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Last active April 9, 2019 18:41
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  • Save garbervetsky/3f4be81966edfaba987fa07a0178d173 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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• Zeppelin Audit
• Draft for a proof of concept code on how to make the revoke function of the BeamBalanceStore
• linear on the size of the policy array.
function linearRevoke(string memory _policyIdentifier) public returns (bool _revoked) {
bytes32 _hash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_policyIdentifier));
uint256 i = 0;
uint256 timesFound = 0;
Note that the loop will end the travelsal one element before the last one.
This is to avoid accessing an element out of bound (see the assigment below)
while (i+timesFound < policies.length-1) {
if (policies[i] == _hash) {
// solium-enable zeppelin/no-arithmetic-operations
else {
// solium-enable zeppelin/no-arithmetic-operations
Here is were the removal of the elements and shifting of array elements occurs.
Note that if timesFound==0 this statement does nothing but when timesFound>0 the element found
will be overwritten with a subsequent element in the array.
policies[i] = policies[i+timesFound];
// Check whether the last element is also an ocurrence
if (policies[i] == _hash) {
// solium-enable zeppelin/no-arithmetic-operations
// Reduces the size of the array according to the number of elements found
if (timesFound>0) {
// If a policy if found, call reauthorize to rebuild the authorization mapping
// Inform that the policy was found
_revoked = true;
emit Revoked(msg.sender, _policyIdentifier);
else {
// If not inform that the policy was not found
_revoked = false;
emit NotRevoked(msg.sender, _policyIdentifier);
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