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Created March 1, 2013 21:27
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FUNDAMENTAL SQL (Structured Query Language)

#FUNDAMENTAL SQL The most popular SQL-based databases include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, MS SQL Server, and SQLite.

Most databases store your data in a hidden-away part of your computer’s filesystem. You’d never interact with the data directly, only through the tools provided by the database engine. SQLite, instead, stores its data in a plain-text file. This makes it incredibly easy to move, rename, delete, or transfer the database.

###Experimenting with SQLite

  • Firing up the Sqlite db:

    • In the terminal: sqlite3 example.sqlite3
  • Creating a table in the terminal:

     sqlite> CREATE TABLE fruits(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name VARCHAR(31), quantity INT);
  • Insert data into the table in the terminal:

     sqlite> INSERT INTO fruits(name, quantity) VALUES('apples', 6);
  • Displaying data from tables in the terminal:

      sqlite> .mode column
      sqlite> .header on
      sqlite> SELECT * FROM fruits;
      id          name        quantity  
      ----------  ----------  ----------
      1           apples      6         
      2           bananas     9         
      3           grapes      12  
  • Scoping the data - Searching for specifics:

      sqlite> SELECT * FROM fruits WHERE name='apples';
      id          name        quantity  
      ----------  ----------  ----------
      1           apples      6         
      sqlite> SELECT * FROM fruits WHERE quantity=12;
      id          name        quantity  
      ----------  ----------  ----------
      3           grapes      12 
  • Calculating Data (using the length function):

      sqlite> SELECT * FROM fruits WHERE LENGTH(name)=7;
      id          name        quantity  
      ----------  ----------  ----------
      2           bananas     9  
  • Querying a subset of a row's data:

      sqlite> SELECT name FROM fruits WHERE id=3;
  • Delecting Rows:

      sqlite> DELETE FROM fruits WHERE name='grapes';

    Note that the id 3 will not be re-used. The next row will have an id of 4. 1, 2, 4,…

  • Updating (changing) rows:

      sqlite> UPDATE fruits SET quantity=100 WHERE name='apples';
      sqlite> SELECT * FROM fruits WHERE name='apples';
      id          name        quantity  
      ----------  ----------  ----------
      1           apples      100 
  • Adding Columns to the table:

      sqlite> ALTER TABLE fruits ADD COLUMN country_of_origin VARCHAR(127);
      sqlite> SELECT * FROM fruits;
      id          name        quantity    country_of_origin
      ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------------
      1           apples      100                          
      2           bananas     9 
      sqlite> UPDATE fruits SET country_of_origin='Mexico';
      sqlite> SELECT * FROM fruits;
      id          name        quantity    country_of_origin
      ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------------
      1           apples      100         Mexico           
      2           bananas     9           Mexico           
      sqlite> UPDATE fruits SET country_of_origin='Merica' WHERE name='apples';
      sqlite> SELECT * FROM fruits;
      id          name        quantity    country_of_origin
      ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------------
      1           apples      100         Merica           
      2           bananas     9           Mexico  
  • Ordering:

      sqlite> SELECT * FROM fruits ORDER BY quantity;
      sqlite> SELECT * FROM fruits ORDER BY quantity ASC;
      id          name        quantity    country_of_origin
      ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------------
      2           bananas     9           Mexico           
      1           apples      100         Merica           
      sqlite> SELECT * FROM fruits ORDER BY -quantity;
      SELECT * FROM fruits ORDER BY quantity DESC;
      id          name        quantity    country_of_origin
      ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------------
      1           apples      100         Merica           
      2           bananas     9           Mexico     
  • Relationships (joining tables):

      sqlite> SELECT * FROM sales;
      id          fruit_id    sold_at         
      ----------  ----------  -------------------
      1           1           2013-03-01 20:37:41
      2           1           2013-03-01 20:38:11
      3           2           2013-03-01 20:38:44
      sqlite> SELECT, sales.sold_at FROM fruits INNER JOIN sales ON;
      name        sold_at         
      ----------  -------------------
      apples      2013-03-01 20:37:41
      apples      2013-03-01 20:38:11
      bananas     2013-03-01 20:38:44
  • Three Way Relationships:

    • Lets first look at all our tables:

        sqlite> select * from fruits;			
        id          name        quantity    country_of_origin
        ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------------
        1           apples      100         Merica           
        2           bananas     9           Mexico           
        sqlite> select * from sales;
        id          fruit_id    sold_at           customer_id
        ----------  ----------  -------------------  -----------
        1           1           2013-03-01 20:37:41  2          
        2           1           2013-03-01 20:38:11  2          
        3           2           2013-03-01 20:38:44  1          
        sqlite> select * from customers;
        id          name      
        ----------  ----------
        1           Jeff      
        2           DANNY     
        3           Frank 	 
    • Lets now create relationships between them:

        sqlite> SELECT,, sales.sold_at FROM fruits INNER JOIN sales ON INNER JOIN customers ON;
        name        name        sold_at         
        ----------  ----------  -------------------
        DANNY       apples      2013-03-01 20:37:41
        DANNY       apples      2013-03-01 20:38:11
        Jeff        bananas     2013-03-01 20:38:44


        sqlite> SELECT,, sales.created_at FROM customers INNER JOIN sales ON INNER JOIN fruits ON;
        name        name        created_at         
        ----------  ----------  -------------------
        DANNY       apples      2013-03-01 20:37:41
        DANNY       apples      2013-03-01 20:38:11
        Jeff        bananas     2013-03-01 20:38:44

###Conclusion This all being said, many programmers prefer to use intermediary libraries(ORM's) to generate SQL. If you accept that SQL is a programming language, then these libraries do a form of metaprogramming: code that writes code.

######Object-Relational Mappers (ORMs)

In the Ruby world, we prefer to work in object. SQL is not object oriented, it’s based on relationships.

Most Ruby libraries for interacting with databases are "Object-Relational Mappers" which means they convert, on the fly, the relational data from the database into Ruby objects.

This means that, in your Ruby code, you usually don’t have to think about SQL. You get to stay in the context of objects with attributes and methods, not raw chunks of text like we’ve been outputting from the SQLite console.


In the Ruby world, ActiveRecord (often abbreviated to AR) is by far the dominant player. It’s the default database library for Rails. It is an awesomely powerful library.

However, it works hard to hide the database from you. If you’re just getting started with databases, it’s valuable for you to be a little closer to the SQL(by using another library such as Sequel). An effective programmer might write code using AR, but simultaneously understand the SQL that’s being generated behind the scenes.

Knowing what’s happening at the SQL level can be important for security, performance, and data integrity.

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