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Created January 14, 2014 21:14
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Summing values by a date range. For @dj_agiledev :D
_id: '_design/queries',
views: {
sum_by_date: {
map: function (doc) {
if (doc.created_at) {
// normalize doc.created_at into an integer timestamp
// in this case, milliseconds since epoch
var date = new Date(doc.created_at).getTime();
emit(doc.created_at, doc.VALUE_YOU_WANT_TO_SUM);
reduce: '_sum'
GET http://localhost:5984/DATABASE/_design/queries/_view/sum_by_date?startkey=START_TIMESTAMP&endkey=END_TIMESTAMP
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Try group_level=3. That'll aggregate pay across users within the date range. Is that what you're looking for?

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I need to do the opposite. Given the following data, I need to aggregate a report that shows a users total pay across the queried date range.

"rows" => [
  { "key" => [ 2013, 1, 14, uid_1 ], "value" => 100 },
  { "key" => [ 2013, 1, 14, uid_2 ], "value" => 150 }
  { "key" => [ 2013, 1, 15, uid_1 ], "value" => 200 },

I'd like to retrieve something like this..

user_id, total_pay

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This got it...


function(doc) {
  var data, date, key;
  date = new Date(;
  key = [date.getUTCFullYear(), date.getUTCMonth() + 1, date.getUTCDate(), doc.employee_number];
  data = {};
  data[doc.employee_number] =;
  return emit(key, data);


(function(keys, values, rereduce) {
  var k, results, v, value, _i, _len;
  results = {};
  for (_i = 0, _len = values.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
    value = values[_i];
    for (k in value) {
      v = value[k];
      results[k] || (results[k] = 0);
      results[k] += v;
  return results;

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Custom reduce FTW!

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I think this is better accomplished by using a built-in reduce and a different key order:

 var date = new Date(;
 var key = [doc.user_id, date.getUTCFullYear(), date.getUTCMonth() + 1, date.getUTCDate()];
 return emit(key,;

With a query across dates I get back a result for each user for each day that matches my start and end keys. Is there a way to squash it down even further?

 _view/by_date?group_level=4&startkey=[user_id, 2013,1,14]&endkey=[user_id, 2013,2,15]

Built-in reduces have strong performance gains, are less error prone, and allow you to neat things like:

 emit(key, [, doc.hours, ..., <some other numbers>]);

And, then _sum will go and sum each element of the array, etc.

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