark sends 128 * 1000000 bytes over loopback
run() ->
N = 1000000,
{ClientTS, ServerTS, BytesSent} = run(gen_tcp, N),
io:format(" client server~n",[]),
io:format(" gen_tcp: ~10.1f ns/byte ~10.1f ns/byte~n",
[ClientTS/BytesSent * 1000, ServerTS/BytesSent * 1000]),
{ClientTS2, ServerTS2, BytesSent} = run(gen_tcp2, N),
io:format("gen_tcp2: ~10.1f ns/byte ~10.1f ns/byte~n",
[ClientTS2/BytesSent * 1000, ServerTS2/BytesSent * 1000]),
io:format(" ratio: ~10.1f % ~10.1f%~n",
[ClientTS2 / ClientTS * 100,
ServerTS2 / ServerTS * 100]),
run(Mod, N) ->
P = self(),
Bin = <<0:1024>>,
NList = lists:seq(1,N),
fun() ->
case Mod:listen(0, [{active, false}, binary]) of
{ok, LS} ->
{ok, LP} = inet:port(LS);
{ok, LS, LP} ->
P ! LP,
{ok, AS} = Mod:accept(LS),
{TS, BytesRecieved} = timer:tc(fun() ->
recv_loop(Mod, AS)
P ! {done, TS, BytesRecieved}
receive Port -> Port end,
{ok, S} = Mod:connect(localhost, Port, []),
{ClientTS, ok} =
timer:tc(fun() ->
[ok = Mod:send(S, Bin) || _ <- NList],
receive {done, ServerTS, BytesRecieved} -> ServerTS end,
{ClientTS, ServerTS, BytesRecieved}.
recv_loop(Mod, S) ->
recv_loop(Mod, S, 0).
recv_loop(Mod, S, N) ->
case Mod:recv(S, 0) of
{ok, Bytes} ->
recv_loop(Mod, S, N + byte_size(Bytes));
_E ->
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