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Created August 2, 2018 14:32
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Robocopy with Powershell
# This script runs robocopy jobs in parallel by increasing the number of outstanding i/o's to the VPSA. Even though you can
# change the number of threads using the "/mt:#" parameter, your backups will run faster by adding two or more jobs to your
# original set.
# To do this, you need to subdivide the work into directories. That is, each job will recurse the directory until completed.
# The ideal case is to have 100's of directories as the root of the backup. Simply change $src to get
# the list of folders to backup and the list is used to feed $ScriptBlock.
# For maximum SMB throughput, do not exceed 8 concurrent Robocopy jobs with 20 threads. Any more will degrade
# the performance by causing disk thrashing looking up directory entries. Lower the number of threads to 8 if one
# or more of your volumes are encrypted.
# Parameters:
# $src Change this to a directory which has lots of subdirectories that can be processed in parallel
# $dest Change this to where you want to backup your files to
# $max_jobs Change this to the number of parallel jobs to run ( <= 8 )
# $log Change this to the directory where you want to store the output of each robocopy job.
# This script will throttle the number of concurrent jobs based on $max_jobs
$max_jobs = 10
$tstart = get-date
# Set $src to a directory with lots of sub-directories
$src = "X:\"
# Set $dest to a local folder or share you want to back up the data to
$dest = "D:\"
# Set $log to a local folder to store logfiles
$log = "c:\temp\Logs\"
$files = ls $src
$files | %{
$ScriptBlock = {
param($name, $src, $dest, $log)
$log += "\$name-$(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm).log"
robocopy $src$name $dest$name /e /copyall /v /mt:8 /tee > $log
Write-Host $src$name " completed"
$j = Get-Job -State "Running"
while ($j.count -ge $max_jobs)
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
$j = Get-Job -State "Running"
Get-job -State "Completed" | Receive-job
Remove-job -State "Completed"
Start-Job $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $_,$src,$dest,$log
# No more jobs to process. Wait for all of them to complete
While (Get-Job -State "Running") { Start-Sleep 2 }
Remove-Job -State "Completed"
Get-Job | Write-host
$tend = get-date
new-timespan -start $tstart -end $tend
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